Housekeeper of the Hundred Blossom Palace

Chapter 137: A Seemingly Popular Woman

Xu was said to be the emperor’s favorite, so it was understandable that the emperor would be involved.

‘But then, the action of letting women who aren’t even his favorites enter the Hundred Blossom Palace is quite a mystery too, right.’

However, Yui Mei knew it would be tactless if she were to ask if“that peson isn’t really a favorite of the emperor, right?”, so she tried to rephrase it.

“Then, weren’t the people become suspicious of why the Emperor suddenly allowed Xu’s entry into the palace? For example, the Empress did, right?”

“Yeah, of course that happened.”

Libin replied to Yui Mei’s query.

“In the beginning, various speculations, like whether she had a grasp of the emperor’s weakness or perhaps she was his lover, flew everywhere. However, all of those shallow misconceptions vanished the moment Xu played the lute.”

Yui Mei was taken back at Libin’s words.

“…Does that mean Xu’s music erased all their misgivings against her?”

“That’s right.”

Libin nodded when Yui Mei tried to confirm.

‘What the, isn’t she amazing, then!?’

So it turned out that the courtesan at the dumping site was a far more excellent musician than Yui Mei imagined.

Her desire to hear her play was fanned further because of this.

“By the way, Libin, have you ever heard her play the lute?”

“Why of course.”

Libin replied to Yui Mei.

“Xu also appeared during the banquets held by the Crown Prince, after all. I’m not really interested in music and stuff like that; regardless, even I would agree if somebody told me that ‘this right here is the sound of the heavenly lute’.”

“She was that great!?”

Yui Mei was even more shocked when Libin said that, knowing how tight-lipped this guy was when it comes to praising others.

Nevertheless, she really stood under the limelight after being summoned in the emperor’s and the crown prince’s palaces, so it was a given that the other palaces would want to summon her too. So in reality, based on Libin’s story, Xu should have been very busy.”

“Hmmm, standing out is a really difficult thing, yes?”

“You’re right. Banquets in the evening, practice during the day — now that I think about it, did she even have time to sleep?”

Yui Mei was scrunching her brows as she imagined Xu’s day-to-day life, and even Libin chimed in.

In that case, her anxiety levels must have been high because of her popularity.

Stress was also a factor that influenced lots of illnesses, and arthritis was no exception.

Xu already had all the requirements needed to worsen arthritis, namely stress and smoking.

‘Hmm, changing the environment as part of the medical treatment of the root cause isn’t really plausible now, I guess?’

It would be extremely difficult for a woman living in the Hundred Blossom Palace to change her circumstances.

Yui Mei was arbitrarily getting worried about Xu. Libin turned his sharp gaze towards her, his brows frowning.

“I just want to ask, Yui Mei, why are you so fixated on Xu, fervently worrying about her to this extent?”

“Why, you ask?”

Yui Mei blankly stared back at him.

“Of course it’s bothering me, so it can’t be helped that I’m getting anxious about her, right?”

Yui Mei plainly replied.

What other reason must be there, then.

“Ah! Don’t tell me, Libin, are you the type of person who thinks that courtesans don’t need help!?”

Yui Mei pouted while scrunching her brows because she remembered Xu’s self-deprecation.

“No, that’s not it.”

Libin immediately refuted it, but he looked worried.

“You see, all the people that you helped so far were grateful to you, but will that be the same for Xu, given that she doesn’t want any help?  She might even curse you for being “a busybody”, you know?”

Libin bitterly said.

‘Oh, I see, so he’s concerned about me because of that.’

However, Yui Mei was already fully aware about that.

“So what if she doesn’t thank me for helping her? At this point, it’s not “for Xu’s sake” that I’m doing this. My own self-satisfaction is far more important than that! Besides, kindness is all about self satisfaction, after all.”

For Yui Mei, as long as she could keep a healthy mental state with a clear mind, and also be able to eat well, then that was all that mattered.

At the very least, she was not some saint who “wants to help all the worried people in the world”; her actions were not based on the spirit of benevolence and service.


T/N: Self-love, Yui Mei! Good thing about her loving herself is that it doesn’t equate to being oblivious to the people outside her own bubble, and it has the side benefits of helping others. XD

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