Hot Springs Brigade!

Chapter 7.2 – A Sweet Memory

There was a strange succubus that had been visiting lately. She called herself Taisha, and had an even stranger scent about her. Every morning without fail, she would come in with food and insist they eat together. They would talk for a few hours and then she'd excuse herself by sundown.

Vic couldn't get a good sense of what that girl wanted, but she seemed harmless. The memory of what happened on their first day kept replaying through her head. She had cried herself to sleep in the arms of someone she'd just met.

Taisha was… gentle. As soon as she embraced her, Vic felt completely at ease. Too bad it didn't stop the nightmares. They kept coming to taunt her every night like an incessant fly that wouldn't go away, only she could kill a fly but not dreams.

Vic stood up and started stretching. First the arms… then her legs… and finally her back. Being sedentary for too long would rot her muscles, and she needed to be ready to escape when she got the chance.

She glanced up at the window that was barred with thick iron and a novice magical ward. Breaking it open was easy, it was the alarm that followed after as a result of the ward that would make the escape troublesome. For now, she just had to bide her time.

There was a chance to escape when she first met Taisha. The succubus had foolishly opened the gates to come in, but she wasn't in her right mind to think about fleeing at the time.

Vic leapt, grabbed ahold of the iron bars on the window, and pulled herself up. Below, she saw the city of Nymphea bustling with activity. A group of figures in red cloaks slipped into an alley, clearly up to no good. Not that it was any of her concern.

It looked like she was in some tower or garrison turned into a prison. Her cell had evidence of chains bolted to the walls and floor, and the iron gates had no signs of rust. This hall used to be a barracks to house soldiers.

The sound of creaking metal echoed from down the hall. It must be the guards unlocking the entrance for Taisha to enter. Vic returned to her seat on the rags and rubbed the crust from her eyes. She sniffed herself and frowned. There wasn't much she could do about it.

Wait… why was she even concerned about her smell to begin with…?

Taisha greeted Vic with the same warm smile she wore every day she visited. Again, like clockwork, she used her magic to unlock the gate and sat down beside her. A sweet smell wafted from the bag she was carrying. It made Vic's stomach growl.

"A new bakery opened up in the city," Taisha began, pulling out a pastry glazed with strawberry jam. She took a bite of it, and then dangled it in front of Vic's mouth on the end she bit from. "Seems like travelers all over the world want to settle in Nymphea."

Vic bit into it and shuddered, her taste buds danced with joy at how soft and sweet it was. "If only I could eat this everyday."

"You could apprentice yourself to a baker or cook." Taisha suggested, pulling a different pastry out of the bag. This one had white creme lathered over the top sprinkled with a brown dust.

"What is that dust on the top?"

"It's brown sugar. Have you never had it?"

Vic only knew of white sugar. There were more colors to sugar than just white? Taisha held the new pastry in front of her, offering to feed another bite. "I can eat myself." Vic protested.

"Yes, but this is more fun." The succubus held it so close to Vic's face some of the creme rubbed off on her nose. She tried to resist temptation, but her hunger won out in the end and she ate the brown sugar pastry in a single bite.

"Isn't it about time you tell me why you're playing friendly with me?" Vic asked, reaching for a rag on the floor to wipe her nose. Taisha was quick to rub the cream away first and licked her finger.

"Because we're friends?" Taisha said as a matter of fact.

"Uh. When was that decided?"

Without any regards for personal space, Taisha  threw her arms around Vic. "We even slept together!" 

"Stop that!" Vic tried to push her away, but she wouldn't budge. One thing she learned quick about Taisha was the excessive physical affection.

"Actually, the Princess of Cassun gave me full authority to release you." Taisha revealed.

Vic blinked, shocked at this revelation. This succubus was her ticket out of here. However, it could very well be a trap. Who was she that she was acquainted with the Princess?

"What's the catch?"

"No catch. You aren't thinking of running away as soon as you're out, are you?"

"Where would I even go?" Vic replied as casually as she could.

"Then it's settled. Let's take a stroll around Nymphea. But first…" Taisha reached into her bosom and pulled out a brush. "I'm going to do your hair."

"Wait, I didn't agree to this— ow! Stop pulling!" All of her hair was being gathered to the back. She could hear the crinkle of knots being torn with each brush. The bristles dug into her scalp in what felt like both torture and a massage.

A tuft of hair fell over the front of her face. Maybe it didn't agree with Taisha's rough brushing method and she'd given up on it. Vic heard the succubus humming from behind. There was a pause in the brushing, then an inquiring hum, followed by a triumphant quip. Something snapped her hair together in the back.

"There you go." Taisha nodded at her approvingly, clearly impressed with her own work.

"Not like I can see it…"

"What's important is that you are more presentable to the public."

"Wearing this?" Vic lifted her ragged shirt that was more than likely a potato sack.

"More or… less. We'll find something more fitting for you to wear at a tailor." Taisha tapped the shackles on Vic's ankles, and they immediately cracked open. The two of them stepped out of the enclosure. Vic half-expected the alarms to start sounding, but it remained quiet. She'd lost track of time and how long she'd been in there, but it felt like ages since she stepped any further than the cell.

