Horror Camgirl

Chapter 26 - A Complete Victory

Chapter 26: A Complete Victory

Translator: Guy Gone Bad

Mr. Zou put on an obsequious smile and lauded Master Zhou to the skies. “Master Zhou, you have matchless skills. These two kids are still wet behind the ears. And they must have an exaggerated opinion of their abilities. Otherwise, how dare they challenge you?”

Pleased by the flattery, Master Zhou raised his chin without looking at us and said, “I won’t lower myself to argue with them because I’m not at their level.”

“Master Zhou, you can rest assured that I will remit seven million to your bank account as soon as possible.” At this point, Mr. Zou paused and opened his eyes wide as if he saw something horrible. He froze and paled with fear.

Master Zhou frowned and slowly looked back over his shoulder.

Then he saw a female ghost resting her head on his shoulder. Her face was pale and grey as a tombstone; her eyes were red like burning flames; her long hair wrapped around Master Zhou’s arms. Slowly, she twisted her lips into a murderous insidious smile.

“Ah! Ghost! ” Mr. Zou fell back on the floor in horror and crawled backwards on all fours.

“Don’t panic!” Master Zhou shouted, “I will deal with her.”

He pulled out his sword and tried to stab the female ghost. Unfortunately, this time he failed to hurt her. The next second, he was sent flying into the air by an invisible force and smashed against the ceiling. His head struck the crystal chandelier, blood immediately gushing from his wound and streaming down.

“How dare you do evil!” He drew a Taoist magic pattern on the peach sword with cinnabar, then rushed over and stabbed at the ghost.

Master Zhou was just a dabbler. He could deal with wandering souls and wild ghosts, but couldn’t do anything about this resentful ghost.

He kept trying to stab the female ghost, but missed every time. The female ghost used her supernatural powers to fight with him. As a result, he was sent flying into the air several times. Finally, he crashed into the song machine, broke his arms and could no longer hold his peach sword.

The ghost suddenly appeared in front of him, raised her hand and was about to thrust her long fingernails into his skull. Master Zhou turned deathly pale, closed his eyes and cried out, “I’m going to die!”

At this critical juncture, I decidedly threw out a stone which was stained with a special black dog’s blood. The superlative black dog blood was hard to get, because it required a black dog of more than 10 years old which should have been castrated at an early age and never copulated with females. Besides, the black dog was also required to have been born at noon when yang qi reached its zenith.

Such a black dog had strong yang qi in its blood, but was really hard to find. Thanks to Tang Mingli, I got some superlative black dog blood.

The female ghost was taken aback, dodged nimbly and disappeared into the air. The stone grazed her arms and a thin curl of smoke rose from her body.

I pulled out my Lightning-strike Wood sword and was just about to rush at her when Lord Zhengyang laughed and stopped me on the phone, “Kid, don’t hurry. It will be easier if you listen to me. Do you have any fire kindling?”

Fire kindling? Did he want me to kindle a fire?

I took out a cigarette lighter. Lord Zhengyang cast a glance at it and said, “Well now, ran forward and ignite the female ghost.”

I was very confused. However, out of trust and respect for Lord Zhengyang, I quietly came up behind the female ghost when Tang Mingli was holding the peach sword and fighting with her. Then I caught a whiff of oil from her.

Without hesitation, I lit the cigarette lighter and flung it at the female ghost. It was as if a spark of fire was thrown in a barrel of oil. With a bang, the female ghost was engulfed in flames.

She struggled desperately, trying to put out the fire but in vain. Tormented by the hot flames, her soul turned into black smoke inch by inch and slowly disappeared.

At the last moment, she suddenly held out her hand to me and moved her lips, as if she had something important to tell me.

I frowned because she only said two words: “basement” and “captivity”.

Was there a dirty secret in this karaoke bar?

Some of the audience knew lip language.

[Basement? Captivity? Is this karaoke bar run by criminals? I heard from the net that some bars in foreign countries would lock abducted young girls up in the basements and force them to sleep with patrons. Maybe the owner of Purple Imperial City is doing the same thing.]

[What you’ve said is reasonable. Otherwise, why did Mr. Zou look so scared when he saw that female ghost? He must be afraid of being found out.]

[Camgirl, don’t let them go unpunished. Come on, let’s go to the basement. We will send you gifts and give you moral support.]

In the next second, I received several crowns and became hesitant. Lord Zhengyang said, “I think there is something wrong with this bar. If some sordid affairs have happened or are happening in this place and you can bring the criminals to justice, it will do good to your Retribution Sores.”

I was shocked. “Lord, how do you… How do you know that there are some Retribution Sores on my face…”

Lord Zhengyang laughed, “Kid, you are still a babe in arms. Now, make a move. The boy by your side will help you.”

Lord Zhengyang must have investigated me. Skilled masters like him were mostly cranks. So, it didn’t come as a shock to know that he might have investigated me.

Suddenly, a voice said excitedly, “You, you can use the pure masculine fire! Are you the inheritor of Taoism Chunyang Sect?”

Lord Zhengyang said in a surprised tone, “After all these years, are there still some descendants of Taoism Chunyang Sect? It’s interesting. Kid, come on, I will teach you two gestures.”

I made two gestures according to what he said. Master Zhou was pale with fear, trembling all over. “You, you are really the inheritor of Taoism Chunyang Sect! Oh god, I’m sorry for being too ignorant to recognize you. Miss, please spare my life.”

