House of Amarin

Chapter 218 – Misfits. Always.

"This feels nice... Really nice! It is good to be back here! It is as if we never left!" Koadriana moaned, sitting on their couch, leaning back, and rubbing her belly while Keily brought her a cup of tea. "Eeeeeh? No wine?"

"No!" He replied, stomping in place, making her giggle.

"I was joking, joking!"

"So, who is the father?" Raufon asked as the Misfits gathered in their 'old home' and sat around, talking as if they were still just students of the Academy.

"She won't say..." Keily murmured, "But I know she knows... she is a mage, and she can feel it!"

"It will be a surprise when they come out!" Koa grinned, surprising the rest, "Oh... whoopsie!" 

"So twins, eh?" Sion laughed while Aurora sat in his lap, leaning back against his chest. 

"Why didn't you tell me that?!" Keily grunted, but she just answered with a laugh.

"What about you?" Lia asked, copying Aurora and hopping straight into the lap of Rinzen, nestling between her soft, huge breasts, enjoying the sensation to its fullest. 

"Me?" Raufon blinked his eyes, surprised at the question, "I already have 11 kids! I don't need more! Half of them are already counted as grownups, so I am looking forward to becoming a grandad!"

"Damn..." Said everyone simultaneously. "I would be happy with only one!" Ceiline whispered, and then all eyes wandered towards Simbad.

"We are not using protection."

"Hey!" Ceiline yelped, turning bright red, wanting to run away, but the others just nodded and hummed agreeingly. "Uuuu! Unfair, Unfair! I am the oldest amongst you anyway! It's not fair to pick on me! What about you, Aurora? Sion?"

"I can't get pregnant." Answered Sion with a straight face, making her pout, but then Aurora tilted her head before writing in the air.

"We can try it. I know some new spells. Who knows, it may work. You may like it!"

"Noooo, I wouldn't! Thank you very much!" Her husband groaned, gently flicking the back of her ears, "It's just we don't think about kids. Not yet. Okay, we are coming in a full circle then... Lia! So, what about you?"

"Eh?" She flinched, spilling some wine that she was sipping onto herself. "I am still a virgin."

The rest didn't know what to say at first, but then... it was Raufon who broke the silence.

"Weeeeeell... you were gone for a while. And your body was destroyed.... so I guess even if you were not a virgin before, you would be one again?"

"Oh! I didn't think about that!" Lia nodded rapidly, sitting up in Rinzen's lap. "Good catch! You may be right!"

"I meant to ask!" Koa spoke up, capitalizing on the momentum of the conversation, "What is going on between you two?"

"Us?" Rinzen stiffened, looking a bit troubled, her face turning reddish in an instant.

"Well, I do like her! A lot!" Lia answered unabashedly, reinforcing Rinzen's stiffness, and her pale skin looked like a lobster now, "And I also like the Silly Fox too!"

"Isn't that a problem?" Simbad asked, but then Rinzen shook her head, hugging Lia closer to her, which she let happen with a wide grin. 

"No... I'm... fine... Lia is what matters..." She mumbled, making Lia laugh. Maybe the wine did it, but the next moment, she turned around and kissed her on the lips right in front of everyone. If Rinzen was stunned before this time, it reversed it entirely. She hungrily grabbed Lia's waist and returned the kiss with all of her passion exploding, hungrily tasting her saliva, slurping it up while looking for her tongue with every passing second. 

"Hoooooolyyyyyyy Shiiiiiiiiit!" Koadriana clapped, "Now that is hoooooot! Way to go giiiiirls! Woohooo! Squeeze those milkers! Harder!" She yelled, making Keily try to grab at her mouth to shut her up, but Lia was already obeying and assaulting Rinzen for a straight minute.

"Hehehe... it did feel good!" Lia giggled after they separated, nestling back between Rinzen's breasts.

"Um..." Rinzen hummed with a pink face, her mouth curling into an innocent smile, nodding multiple times, holding Lia by the tummy.