As they walked to the entrance, other prisoners slammed their fists against the bars begging to be released. Too bad they don't have a succubus friend to help them escape.

Taisha knocked on the ironbound doorway. A rough voice from the other side grunted something about losing the pot. A chair scrapped against the floor, and in the next moment the gate opened up for them.

"Done with yer business, lass?" A dwarf with more hair on his face than his head stepped aside for them to pass.

"I am, thank you."

"Ver'well. Get going."

The other guards didn't even bother to look up from their game of cards. The succubus was telling the truth after all. Then it means she really does know the Princess of this country.

Vic was welcomed by warm winds as she stepped out of the prison. She turned around and craned her neck at the garrison behind her. She took a deep breath, looked up and down the street for places to hide.

Before another thought of escaping could cross her mind, a hand fell on top of her own. "This way." Taisha said, as she led the way into the city of Nymphea. Vic didn't realize it in the cell, but Taisha was a whole head taller. She didn't like that.

The sun was obscured behind midday clouds, and cast a somber mood on the city. People of varying races mingled about on the stone paths, making trades and gossiping about current events.

Much of the buildings in Nymphea were short, save for the castle where the royal family lived and the garrison they came out of. It was in stark contrast to the numerous spires that filled the horizon back in Raisvayel.

"Where are we going?" Vic asked as they passed by merchants hollering for their attention.

Vic bumped into Taisha's wings and realized that she had stopped in her tracks. "To get you new clothes." It was a small boutique with more mannequins than customers inside. The tailor inside was a rather portly woman with an overwhelming scent of moon lotus on her.

"Excuse me!" Taisha called out right as they entered.

"Yes— Oh, my." The woman's face contorted in disgust. "Get that filthy urchin out of my shop!"

Vic's brow twitched. It was clear the cow had directed insult at her. She tugged on Taisha's arm and said, "It's fine."

"Hold on, Vic." Taisha walked over to the lady and blew into her face. "We are simply looking for clothes befitting a young lady about to meet the Princess. Surely there is no problem here."

The clerk's eyes glazed over, her body swayed back and almost lost her footing. "Yes, of course. By all means, take your time."

Vic scoffed. Succubus.

Taisha dove right into the racks of clothing. Her eyes glistened as she fingered over each gown and skirt in sight. If she was shopping for Vic, it sure didn't seem like it.

At the other end of the boutique was a mirror. Vic was surprised to see a scrawny half-demon riddled with dirt and grime. Taisha came over and erased the image by putting a red dress with gold embroidery on it.

"It matches the color of your eyes." She mused.

"Not into dresses."

"That's too bad."

Taisha hopped over the counter and came back with a wide brim hat adorned with dozens of vibrant feathers, and placed it on Vic's head. "How's this?"

"Are you screwing with me?"

A wicked grin crossed her lips. "Not yet."

Vic ripped the hat off and decided to look on her own. She found a brown leather tunic bound with a back lace, and a pair of black leather pants accompanied with three belts; one on each leg, and one around the waist. Perfect for hiding a couple of shivs.

"Really?" Taisha asked, almost offended by the choice.

She tore off the burlap rag on her body and quickly changed into her new clothes. They fit too perfectly, so much so that it bothered her. Vic looked over the counter and found a rusty shear. She cut a horizontal tear across each leg just above the knee, discarded the shear, and then tugged on the collars of her shirt hard enough until she heard leather shred down the middle.

Taisha made an awkward expression somewhere between appalled and impressed, and nodded. "You certainly… have a look." She dropped a couple of gold coins onto the counter and took Vic's hand again. "Shall we?"

"After you, my lady." Vic bowed.

Vic continued to follow after Taisha as she led them through the crowded thoroughfare. Every once in a while the succubus would glance over her shoulder as though to make sure she was still there. As if Vic could just wrench away her hand without notice. 

"Where are we going?" Vic was surprised to hear excitement in her own voice.. 

"To visit Princess Aurora. She should be in the Vielta District."

The architecture changed drastically once they left the bazaar. Buildings were smaller, filthier, and less well kept. The road was no longer paved in stone, but in dirt and rubble from collapsed buildings. Some of these homes, if they could be called that, were in a state of such disrepair that there wasn't a rooftop.

Vic had seen these parts of the cities before. They contained the refuse of society that was never able to make the treacherous climb up the social ladder, or were swindled out of their wealth. Orcus and the Republic of Darcie had their fair share of these places… these slums.

They were to meet the Princess here of all places? 

Vic was beginning to suspect the succubus had played a trap until they came to the front of a church. Children were gathered out front frolicking with soldiers who shared in their laughter. An even greater number of soldiers stood guard in a perimeter around the decrepit church.

Two individuals caught her attention: a large light elven man clad in heavy silver bearing Cassun's crest of the hippogryph on his chestplate, and a young light elven girl dressed in red and purple regalia playing with the children. She didn't need Taisha to tell her they were members of the royal family.

"What are we doing here?" Vic asked, her eyes darted across the field taking note of each soldier's position.

