Hot Springs Brigade!

Chapter 5.2 – Hot Springs Brigade and the Adventurer’s Guild!

Taisha soared across Raisvayel, the imperial capital of Orcus, weaving through the many obsidian spires that pierced the clouds. The feeling of the wind against her hair, diving under clotheslines, peering into city folk's homes, taunting the guards on the streets below. She missed it all.

She saw her sister sitting on a ledge at the Grimlock Spire. It was the tallest spire in all of Orcus and home to the Demon King and his family. The sisters often spent time along its ledges, overlooking the city and reminiscing of days gone by.

"Talisa!" She called out. But her sister did not hear.

Taisha flew closer, and called for her sister again. "Talisa! Hey!!"

This time, Talisa did hear. She frowned and mouthed a few words that that Taisha heard much too clearly.

You should have let me die.

Talisa turned around, revealing two stubs on her back where crimson wings should have been. Taisha stopped her approach. Not by her own choice. She reached up to her neck and touched an iron collar. Its chain was pulled taut and led off into the clouds. She couldn't get any closer to her sister.

"Sis, no!"

Talisa tore off her own chain, and did the unthinkable— she jumped.

⚔ ⚔ ⚔


The succubus woke up with a start. Her heart was pounding so hard she could almost see it beat through her chest. She took a few breaths to calm herself down. It was still dark behind the curtains since sun had yet to come over the horizon.

"The others probably aren't up yet."

This was as good a time as any. Taisha quickly dressed herself and pulled a red envelope from a secret compartment in her vanity desk. She peeked outside her room and hurried upstairs, making sure to keep her footfalls light.

There were only a few early risers up. Some of the guests greeted her as she emerged from the servant's quarters. Others asked for some assistance, but she hastily turned them down and promised to get back to them. Taisha continued down the west wing until she reached the last room. She knocked twice in quick succession, followed by another knock after a delay.

A squeamish half-demon with a chipped horn answered the door. He had dark circles around his eyes and his body was as emaciated as a street urchin.

"Another one?" He croaked, not even hiding his yawn.

Taisha handed him the letter and waited anxiously for something in return.

"Sorry to tell ya, lass. Your sister hasn't written back."

"I see… could you just make sure she receives that?"

The man stretched out a hand that may as well have more bones than flesh. Taisha handed him a bulging coin pouch.

"Just letting ya know, this is the last time. Next I come down, I'm heading to Felucia and ain't turning back."

"You're aware they are in a famine?" She narrowed her eyes at his decrepit body.

"Better starve to death than have dragons pick at my bones."

"Dragons? Is there something I should know?"

"You're daft if ya think they'll just sit around in that frozen wasteland. Emperor Victor's doing something but it just ain't enough."

Taisha's wings dropped. It was hard enough to find someone willing to courier her letters, let alone be a messenger in a war-torn empire. 

"I'll let her know that I won't be coming back." The half-demon scratched his tarnished horn. "See if I can urge her to write to ya."

"Thank you. Thank you so much."

He stuffed the pouch into his pocket and shut the door behind him. Taisha breathed a sigh of relief and turned around to see a certain half-dragon approach.

"You're up early." Deena glanced at the door in front of her.

"I could say the same to you."

"Meh, I'm always up early." She crossed her arms. "Saw you sneak upstairs with a letter. Something you wanna share?"

"To be honest, no. It's a harmless letter to someone I know in Orcus."

"Even you have people like that, eh? Is it a secret lover?"

Taisha started heading down to the lobby. "You should know I have no lovers. By the way, we're out of gorgon mushrooms again."


"Tag along?"

"Only if I'm not the one the gathering."

⚔ ⚔ ⚔

The two of them donned thick woolen coats to protect them from the biting cold. As soon as Taisha stepped outside, the frigid winds cut deep into her bones and made her regret coming out. Deena, on the other hand was perfectly fine. Winter was her element. 

Much of the snow piled up inconsistently around the Royal Cassun. The heated ground beneath them kept certain areas dry, while another area like the outdoor storage was buried in snow.

"Man, Vic's gonna have me dig all that out. I just know it."

"Y-y-you're the only one t-t-that can handle it…" Taisha shivered.

"You ain't looking too hot."

"Because it's freezing!"

