Hot Springs Brigade!

2.2 – Syrena, the Crone

As the Royal Cassun came into view, Vic called to the back of the wagon, "Almost there, kid. You going to make your bread this time or what?"

"Don't underestimate the hero! I've got money to pay for my stay now." Itsuki said, crawling over the crates and barrels in the wagon. He was looking better than when they first left Greenwick. Sarrul's poultices patched him right up, but Vic suspected there must be more on his mind than the injury.

"I wanted to ask, now that you're awake." Vic began, considering her words carefully. "That black-haired human was from the same world you came from?"

There was a quiet but short gasp that erupted behind her. "I think so. I can't believe you killed him like that."

"I doubt your world is any different from mine. Screw with the wrong people, you get the axe."

"Ahem… I'm really glad I got away with a concussion." He said, sighing.

Vic pulled up to the front of the Royal Cassun and gestured to the other stagecoaches to start unloading cargo. Itsuki hopped off and tried to help, but she snatched the crate from his hands, pointed to the Royal Cassun and said, "Don't you want to see your girl?"

The welcome sight of Taisha, Piper, and Deena running up to them filled the two with inexplicable joy. Vic presented the half-dragon with the enormous obsidian-scale greataxe.

"Oh, my gods." Deena's mouth dropped. 

As Vic expected, her dragon companion could swing the weapon with ease on one hand alone— without the need for Aura's Command boost. She couldn't imagine how devastating it would be in Deena's hand from now on.

Vic grabbed Itsuki from behind the wagon and pushed him to the front. "I put in the commission, but he was the one that got the idea."

He stuttered over his words, "You, uh… punch good— erm, that's not what I meant… Damn, it. I just wanted to get you something nice!"

Without a word, Deena picked him up, slung him over her shoulder and headed back to the Royal Cassun. "Wait— what's going on? Where are you taking me? Deena??"

As soon as they were out of sight, Piper was the first to throw her arms around Vic, tackling her with a bear hug and welcoming her with a big smile. Vic brushed the dark elf's hair and asked, "Were you good while I was gone?"

"Nothing that I couldn't handle! Hehe!" Just as quickly as she jumped into Vic, she hopped off and made a beeline to the dreadsteed. "Valor!!!"

Taisha didn't hesitate to fill the empty space. Her embrace was less lively, but gentle and warm. Vic could tell she was holding back from kissing her— a feeling that was mutual. Once they finally parted from each other's arms, Vic asked, "Any problems while I was away?

"Well…" Taisha hesitated to answer. Vic recalled the concern Taisha had brought up to her before leaving for Greenwick. Something about Taisha's nanna? That might prove difficult given the latest orders from Aura. "She arrived today."

Before Vic could inquire any further, a burst of wind separated her from Taisha a few paces back.

"Feh! A young goat thinks to whisk away my little girl?" An elderly dark elven woman, barely holding herself upright with a cane, marches up to Vic. 

"Nanna!" Taisha immediately goes to the woman's aid, giving her an arm to hold. "You shouldn't be out in your condition."

"Spare me the confines of four wooden walls, I'll be in a coffin soon enough anyway." The woman said, indignantly.

It was then Vic noticed the pair of cloudy eyes that glared at her. It wasn't the only feature that caught her attention: the discolored skin around her neck in the shape of a collar, an old scar that bisected her lower lip down to the chin, and a tattoo that begins on her neck that disappears under her lavender robes.

Vic brushed off the shock from the woman's abrasive attitude and approached to introduce herself, "It's a pleasure to meet Taisha's caretaker. My name is—"

"I know who you are." She sneered. "All you Luciferons smell the same, carrying that odious stench everywhere your hooves trample."

⚔ ⚔ ⚔

Taisha had led the old dark elf back to her room. She returned later with her head down, apologizing. "Syrena… nanna is a good woman, I swear."

"It wouldn't be the first time my name earned an icy reception." Vic remarked, pouring herself and Taisha a glass of water.

"I owe her much for taking care of me and Talisa. She just… has a habit of being blunt."

The two of them took a quiet sip of their glasses. There was a lot Vic wanted to say, a lot she wanted to talk to Taisha about privately. Unfortunately, work took precedence. 

"Aura has our temporary replacements coming first thing tomorrow morning. We're to travel to Orcus as soon as possible to assassinate two targets."

Vic took note of Taisha's downcast eyes and wondered if she, too, was being blunt. Maybe she should have begun with asking about her nanna first.

 As she was about to switch gears and steer the conversation elsewhere, Taisha reached across the table to hold her hand.

"It's happening? It's to be war, then?" She asked, her pained expression conveyed what she already knew.

"Five weeks. That's our time limit."

The air around them grew heavy. Vic especially felt the oppressive atmosphere weigh down on her. Her hand suddenly became lighter as Taisha let go and stood up from the table.

Taisha didn't turn around to say, "I'll let the patrons know. You should get some rest."

