Horror World: I Have Broken the Favorability

Chapter 33

Chapter 33: Mu An-Jun, Don’T Abandon Me!

Chapter 33

“Good! Open your mouth!”

“Um…no…I really can’t eat anymore…”

“These are all very nourishing things. Why don’t you eat more? Be good, don’t waste it!”


“One bite, another bite!”


After one bite after another.

Yuko Fuyano couldn’t hold it anymore, she pulled Mu’an’s arm and started to act like a spoiled child.

“Mu An-Jun, people’s bodies are almost full, are they really going to die…”

“Don’t say anything that will make you misunderstood!”

Mu An’s hand gently fell on the girl’s head.

Turning to look at the many meat and vegetables in his hands, his heart is full of distress.

Yukino Yuko, she ate too little.

Only one third of her own package was eliminated under her own ‘forced’.

How can this work?

How can nutrition keep up? !

A good life is sometimes a good thing.

But sometimes it’s not all good for some people.

“Um…I know…”

Yuko Fuyano hugged her head, her eyes watering with grievances, and crystal clear tears seemed to fall at any moment in her eyes.

She also remembered what she had just said, and felt ashamed.

That feeling, it felt like the two of them were having a conversation when they were doing something inappropriate for children.

It’s really embarrassing to say it out loud!

Hope no other uncles and aunts hear it!

But unfortunately, some uncles and aunts sitting nearby who were also eating were trying their best to hold back their laughter, and at the same time tried their best to restrain their shaking shoulders.

We are professional, unless we really can’t resist…

“Really full?”

Mu An frowned slightly and asked again.

“I’m full, I’m really full!”

Thinking that Mu Anjun was going to forcibly feed her again, Yuko Fuyano was so frightened that she quickly patted her bloated belly.

“Then have some soup!”

Glancing at the little girl’s belly, Mu An didn’t force it anymore, but pushed a bowl of hot soup in front of her.


Yuko Fuyano looked at the soup in front of her, and looked at Mu An pitifully.

Those beautiful light blue eyes seemed to say ‘Can I not drink soup’!

“It’s not good to be too thin, it’s uncomfortable to hold…”

Mu An said indifferently.

Now Yukino Yuko was speechless.

She touched the hot soup with her hands, pouted her lips, and sipped the cold air while drinking it.

Mu Anjun is really too much!

Even said that I don’t like girls who are too thin!

Obviously people are not very thin, and the place to fight is still very large…

“The favorability from Yuko Yukino is -1, congratulations on getting the spiritual power cultivation base +1 year!”

“The favorability from Yuko Fuyanoko +1, congratulations on your spiritual power cultivation base +1 year!”

“The favorability from Yuko Yukino is -1, congratulations on getting the spiritual power cultivation base +1 year!”

“The favorability from Yuko Fuyanoko +1, congratulations on your spiritual power cultivation base +1 year!”

Watching that crazy addition and subtraction up and down one point, constantly bullying the fluctuating favorability.

Mu An looked a little stunned.

Subconsciously glanced at the girl.

As a result, the girl was still fighting wits and courage with the hot soup, sulking alone and ignoring him.

Mu An shrugged helplessly.

Therefore, he did not understand the girl’s mind very well.

A girl’s heart, a needle in the sea.

Can’t figure it out at all!

After some operations, Mu An ate all the rest of the food from the two sets.

Even the soup that the girl drank half, and then really couldn’t drink, was wiped clean by him.

True Disc Action!

Don’t waste a little food!

“What’s wrong?”

After putting the tableware back in the recycling area, Mu An took Yukino Yuko’s hand and prepared to leave.

The girl has been blushing since the beginning, I don’t know why?

Is it because of holding hands?

But they have held each other so many times, they should get used to it anyway…

“No, nothing…”

Yukino Yuko blushed and shook her head.

Even though he said that on his lips, one sentence kept echoing in his mind.

He drank the soup I drank, so is this a kiss…! ?

At this time, the sky was already drowsy, night fell, and the night wind was blowing.

Under the thick fog, there seemed to be no stars and no moon in the sky.

The flickering streetlights, which can only be seen when passing by, illuminate this terrifying world plunged into darkness.

Of course, you can occasionally see a vending machine with a glass screen on the roadside.

Other than that, there isn’t much to shine.

During their walk, the two were very comfortable, like a couple studying in a school in the normal world.

“What wicked guy even steals my mother’s underwear!”

Passing through a dormitory building, I heard a roar like a gong shouting.

Immediately, an embarrassed figure fell into the trash can downstairs in the dormitory.

Mu Anding looked at it, but was happy.

I saw that the one who climbed out of the trash was the little fat man who had a relationship with him before, Da Wen Dong!

Didn’t he make money by buying strategies?

Have you been reduced to stealing the underpants of female ghosts to buy money to support your life?

And she’s still such a badass girl.

Mu An glanced at the vicious and vicious woman with her head sticking out from the balcony, like a 200-pound female ghost with a pock-marked face and a green flower at the head of the village, and didn’t take a second look.


Really hot eyes!

Sure enough, it’s still the soft and cute Yu Zixiang around him!

Alas, I still have to find a way to make money!

Thinking of Yuzi Touye’s debt of one billion for some unknown reason, Mu’an’s heart felt like a cloud was shrouded in it, and it couldn’t be dissipated for a long time.

In the end how to do it?

Suddenly, Mu An saw a vending machine on the side of the road, a flash of light flashed in his mind, and he had a bold idea.

“Yuzi, go, I’ll take you to make money!”

“Ah? What? Make money!”

Yuko Fuyano listened ignorantly, and she was passively pulled away because she didn’t know why.

Why is it walking, Mu Anjun is involved in the issue of making money?

And on this road, where is there any place to make money?

Could it be that he was hated by Mu An-jun because he was reluctant to spend money before?

That really annoys ghosts!

I have long heard from the principal’s sister that it takes a lot of money to fall in love!

I was already very poor and stupid, and I couldn’t think of any way to make money, and I was still burdened with such a heavy debt.

So, having lived for so long, she has been avoiding dating.

But for Mu Anjun, she was very, very, very reluctant to let go!

I don’t know if Mu Anjun will abandon him when he knows that he has so many debts on his back…

The thought of that horrible debt and the possibility of being abandoned.

Yukino Yuko’s heart seemed to be gripped by tension and pain.

She suddenly broke into Mu An’s arms and hugged him tightly, her pretty face was haggard, her pear blossoms were in tears, and she was crying, her emotions were a little out of control, and she kept begging him not to leave her.

“Muan An, don’t abandon me, I… I will work hard to make money! Really…really…”

Mu’an: ? ? ?

Mu An had a black question mark on his face.

Have absolutely no idea what’s going on.

Didn’t he just want to take Yuzi to make money?

How did he become the evil scumbag who seemed to abandon her? !

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