Hot Springs Brigade!

Chapter 1 – Hot Springs Brigade vs Assassin!

In the northern reaches of the Cassun Kingdom, deep in the desolate Arabor Canyons lies the Royal Cassun Hot Spring. A splendid resort situated on the only traversable path when traveling south.

Royal Cassun is operated by four diligent women who service merchants, refugee caravans, members of all classes of wealth, and the occasional adventuring party. Today, like any other unexceptional day, the ladies of Royal Cassun prepare for work.

Clink! Clang!

Vic stirred from her sleep to the ruckus coming from the corridor.

Tink... tink... kerchank!

These sounds are commonplace here at the Royal Cassun Hot Spring, a resort to heal both the soul and mind.

...Heal both the soul... and... mind...

These words repeated in her head as she slowly drifted back to sleep.


"It's not working...!"

"Should we wake Vic?"

"But, but, but we promised to fix it for her last night. She's going to be furious!"

The voices of Vic's companions can be heard clear as day even with the door closed. She tried to zero in on the conversation to make out what's going on. What was it that they promised her they would fix today? She distinctly recalled it being an important matter.

"Oh, I have an idea. If it uses fire, then all we have to do is..."

That sounds like Deena. The half-dragon ditz. What is she up to? If it has to do with fire that must mean...



An explosion rocked the room. Vic threw herself from the bed and made a mad dash to the door only to be assailed by a wave of smoke. 

"What... cough... happened?!" 

The first thing Vic saw, or rather should have seen, was the kitchen. Her and her compatriots' rooms are located on the basement floor of the resort. Here they keep all of the equipment needed to operate Royal Cassun to serve its guests, and then some other equipment in case of... certain events.

Right now, no equipment could have possibly prepared Vic for the gaping hole in the wall where the kitchen should be.

"Cough! Cough! Uh... ahaha... morning, Vic." Deena who was covered in ash, tucked her reptilian tail tucked between her legs.

Vic raised a fist, her eyes screwed shut. She was tearing up from the fumes that was filling up the entire floor.


"We're sorry! I'm sorry! So sorry!" Piper, the young dark elven lass apologized profusely. Her hair was a mess from whatever fiery explosion was let loose a moment ago.

"There, there. It's not your fault, Piper." Taisha wrapped her arms around the teary-eyed elf, stroking and tidying her hair. "Deena's the one at fault."


"It's fine, Piper. I'm not mad."

"Oh, thank goodness. I was sure you were going to rip us a new one. I'll uh... go clean myself up..." Deena lowered her head and started to leave.

"Don't move, Deena. I'm mad at you."


"Taisha, what happened?"

Vic's succubus companion raised a finger into the air. A link on her silver chain necklace glowed white. The air around them began to whirl, and the smoke coalesced atop the black nail of her index finger into a piece of charcoal. They could breathe again.

"We were trying to repair the stove, but couldn't figure out how it worked."

"So you blew it up?!" Vic said, picking up a piece of a cast iron cauldron.

"Deena blew it up."

"But it was a collective effort!"

"You're the only one who can breathe fire, you little newt."

"N-newt??" Deena blinked, at first unsure how to respond. "You... you horny bat!"

"Very impressive. I'm quivering in agony!"

"Stop it you, two. We've got a special guest arriving today, so there's no time to fool around." She turned to Piper, wiping a smudge of soot from her rosy cheeks. "Sorry to ask you so early in the morning, but mind turning back time on this for us?"

"Leave it to me!"

Piper spun around to face the destroyed kitchen. She shut her eyes and raised both hands. White streaks of glimmer manifested from her body, coalescing into the palm of her hands before shooting into and consuming the destroyed section of the kitchen in a flash of light.

Piper was a unique dark elf with an even more unique gift. She was capable of turning back time up to twenty minutes, but this was only usable on inanimate objects. If someone fired an arrow, she could return that arrow back to the their quiver. In that time, however, if the person has moved then the arrow would drop to the ground. Making use of this ability too many times left an enormous strain on her, so it can only be used in controlled situations.

What was even more impressive was Piper's capacity to cast spells without a focusing element. This was in contrast to other spellcasters who required something to channel their magic through like a staff or wand. In Taisha's case, it was her necklace. Piper needed nothing but her hands. Normally it would take years of study and experience to achieve somatic spellcasting, a feat even veteran magisters have trouble mastering. Yet, the girl was born to it.

