House of Amarin

Chapter 214 – Rebuilding

Adapting. Rebuilding. These are the words how people would describe the time after the defeat of the Undead and how the second half of the Fourth Era would be remembered. People slowly got used to their new sky of deep, purple clouds and the sometimes distant rumbles coming from beyond their Realm.

What was even stranger was when it rained in different parts of the world... the water was not just pure but filled with the diluted energy of the Cosmos. Even if sunlight was nowhere to be seen, the energy in it was making the vegetation grow twice as fast and much more strongly than ever before. The one who was most interested in this new development was Ceiline, who was starting to plant a new type of peashooters, excited about what this would bring out from them.

While the two of them were at the base of the old ruins, where they first entered Hajna's old Realm, building up a new city up top, Lia was working with a hundred people, emptying the topside and flattening the land. The jungle was already cleared away, and with the help of multiple flying ships and a steady flow of workers from the nearby cities, a new Institute of Eight Elements was slowly taking shape in the heart of the region.

With Hajna's direction, the old ruins were demolished, leaving only the temples intact. After a month of trying, Lucian and Lia's duo managed to re-establish a connection, entering the fractures sub-realm once again. If it was something that looked destroyed before, this time, it was even worse. Half of it was completely gone, the inner sky was cracked apart, and violent storms were raging within, forcing the two to escape as soon as possible.

"Damn it..." Lia gasped when they reentered reality, wiping sweat from her forehead.

"No wonder we can't teleport and access No-Space! The whole thing is nothing but a raging ocean of energy! Until it subsides, this Sub-Realm is useless!" Lucian groaned, feeling his chest still contracting, his soul agitated by the experience. "Even after that... we may be unable to use it!"

"It was already cracked before." Hajna spoke up, sounding dejected, "The previous events must have finally broken it completely. If I were still in there, my core probably would have been destroyed. Such is life... I am just glad the real Hajna didn't have to see it."

"What will you do now?" Lucian asked, looking at Lia, who was officially named as the project leader. By the Six Houses' agreement, she was to be named as Headmaster the moment the Institute was re-established.

"We will continue clearing the ruins up here for the time being! I have the blueprints for the Academy's old training fields, so with Hajna, we will construct the biggest training field up here! I am planning on hosting Egg Hunts too, so... The End of the Year event's home will be modified heavily to help me create spaces where I can be more... well... creative!"

"The energy in the air is thicker than ever before." Lucian hummed, scratching his chin while listening to her words, "The simulations will be able to create even stronger and better fields than the old ones!"

"Um! But first, the school building needs to be finished down below, along with the new city!"

"I am surprised how willing and able the cities were to support us. Or should I say, support the Misfits?" Lucian joked a little, rubbing Lia's head, who smiled happily.

"At least our name still carries some meaning! I already heard that many of those who previously lived on the Island are now heading here, bringing along their families and their experiences. If all goes well, we can rebuild everything in a year. I just don't know how I will handle the Towers of Elements..."

"As the previous Headmaster and your new advisor, I have an idea."

"Oooh? Please, go on! Advise me, Mr. Smart Fox~!"

"Haaah..." With a shrug, he just gently knocked on her head, leading Lia to the edge of the topside, overlooking the extensive construction below. "What about building it as an octagon? You could dedicate a slice to each of the elements! Then you won't need towers and whatnot. Don't try to rebuild what was lost but something that is new. Something that is even better!"

"Mmmm... Yes! You are right; I can already witness it! We will do that!" She answered, glowing eyes, seeing it before her mind's eye.

"One more thing!"


"How strong are you?"


Lia couldn't help but blink her mismatched eyes with surprise at the question. Why was he asking this? She was... she...

"Good question..." She whispered, falling silent for a long time. "I did die..."

"Yes... you did..." Lucian added with a dark voice, not wanting to remember that part of their history, "But you came back. You told me what happened to your body... you, in all sense, are different from us. The same is true of Erias! I am at the 9th Tier, and even if I was raised to the Ascendri level, I still have a good grasp on my senses! You feel... alien."

"Gyah...! I am not an alien! You are an alien! You... Alien Fox!" What followed her outcry and sulking expression were small kicks and punches directed at Lucian, who was starting to dodge them just to further anger Lia, who then increased her speed... Ultimately, the two broke into a sparring match, reappearing in the sky and going toe-to-toe. It didn't take long for the thousands of workers present to stop what they were doing, watching the two dance in the sky. Even if their kicks and punches were too fast for their eyes, it was still a marvelous event.

"See?" Lucian smiled as he wasn't holding back his speed, yet Lia could keep up with him all the way.

"How?" Lia asked, weirded out by it but also pushing and pushing herself even further. When she was about to exceed Lucian's speed, a loud rumble ran through the sky, and a crimson lightning passed by above the two. Its blood-red light illuminated their figures, and Lia stopped immediately, looking up at it until it dissipated.

"Was it... because.... of you?" Lucian whispered, watching his disciple's expression change multiple times before she nodded her head.