⚔ ⚔ ⚔

Vic spent the rest of the evening instructing the early arrivals from Commander Zekan's task force. Several of them were seasoned soldiers she recognized from Cassun Academy. None of them recognized her

Whatever magic Zekan and Aura pulled at graduation was nothing short of unethical. Only a select few remembered their time training with members of the Royal Cassun, and they have been sworn to secrecy or face treason punishable by death.

Such was the necessity of preserving Royal Cassun's identity. 

However, Zeda having discovered Vic's whereabouts has compromised their secret. There's no doubt in Vic's mind the Loyalists of Septus will make a move on that knowledge. What better way to get to the Demon King of Orcus than through his daughter?

"Thank you, Proprietress. Cassun is in your debt." A chiseled light elf shakes Vic's hand and proceeds to salute. She had to fight the urge to return the gesture and opted for a slight nod.

He and twenty other soldiers proceeded past the north gate with several wagons of lumber and stone. They will be returning several more times for resources, but it won't be under her supervision. 

Vic kicked a stone across the field. It skittered to a stop in front of the stables just as Piper emerged from it covered in ash.

"Cough! Cough! Eugh— wah?!" Piper was rubbing her soot-ridden face when she walked into Vic. "S-sorry, Captain!"

Vic produced a handkerchief from her person and wiped around the girl's eyes. "Growing really fond of Valor, aren't you?"

She grinned. Compared to the blackened face, her pearly white teeth gleamed bright from the smile. "He's a sweetheart! It's been so long since I've taken care of a dreadsteed. It's nostalgic."

All four of them had history in the north, each just as tragic as the next. However, no one was more loathed to return than Piper. While the rest of them had fond childhood memories growing up, Piper was born into slavery.

"You sure you're going to be up to our next mission?" Vic asked cautiously.

Piper tilted her head, her lips quivering as she opened her mouth to speak. "I have to be. We aren't a team unless all four of us are working together."

"I know you have a lot of bad memories in Orcus, especially with your old master."

Piper looked down and then asked, "Permission to speak freely, Captain?"


Vic suddenly felt her cheeks being pinched by a pouting dark elf. "You three are always treating me like a baby. I'm already sixteen, you know? I'll be fine, and I can take care of you guys as much as you take care of me."

Piper released and blushed, appearing ashamed of what she'd done. Vic couldn't stifle her laughter. She drew the girl into her arms in spite of what was said. Piper acquiesced, reciprocating the hug and laughing as well.

"You're right, of course." Vic said, letting Piper go. "I'll be counting on you to watch my back."

"Hehe. Roger that, Captain!"

⚔ ⚔ ⚔

When Vic entered the lobby she found Taisha's nanna idling by the great hearth. Other patrons were leaving all around her, but Syrena makes room for them to pass despite her lack of sight.

"May I escort you back to your room?" Vic offered, extending a hand to the elder dark elf.

Syrena's gaze fell to the hand, almost making Vic believe she wasn't blind. "I wondered how long the Proprietress was going to wait by the door. Take me to the cafeteria, I'm famished."

Vic bit back the urge to retort and led the way to the dining hall. As soon she helped Syrena into a seat, her nose wrinkled, "Be a dear and fetch me some mirabird chowder dashed with vinegar."

"We… don't have that. Currently on the menu is—"

"Is muddy water and dried bones all the Royal Cassun can offer?" 

There was no mirabird. That species of fowl was native to the Gilded Peaks and only exported to Darcie and Orcus. The closest thing the Royal Cassun had was quail.

"Very well, ma'am. It will be but a moment." 

Vic didn't dare mutter under her breath for fear the crone could hear. Who would guess, she might even be able to read minds? She fetched a quail from the storehouse and slammed the fowl onto the kitchen counter.

"Who kicked you in the ass?" Deena quipped as she passed by with a stack of towels in one hand and the greataxe in the other.

"Have you been carrying that around all day?"

"N-no… Just trying to get used to its weight is all."

"Taisha's nanna— Syrena, the way she talks to me is driving me up a wall."

Deena raised a brow in doubt, "Really? But she's so chill! She came with treats and even told us some embarrassing stories of Taisha as a kid."

"I've not been met with the same hospitality… wait, I want to hear embarrassing stories of Taisha."

"Guess you'll just have to get on her nanna's good side." Deena smirked as she ascended the stairs.

"Tsk. Does she resent me because I'm a Luciferon?" Vic turned her attention back to the quail.

Why did Syrena want mirabird? They didn't taste good let alone make for any decent cuisine. Their flesh was far too delicate, and one would be better off drinking stew. That crone would just end up slurping it up because she—"

"She can't chew. The scar on her lip also makes it difficult for her to consume liquid." Vic cringed at her own insensitivity. "There's now way she could bite into quail with an old jaw either."

Vic stared at the many unwashed utensils and cauldron from having prepared dinner earlier. An idea came to her that kicked her hands into gear.

A dish was completed in a mere ten minutes. The quail had been sliced into thin pieces and steamed in lightly salted broth. A side of lentils and roasted diced brussel sprouts garnish the plate.

She returned to the dining hall and set the plate before Syrena, whose only response was, "Took you long enough."

Grinning, Vic apologized as she led the woman's hand to a fork. "The journey to and from Orcus to procure mirabird took somef time."

