Housekeeper of the Hundred Blossom Palace

Chapter 120: Eunuch Du

Was the man who appeared here the emperor himself, or was he just a eunuch that looked exactly like him?

Yui Mei wasn’t sure about this, so she peeked at Yang in an attempt to find the answer, but the woman just turned her head and wouldn’t meet her eyes.

‘Aunty Yang, you won’t help me!?’

Yui Mei imploringly stared at Yang, when the eunuch suddenly cleared his throat.

“I am Du Jun. Are you the person who wants to know the story of Ming Yong?”

The eunuch said while smiling amicably.

‘Hmmm, which is it?’

Yui Mei only heard the emperor in a sullen voice, but she couldn’t help but think that if he were to speak in a clear and cheerful manner, then this would be his voice.

Since she couldn’t come up with the answer no matter how hard she tried, it couldn’t be helped that she was searching for hidden meanings, right?

At the very least, even if it was the emperor himself, he came here looking like a eunuch.

In that case, no matter how suspicious he looked, he was a eunuch now.

It was just like the case with Libin, if she thought about it carefully.

‘Oh, so that’s how it is!’

It was as if a heavy burden was lifted the moment she realized this.

This eunuch was a person who happened to have the exact same face as the emperor if he donned his beard.

So even if Yui Mei treated him as such, she probably won’t be scolded.

Once the answer came to Yui Mei, she tried to calm herself by taking a deep breath.

“Yes, I want to know why Lord Ming turned that way.”

“Is that so, then let me tell you the story.”

Du started to discuss the main topic when he heard Yui Mei’s reply.

“Have you heard about the Beauty who was driven out of the Hundred Blossom Palace into a nunnery in the borderlands? 

“…! Yes, I heard about it, somehow.”

Yui Mei’s heart dropped for a moment when her mother was mentioned right at the start of the story.

Du continued on.

“It is quite a famous story, so it’s no wonder that you know about it. That Ming was the man personally tasked by the emperor…His Majesty to take that Beauty to the borderland nunnery.”


It was the first time that Yui Mei heard about this story, so she unwittingly raised her voice.

Come to think of it, her mother had been exiled to the borderland nunnery, but she didn’t think too deeply about how a woman could have gotten to that place on her own.

She just assumed that she was probably sort of escorted there.

However, the reality proved to be harsher than that.

“In the beginning, the person who gave the order to banish that woman arranged it so that she would set off all alone, with not a single piece of clothing on her back nor any other thing she could bring.”

The news of the beauty’s exile had been spread far and wide, even to the neighboring villages, prior to that, and an official notice was also circulated, thoroughly ensuring that nobody would take her in to offer protection.

If that happened, then it wasn’t even sure whether she would reach the borderland.

The only probable ending was that she would die on the roadside somewhere.

The emperor inferred that, so he entrusted the beauty to the hands of his most trusted imperial guard, to escort her safely to the borderland.

The emperor also had another ulterior motive.

“Ming was a guy who was fond of that woman.”

Du suddenly revealed another love story about her mother.

‘Oh my, how should I say this…Mother, you were so popular!?’

Yui Mei was unconsciously leaning forward, hanging on to Du’s every word. He continued on.

“Ming escorted his Lord and the Beauty during their secret trips outside the palace, and he secretly fell in love with her, but it was out of his control, wasn’t it? The emperor…His Majesty was aware about it, but he decided to just turn a blind eye.”

“…May I know why?”

Yui Mei had been trying hard not to butt in while he was talking, but she couldn’t help it this time.

If this was a Chinese drama, that alone would have been enough to spark jealousy and envy and it would become the start of a muddy relationship.

And yet, why did he let it pass so easily?

‘Well, I guess there’s nothing better than harmony, huh.’

Yui Mei was torn between her current reality and her Chinese drama fanatic mind. Du continued on with a hint of nostalgia in his eyes.

“He was a most trusted aide, and at the same time a precious friend. The bond was enough to consider bestowing the Beauty to him as his bride, should the Beauty say that she wanted to be liberated from the Hundred Blossom Palace.”

However, the emperor apparently considered doing that because the worst case scenario happened.

“Ming answered “I will accompany the Beauty, and will do as MiLord commands. It was probably for the best if they eloped, disappearing without a trace.” 

According to Du, the emperor had repeatedly urged him, so he bowed deeply, and he left the capital to chase after the beauty.

However, her mother reached the borderland nunnery, and Ming returned to the capital.

“Lord Ming didn’t choose to elope, it seems.”

Yui Mei muttered. Du agreed, saying ‘that’s right’.

“Ming escorted the beauty until they reached the borderland nunnery, then he returned to the capital. He received the news of the beauty’s death right after that.”

“So that’s what happened…”

In other words, Ming parted with her healthy mother, but he heard about her death as soon as he reached the capital.

The time it took to deliver the letter probably wasn’t that different from the time it took Ming to return, which meant that her mother took her life soon after Ming left him.

Ming must have been devastated because of that.

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