Hot Springs Brigade!

2.1.4 – Pt. 2 Geh. Politics.

I really wanted to title this "No Helmet" but it is technically a continuation of 2.1.4's pt. 1.

On their second day at Greenwick, the meeting to discuss the defenses of Cassun's northern borders began at the break of dawn.

Perhaps it was the lingering tensions leftover from yesterday's meetings, but Kesswyn Blanche and Commander Zekan were at each other's throats again. The discussions started off fine. The Councilwoman urged restraint in sending troops to build a forward operating base just outside of the Royal Cassun, and the Commander wanted to see a fortress raised in two fortnights.

The issue came when Kesswyn refused to supply a thousand soldiers. She reasoned that the move would be seen as a military move against the Republic of Darcie. Additionally, she argued that it was a waste of resources to supply a thousand soldiers for up to a year waiting on the Draconids.

Aura sat back in her seat playing with a silver coin. She was only half-listening to the mudslinging contest between Uncle and Councilwoman Kesswyn. There was little point in chiming in, and she rather enjoyed their infantile tantrums.

"The Draconids are one thing," Uncle began, "but if the Loyalists decide they want to invade Cassun, there would be no army in their way."

Kesswyn scoffed. She picked up a small figurine and set it on top of the map laid across the table. "Where? Where would they go if not through the ONLY pass currently guarded by Captain Vic?"

"And you think the four of them can square off against an army hellbent on bringing certain doom to the world?" Uncle turned to Vic and apologized. "I know you ladies are tough, but even you must admit an army of hundreds is too much to handle."

"Uh—" Vic opened her mouth to speak, but Kesswyn was faster on the uptake.

"Isn't that why we have them under Princess Aurora's Command? Furthermore, the Adventurer's Guild is situated in Greenwick for precisely that reason. They serve as the second line of defense. Throw them in if we're under siege—"

"Pardon?" The word just slipped out from Aura's lips without thinking. Uncle and Kesswyn, both who were in a screaming contest just a moment ago, remained still as a statue waiting for her next words.

Aura didn't mean anything by it. It was simply that Kesswyn made a presumptuous statement with such audacity that compelled Aura to finally say something.

"Councilwoman, my Guild is not some secondary standing army to be used as cannon fodder."

"Your Highness, it wasn't my intention to—"


Kesswyn's eyes widened as she found herself unable to speak any longer. Uncle realized what was going on and started laughing at her expense.

"Hah! It's about time you clammed up—"

"Uncle. Be quiet."

The Councilwoman crossed her arms and raised her nose at Uncle. His shoulders slumped as he shot a glance to Aura and then at Vic.

"She's your niece." Vic said, holding back a chuckle.

Mayor Beurich awkwardly raised his hand, but Aura shook her head. His hand came back down and he cast his eyes to the floor.

"We shall continue this meeting under my mediation. From now on, you shall nod your head to agree, affirm, or accept; shake your head to disagree, deny, or decline." She looked at each person for their approval— not that she would accept the alternative.

All three attendants of the meeting nodded their heads.

"Good." Aura's smile widened. "Dearest Uncle, you wish to build a stronghold at the border between the Oaken Wealds and Arabor. Is that correct?"

He nods.

"Then if not a thousand, would not a hundred able-bodied soldiers be sufficient in establishing a base in twenty-eight days?"

Uncle looks at Beurich who shrugs, and then at Kesswyn who nods unenthusiastically. He turns back to Aura and nods.


Aura glared at Vic who was having a hard time keeping quiet. She immediately stifled her laughter once she noticed she was being watched.

"Kesswyn, an army as small as a hundred should not be cause for concern, no?"

The Councilwoman rolled her eyes and nodded.

"Mayor. Would Greenwick be able to sustain the remaining 900 soldiers without alarming our neighboring kingdoms?"

"Well— oh." Mayor Beurich quieted down and nodded.

"Vic, how would we handle the logistics of one hundred soldiers at the threshold of the Oaken Wealds?"

Vic looked at Aura, shared a glance with the other three and received their shrugs in response.

Aura sighed, "Vic, you may speak."

"Oh, uh… In spite of the damage to the Wealds, Draxis' devastation only accounted for an extremely small fraction of the forest." Vic marked a pin-sized dot on the map with her pencil. 

"That is good, yes?" Aura couldn't understand the uneasiness in Vic's voice.

"Foraging edible plants should be no problem. Game, on the other hand…" Vic brushed her arm across half the Oaken Wealds. "...has all but vanished."

"Vanished? How?"

"Big dragon. Apex predator. Draxis basically marked his territory so all kinds of wildlife are steering clear."

Aura sat back in her seat to think. What Vic told her also explained why Greenwick's farming lands have seen an upsurge in cockatrices. That was a problem she would need to deal with soon.

"However," Vic continued, "Since we aren't sending food to Felucia, that excess in harvest can feed both the 900 soldiers stationed at Greenwick and the 100 in the Wealds."

Beurich nodded his head enthusiastically to both of them.