Taisha and Deena followed the southern road which, for the most part, was cleared of snow thanks to a couple of fire breaths the night before. Snowfall was heavier in the canyons since the region was elevated, but the further down they went the less snow there was. Incidentally, that also meant there was more slush due to the heated grounds causing melting snow to cascade downhill.

Many signs were already put up. Deena and Vic made sure of that. Travelers moving around at night often unknowingly step off the main road and slip into the abyss. Signposts and mana-infused torches provided a clear path to and from the Royal Cassun to prevent these incidents. Right now, the torches were a godsend for Taisha since they provided much needed warmth between each point.

"Here should be fine." Taisha handed her jacket to Deena and took both baskets. She stretched out her wings and then dove off the cliff.

Deena didn't want to look over to see if Taisha was still down there. The thought of falling again sent more shivers down her spine than the cold did her succubus friend. She found a large rock, blew fire on it until the snow melted from it and took a seat.

The Adventurer's Guild was supposed to arrive tomorrow morning. It was probably going to get real lively again. She brushed a hand through her orange hair and thought it was getting long. Her mind wandered to Itsuki. She hoped he was doing well. Did he make any friends? She imagined the fool getting himself into trouble at Greenwick.

Deena put a hand to the scales on her face. It was getting warm. "It's nothing like that. I'm just worried because he's an idiot… yep. That's right—"

"Who's an idiot?"

"Uwah?! No one! Y-you're back already?"

Taisha had two baskets filled to the brim with the mushrooms.

"Hurry and take these. I want my jacket back."

They traded belongings and Deena took a moment to study the gorgon mushrooms. She didn't have a chance to before considering her circumstances. They had thick stalks that split into dozens of small brown cups. There was an earthy and sweet smell to it that drew her to put her nose against it.

"Don't sniff them too much, or you'll pass out."

"Are they poisonous?"

Taisha wrapped her arms around herself but couldn't stop shivering. Deena shed her jacket and offered it.

"Aren't you cold?"

"Nah. If anything, this feels great!"

As they made their way back, Taisha gave an answer. "They're not poisonous in small quantities, and the gills emit a stench to ward off predators."

"And you use this for your… sex stuff?"

Taisha blew into her hands. "They can be used for many things. Boiling a handful of gorgons and you have a sedative. A perfect cup of tea for insomnia. Dry three handfuls, boil for twenty minutes, and distill the solution to collect an essence strong enough to put an ogre to sleep."

"Uwah… how do you know so much about this?"

"My old master was a member of the Alchemist's Guild in Grennadier."

"I thought you were from Raisvayel?"

"No, silly. He immigrated to Orcus and settled in the imperial capital. I was more or less his assistant alchemist. I learned so much from him that I would have no problems passing the Guild's examination."

"Huh. I thought you were gonna say he was pure evil! Or something."

"Oh, he was. I was merely fortunate not to be the one on the… receiving end of his ire."

"Sounds like you didn't have it all that bad. Is he the one you're sending a letter to?"

She shook her head. "He died during the rebellion."

Deena was familiar with what happened. The succubi and dark elves rebelled against their masters in Orcus during a pivotal moment in the war. When Septus ordered his armies south to keep Felucia and Grennadier at bay, the slaves tore off their chains and turned the imperial city into an inferno.

She chose her next question carefully. "Did you do him in?"

"I didn't. Someone I know did." Taisha frowned, and then forced a smile to steer the conversation away from the somber mood. "Excited for tomorrow?"

"...What is there to be excited for?"

"A little bird told me a certain someone will be among the Adventurer's Guild's numbers."

"Was it Aura or Piper?!" Fire billowed from Deena's mouth.

"Hehe. I made a vow to secrecy."

"I'm not excited. If anything, it's just going to be more work with a bunch of cocky wannabe soldiers around. Not excited at all." She pouted.

"I heard Vic promised to goto the Gilded Peaks with you?"

"Ah, she told you about that?"

"She confides in me about a great many things."

"We're gonna go hunt us some overgrown lizards. Nothing biggie. You wanna tag along, too?"

"I'll pass. I will admit I'm a little jealous of you." Taisha put her hands against her cheeks. "For Vic to make a promise like that."

Deena recalled the confession Aura made in the hot spring. "Is there something going on between you and Vic? Other than the arrangement, I mean."

"Whatever could you mean?"

"Grrr. You and Vic both play dumb. If you two like each other then just be honest with your feelings! W-what if someone… ahem, snatches her from you?"

