Horror Resurgence: Ma’am, Please Respect My Profession

Chapter 142

Chapter 142:


Su Bai still has only one word.

The blood corpse was stunned for a few seconds, then stretched out his hand and placed it on the table.

At the front of his hand, the nails had merged with the fingers, turning into dark red claws.

Needless to say, the claws are probably not ordinary sharp.

Su Bai stretched out his hand and placed it on the **** corpse’s hand.

Then, the holy hand was activated.

Behind Su Bai, Zombie Ren watched nervously.

At the same time, there are some surprises.

This fierce blood corpse is so obedient in front of Su Bai?

He glanced at the other party’s eyes and determined the general state of the other party.

The other party appeared to be in a semi-conscious state.

This situation is actually very dangerous.

Just like a powder keg, there is a certain possibility of it being detonated at any time.

But Su Bai’s two words calmed the other party.

This made Zombie Ren, as well as other zombies, a little more convinced of Su Bai, the “Saint of Medicine”.

At the same time, Su Bai felt a little more mysterious in their eyes.

In the eyes of all the zombies, Su Bai probed into the problem of this **** corpse.

The problem with this **** corpse is not small. If this trend continues, it will not take too long for this guy to lose all his sanity.

Become like the lowest level of zombies, rushing to see people.

Not only that, but they will also shoot at other zombies.

With such a strong strength, once this guy loses control, it will be much more troublesome than low-level zombies.

It was also difficult for him to regain his sanity.

This guy’s current state is indeed a little dangerous, but for Su Bai, it is not a problem.

The halo of a famous doctor, combined with the profession of a ghost psychiatrist, as long as there is no external stimulation, Su Bai can shock each other through the skills of the two professions.

In addition, Su Bai is also equipped with a ghost artist profession, and there are three profession card slots anyway.

Empty is also empty, one more career, adding a little charm is also good.

Occasionally, Su Bai would switch to the ghost detective profession. This profession added good intelligence and could make Su Bai’s brain run faster.

“Miss, it’s finally here~”

When Su Bai examined the **** corpse, a group of zombies finally arrived outside the gate of Ruyi Building.

The number of zombies in this line is not too many, not too few.

Four zombies are carrying a sedan chair, and outside the sedan chair, there are several zombies on guard.

In front of the sedan chair was the old woman zombie that Su Bai had seen at the Evil Spirit Hospital.

Seeing the Ruyi Building, the old woman zombie came to the front of the sedan chair and opened the door curtain.

Then, he helped the Yinyue Corpse King inside to get off the sedan chair.

At this time, the Silver Moon Corpse King looks normal, but her actual state may not be as shown.

“Miss, let’s go in.”

PS: Ask for a monthly pass! talent.

115 The old zombie is shocked! The Silver Moon Corpse King is in a coma! runaway?

With the help of the old zombie, Yinyue Corpse King got off the sedan chair.

Around, a few zombies are waiting.

“Xiao Lian, take the sedan chair.”

Old Zombie Road.

“Okay, grandma.”

Another female zombie like a maid walked to the sedan chair, grabbed the sedan chair and pressed it lightly.

Then I saw that the whole sedan chair was made of paper.

Not only that, the four bearers, who looked as stiff as zombies, also turned into paper figures.

Xiaolian pressed it again, and the sedan chair and the paper figure were pressed together by her.

Then Xiaolian folded it and put it away.

Without the sedan chairs and their bearers, the number of people in this group was reduced to seven.

“Come on, let’s go in~”

Old Zombie Road.

She supported Yinyue Corpse King and walked towards Ruyi Building.

Soon, they arrived at the gate of Ruyi Building.

“The distinguished guest is here, welcome!”

At the gate of Ruyi Building, the two players who were sent to greet the guests hurriedly stood there and raised their voices in a straight-forward manner.

It used the long tone of the old inn’s second, which sounded rather funny.

But these two players can only do this, otherwise, although it is not funny, but if they make a mistake, their lives may be lost.