The kitchen was miraculously repaired in no time thanks to the dark elf's magic. Any trace that Deena had blown a fireball in here was gone. Well, except for their clothing.

"Good work, Piper. I'll make you your favorite pudding for dessert tonight as thanks." Vic said, patting Piper's ash-ridden head.

The dark elf, who was only moments ago tearing up, beamed from ear to ear.

Bless her pure heart. Vic thought.

Deena tried sneaking away, but Vic was quick to grab her by the collar and slam her against the wall.

"Owowowowow! Forgive me. I tried, I really did!"

Taisha placed a hand on her back and smiled. "It's the thought that counts."

Vic sighed and let her down. She had to keep a tight leash on her anger and strength. Being a half-demon came with perks, but not without drawbacks.

She opened the stove and checked underneath it. As suspected, the gas had run out. It took all but five minutes to replace the gas canister. Of which they had plenty of in the storage closet. Meanwhile, the girls watched in amazement, like Vic was performing a feat of magic similar to that of Piper's caliber. Vic flipped a switch, lighting up the stove.

"There. It's not that hard."

Deena shrugged. "All I see when you use the kitchen is fire, so I thought a fireball would do the trick."

"I'm the fool for letting you guys take care of something you're not familiar with."

"Th-that's right! I did nothing wrong!"

"Don't push it, Deena. No more breathing fire indoors. Got it?"

"Yes, ma'am!"

"We wasted enough time. I'll keep today's briefing short." Vic took a deep breath. "Minister Duelin of the Republic of Darcie will be arriving early this afternoon. He will be taking one of the VIP suites for one night before departing the next day."

Deena whistled sharply. "A big wig, huh."

Piper's eyes fell to the floor hearing the name.

"We will all be performing our regular duties, but be extra vigilant. Our Princess Aurora has warned me that she believes an assassin may be dispatched to prevent Minister Duelin from reaching Cassun. If there is an assassin they will arrive posing as a guest, or sneak in during the night."

"Ooh! Some action, then!" The half-dragon cracked her knuckles.

"Naturally, Taisha and I will be taking care of the VIPs on the second floor. Deena and Piper, you two on the first floor will be the first line of defense. If you see anyone suspicious, report it to me. If you can't find me, I leave it to your best judgement to take action."

"Yes, Captain!"

"Roger, Captain!"

"Clean yourselves up and get ready to open. Dismissed!"

⚔ ⚔ ⚔

Deena and Taisha were hard at work taking care of guests and guiding them to their rooms for the day. Piper was running back and forth taking lunch and dinner orders, as well as any additional requests to be met. The food orders are taken to Vic, while the services are relayed to Deena.

The first floor of the Royal Cassun was the lobby, which splits into three hallways. To the left and right led were guest quarters. The hallway ahead led to the famed hot springs which were further split into three sections- One for women, one for men, and one for mixed. There were additional private hot springs for families, VIPs, and lovers upon request.

The entire second floor was the VIP quarters. Vic and Taisha took care of this personally. Mostly because Deena had poor temperament and found it difficult to interact with dignitaries and the wealthy elite. Piper has a bad history with northern aristocrats due to her... background, of which they often gave board. She was kept out of their sight if it can be helped.

Vic descended from the second floor, fanning herself with a small notepad. She stopped halfway to amuse herself with Piper frantically running from one end to the next.

"Uwawawawa! There's so much to do today!"

"Excuse me, miss~"

"Oh, my. Could you fetch me another bedsheet?"

"Young lady! The light in my room is broken!"

"I'm on my way! Uu..."

Today was turning out to be a lot busier than expected. Merchant caravans have been passing through non-stop, and there were no shortage of refugees seeking a fresh start.

Cassun was a peninsula that stretched into the Shimmering Reefs, a vast coral bank that encircled this side of the continent which prevented large ships from making landfall. But recently, the Cassun cartographers successfully charted a narrow passage for ships to travel to the southern isle states of Felucia and Grennadier. Flourishing trade and mass immigration of freed slaves have allowed the duchy to grow exponentially, now known to the world as the Kingdom of Cassun ruled by King Teo and his daughter Princess Aurora. 

Vic had enough watching.  She flipped through her notes for all but a few seconds to figure out the best course of action.

"Taisha!" She called behind her.

Vic was surprised to see the black-haired succubus emerged from the hot springs hallway.

Taisha wiped the sweat from her brow. "Yes?" 

"What's Deena doing? Why is Piper running all the errands alone?"