Once again, Syrena's hands moved with a purposeful action that made Vic wonder if she truly was blind. She brushed a bit of lentils onto the strips of quail and ate the combination whole. 

Vic watched with bated breath as the crone apathetically chewed into the meal. No more than four forkfuls in, Syrena set down her utensil and wiped her mouth with a napkin. The plate that Vic had mulled over for the woman's sake has barely been touched.

"Is there something wrong?" Vic asked hesitantly.

"This mirabird does not agree with me. Or perhaps I do not agree with it." Syrena rose from her seat and nodded. "I shall be returning to my room."


"I know the way. Do not trouble yourself." 

Vic sank into the seat as Syrena left the dining hall. She stuffed a mouthful of her own cooking. It was good, really good. She could make this a regular dish for the patrons and they would enjoy it. 

"Why the hell is this bothering me so much?"

Itsuki walked into the room zeroing in on the buffet. Until this morning, she hadn't seen him all day. Vic beckoned to him, "Kid, over here."

"Oh, hey! Just grabbing something to eat—"

"Eat this." Vic pushed the plate of quail towards him. 

"Uh." He squeamishly approached and took a bite. "Mmm. It's delicious!"

"Right? I don't get it..." She said, rubbing her forehead.

"...Are you okay?"

"Grab your sword. We're going sparring."

"Wait, what?! I haven't eaten yet!"

⚔ ⚔ ⚔

Vic spent the rest of the evening staring at the door of her own room expecting company that would never come. She filled that void plotting their course of action for the next five weeks. 

The first thing they would need to do is reach Raisvayel to make contact with her father. No doubt the assassination idea was a plan hatched by both Aura and the Demon King. Aside from the old man and his inner circle, how many allies would they find in Orcus?

Or rather… how many more enemies lurk about under the shadows of Raisvayel's many spires?

Could she and her companions defeat them? Fenris, the Left Hand of Septus, and Amadeus, Lord of the Felsquire Dynasty?

Vic barely defeated Zeda, and was made a fool of by her regenerative powers. Next time they fight will be without Aura's Command

And we're expected to defeat the heads of the Loyalists faction?

Fear and doubt began to overwhelm her thoughts. If they failed, that would not only mean their deaths but also Cassun's fall.

Faint mumbling from the other wall squashed the anxiety. Vic pressed an ear against the left wall of her room, it was Taisha and Syrena.

Though she couldn't make out what was being said, it sounded like laughter. Their joyful murmur soothed Vic's heart and mind. She wished very much that she could make Taisha laugh like that. 

How nice. Vic thought, her thoughts drifted to a past where she and her mother would stay up late talking.

"Damn, it." Vic muttered under her breath and wiped a tear from her eyes. "I don't need this right now…"

⚔ ⚔ ⚔

The next morning, Syrena was the only patron left to see off. The others had left much earlier in the morning and during the previous night. A stagecoach waited as they bid their farewells. 

Syrena and Taisha embraced, and when they parted she pressed her staff into Taisha's hands. "I know where you are going, and you will need it more than I."

"I'll bring Talisa back, and we can all have dinner together just like old times." She said, clutching the staff to her chest.

"My girl… I wish I could have done more for her. For you."

Taisha blinked away her tears and ushered her towards the stagecoach. "Invoke my name in Nymphea, you will be looked after."

"Thank you, dear." Syrena said, then turned to Vic, "Proprietress. Accompany me to the coach. I cannot bear to say goodbye to my Taisha a third time."

Vic swallowed her pride and offered an arm to Syrena. As they made their way to the stagecoach, the elder dark elf spoke quietly. "You're in love with her? My little girl?"

Her question took Vic by surprise, but it wasn't entirely unpredictable of Syrena being who she is to Taisha. 

"I am." Vic answered, more confidently than she could ever admit in front of the girl in question.

"Then you will forfeit that love if you truly wish for her happiness." Syrena whispered harshly.

"What…?" Vic had been doing her best to suppress her rage since it was Taisha's nanna. Yet now, she had never been more angry at a frail old woman. "Why do you care who I am to her?

They stopped in front of the wagon. Syrena didn't give Vic the chance to open the door for her. She waited by the open door and said, "Because I love her. My little girl deserves better than you. If your heart is good, if you have the best intentions for her then you will leave her well enough alone."

"You don't know a damn thing about me, or how I feel about Taisha." Vic snarled, clenching her fists.

Syrena climbed onto the stagecoach and looked down at Vic from the window. "It is your bloodline I do not trust. No good has ever come of a Luciferon."

The blood in her veins boiled, it took so much to not act on impulse. What good would letting her anger out do? Nothing but to serve Syrena's point right. 

Vic bit down on her lip. "I don't care what you think about me. I'll fight for her because I love her. If that's selfish, then so be it."

"I recognize that selfishness in your eyes. It is the very same glimmer that led Septus to bring ruin to our world." Syrena gestured to the coach and the wagon began to move.

Vic could count the number of fights she had lost on one hand. None were more sour than her defeat today.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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