"Humu… humu…" Aura leaned over the map to consider their next move.

It would take about a month for a forward operating base to be raised and fully functioning. Establishing trade routes to it would be easy. With a small standing force between Cassun and the north…

She peered at Vic, who was meticulously studying the map and polishing logistical details with Beurich. 

Uncle was right. Aura was no such fool to believe the Loyalists wouldn't make a move between now and the dragons' attack. The Royal Cassun's four-women squad could mobilize and act elsewhere. This was an opportunity to strike at the Loyalists before they find out their true identity, and sever the heads of their insurgency— Fenris and Amadeus.

"Very well. This meeting has concluded." 

Kesswyn and Uncle threw their arms in the air and gestured to their mouths.

Aura rose from her seat and smiled. "You may speak once you have left the Guild Hall."

⚔ ⚔ ⚔

By the time they had finished the meeting, it was already a little past noon. Vic stepped out of the Guild Hall to get some fresh air, the discussions of the meeting were all too fresh in her mind.

Though silencing the bickering couple was amusing, it troubled Vic that Aura was treading the line between leader and tyrant. Yet, there was a welcome comfort knowing that steps are finally being taken to see to Cassun's defenses.

"Meeting could have gone better." 

Vic turned to see Commander Zekan leaning against a fence post. He was smoking from a pipe, the same one she'd seen him use many times in the past.

"You'll die early from that." Vic teased.

"I'll die long before my lungs blacken. Walk with me to the southern gate."

"That an order?"

Zekan grinned, "It can be."

The two of them took their time walking down the main thoroughfare. Beggars clanged at their tin cans pleading for a coin. Children frolicked without a care of the wagons rolling around above them. Everyone was none the wiser what transpired in the Guild Hall's meeting room.

"Tell me how your pips are doing." Zekan asked, stopping by a stall with vibrant textiles and threads.

"We're recovering slowly, but there shouldn't be any issues—"

"Not that," He unfurled a silken banner sewn with the Cassun hippogryph and held it between them. "You girls eating well? Getting a good night's rest?"

"What? You miss us so bad you decided to become our adoptive father now?"

"When you get to be about my age, a legacy is the only thing left on my mind." 

He tossed the banner back onto the shelves. The owner of the shop fumbled to grab it and fold it neatly back on the stack. Vic apologized to the poor clerk and hurried to catch back up.

"Vic," Zekan's expression hardened. He stared forward, refusing to meet her gaze. "I'm sending a small group of soldiers on the ship that's being sent to arm Grennadier's citizens. They're on my orders to do whatever it takes to save King Otis."

Vic froze. She scowled at him, "Aura said—"

"I know what my niece said. But I'm not going to stand by and just let him die."

"If Aura finds out she'll have you sent to the dungeons."

"She'll have me hanged in front of all of Nymphea. You're welcome to tell her this. I won't curse you if you do."

"Why are you telling me this?"

Zekan finally turned to Vic and said, "I wanted to be fair to you."

"How is this fair?" Her hands clenched into a fist. "You know I'm under her Command."

The mana in her veins were heating up. Resisting the urge to turn Zekan in was harder than resisting her demonic heritage. A hand fell onto her shoulder and stirred her from the daze.

"Never forget you are the master of your own destiny. Look where it's got you today."

She looked down, ashamed of herself for even thinking of betraying Aura or Zekan. "I miss being a grunt."

"What? The officer life suits you! Don't make me regret placing my trust in you to take care of my hundred boys and girls."

Right. The one hundred soldiers won't know who she is, and those few that do have been sworn to secrecy under both Zekan and Aura. Their presence beyond Cassun means Vic would be the nearest and highest commanding officer to direct them in the event of an attack. Until then, she had to navigate a logistical nightmare between the Royal Cassun and the new fortress.

"Once this war is over, they'll be begging to stay under my command instead of yours." Vic chuckled.

"Getting too full of yourself, kid." Zekan shared in the laughter. "By the way, I'm commissioning you a suit."

"Wait, what? I never asked for one."

He shook his head and said, "It's only right that a military officer has her own regalia, and don't worry. I know you don't want anything clunky and heavy."

"As long as I can move around in it… but, you really didn't have to." Vic thought back to the Academy's uniform and how even its chainmail was restrictive.

"When you march alongside your soldiers, they'll be emboldened by the sight of it."

"I won't like it, but I'll take it."

"Good!" He shouted. "The only thing I need to ask is, what colors do you want? I was thinking blue and silver."

How gaudy, she thought. "Black and silver is fine. Also, no helmet."

Zekan turned to her, offended. "But that's the best part!"

"No. Helmet."

They spoke a little while longer even after reaching the southern gate of Greenwick. Zekan had a detachment and horse ready to receive him. As he mounted his stead, he said, "Next time I'm up here, maybe I'll pay the Royal Cassun a visit. Then you'll have to start treating me with respect again! Haha!"

"We'll see, Commander. Gods' speed." She said, saluting.

"Gods' speed, Captain of the Royal Cassun."


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