"Deena is currently repairing a broken fence in the springs. A portly guest leaned too much against it. I was there helping her until you called."

"How long ago?"

"A few minutes ago."

"Change of plans. I need you to take care of our dear Duelin."

"As you wish. Shall I prepare the wine or rum?"

"Wine. Play nice enough that he can still walk tomorrow."

Taisha licked her lips and with a single beat of her wings, dove onto the second floor.

"Bedsheets, more tea... uhhh, change of light... uwauwauwauwa...!"


"Eep! Yes, Cap-ma'am?"

"Go help Deena fix the fencing. Pronto."

"But what about-"

"Hand me the notes, I'll take care of both yours and Deena's until you get back."

"But, but there's so much to do...!"

"Who do you think I am?" Vic smirked.


Vic climbed down the rest of the steps, and as she did projections of herself materialized from thin air. By the time she reached the first floor twelve Vics, perfect copies of the original populated the lobby.

Among the Cassun Kingdom... nay, in the world, the number of individuals who can perform illusory magic was plenty. The number of those who can create moving illusions few. But there existed those who can be counted on a single hand that can produce illusions that are real to the touch. Vic was one such master of this art. Though she was by no means a skilled mage on the level of Taisha and Piper, her capacity to form illusions was limited to only her own image. She has dubbed this unique ability, "Legion."

Her duplicates fanned out in all directions, serving each patron with the same professionalism and punctuality as the original.

"Ah, Vic's at it again!" Piper and Deena emerged from the hot springs smelling of sweat and lunar lotus.

"Wooow, this is only my second time seeing Vic's Legion but it's still so amazing!"

One of her copies stopped its task to ruffle Piper's hair before returning to work.

"Makes you wonder why we even need to work? Seeing her at the military academy was something else. She was the army! Ahaha-Oop!"


"Ah! Sorry, that kinda slipped."

Vic sighed, "Be mindful when there are patrons around. Now, get back to work."

⚔ ⚔ ⚔

Evening approached. The blanket of stars slid across the horizon, illuminating the scarlet Arabor Canyons with a shade of lavender. Fire beetles dotted the cliff sides with flickering lights.

Arabor was and always will be dangerous at night. Inexperienced and naive travelers determined to cross in the dark will be mesmerized by those dancing lights, and find themselves falling hundreds of feet to their death.

The foot of the canyons were littered with the bones of brave men and women, which was why the Royal Cassun was set in the perfect place to humble the fearless with fear itself. It was why travelers had no choice but to stop at the resort.

Unfortunately for the impatient the rooms were filled to capacity, soon the Royal Cassun would start turning away travelers or have them wait on the other side of the gate until there was a vacancy.

Around this time guests mingled each other, entertaining themselves with the hot springs, trading stories, and getting drunk. A group of half-demons and elves sat by the great hearth reminiscing about the Demon Wars. A war which nearly plunged their world into a feeding ground for true demons- creatures from the abyssal depths, and her kind's progenitors.  Vic grimaced at their tales.

She had just finished serving dinner to all the patrons. The workload simmered down towards the evening. She decided to head down to the servant's quarters to join Piper and Deena.

Piper was on cloud nine savoring every spoonful of Vic's special pudding recipe. "Fwuaahh~ Vic's spiced mango pudding is the best!" 

"Where's Taisha?" Deena inquired.

"She'll be spending the night with Duelin in the VIP quarters."

"Uwah. That horny succubus is at it again. Must be nice though. Lounging around in those suites."

"You could be up there, too." Vic grinned. "We checked in a rather eccentric VIP with a fetish for dragon's tail."

Deena blushed so red, some of the scales on her face took a red hue.

"No! That's so gross!"

"What's gross?"


Taisha slipped in to help herself to some dinner.

"Shouldn't you be upstairs, you horny... ermm..."

"What's with her?"

"She's imagining being in your place."


"I came down because a VIP had a request. Do we have any gorgon mushrooms?"

"I think we ran out a week ago. Deena, Piper can I trust you two to harvest a handful?"

"Why don't you have the sexmonger do it?"

"She has to manage the entire second floor, and I'm the only one who can handle both wings on the first floor in your absence."

"Ugh, fine. Come on, Piper. You can finish the pudding later."


"Watch your step out there!"

Taisha waited until the two of them were out of sight to address the Captain. "I have a report."

"Go on."

"Our client believes the assassin has made its way into our establishment after all."


