House of Amarin

Chapter 207 – Danger

On the southern border of the frontlines, where a massive fortress was erected in only a month, Razael stood before a table cluttered with maps and battleplans. Around him stood all the leading figures of this region, all of them present in the flesh, including Rangi, who served not as the leader but as an advisor and main fighting force when a Supreme Elder joined the battle.

"How's the primary walls?" Razael asked, listening to the reports of Lauron, explaining the works that were on their way, hurriedly fixing the previous day's damages. This juncture was the opening to the middle of the continent, and as such, it was the most protected area as well. They couldn't let the Undead break through.

"All-in-all, we will finish restoring its integrity by tomorrow." Lauron nodded, finishing his report, but after a brief hesitation, he couldn't help but add, looking into his brother's eyes. "Their attacks became way too frequent... it worries me. Something is happening!"

"I feel the same." Rangi echoed his thoughts, and Razael couldn't help but nod.

"We can only face it as it comes. Defending is always easier than attacking; even if they come twice or thrice the force we have stationed on our walls, we can hold out."

"And if it's ten times the number?" Asked Aurora, who, as the leader of the Misfits, was also one of the more recognized people in this meeting. It was not just because of being the daughter of Reyra, but because by now, the Misfits were an integral part of the main defensive force, proving over and over in battles that they could hold back anything that was thrown at them.

"Even if it is fifty times... we will hold," Razael answered firmly. "That is what we do!"

"One day, we will have to attack!" Aurora argued. It was something that their side was constantly campaigning with. They supported the idea that they should push back and retake territories, constantly shrinking the encirclement on the Undead.

"We will, but it is a decision that will be-" But Razael couldn't finish it as Hajna's silver disc lit up, projecting her voice. Since the reinvention of the device, she could be present almost everywhere where such a device was installed, greatly helping the communication between all forces of the Six Houses. She even helped maintain the System in the Academy as Somia became increasingly unresponsive in the past months. "The eastern front has been attacked by three Undead who seem to be in the 9th Tier. Lucian is already on the scene, and Lakhmu is on his way. Rangi, we need you there!" Razael didn't need to say it twice; the old turtle was already gone, heading towards the east at his full speed.

"We will have to get ready," Solren spoke up for the first time since today's meeting started. "This could easily be a diversion. Even if they break through the east, there are fewer things that they could consume or turn... It is down this way is where their goals lie."

"That is why the dragons are coming here." Razael nodded, "They think the same... Everyone, go back to your posts! Be vigilant; we may have been the target of something nasty! Our walls are not yet fully repaired!"


Up in the sky, Lucian was fighting off three Supreme elders at once, backed into a corner. Yet he never thought about retreating. He had no time to spare a glance at what was happening below them, on the ground where a 200,000-strong Undead army was fighting viciously to cross the wide river. The Houses had set up multiple barriers on the western bank while reinforcing stations on the east side of the river, constantly bombarding them when they tried to cross the dangerous body of water. It wasn't an easy thing to do, not because it was cold or fast-flowing but because it was filled with underwater formations, mines that blew apart any ship that tried to sail its treacherous surface.

All the bridges, throughout its length, were demolished, and if the Undead tried to take to the skies, warships were ready to meet them. Most of the Houses' areal force was concentrated right here because the land was flat, and the only natural border was the river itself. They were key in patrolling and making sure no Undead slipped by.

"They are coming!" Hajna's voice echoed in Lucian's mind, but he had no time to think about an answer. Between his red, energy claws, he caught a blade of miasma, trapping its owner, trying to slice through the Undead's torso, but she just let it go, backing off, giving way to the others to rain down their attacks on the Headmaster of the Academy.

The way they appeared with the army was troubling. The three Undead leaders opened a gate and literally walked out of No-Space. This act also had its effects on reality as the forceful transportation of such a massive force made No-Space unstable. Lucian could teleport in at the last moment before everyone's access was cut off from No-Space as it began to resist their attempts to slip into it.

It was a double-edged sword, and the Undead knew it well. But it was decided to be used to cut off Lucian's most potent weapon that caused trouble for them long enough. Even if it also made it so they wouldn't be able to retreat easily.

"Phase One completed." Seith transmitted his thoughts back while fighting Lucian, sending them straight to Killieth, who was standing below the tear, looking into No-Space, hundreds of kilometers away.

"Good. Start Phase Two." He ordered, and the biggest army of theirs yet, counting up to more than a million strong Undead horde, began to march towards the main fortress, intending to break through.

The message from their Sect Master was clear and straightforward. Breakthrough, or die trying. Killieth felt something had to happen back home because there was no mercy in his Master's voice... none. With a deep breath, he also set out, heading forth with all the other Supreme Elders, intending to destroy that pesky fortress, flood the central plains, and massacre all the millions upon millions who lived there.


"How nice!" Reverberated a chuckle as a lanky, grinning man was gliding through the air, his skin covered in tiny, white, and black scales, enjoying the scenery of the Amarin's home territory. He was none other than Swimmy, who had been touring the continent in the past months, taking long detours, exploring a world that was completely different from what he remembered.