With a straight face, I assumed an air of mystery and said, “You don’t even know the ABC of Taoist magic arts. I can make sure that you are not the disciple of Taoism Chunyang Sect. Why do you know the gestures of Taoism Chunyang Sect?”

The gestures were used by disciples of Taoism Chunyang Sect to greet followers of other Taoism sects when they travelled all over China.

However, Master Zhou had few magic skills. Even if the disciples of Taoism Chunyang Sect met him, they wouldn’t greet him or introduce themselves to him; instead, they would directly knock him down.

Master Zhou said respectfully, “When I was a child, I went to Chunyang Mountain with my teacher to visit a great master of Taoism Chunyang Sect. My teacher asked me to play in the courtyard. At that time, I happened to see some disciples of Taoism Chunyang Sect practicing these two gestures.”

He paused and let out a long sigh, “I will never forget how formidable the great master I saw that day was. Unfortunately, now in China, psychics and ancient warriors prevail, but Taoism’s power declines day by day. All Taoism monks live a secluded life and have no contact with the world.”

He put on an obsequious smile and flattered, “But Miss, as the descendant of Chunyang Sect, you are so young and so capable. You can even use the pure masculine fire. Your future is unlimited. Maybe you will become the key figure in the resurgence of Taoism.”

Lord Zhengyang sighed, “I didn’t expect that Taoism would come to such a difficult position and those heterodox sects would rise up.”

I raised my chin and said, “So, do you still want to drive me away?”

“No, no,” Master Zhou answered. “I don’t dare to do that.”

I snorted and had no interest in furthering nonsense with him. So I turned around and told Tang Mingli all I knew about the basement. After hearing my words, his face clouded as he said, “Maybe what the audience said is true. Let’s go to the basement and have a look.”

Master Zhou rushed up and dropped to his knees in front of me with a pop. He even leaned down to kiss my instep and said, “Miss, please accept me as your student. Please allow me to follow you.”

[Hahaha! Does he really a master? No, he’s obviously a weathercock and a treacherous, base person.]


[The camgirl killed the female ghost in one move. She’s really powerful.]

[Camgirl, you have done a good job. I have sent you a crown as a reward, and now I’m going to give you one more crown.]

[You are super rich.]

I got fed up with Master Zhou’s shameful actions and said angrily, “Keep away from me. I won’t accept you as my student. If you keep pestering me, then don’t blame me for being rude.”

I paused for a second and continued in a cold voice, “Do you want to try the evil mind incantation? If you are evil-minded, you will die as soon as you are enchanted by the incantation. Would you like to take such a test to show whether you are evil-minded or not?”

Over the years, Master Zhou had been around and cheated many people out of their money by virtue of his few magic skills. So, he didn’t dare to try it.

“Let’s stop talking about that. My teacher once told me that I would never make outstanding achievements because I was not talented in Taoist magic arts. I know my limitations. I won’t ask you to accept me as your student any more. I have no intention of bringing shame on Taoism Chunyang Sect.”

After saying that, he promptly ran away. The audience all despised him.

[Humph! I thought he was something of a skilled master, but he let me down. He is simply a coward.]

[Thank goodness, he has run away! If the camgirl accepts him as her student, she will have a lot of trouble.]

I went down to the ground floor with Tang Mingli. However, we both had no idea of where the basement was. Just then, two guests walked towards us.

“Did you see the man who just ran past us? Is he Mr. Zou, the boss of Purple Imperial City?”

“Yes, he is Mr. Zou. Last time I came here and spent nearly 100,000 yuan, and he drank a toast to me.”

Tang Mingli reached out, grabbed one of the two men by the elbow and asked, “Where is Mr. Zou?”

“Let me go! You brat! How dare you offend me! Do you want to die?” the drunk man cursed. “Do you know who I am? I’m the young master of the Chen Consortium…”

Having no interest in furthering nonsense with the man, Tang Mingli punched the man in the face giving him a black eye.

“How dare you hit me?”

Tang Mingli landed another punch on his chin.

The man soon begged for mercy, “Stop! Mr. Zou went to the elevator over there.” Tang Mingli threw him aside and ran quickly towards the corner elevator.

There was a delivery elevator at the corner. It was very dirty inside. Those who came here for entertainment were all rich. Certainly, they were unwilling to take this dirty elevator.

Suddenly, Tang Mingli stretched out his arm to stop me and said, “There’s someone in the corner. You step back, and I will deal with him.”

I hurriedly backed up a few steps. Tang Mingli narrowed his eyes with determination, rushed up in a big stride and pulled a man out of the corner.

The man was small and thin. And it was dark in the corner. So I didn’t notice that he had been hiding there.

Although he was slight of figure, he had good fighting skills and was quick in movement. However, compared with Tang Mingli, he was completely a useless person. Tang Mingli knocked the man down with three blows.

Suddenly, two hefty men rushed out of the stairwell. One of them was a foreigner and looked like a mercenary. He had outstanding fighting skills.

Tang Mingli turned around and gave one of the men a roundhouse kick on the head. Then he immediately swung at the other man. After about five blows, Tang Mingli landed a hard punch on the man’s chest and broke his six ribs.

Just as he threw the punch, I saw a gust of qi coming out of his fist. It reminded me of Wei Ran. Both Tang Mingli and Wei Ran could operate their qi.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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