"Nothing suspicious upstairs yet, so I thought the assassin took a room in the first floor."

"I'll patrol the first floor and keep a look out for anyone suspicious. For now, just stick with the minister."


Taisha remained seated, staring at Vic expectantly.


"We're finally alone, Master. Just the two of us." The succubus' smile grew wide, revealing two sharp incisors. Her usual proper demeanor gave way to a more provocative poise befitting of her succubus form.

"Really... erm, right now?"

"Please? I've been waiting all week." The succubus begged on all fours. "And I know you want it, too."

Vic couldn't stand her sweet words. She wasn't sure if Taisha was magically charming her or if she unconsciously wanted this too.



Taisha gently enveloped Vic within her arms and wings, much like what she did with Piper this morning. But this was different. Hot. Hypnotizing. Vic felt the succubus' lust pour into her from a mere embrace, compelling her to nuzzle deeper. Taisha responded by stroking Vic's hair, scratching her horns, and cooing into her ear.

"Master, you work so hard. I know you better than anyone else. You just love being spoiled."

"It feels weird to have you call me Master..."

"Shall I simply whisper your name, Vic?" Taisha ever so gently kissed her on the collarbone.

"Nnh! Wait...the assassin...!"

"Can wait."


⚔ ⚔ ⚔

Deena led the way with a lantern and Piper followed a few paces behind.

"Ahh, man. I really wish we had some action going on. All this hanging around is just making me bored."

"That nothing major happened so far is a good thing!" Piper said with a hum.

"Yeah, but we trained for combat! Not this hospitality and service crap!"

"Even if nothing happens... I'm happy just being with you all."

At that moment, Deena couldn't tell which was brighter- the lantern, or Piper.

"I guess it's not too bad... Anyway! Where the heck do we find gorgon mushrooms? I haven't seen anything but fire beetles and rocks."

"Gorgons are supposed to grow in crevices of the cliff side. I'm sure if we look over-"

"You're right!"

"Eh?! Deena??"

Piper turned in the direction of Deena's voice but she was nowhere to be seen.

"Down here, dummy."

Piper cautiously leaned over the ledge following the voice and found her hanging onto a branch.

"Vic told us to be careful!"

"Look. I've got a handful already!"

Deena pulled her hand out between the crevices to reveal a fistful of the white clustered mushroom. Then she reached just high enough to deposit them into Piper's hands.

"Alright. That should be enough for that horny succu-oh, shit!"



"Whew. The branch almost gave way." Deena shifted her weight. A leaf landed on her face.

"Hurry and get out of there!"

"Quit worrying, I'm fine-w-w-whoa!"

The branch gave way and plummeted into the depths. Deena managed to find purchase on the rugged cliff to hang on from. Some of the stone loosened from the branch tumbled down striking the half-dragon in the face.

"Blah. Tastes like rock."

"Are you okay?"

She tested her grip on the rocks, but her hand gave way. If she let go of where she was hanging from, it was certain death. "Yeah, but I'm going to need help getting up."

Piper tried to reach down, but her arms were too short to bridge the distance.

"I know!"

"What are you doing?"

Piper channeled magic into the palm of her hands.

In the next moment, some of the rocks came shooting back up and striking Deena in the back of the head.

"Oooww! Piper, what are you doing??"

"Sorry! Sorry!"

Piper's concentration broke, and the loose stones fell from their place, smacking Deena a second time on the way down.


"Wait, I got it this time."

The rocks came flying up again, but Deena shifted away from their path to avoid them.

"Ha. Take that nature!"

Followed by the branch soaring into and smacking her in the butt.

"Piper, this isn't helping!"

"The branch is back in place. Try lifting yourself up now!"


Deena reached for the branch but as soon as she put her weight on it, the branch snapped a second time, followed by the rocks, all of which crashed into Deena's face before back down the canyon depths.

"This isn't working! It's just hurting me more!" She declared with blood, sweat, and tears on her face.

"Uwawawawa! Should I go back for help?"

"I won't last that long!"


Piper emptied the contents of the basket and dangled it in front of Deena's face. It was wide enough to bridge the gap between them.

"Grab it!"

"It's going to break, and I really will fall!"

"Trust me!"


She clutched onto the basket and, as expected, the basket broke. Deena started falling.


Piper proceeded to rewind the basket, causing the broken piece Deena was still clutching to return to its position along with her.


The basket, along with Deena, lifted over the cliff and back onto land.

"It worked! It worked!"