Of course, he wasn't just playing around. During his travels, he met up with multiple disciples who were masquerading as regular, magicless humans, blending into society. His goal was simple: slowly 'collecting' them. Many decided that it was time to return and, after cutting ties with their current lives, headed back to the hidden realm of the Golden Claw.

Yet some couldn't do that as they took up powerful positions, becoming kings or even graduates from the Academy who were now serving as either fighting forces or people tasked with guarding the continent. Even then, the knowledge that the time of return was close by drew a smile on their faces.

"Interesting." Echoed a voice in the air, halting Swimmy from flying further, but he didn't stop whistling and kept watching as Reyra appeared, breaking through the clouds above them, stopping a few hundred meters away from Swimmy.

"I know, I am unique!" He chuckled in answer, looking her up and down, quickly determining who he had run into. The moment the thought appeared in his head, the ethereal wolf's voice whispered to him simultaneously.

"Weaken her."

"Gotcha!" Swimmy nodded, making his grin grow wider.

"Something funny? Care to enlighten me?" Reyra asked, tilting her head, crossing her hand before her chest, trying to determine what she was dealing with. The being before her was not an Undead, but it was neither human nor beast folk. It was a magical beast but... not one she knew about. Primarily because anybody with such a deep and heavy aura would be known by her personally.

"Um, it is funny to run into you! It is especially entertaining because it means I fought with your ancestor, your descendant, and now I will fight you! It is like... completing a collection! It makes me a happy man!"

Just those words alone were enough for Reyra to turn deadly serious. She wasn't keen to figure it all out, what he could mean, but it told her enough... there was going to be a fight.

"You won't tell me who you are... Will you?" She whispered, her mixed elements spreading out to seal the area in a 'black box' and prevent Swimmy from teleporting. She didn't know if she could, but she wasn't about to find it out while fighting.

"No, I won't."

When Reyra attacked, summoning her signature weapon and sending a blinding shot toward Swimmy, it turned black the moment it got close to his body and dissipated in different directions, surprising Reyra. No matter what she tried, her spells were ripped from her control and got distorted without a chance to touch him.

"No spells can reach me... but you can try if you have more in your arsenal!" Swimmy giggled, standing there, hands behind his back, watching Reyra with glee.

"Are you sure about that?"

By the time his ears registered her question, Lia's mother was already before him, aiming a kick at his stomach. This time, there was no spell behind it, no magic or mana-fluctuations, only her raw strength. It was the first time that Swimmy's eyes enlarged, and his body creaked and groaned, making him shoot out like a cannonball. Before he could stop himself, Reyra was already upon him again, attacking Swimmy without using any magic, making contact, and starting to truly hurt him.


The roar of the demon was devoid of his previous cheerfulness and replaced by anger and frustration. With a flash, he turned into a massive fish with four wings attached to his body. With the first flutter of those feathered, angel-like wings, he blew away Reyra like nothing. With the second one, Swimmy continued tearing Reyra's spell of darkness that surrounded them into shreds.

"You don't know who or what I am, don't think-"

But Swimmy couldn't finish it as Reyra attacked again, using her combined elements. Swimmy wanted to laugh as his natural gift separated them apart, but this time, Reyra was counting on it. The moment the conjoined darkness and light split, she initiated their destruction, resulting in two explosions, creating such an impact he managed to tear off one of his wings.

Bluish blood splattered everywhere, forcing Swimmy to cry out in a wild scream as not even Erias and Arcus's combined attacks managed to hurt him like this. His anger made him forgo all thoughts about holding back, and when he faced Reyra's follow-up attack, this time, he wasn't simply relying on his gift.

Reyra's attack was not dispelled or redirected, but Swimmy took control of its elements, sending a rebounding force back directly into Reyra's way. It happened so fast and so suddenly that she didn't have enough time to react, and it hit her mind like a hammer blow to the head.

"Don't kill her, idiot!" Echoed the voice of the wolf as Reyra was falling from the sky.

"She won't die!" Swimmy grumbled, transforming back, ensuring she didn't fall to death.

Reyra was already unconscious, not because she was knocked out but because she had to focus all her mind on what was happening inside her body. All the two elements she had control over were going berserk; light was changing into darkness and vice versa, doing it without her control. It was messing up her mana, body, and, most importantly, her soul. It took all her focus to keep herself from being torn apart from the inside.

"She will live." Swimmy harrumphed after Reyra's body was placed down on the ground, between the forest and mountains of the Amarin's territory. "But it is the best time for-"

"She already made her move!" The wolf cut in quickly, "Get away and make sure she is not discovered until the transfer is over! After that... stay close and keep an eye on her!"

"Okay... tsk... the girl managed to hurt me... I will need a rematch..."

"Forget it! By that time? It would be Our Master who you would face..."

Swimmy only shrugged after hearing her, knowing full well what she meant. Inside Reyra's head, while she was dealing with her biggest crisis yet, a new, old, decrepit female voice appeared, invading her thoughts from the outside.

"Let me help you with it... youngster..."

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