"Are you harbouring feelings for Vic?" She teased.

"Hey, now."

"It's complicated."

"Hmph. That's just what people say when they're scared of the answer."

It was still early when they got back. Taisha returned the jacket to Deena and took the baskets of gorgon mushrooms from her.

"I'm going to bring these downstairs and get to work on the VIP suites. Some of the guests in the lobby might come asking for your help."

"Ayo." Deena shook the snow from her tail. "Taisha, uhm… for what it's worth… I'm rooting for you and Vic."

Taisha smiled. "Thanks. And I'll be rooting for you and Itsuki!"


⚔ ⚔ ⚔

Piper ran down the halls with an armful of linens. She had memorized each guest's request and made sure to exceed their expectations as she fulfilled them. The older patrons had a tough time getting up. So Taisha developed an aromatic poultice to apply to the sheets that revitalizes their strength in the morning. She always remembered to give them a bottle. Some families came with children, so she would sneak bits of confections into the sheets for them. Bringing smiles to the patrons, making their stay a comfortable one, it was the best part of her job. 

Unlike her days in Orcus, she was free to make her own decisions here. She serviced people on her own volition, and not by the whim of an overbearing master. 

Sometimes guests from Orcus and Darcie reminded her of a past she wished forgotten. At the same time, these guests were a kind reminder that not everyone wished for the continued enslavement of the succubi and dark elven race.

"Piper!" Deena came from the other hallway with a troubled expression.

"Good morning! Did you finish the east wing?"

"About that. I got a guest in E12 requesting you personally. Maybe he's scared of half-dragons?"

"What did he want?'

"Dunno. Wouldn't speak to me or open the door. Ask for the dark elf girl, was all he said."

"I've finished the west wing, so I'll take care of it now."

"Want me to come with?"

Piper shook her head and drew up a big smile. "I'll be fine!"

She skipped down to the other end of the hall, waving and wishing good morning to the other guests along the way. When she reached E12, she knocked gently on the door and eagerly awaited for it to open.

"Who is it?" A stern voice came through from the other side.

"Piper of the Royal Cassun, at your service!"

The door creaked open to an aging human man. His gray hair pulled tight into a short tail in the back. The creases on his withered face exhibited a lifetime restlessness and discontent. 

Piper's heart dropped. Her knees grew weak and the blood in her veins ran cold. She saw before her a ghost. After all, she remembered the knife she carried that day. The hot blood gushing from the stab wound. The final gasp of breath before the body went still.

"What are you gawking at, girl? Don't you have work to do?"



⚔ ⚔ ⚔


Deep beneath the glacial caps of the Gilded Peaks, four half-demons in heavy wool shift through the caverns with strained effort. Countless pillars of ice joined the ceiling to the ground. It almost seemed as though the columns bore the weight of the peaks above. 

They come upon a steep decline where enormous fissures appear to dig into the walls. Frozen bones and half-eaten corpses halted in their decay lie with gaping mouths. Their terrified expressions captured forever in a tomb of ice.

A low groan shook the caverns, threatening to knock the trespassers off their feet. When they finally reached even ground, a voice bellowed from the shadows and ceased their advance.

"Brazen, for prey to wander into my lair."

One of them stepped forward and pulled back his cowl revealing a head with a distinct lack horns. His piercing red eyes dared to meet the dragon's own. "I've come to beseech the dragons' aid."

Icicles came crashing down as the dragon growled in what could only be described as laughter. 

"You think this is a joke?!" The scarlet-eyed demon howled. "If it wasn't for us, you would still be living in the swamps feeding off insects and dawdling in the mud like lizards. You owe us."

His companions shifted their eyes to the dragon and faltered back. They lowered their heads while the one remained standing.

The dragon lunged forward. Chunks of frost spilled down from its body like an avalanche. Scales as pitch black as the shadows shimmered against the torchlights. He lowered his massive head down to meet the half-demon. 

"Who are you to incur upon us this debt?"

"The blood of Septus runs through my veins. I am Emperor Lucien, rightful heir to the imperial throne of Orcus."

"Amusing!" The behemoth reeled back and swung its tail in a wide arc, severing the columns of ice. The entire cavern rumbled, ready to collapse at any moment. "Even dead, the old goat bares his fangs."

"I ask you again— Draxis, Harbinger of Calamities, will you herald the return of your kin in the name of Septus?"

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