"I'm never harvesting gorgon mushroom again..."

⚔ ⚔ ⚔

Back at the Royal Cassun, Vic was recollecting herself after her little moment with Taisha. She rubbed her face and took a couple of deep breaths. It was easy to look composed, but she couldn't get Taisha out of her head.

"I'm supposed to be the ranking officer here..."

Vic ascended the stairs to the lobby to begin her investigation. Unsurprisingly, many of the guests were hanging around the first floor and the dining room. Their boisterous laughter filled the area and then some.

It was going to be easy to look for someone out of place. An assassin prepared to commit an assassination won't be partaking in alcohol that would dull their senses. Of course, not everyone was inclined to drink. Still that narrowed down her search.

A quick glance around and Vic noticed a light elven man sitting by himself at the corner of the lobby. He had long brown hair pulled to a tight ponytail at the back. An old scar blemished his neck and disappeared under his shirt. He appeared to be minding his own business, sipping on a beverage. She decided to take initiative and approach.

"Enjoying your stay, sir?" Vic put on her polite and welcoming voice.

"Eh? Ah, yes. I am." The elf clearly didn't expect company.

"Here at the Royal Cassun, we pride ourselves over our famed hot springs. Have you had the pleasure?"

"Y-yeah. I already took a dip. Just spending time out here before bed."

Vic couldn't catch the citric scent of lunar lotus on him. It was a flower they put in all of their hot springs meant to soothe aching muscles. It was clear to her that the elf was lying.

Still, she couldn't act yet. Trying to oust him now would also jeopardize Vic and the establishment's identity as agents of the Cassun crown.

Which was fine. Taisha was with Minister Duelin. If anything happened, she was sufficiently strong enough to fend off an attacker until they arrive.

"In that case, I'll leave you to it. Should you need anything, please do not hesitate to ask."

"Thank you, Proprietress."

Vic spent the rest of the evening hanging around the lobby chatting up the other guests until they retired to their rooms. Suspiciously, the elf was the only one still up. Right now, he was reading newspapers on the current events in Cassun, occasionally throwing glances toward the second floor. By the time the lobby completely thinned out, it was only Vic and the elf.

Maybe now was the time to confront him? She thought this just as Piper and Deena returned.

Vic confronted them at the door. "What took you two so long? What happened?"

"I... don't want to talk about it." Deena said, hanging her head.

"Back to Vic's pudding! Hehe!"

"Where's Taisha? We got her fungus."

"Wait, before that. We have work to do." Vic gestured over to the elf.

"He the guy?"

"Got to be." Vic marched up to the elf, glaring down at him. "Sir, don't you think it's time for you to retire to your room as well?"

"I'd like to stay up a little longer. As you can see, I'm perusing your country's newspaper."

"Enough pretending, assassin. Who are you?"

"As- what?!"

Deena and Piper flank Vic's side, "We know you're after one of our VIPs. Fess up!"

"Wait, this is some sort of mistake. I'm not after his life!"

"You've been shifting your gaze at the second floor this whole night. You're just waiting for the moment everyone was gone so you could sneak up there."

"N-no! That's not..." The elf wracked his head.

"I'm... I was hired by Minister Duelin. Your client."

"You think we're going to just believe that?"

The elf revealed an intricate seal from his person. It was made of gold and jade fashioned into a longsword with four wings given only to the highest officials- This was undoubtedly the seal of the Republic of Darcie.

"My name is Ren Ovar, special operations under the employ of the Republic of Darcie."

All three of the girls were taken aback.

Deena broke the silence first, "Wait... why didn't you or Duelin tell us to begin with?"

Ren narrowed his eyes on them, "...Why would I? And how did you know about the assassin? What kind of employees are you ladies?"

"Ahem. We take the security of our guests at the highest priority. That includes Minister Duelin, assassin or not." Vic interjected before Ren could suspect any further.

"Nice save, Captain!"

"As expected of Captain Vic!"

"My superiors decided it was best if I protected the minister from afar. If we were seen together, whoever wanted him dead might have sent more assassins. This way, I can spot out anyone suspicious."

"No matter how you look at it, you're the most suspicious-looking guy..."

"Wait, really?"

Vic facepalmed. She couldn't believe how unaware he was of his own conspicuousness.

"There's a good chance the assassin caught on."

"But I'm sure I was being subtle!"

Vic was sure if she figured it out, the assassin must have too.

"I'm getting worried, I should check on the minister."

"No need. I have my best employee up there looking after him."