The old zombie continued to support the Silver Moon Corpse King to go inside.

“A few distinguished guests, how many rooms do you need?”

A zombie boy greeted him and said.

“How many rooms do you have left?”

the old zombie asked in a hoarse voice.

“Recently, the housing stock has been relatively tight, and we only have 5 rooms left.”

A female zombie at the front desk.

“Okay, we want all of these 5 rooms. If there is any room available, we will also want them all, and we won’t give them to any other guests, you know? This is a 2,000-dollar ticket. When the deduction is over, come back to me. .”

The old zombie said solemnly.

The female zombie and the zombie second were stunned at the same time, and immediately, they responded: “Okay, but we need to apply to the manager for locking the house.”

The old zombie snorted softly, and threw a sign to the second zombie: “Show this to your manager, he will agree, and also, two days ago, did anyone come to open the room with the winner’s token? ”

“Please wait, I’ll check.”

After the female zombie finished speaking, she turned over a booklet.

Soon, she found out the results.

“Yes, he is a human being in the moon room of the Tianzihao room.”

Female Zombie Road.

Hearing the female zombie’s words, the old zombie and the Silver Moon Corpse King looked at each other.

“It should be him, miss.”

Old Zombie Road.

“Xiaolian, you deal with it here first, you take us there~”

After the old zombie finished speaking, he arranged it again.

She put the zombie maid at the front desk to handle things, and she took the Silver Moon Corpse King, led by a female zombie, to the Tianzihao room where Su Bai was.

At this time, Su Bai was still diagnosing the **** corpse.

“Open your mouth and let me see.”

Su Bai said.

The blood corpse opened his mouth, and Su Bai saw that the other party’s teeth had also turned blood red, as if they were dyed red by fresh blood.

It looked rather scary.

“The problem is not small, don’t move around, I’ll give you a preliminary adjustment.”

After Su Bai finished speaking, he slowly stretched out his hand, and then placed it on the head of the **** corpse.

Immediately afterwards, he activated his rejuvenation skills and slowly adjusted for the opponent.

“Dear guest, this is the famous room where he is.”

Outside, the female zombie has come over with the old zombie and the Silver Moon Corpse King.

“Why are there so many zombies here?”

As soon as the old zombie arrived, he found the zombie in Su Bai’s Tianzi room.

There are still a lot of zombies arriving today, and many of them come from outside.

Immediately afterwards, the old zombie saw Su Bai’s plaque of “Saint of Medicine”.

“Medical saint?”

The old zombie read these two words.

“These zombies are all aimed at him. In the past two days, some stubborn diseases of many zombies have been treated here. Many people say that he is more powerful than Doctor Li, and is a veritable medical saint.”

The female zombie explained.

“I see!”

The old zombie got it.

She had no doubts about Su Bai’s medical skills.

After all, Su Bai cured her young lady at the beginning.

This medical skill is much more powerful than that genius doctor Li.

Li Shenyi can only prescribe medicine.

This time, after her young lady was attacked by the curse again, the first thing that came to her mind was Su Bai.

“Miss, hold on, it’s almost there.”

The old zombie finished talking to the Yinyue Corpse King softly, then supported the Yinyue Corpse King and walked towards Su Bai’s heavenly room.

The four guarding zombies are left and right, and even in the Ruyi Building, the vigilance of these four zombies has not diminished.


The group came to Su Bai’s outside.

“To clear a way.”

The old zombie said hoarsely.

Two zombies walked forward with tokens.

“Winners do business, let them go!”

The two zombies walked in with tokens in their hands.

As soon as the zombies in the yard heard the winner and saw the tokens in their hands, they all moved out of the way.

Seeing this, the old zombie walked in with the Silver Moon Corpse King.

“Sir, there is someone who is the winner!”

In the room, Zombie Ren noticed the old Zombie and the Yinyue Zombie King and his group, and whispered to Su Bai.

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