"I was thinking," Raufon spoke a moment after everyone returned from their daze, "I may move my tribe close by. We were not in the best place when the continent began to break apart, and we lived like nomads for the past months."

"Sure!" Lia immediately agreed, "We will clear a place for you!"

"What about the cities? I mostly reformed them, but some of our kind can be... a bit aggressive. But I will keep them in check!"

"Don't worry! This whole area has been marked as the territory of the Institue! The cities are in an alliance now and report to us. They are going to provide us with most of the needed resources, and in return, they benefit from the newly established and growing businesses, not to mention that they can post quests here that students can then go and complete!"

"Heh, you have grown up for real..." Aurora smiled, writing in the air, making Lia proudly nod.

"Of course! But if you want to know about it in more detail, visit Opparu and Lorin; they are the ones who set it up in the first place!"

"Nah, that was enough!" Koa answered her, giggling, before letting out a long sigh. "I will miss these days..."

"Me too..." Lia murmured while everyone else slowly agreed, nodding their heads. "Heh, do you guys remember when we were gathered like this, and Yanura came over to warn us about Heliett and her plans?"

"Yeah, about Olivia and Palvina's involvement." Keily shrugged, "I lost to them... It's too bad they died; I could have defeated them now! I would love a rematch..."

"Yeah... none of them are alive by now..." Sion shrugged a little, remembering their faces, finding himself smiling with nostalgia washing through him. "Would they be a good Misfit?"

"Maybe." Ceiline hummed, refilling her cup with wine, "They were talented, but... Olivia's hate was way too strong."

"My guess is that Oliviva would have fallen to the Undead's side!" Simbad added calmly, "Her personality was way too unyielding and way too vindictive. It would have been a bigger problem if she was left alive."

"We will never know that!" Sion countered before remembering something, "Speaking about her, what's up with the old teachers? I bet Lauron won't return, but the rest? Like Zorgan?"

"He died," Lia answered quickly, shaking her head softly, telling them what happened to his soul.

"Tsk... bastards... good thing they are gone!" Keily harrumphed, and the rest raised their cups at that, making them clang loudly. 

"Many of those teachers who survived have returned. I already picked substitute teachers for the eight elements. For example, Shishi helms the Wing of Fire while Louise helps Simbad to run the Wing of Light! I wanted to ask you-" She looked at Keily, but he just shook his head with a smile.

"I wouldn't be able to accept, not when Koa is pregnant, and the kids will need their fathers!"

"That is what I thought!" Lia giggled happily after hearing him not holding grudges against his old 'boss,' "A few people said I am doing preferential treatment in naming the teachers... but then again, I am the Headmaster! I decide on them, and if the Six doesn't complain about my decisions and methods, they can go and eat dirt!"

"We can make that happen!" Raufon harrumphed, "Are the Misfits as an adventurer group still active?"

"They are, and if I remember, the current leading position has fallen to Actiz and Alzen; they were part of my group in the 2nd year... They still report to me monthly."

"See?" Raufon winked at her, "Anyone trash-talking our Boss can be slapped across Meriath!"

"Well, I can deal with a bit of slander!" Lia winked at him to calm him down, "So, no worries there! Haaahh... I am more troubled by the fact everyone will go home tomorrow..."

"We can... do this next time too..." Rinzen whispered softly, caressing Lia's head and playing with her hair. "When our home is reestablished, I can come visit a lot!"

"Everyone has their responsibilities! It's fine!" She turned around, pecking her lips, "I am satisfied if you all promise to come and spend Victory Day with me like this!"

"Do you need to even ask it?" Aurora wrote warmly, "Of course we will!"

"A 100%!" Keily echoed her words as everyone promised her to do it without hesitation. It was something that all of them held dear to their hearts and wouldn't miss, not even if it was the end of the world.




"We got the first reports from within." Swimmy walked into the room of Paman, who was floating above a meditation mat, slowly opening her blue eyes.