"You mean employeeS, right?"

"I know what I said. Employee."

"The two succubus."

"We only have one succubus working... for..."

The four of them swapped glances with each other, then up to the second floor...



... And made a mad dash upstairs.

Vic was the first to throw open the door and enter Duelin's room.

There, in the room, stood Taisha with her hands up in an attempt to shield herself from an unfamiliar, wingless succubus holding a crossbow.



The assassin loosed the crossbow at Taisha's chest.

The bolt stopped short of penetrating her clothes and began to return to the crossbow.

"Damn it!"

Deena dove into the room to apprehend the assassin, but she was too slow. A vial was smashed to the ground, causing it to billow out smoke.

"Piper, get rid of this smoke!"

The smoke shrank and reunited with the repaired vial. Deena was on the ground coughing up her lungs, meanwhile Ren and Taisha have retreated back to the door. The assassin was nowhere to be seen.

"You're kidding! What about our fight?!"

"Where is Minister Duelin?" Ren demanded.

"He's fine." Taisha slid open the closet door. Laying on the ground, mouth gagged, his naked body tied up shibari-style, was none other than the minister.

"Thank goodness you're safe!" Ren said, pulling the gag from Duelin's mouth. "How... how do I untie you...?"

Minister Duelin spat out the gag, "What are you doing?? After her!"

"Should we give chase, Captain?"

"She was wingless. She couldn't have gone far if she can't fly."

"I could go after her." Taisha offered.

"That won't be necessary. I doubt she will be after the minister's life past this junction." Vic smiled, "Besides. His lordship's life has been preserved this night, which means our job is done."

⚔ ⚔ ⚔

Vic, Taisha, and Deena waved farewell to the guests in the morning. Among them, Ren and Duelin gave their thanks for last night.

"I suppose you did a satisfactory job."

"We're glad to hear that, sir."

"Don't expect me to offer my thanks to the dark elf. I shall not be seen doing so! Hmph!"

"You...! You should be grateful any of us were there!"

"Me? Grateful to a race of former slaves? Pahahaha!"

Ren came between Duelin and Deena. "Please, Minister. Let's just leave with your thanks to the staff of Royal Cassun."


"And, to the succubus courtesan. Thank you for protecting the minister. I can't imagine what the assassin wanted tying him up like that."

Taisha and Vic stifled a laughter.

"Ahem! Yes, well... we can only fathom..." The minister added, red as a tomato.

"Wait a minute. Why would the assassin tie him up if she wanted to kill him?"

Taisha placed a hand on Deena's shoulder. "I'll show you one day."

"Is that some sort of succubus thing?"

The ladies watched Ren and Minister Duelin depart by carriage.

"They going to be safe? With that assassin still lurking around?"

"They'll be fine. The assassin decided to flee as soon as we got a good look at her face. Which means it wasn't a suicide mission for her."

"But that minister's vulnerable on the road now."

"Our mission was to stop the assassin during Duelin's stay at the Royal Cassun. Whatever happens to him now is not on my conscience."

"Gotta say, though. What a weird thing to see, a wingless succubus. Any ideas, Taisha?"

"Not all succubi know each other."

"But she had no wings! That's gotta be uncommon, right?"

"This is true. To be wingless among my kind is to mean one is a slave or a criminal. I do not know which she is nor am I acquainted with her."

The ladies returned to the Royal Cassun to start their next day servicing new arrivals.

Inside, Piper was hard at work delivering fresh linens to each room.

"Welcome back-ah!"

Piper tripped, sending the bedding into the air. Vic instantly duplicated herself forward to catch the poor elf.

"Sorry! Sorry!"

As soon as Piper righted herself up, the copy disappeared and replaced by the original.

"It's fine. Deena, take care of these for her. Taisha, prepare the VIP suite."

"Yes, ma'am!"

"As you command."

"Did... the minister already leave?"

"Yes, he did."

Vic sensed a tinge of shame from her question.

"I know I wasn't supposed to go upstairs last night, but it all happened sho ffaaashht??"

Vic pinched her rosy cheeks and stretched them apart. "The Minister told me to tell you, 'thank you.'"

"He did? Hehe. I see... hehe!" Piper rubbed her cheeks, and despite the pain, she couldn't help but smile. "Was I useful, Captain?"

"No," Vic frowned. "You were suuuupppeeerr helpful!" She pinched both cheeks again.

"Shhtoph! Caphain Vippt!"


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