Host, Please Be Honest! What Exactly Are You?

Chapter 540  The Greedy Bohania

Chapter 540  The Greedy Bohania

Professor Bohania wasn't the only one with crooked eyes. For your see, humans were quite a funny bunch. Despite knowing the obvious dangers that came with raising species to such exaggerated and terrifying lengths, they still wanted to see how far along they could push the envelope. Greed for fame, wealth, women, and all the finer things in life made many eyes grow twisted the longer they stared at the slithering abyss below. But how do they get some fucking samples in their pockets? Going down there meant obvious death for them. However, what if… Very quickly, Bohania and several others turned their attention to the soldiers behind them. Bohania's eyes scanned the crowd with laser focus, looking for a particular sort of person. And when he found his target, his eyes dimmed and his body slowly backed off, as though not caring about the homunculus sand snakes below. Dorian only gave him a lazy look, no more than 3 seconds long. "Let's go."

The blue glowing algae on the faraway walls made the entire place look magical. But you only feel the true magic once you take a step far in.

"Holy f***! What the hell is that? How can it be so bad?" "Son of a —... What atomic bomb is this?"




Many twisted their nostrils, wondering if the eye watering perfume came from the many snakes below who probably haven't hook

The air smelled of rotting fruits that left strange burning sensations in their nostrils. Could it be that these snake worms were emitting such foul scents because they haven't taken baths for hundreds and hundreds of years? No! It smelled even worse than the moldy room and the piles of dead bodies they left behind. The smell was one thing that kept their senses alert, and the drafty winds were another. Only at most, 2 people could walk through the suspended paths at once, with just a little room. Bam! Obediah felt his bulky legs even bulkier than usual. Every step was taken with boundless care, constantly forcing his eyes not to look down for so long. Ahhhh! Wasn't ashamed to admit his onward screams when seeing a giant snake plunge upwards as high as it could, just below him. … And then… SNAP! Obediah no longer bothered to look over the edges when seeing how close the snake's snapped mouth was to the stony suspended platform bridge. Behind him, a few were also petrified by the jumping snakes that snapped close to the bridge, so much that they almost fell overboard. Luckily for them, the disciples came to their rescue in a timely fashion. As said, only 2 can move on the bridge at once. So everyone was paired with 1 disciple. Forward they went, feeling their beating hearts grow louder and louder by the minute. At this moment, all they could hear were the gut-wrenching hissing playlist below and their own hearts beating chaotically. .

"Thank you.."

Many looked to the disciples gratefully, after getting pulled back up the edges. Doriam said nothing, calmly leading them onwards with his hands in his pockets. [Host, you're still a long way from the main bomb room.]

the system paused, a little confused, [Host, there's something I don't get yet… With the other times when people entered, the creature killed them off from the first room. But now, it is letting you travel so far to reach it… Host, isn't this–]

'A trap?' Dorian concluded the system's question with ease. Indeed, it was a trap. However, in the face of true strength, what did it matter if it was a trap or not? It seemed this time, the creature wished to ensure that none of them would be able to escape its grasp, especially the particularly juicy looking humans who entered the tomb the first time the tomb's items were touched. Perhaps, the creature also sensed that the group of people that came in this time were different from the others it killed. So to make sure nothing goes wrong, it was leading them deeper and deeper into its chambers of no return. . 3 minutes went by without a hitch, until they finally crossed the first suspended bridge. Are you blind? Can't you see that there were about 11 more they had to cross? Although they likely had to cross 11 more, they could say for certain that there were more than 50 suspended bridges all around them. Right now, everyone had arrived on what looked like a little guard temple, with 2 other bridges branching off it.

"More skeleton guards!" On the temple structure, there were several collapsed skeletons wearing ancient guard attires, slumped down around the structure. Old rusting swords, armors, bows, sabers, plates and bowls could also be seen around. The structure was an open structure, allowing them to find more skeletons and worm out fabrics on the ground, probably used for sleeping. Imagine being buried alive with your King and having to live underground for the rest of your life until you finally die? First of all, who knows if the food stored during burial was enough to keep them alive for 15 or even 7 years. Looking at the ancient clothing all around, everyone's eyes lit with interest because such historical artifacts are part of history, making them now cost a fortune! The fact that they were discovered in this particular tomb of one of the most richest rulers Cygypt has ever known, only makes their worth ridiculously more valuable than normal. But Dorian seems not to care, bypassing the fallen skeletons and making how way towards the next connecting bridge. Everyone looked at each other tactfully, swallowing their words and following behind him closely. And soon, they began whispering among themselves, seemingly dissatisfied with Dorian's operations.

"Dammit! Are we just going to leave all this behind? Shouldn't we first take what we've found out first before returning to continue the expedition?" "I think so too. That is, who gave the kid the gallbladder… the guts… the impetus to order us around? Why must we do as he has said?"


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