"How many got in?" 

"Twelve." He shrugged, finding the numbers way too low.

"Good enough. It is still too close to their victory; not even a year has passed! Their scrutiny will be at an all-time high! We don't need to be impatient." She continued explaining while taking away a jade piece from Swimmy, absorbing it as all the information went straight into her soul. 

"Hah! My daughter is better than you, bitch!" Reyra's voice echoed in her mind, but Paman ignored it promptly. 

"They will teach... our methods? How's that possible?"

"We don't know." Swimmy answered nervously, "I wasn't tasked with placing mental blockers on the visitors!"

"There is no way they could have outplayed it... no... something is not right. This has to be something else!" She murmured, standing up and biting her fingernail while walking in small circles, thinking.

"What? Troubled? Nervous? Yeah... you are fucked bitch! My sons and my daughters will whoop your ass just as they whooped the Soulbound fuckfaces! You will gurgle blood, and I will laugh myself into reincarnation when it happens! You. Are. Fucked!

"Shut. Up."

"I didn't say anything..." Swimmy whimpered, pulling himself smaller and backing away.

"Send an order out for those who got accepted to make complete records of what they are teaching and send it back to me! The entrance exam was strange... it wasn't something we had nor something that we designed. It was more of a mix of ours and Soulbound's method... Troubling, highly dangerous! This needs to be stopped before it has time to bud and grow into an abomination! Distorting our sacred teachings is a sure way of destroying the world!"


"A second Soulbound Sect can't appear! Don't question my orders!"

"I wasn't doing that!" Swimmy cried out, one leg already out of her room, "I just wanted to understand... But I am going now! I will relay it!"

"A bit firey, eh? Unstable a little? What's up? A headache?

"Shut it..." Paman groaned, holding her head because, yes... her head felt throbbing and something that could explode at any moment. 

"Bwahahaha! Does it hurt?! Great! Fuck you! I hope you die of a stroke! Get killed by stress! Beautiful! Die, die, die, die, die, die!"

"SHUT UP ALREADY!" Paman roared, turning towards her mirror on the wall, and instead of seeing herself within, it was Reyra's grinning face looking back at her. "...!" To her horror, it was not an illusion, but her face simply responded to its original owner's feelings. "Meditation..." She groaned, sitting back down and focusing her mind.

"Yeeees... run, you old hag! Try to meditate and see if it works for the 100th time! You are weak, and my powers don't listen to your command! Accept it! You fucked up, didn't you? You have been fucking up since long ago! You couldn't defeat the Soulbound bastards. You couldn't beat the outsiders. You sent your sect into No-Space, and many still failed to return, probably forced to reincarnate for real! Then here you are, missing out on Erias, then on my daughter, and you were left with me... even that was fucked up, no? Ahahahaha! You are not a Sect Master, you are a Sect Fucker! Ahahahaha! Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you!"

By the end, Paman realized she was not even meditating but rolling on her own floor, hitting herself in the head, and she needed all of her mental fortitude to restrict the petite, little body before doing more harm to herself. Something had to be done... and fast... or things could turn really ugly. 

Hey-ho! It was a long time since I used the Author's Notes, huh?

Well, let's get straight into it! I want to thank You. Yes, You. You, at the other end of this screen! In the past few days, you made me a really happy author. Why? Let me show you!

You all pushed two of my books onto trending at the same time on Sunday! Thank. You. Really, I thought I couldn't be happier. Then, yesterday, I was checking some statistics and saw that the Weekly Rising standing looked like this:


All three of my running stories within the top 10 at once? This is black magic! This wouldn't be possible without You, so once again, I'd like to thank You personally for reading my books. It means the world to me.

Anyone who just silently reads, Thank You. People who press the little heart below the chapters to like my work, Thank You. Anyone who ever left a comment on my chapters, even if it is just a cookie blob. Thank You. 

Oh, and if it is notes time, here are some fun images of Lia from an alternate Realm!


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