Horror Yandere Superhero World (Reversed Sexual Morality)

Chapter 2.2

Thankfully, I wouldn't have to cross through the city to get to the cemetery. It was adjacent to Baine Manor, so I could just walk through the forest to get there and thus avoiding the awkwardness of walking through the city full of civilians with an exoskeleton.


Using the borrowed phone's gps for directions, I began trekking towards my destination.


The walk was a long one. All in all, it took around an hour and change to reach the place.

The cemetery looked as ominous as I'd imagined. It was pitch dark, tombstones and leafless trees and trash decorating the place. As of late it'd fallen into disrepair after a series of gruesome crimes happened in the area, people avoiding it like the plague.


No sooner had I reached the edge of the place, the three heroes came out of the gloom, greeting me.


"You showed up," remarked H. Robin with a smile. "You've got some real ovaries, huh?"


Red Skull, tsked and folded her arms, expressing her disapproval of me being here.


"What are you wearing?" asked Bat Woman, serious as ever.


"Hey, guys," I said, somewhat nervously, but then I cleared my throat and got my shit together. "This is an exosuit I put together, courtesy of my power. I'm a metahuman with tinkering and healing." I took out the tinfoil hat and showed it to them. "And this hear is a mind control resistance device. If you wear it, you'll be able to better withstand my mo- the woman that took Vick's power."


The three of them looked at my hat dubiously, doubting it's effectiveness.


"Yes, I know how it looks, but you have to trust me. This will work!" I offered it to Bat Woman, who took it and began inspecting it.


After a few seconds, she nodded and put the thing on, disrupting her tall, dark, and dangerous vibe she had going on, now wearing a silly aluminum hat.


Her two sidekicks began laughing at her.


"Oh, my goddess, you look like an idiot!" guffawed H. Robin. "How far the big bad Bat Woman has fallen!"


"Maybe we should make this a permanent inclusion to your getup." chuckled Red Skull.


"Hilarious." said Bat Woman drily, but her mouth was curved into a slight smile on one side. "Now let's go save her."

"Here's the plan." Bat Woman says. "Avery, you will meet them and distract them. Red Skull will provide ranged support, Hooded Robin will search for Vick, and I will engage with you once the fight starts. Ready?"

We all nodded, and so it began.

I stepped out of the edge and into the cemetery. The place was big and I walked around with my ears and eyes peeled, sweat trickling down my face due to nerves.

But eventually, as I made my way up to the top of the center, I found them. They were lounging on some tombstones, waiting for me, close to the memorial building for some rich asshole who was now dead.

Luci smiled at me disturbingly when she saw me, her gaze boring holes into me with its intensity. It was the smile of a person who was happy that someone would fall into the same hell as them.

My mother was next to her, sitting on top of Vick (who was an all fours and mindless) using her as a chair. "Have you finally accepted what you are?" she asked me, smirking coldly. "That you aren't a human being? That you are nothing more than my toy, a thing for me to do as I please?"

"Yes," I said, gritting my teeth, "Now let Vick go, like you promised."

She considered that for a few moments, one long nail tapping at her lip, keeping me in suspense. "It doesn't look like it. You came wearing that metal thing. I think that the moment I let her go, you are going to put up a fight Avery."

"What? Are you scared of little old me?" I taunted.

Her smirk disappeared, cold rage replacing it. A moment later she brandished her claws and swiped the down at Vicks throat.

My heart stopped, and for a moment I really believed she had murdered Vick. But a second later, I could see it was a superficial cut. Not much blood was coming out.

She smiled again. "Get smart with me again and I'll gut her like the pig she is. Now, take the metal thing off before I lose my patience."

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