Horror Camgirl

Chapter 23 - Insulted in Karaoke

Chapter 23: Insulted in Karaoke

Translator: Guy Gone Bad

I didn’t realize how dangerous it was until I got home and I was so afraid that my legs started to shake.

I would never try to do things that I could barely do. Live streaming would be enough and safe for me.

I let the ghost out of the umbrella. She told me that she died there 40 years ago and stayed there ever since for unknown reasons. After Wei Ran’s villa was built later, she settled down and lived there another few years.

But her biggest wish now was to reincarnate.

Arhat Temple was the most popular temple in the city. So I took her there to find monks to chant sutra for her before she reincarnated. Surprisingly the monk at the reception told me to wait for half a year and pay one hundred thousand yuan.

I could afford it but I couldn’t wait that long.

The monk thought I had no money because I stood there and kept silent for a long time, and mocked her, “Don’t bother the master if you have no money. You are disgracing the Buddha.”

I thought to myself, “Aren’t you the one who disgraced the Buddha?”

I walked out of the door in disappointment and went to several temples. Some were frauds and some required to wait.

It was sad for nobody to get no help everywhere you went.

I had no choice but to call Tang Mingli who took me to Arhat Temple right away. Completely different from last time, the master abbot personally came out to receive us. Knowing what we were looking for, he immediately opened the ashram to reincarnate the ghost.

The ghost turned to a light and soared into the sky, then disappeared while the monks were chanting.

I felt much relieved. Tang Mingli asked me if I was ready for the next live stream because he had found a great place that could drive the audience crazy.

I took his file. It was a Karaoke, Purple Imperial City, the most famous Karaoke in the city.

The utility room on the third floor was haunted.

The room once was a top class VIP room. Since two princesses die mysteriously in there, it was turned to a utility room.

Unfortunately, a cleaning lady did not come back late one night when she went to the room to get something while other rooms needed to be cleaned right away. The foreman thought that the cleaning lady was being lazy, so he rushed over to catch her. But he could not open the door.

He was so angry that he immediately called the security guard to smash open the door. He wanted to see what the cleaning lady was doing inside.

When the security guard smashed the lock and opened the door, they saw that the cleaning lady had been hanged dead. Her face was twisted as if she had seen the most horrible scene in the world.

The foreman got paralyzed with fright. He was dragged away by the security guard. The next day, he fell ill. After he stayed in the hospital for a month, he quit his job and went back to his hometown.

The room was completely empty since then and no one dared come near it.

I rubbed my chin. It was very interesting. Karaoke was a sensitive place where gathered handsome men and women, rich men and now ghosts. I could imagine that my channel would hit a new record again.

We rested for a day and got everything prepared before we headed for the Purple Imperial City.

Tang Mingli booked a luxury VIP room. He sat on the red sofa and said in disgust, “I used to book King’s VIP room. This room is too dirty.”

I comforted him, “We are here to make a live streaming show, which is supposed to be secret.”

Tang Mingli drank up his bottle of wine and said, “If you have no money, you can be my mistress.”


I spitted out the wine and looked at him as I was looking at a monster. He blushed, “I’m kidding. Don’t take it seriously.”

I put down my glass and said seriously, “Mr. Tang, please don’t joke about such things.”

He was shocked little startled, “I’m sorry.”

I felt my nose a little sour and said, “I will go have a look at the utility room.”

I ran out of the room unhappily. Why do these rich and powerful men like to joke about such things? Is it fun to fool me?

I touched the fibroma on the face. I thought I would die alone but now I saw a little hope. No matter how difficult it would be, I would keep going.

At this moment, a girl wearing tight short dress bumped into me. I apologized to her. She suddenly asked, “Are you Yuan Junyao?”

I replied before I paused for a long time, “Are you Yang Yi?”

“Yes, it’s me.” She looked at me delightedly, as if she saw an interesting toy. “Why are you here? Are you alone?”

I avoided her eyes and said, “I am busy. I’ll talk to you next time.”

Then I tried to run away, but Yang Yi grabbed my hand, “Don’t go. Some classmates from old times are here. You know them too. Come and join us. ”

She dragged me to a room without asking my permission.

“Attention. Look who’s here.” She shouted excitedly.

There were five or six people in the room, all of whom were my classmates in junior high school. They reminded me of many bad memories.

Many classmates from junior high school bullied me, and the rest watched me to be bullied. No one stood out for me. Junior high school was a hell to me.

“Yo, isn’t she Yuan Junyao, the ugliest girl at school?” A handsome boy in a designer blazer laughed.

He was Tang Xuan, the cutest guy at school. Many girls had a secret crush on her.

In those days he had done very bad things to me. He tore my homework into pieces while I was in toilet. Although I had great academic scores, my teachers never liked me. A teacher even kicked me out of classroom without asking anything. I was punished to stand in the hallway against winter wind the whole morning.

I looked at the girl next to him. Her name was Li Chunxia and she was just a normally-looking girl, but she had a crush on Tang Xuan. The day I was punished, she was on duty. She poured a bucket of dirty water all over my body from upstairs during the session break.

I could feel the teacher’s loath in his eyes when he laid his eyes on me. Without listening any word from me, he already told me to go home.

I went home shivering in the cold wind. That night I had a severe fever of over 40 degrees and nearly died of pneumonia.

When my younger brother found out about this, he came to my class and beat up Tang Xuan and poured dirty water on Li Chunxia.

He was scolded publicly in front of the entire school by the headmaster. He was recorded a demerit. Fortunately my grandmother made a phone call to a relative who helped with getting rid of the record.

I frowned and said, “I am really busy. You guy have fun.”

“Wait.” Tang Xuan said, “Do you have a problem with us?”

“That’s not what I meant.” I said.

“I think that’s what you mean.” Tang Xuan snorted.

Before he finished his sentence, a cup of beer suddenly poured on my head. I turn back and saw a thin tall man. His name was Mo Qi, nicked named Mo Seven, Tang Xuan’s sidekick.

“Sorry. Slippery hand.” He grinned and said,” but, Yuan Junyao, you look beautiful this way, like pear blossom in the rain.”

“Hahaha! You mean her?” Others laughed and some even rolled on the sofa.

“Yes, instead of pear flowers, she is more of pear tree knot.” Li Chunxia clapped her hands and laughed.

Yang Yi suddenly pushed me and looked at me maliciously, “You had guts. You dared to ask your brother to beat Tang Xuan”. She turned to the others, “Do you want to fight back today?”

Tang Xuan picked up his glass of wine and shook it, “I don’t think fighting is necessary. But a punishment is.” He put a whole box of beer on the table and said, “Drink them all and I’ll let you go.”

I clenched my fist and said nothing.

“What? Angry?” Yang Yi again pushed me once, “You were quite used to our behaviors. Now you can’t stand any more?”

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