Horror Yandere Superhero World (Reversed Sexual Morality)

Chapter 3.2

As we ran through the school corridors, following Aisha, the girl finally spoke up, "I didn't need or want your help!" she complained.

Talk about ungrateful. "What do you mean? Do you enjoy getting bullied or something?"

"No, of course not!" she said, glaring at me, offended, "But, you just made things worse for me! Now, they will come after me even harder!"

I considered this, "Well, then we'll just report her and her followers to the teachers or headmistress. If she continues even after that we could build a case with the police."

She laughed hysterically, an ugly, hopeless laugh, "You think the school will do anything?! She is one of their biggest backers! And don't even get me started on the police: I wouldn't be surprised if half of them are on her payroll! Like, come on, think for a sec here, she is the penguin's daughter, currently one of Gothic's most prominent crime bosses."

"So, what, you are just going to give up?" I accused her, disgusted, "You're just gonna lie there and take it?"

Her glared intensified, "No, I'm not! Just stay out of my business, okay?!"

I sighed. Why were women so complicated?

Throughout all this time, Aisha had been leading us and our pursuers to the cafeteria. There we met up with our friends, who after a quick explanation stood up to fight. Aisha was one of the popular girls and had a lot of pull, but when I was added into the equation, the number of girls who would defend us increased exponentially, since this society created a need for girls to protect pretty boys and they'd all jump at an opportunity to be a hero, just like the women on tv they looked up to.

What ensued was a giant cafeteria brawl. What started as Adison's goons vs us, soon devolved into a chaotic mess, women joining left and right for their own reasons. Others cheered from the sidelines, hollering and beating their hands into tables to create a deafening drum.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Davian joining the fray (she attended the academy, but we were in different classes due to the age difference). The little shit gave me a salute and then went off after the penguin, a predatory expression in her face.

But I couldn't pay that much attention to them, since two huge, ugly women were coming after me.

Aisha noticed my predicament and began fighting one of them, but she was struggling.

The other one continued her trajectory towards me.

I began chewing my lip, thinking hard. If I'd been in my old body, I could have taken her on with confidence…but currently I lacked the muscles, height, and arm length. I did have close quarters combat training, but I wasn't one of those martial arts experts that devoted their whole life to fighting. The thing was that even with my clear training and experience advantage, I wasn't sure I could bridge the gap in weight and arm length.

Someone grabbed my left hand and pulled me in the opposite direction. I looked and saw the nerdy girl pushing her way through the crowd. "Stop looking and help me make a path!" she yelled when she saw me looking at her.

I acquiesced and with our combined efforts we were able to break through.

Unfortunately, the big girl chasing us used the path we'd made as well and continued the chase.

"Hey, what's… your… name?" I asked her, panting from all the running.

"Taylor… Now please stop talking… and conserve your breath." she said.

Eventually, she opened one of the classroom doors and dragged me inside. "We need to hide. If we keep running, we might run into someone else. I'm pretty sure she didn't see us get in." she walked up to the teacher desk and ushered me inside, "Let's hide here. I think this is the best spot here." A moment later she crawled under next to me.

Several dozens of minutes passed as we hid, and now that we were so close to each other, I got a good look at her, and she didn't look so bad. Plain, gloomy, and nerdy, maybe, but not bad. She was wearing a grey and dark muted clothes. Her hoodie was up and that combined with her long, messy brown hair and thick framed glasses hid most of her cutesy face.

Her posture was defensive and drawn in, like a hunted animal with its guard up.

I felt kind of bad for her, so I smiled charmingly and gave her a fist bump in the shoulder, "Hey, Taylor, thanks for helping me there! We're friends now, okay? I won't take no for an answer!"

She looked startled, like she didn't expect that, her cheeks flushing cutely. "H-huh?! Why would you want to be friends with someone like me?" I could her brain working to figure out if this was a trick. "If you are doing this because of this situation, if you feel need to do this because you owe me or you want me to protect you, then that's not necessary."

I began shaking my head in denial, "No, I am doing-"

Before I could finish speaking, the door of the class opened and someone walk in. Taylor held her hand to my mouth, shushing me.

"Penguin only wants the boy," the big girl shouted loudly to the empty classroom, "This is the 10th classroom I've searched. If you come out now and give him to me, I'll spare you the beating, but if I have to search through this shit, I'll fuck you up."

Taylor leaned down to whisper in my ear. "Stay calm. She's bluffing."

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