"It felt like it... I will need to send word to Erias... he may know what is going on!"


"Master." The ethereal wolf bowed its head, visiting Paman in her private quarters.

"How are you?" She smiled, standing up from her meditation and gently stroking the fragile-looking spirit who was even more transparent than when Lia met with her.

"Weak. I will need to recuperate a lot. The explosion deep within almost broke apart the defenses of our home. I had to use all my reserves to keep us hidden and not be thrown out into the Cosmos or get shredded apart! But I am more worried about you."

"I will be fine. The original soul is suppressed and under control. I will slowly assimilate with it."

"Just don't end up as the one who gets assimilated! This bloodline shows a remarkable ability to cause problems... I advise caution."

"You should not worry about it; I can handle it with care. This wouldn't be the first problematic child I am dealing with!" Paman answered with a serene smile while hearing a mocking laughter that was only audible to her.

"This is not like... Okay." In the end, the wolf said no more, simply disappearing, leaving Paman there, and going back to meditating.

"You know... I am getting a feeling that I am hating you more than the Undead."

"I gave you a chance," Paman answered in her original voice, as the one she was arguing with inside her mind was Reyra.

"Like it could have been done! Don't try to lie to me, you ancient granny bitch! If you throw my soul out and just occupy my body, the heavens would have blasted you just like its lightning attacked that idiot!"

"I could have separated a part that could be released into reincarnation. It would have been quick and painless, and you would have a chance at a new life later on."

"Fuck you, fuck your sect and fuck your thoughts! I am fine with my current life, thank you very much!"

"I can't imagine why would anyone follow you. Your memories are filled with utter nonsense and acting like a complete idiot. It is a wonder your family didn't die out sooner." Paman shot back, and although her voice was calm, Reyra and her were now essentially one being... and she knew Paman was getting annoyed. "Meriath needs a leader at the helm, one that knows its past and the dangers of the Cosmos."

"Suuuure... but you know what? Go on! Return! Let me see how long you can impersonate me! While you are struggling, I am reading your memories... This is a two-way street, ahahaha! By the time I get back my body, I will have mastered more elements than you ever did!"

"Too strong words for a struggling mind..." Paman shrugged, closing out Reyra's thoughts, not wanting to listen to her anymore. Yet... there was something she couldn't shake off, which was the mocking laughter echoing in the distance, always coming at the worst times.


"Interesting..." Erias murmured, watching Lia as the two of them were far above the ocean, the shoreline of Meriath barely visible in the distance.

In the past hours, he was pushing his descendant to the limits in strength, speed, and with her mana, making her summon her full capabilities from deep within. Looking down, the ocean was still frozen solid, small cracks barely forming on the layer of ice that created an artificial island from nothing.

"What do you think?" Lia asked, drinking a mana potion, yet it barely did anything to her anymore. She even questioned the others if they felt the same, but it was seemingly only her.

"Stop drinking it." He raised a hand and helped draw energy in from the surrounding air, feeding it into Lia's body directly.

"Wha... huh? I feel... refreshed?" She murmured, looking at the pure energy swirling around her body.

"Lucian is right. We are different. I have been feeling the same since coming back. Our bodies were remade from the purest energy! No wonder potions seem ineffective for you... they are made from ingredients that have already been significantly diluted. Only the pure powers of the Cosmos can refresh you effortlessly! This was... a slight miscalculation on my part."

"What do you mean?" Lia asked, turning serious, feeling the weight of their problem.

"Meriath right now is heavy with air from the Cosmos and will probably take a long time before everything returns to a calm state. Then... we will be hard-pressed to regain our spent energy while being inside of Meriath! Simply put, our power intake and output have exceeded the Realm's. No wonder the ancient leaders were usually outside, traveling the Cosmos... they could no longer improve in here!"

"But... I was not even in the Three Ri stages when I died!"

"You are still not." He chuckled, making Lia open her mouth and then turn white. "By my estimation, you are the 6th Tier. Yet your improved body gives you an edge... so you still have to pass through the tribulation of your elements."

"Fuck..." She exclaimed, unable to hold it back as she just remembered the fact... and she went ahead and tried studying all of the elements while in the Soulbound's hidden refuge.

"I don't think it would cause a problem, but yes, be careful. The lightning... your strength is at the Cosmic level, so it isn't strange. My guess is the moment you go through the tribulation of the elements, you will receive the final hurdle, too!"

"Double fuck..."

"Ahahaha! You can do it! It should be fine; I have faith in you!"

"T-thanks... I guess... Uuuuu... This is baaaad! What if I have to face all of the elements?!"

"Then you will have the perfect opportunity to surpass me or surpass the Golden Claw's master! When going through that tribulation, it is about understanding it... down to its core! If you can gain an understanding of all eight? I wouldn't be able to stand up to you." He explained with a tender smile hanging on his face while gently rubbing Lia's head, "Those teachers who can wield all eight are unique... but you already combining them... you learning all eight means you will be set on the road of merging all eight!"

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