Horror Camgirl

Chapter 9 - Lord Zhengyang’s Rewards

Chapter 9: Lord Zhengyang’s Rewards

Translator: Guy Gone Bad

Was Mr. Tang also into disfigured women like Gongcai?

I was lying in the bed at that time. Gongcai tried to undress me. I didn’t let him. So I rolled off the bed and then under the bed.

Gongcai smirked, “Woman, I knew you are awake. Get out and serve me. I will treat you better.”

My body was shaking and tears kept coming out.

I didn’t want to do what he said. Although I lived a miserable life, II still wanted to live decently. I was ugly though, I had dignity. I was no toy.

“It looks like you will get a taste of my power.” He pulled out a golden tiny snake from his box. The snake was crawling toward me. I was so scared that I drew back subconsciously.

But now I got cornered.

I could only watch it crawl onto my shoes. When it tried to crawl into my pant, I screamed, took out my jade pendant and threw it at its head.

The snake’s head was cracked open.

I couldn’t believe what I saw. When I looked closer, the snake’s head was already burnt.

I looked at my jade pendant and couldn’t understand what happened. Could it electrify anything?

“My Golden Thread Worm!” He screamed out of control, “You! How dare you kill my precious! I will kill you, peel you to death, imprison your soul and make you live miserably forever!”

He went crazy and pushed the mattress away, then grabbed my leg and pulled me out.

“Let go of me!” I kicked him like crazy. He punched me in the face badly. I almost passed out.

He pulled out a dagger, “I will cut off all sores on your face first.”

At the moment that he was trying to cut my face, the door was kicked open, and a man stormed in.

“Tang…Mingli?” I murmured. He was so angry that he threw a kick right at Gongcai’s head.

Gongcai screamed and fell down on the floor.

Tang carried me up, “Let’s go!”

“You are not going anywhere!” Gongcai got back on his feet, with blood all over his head. He ripped off his outfit and countless snakes got out from his outfit and glided quickly towards us.

Tang made a painful noise. A black snake crawled up his ankle.

“Watch out!” I couldn’t think of anything else but to rip the snake off his body. The snake turned its head and bit my hand.

I screamed because it was too painful. Tang was so outraged as he was determined to kill him. A sharp dagger was held in his hand as he moved his wrist. He lunged in front of him and waved his dagger. Blood was everywhere.

Gongcai wrapped his neck, eyes gauged, and then fell down slowly.

The snake bite went black. I fell down next to Gongcai. He breathed out a strand of black air which was breathed in by me.

“Junyao, Junyao.” Tang shouted nervously.

Why did he care so much about me?

It was not bad to be cared about.

I went unconscious totally.

When I came around, I was lying on a king-size, soft, comfortable bed. The room decoration was simple but classic.

It was luxurious but low key.

“You finally wake up.” A young maid walked in with a basin of water. She didn’t hide her contempt of me, “My master ordered me to clean your body.”

I looked down at my arm. Snake poison had been cleared, leaving two fang bites on my hand. It must be Tang who found me the serum.

The maid threw a resentful look at me before I said anything, “Madam, please cooperate. I still have a lot of work to do.”

I was used to people rolling eyes at me, “You can do your own work. I can take care of myself.”

I did feel uncomfortable because I sweated a lot when I was unconscious.

The maid was happy to hear what I said, “I appreciate that.” As she walked out of the room, she murmured to herself, “Luckily I don’t have to clean her body. Her face is gross.”

Speaking of which, she bumped into a tall man. She looked up at him shyly, “Master.’

“Uncle Liu.” Tang’s voice was cold.

A 50-odd years man in a nice suit was standing behind him, looking quite serious.

“Yes, master.” He bent his body slightly.

“Give her salary and make sure she leave here within 10 minutes, or kick her out.” Tang ordered.

The maid couldn’t believe what he said because master was usually nice. Why was he so serious today?

“Master, please listen to me.” She tried to explain but got clinched by Uncle Liu.

Liu was too powerful that she couldn’t move a bit.

“You heard him.” Liu said, “Hurry up.”

The maid almost fainted. Her job was easy and well-paid, and what was more, she could have a chance to get closer to this tall, handsome and rich man, which made a lot of girls jealous of her.

But now everything was gone.

When Tang walked in, I was taking off my clothes to clean my body.

Although my face was full of fibroma, I had hourglass figure. Together with my porcelain skin, I was beautiful seen from the back.

When he walked in, I was sitting with my back against him. And the sunshine added a touch of glow to my smooth, porcelain back.

Tang was stunned.

I was shocked and put on my clothes. I got panicked and said while covering my face, “Where…is my…mask?”

Tang came around and handed me a new one. I wore it and avoided his stare.

“Thank you.” I said, “If it hadn’t been for you, I would have been so dead.”

“I hired you. I have the obligation to assure your safety.” He couldn’t control his eyes, “About Boss Li, I will make him pay.”

“I should get going.” I got out of the bed. He stopped me, “You can stay here as long as you want.”

“I feel uncomfortable here.” I looked down.

After a moment’s silence, he said, “Then I will send you home.”

He walked me downstairs. When I was about to leave, he grabbed my arm and said seriously, “Junyao, you can take me as your friend.”

I smiled and said nothing.

“Friend” hadn’t been in my life for a long time. I only had one friend in my life. It was when I was about to graduate from middle school at the age of 15. A boy in my class put a dead mouse into my desk and the most beautiful girl in my class stood against him for me. I was grateful to her and considered her my best friend.

One day the cutest boy at my school threw a love letter onto my face and yelled at me that I wasn’t good enough for him, and that he vomited when he saw my face, even my mask couldn’t hide my ugly face, and forbid me writing love letters to him because it made him feel gross.

I picked the love letter. But she asked to write it in her name. She once asked me to help her write a moving love letter to express her feelings for the boy because she said my writing was the best in the class.

I looked at the crowds while she was looking at me with mockery and sneer on her face.

It turned out that it was a total prank played by those beautiful and rich girls from the very beginning, and I was just a clown for fun.

I had stopped trying to make friends since then. Such an ugly girl like me was doomed to be alone forever.

I climbed onto the bed after arriving home, turned on my live stream channel. Lord Zhengyang was online. I sent my thanks to him right away.

“Haha! You are welcome. I haven’t seen a real ghostbuster in a long time.” He laughed, “How about this? I am in a good mood today. Here is something you can learn from. Maybe you can use it for your next live stream.”

I was thrilled. He was a great master. If he could teach me some life-saving skills, it would be very helpful.

He sent me a folder which turned out to be a note of ghost hunting. I was amazed by the hunting details of some lower grade ghosts in the notes.

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