Horror Yandere Superhero World (Reversed Sexual Morality)

Chapter 1.9


"He's coming with us." said Bat Woman, her tone final.


The Red Skull glared at her. "How many people getting hurt will it take?!" she sneered. "One would think that after what happened to Bat Boy and me you'd learn your lesson!"


"I never sent anyone to do anything. You and him begged me--hounded me--until I let you. You knew the risks. Now, let's move on from your tantrum. Vick needs us."



These heroes were packing some serious tech. Worse than what I could make of course, but still cutting edge.


All four of us made our way to my mother's house in a giant black tank-car. The damn thing was rocket propelled and the driver was more reckless than Vick, causing me to almost pass out.


When we finally arrived and I got out of the car, my legs felt like jelly and I had to grab the car for support. The little girl, H. Robin, snickered at my expense all the while.


I glared at her, but it only made her laugh harder.


Now, after what I'd experienced, the family house looked even more ominous than before.


We'd all discussed a plan in great detail as we traveled in the car. Basically due to the whole mind control threat, they'd sneak into the building and try a stealth takedown before my mother could activate her power. Red Skull would take a sniper position and I would be the bait.


I swallowed, my body buzzing with those pre-fight jitters.


Bat Woman had given me a lockpicking device and I attached it to the door of the house. The thing spun and made a few barely audible noises as it worked to crack the lock.


After three seconds it stopped and emitted a green light.


I grabbed the doorknob and twisted, walking slowly and silently inside.


The house was entirely silent. Too silent.


I kept tip toeing through the place, every creak of the floor making me panic and look around.


I passed the living room… Nothing there…passed the stairs, going down…nothing there…


Sweat began running down my forehead and I had to wipe at it constantly, so it wouldn't sting my eyes. Fuck! Why was I doing this again?! I should've never come back! Idiot idiot idiot!


I grabbed the handle for the basement door and twisted slowly and gently. Locked.


Once again, I used the lockpicker.


Then I tried again, and this time it opened.


What I saw inside made me retch, vomit making its way up my throat.


I saw a bunch of desiccated corpses, sucked dry, stacked like cordwood, next to a unlit furnace.


The smell was terrible and despite trying to resist it, I ended up puking all over the floor.


Shit! This is why I wanted to quit being a hero! I couldn't do this shit no more!


Breathing hard, rattled, I did my best to look through the most recent corpses, looking to see if any of them matched Vick.


Thankfully, none of them were wearing the clothes Vick had, so it was safe to assume she hadn't been killed yet. And-


A hand clapped me on my shoulder, making me freeze like a deer hit by some headlights, my hairs standing up in fright. Still, the next moment, I turned around and threw a punch on instinct.


My punch hit nothing but air and-


And it was just the little fucker, H. Robin. "Hahahahah! You should've seen your face!" she told me, after she dodged my punch.


"Shhhh!" I told her, panicking. "Keep quiet you idiot! What if they hear us!" I whispered harshly.


"Calm your testies. House is empty. We checked using sonars. Nobody's home."


"What?" I asked confused. "What about Vick?!"


The pipsqueak's shrugged. "You'll want to see for yourself."


She lead me up and back towards the living room. The other two heroes were there, looking at a note and a severed finger grimly.


"Is- what is that?" I asked, a bad feeling welling up in my stomach.


Bat Woman answered. "It's Vick's…your friend's finger. DNA matches and-"


"Fuck! I'll kill these bitches!" yelled Red Skull, smashing her fist into the glass table and breaking it.


"You aren't killing anyone!" said Bat Woman. "We've been over this. You are better than that Red Skull, better than what Last Laugh made you. If you need to sit this one out due to your emotions getting the better of you, then tell me now."


"What's that note say?" I asked trying to distract myself from the gruesome image of Vick's severed finger.


"If you have any love for your little friend and want them alive, you'll come to the Gothic Public Cementery ALONE at midnight. Every night you fail to show up, we will cut a piece of your friend until there's nothing left."

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