"I'm going to introduce you to Princess Aurora."

"I don't know… after the mess I caused?" Vic started to panic, Taisha's hand tightened around her's.

"You never hurt anyone. She'll take you in like she did me. Aurora is kind, as you can see."

Vic watched the elven princess lift a child into the air and spin, dancing like there was a reason to celebrate their poverty. No… they rejoiced in spite of their miserable state. She couldn't look away, and locked eyes with the Princess.

The elven girl smiled, put the child down, and started making her way towards them. Vic looked away only for her eyes to meet Taisha's assuring glance. She tried to steel herself for the inevitable meeting when the Princess tripped, the ground shook from an explosion and smoke billowed from the front gates of the city.

The urge to run took over. "Vic!" She heard Taisha call from behind, but her legs carried her away from the church, away from Taisha. Vic hopped over stalls, dove under idle wagons, she didn't know where she was going but eventually she was no longer in Vielta District.

A half-dragon bumped into her shoulder, running away from the direction of the gates. Crowds stared up at the column of smoke with alarm and confusion. The ground trembled again, behind her a number of soldiers she recognized from the church came into view. Vic dipped away from the main thoroughfare before they trampled over her. They were heading to the front gates.

Vic clenched the hand that Taisha was holding up until a moment ago. "No sense in being here anymore.." As she made her way down the road she saw a bakery, a sweet smell wafted from the inside and tickled her nose. She looked inside to see the same strawberry jam pastries she'd eaten earlier.

"What do you think it could be? We under attack?"

A couple of elves spoke under an awning of another bakery across the road. Their eyes were zeroed in on the rising smoke.

"Ain't no way. Not even the Republic can march an army through Arabor."

"Dragons don't care about a canyon."

Another elf came running up to the group, interrupting their conversation. "I just saw a bunch of people in red cloaks making a mad dash to Vielta."

"Vielta? That where Princess Aurora and Commander Zekan are at?"

Vic sucked in a quivering breath. Those must have been the same suspicious people she saw earlier. Wait, this isn't her problem. She doesn't need to meddle in Cassun's affairs. She could just… should walk away and pretend she heard nothing…but…


The taste of iron filled her tongue, and she realized she'd been biting down on her lip. 

Damn it. Damn it. Damn it. Damn it. Damn it. Damn it. Damn it. Damn it. Damn it. Damn it. Damn it. Damn it. Damn it. Damn it. Damn it. Damn it. 

Vic hopped onto the roof of a small building, steadied herself, and jumped to the next. She started sprinting back to Vielta District. From up here, she could avoid running into pedestrians and other obstacles.

The church's belltower quickly came into view. Dozens of bodies cloaked in red and silver armor littered about the church grounds. The elven commander and a few of his soldiers were being pressed back, outnumbered by their attackers. Even further back, Taisha and the Princess were huddled together with the children cowering in fear.

There had to be at least thirty attackers. No time to think, just act. 

Vic vaulted over an abandoned wagon and landed on top of the head of a redcloak, she twisted her body weight, felt the head snap and leapt away. She landed behind the next figure, swept his legs out from under him, and materialized a jagged shortsword into his chest. "Rend!"

Now that her presence was revealed, three redcloaks charged at her from every angle. "Flay!" She materialized another, plunged it into the first, and shoved him into his companions.

Zekan and his soldiers seized the opportunity to join the fray, cutting through the enemies stunned by Vic's entrance. They were still sorely outnumbered. She clicked her tongue and whistled at another group. thirteen redcloaks took the bait and gave chase.

She led them into an alley buttressed up against the stone walls separating the Vielta slums and the rest of the city.

"You bitch. If it wasn't for you… the Princess would be dead!"

Vic wiped the blood from her chin and grinned. "You tried to hurt my friend." A number of Vic's clones filled the alley in front of her and behind the group, trapping them in a swarm of half-demons. 

The redcloaks were taken aback now that the numbers weren't in their favor. One of them lifted his sword to rally the others. "They're just illusions! Get her!"

As if.

All at once her clones shredded into them like a hungry pack of wolves. There were no screams, no retaliation, it was a massacre. Limbs were ripped from their sockets, eyes gouged, and intestines spilled onto the floor; none were spared her frenzy. She and her projections painted the dull wooden walls of the alley a deep red. 

A river of blood followed Vic as she lumbered out of the alley clutching her head. Too many clones exhausted her mana. She had to get back to the church and protect Taisha.

Vic stumbled into the church grounds to soldiers drawing their swords on her. The large elven man held a hand in the air and parted his people. She was about to lose consciousness when someone picked her up. Hot tears not of her own splashed onto her face.

Someone was crying for her, and that put her at ease.


She heard that someone calling her name…


It was a sweet voice…

As sweet as the pastry with strawberry jam.

⚔ ⚔ ⚔

Vic awakened to a world on fire, but she was not alone. She was being cradled in Taisha's arms, tears streamed down her face. 

"Vic… you're back." Taisha choked out.

Vic lifted a hand to brush away the tears and thought her companion was the most beautiful person in the world. 

"Hey." Vic croaked through a parched throat.

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