Housekeeper of the Hundred Blossom Palace

Chapter 142: Take It Slow

In the midst of this, Yui Mei thought that at the very least, she could give Dong a purpose, so she decided to speak out.

“Mr. Dong, Lord Ming lives a really miserable solitary bachelor life, but now that you’re here, it seems like he’s also enjoying himself, and it’s making him more energetic in life.”

Ming glared daggers at Yui Mei, apparently inwardly saying something along the lines of “Stop saying somebody’s life is miserable!” 

However, he remained silent.

And then…

“Yes, that’s true. This old woman here is also tired of living with only Master to look at. As expected, having young guys around is truly great.”

Yui Mei didn’t have any idea what the old woman’s purpose was, but she looked really sincere as she laughed and said those words.

‘Nah, she really mean it.’

That was Yui Mei’s guess as she looked at the old lady’s eyes.

She must’ve endured a lot while taking care of Ming back when he wasn’t  being treated for gout yet.

Ming had a murderous look plastered on his face, but he didn’t dare say a bad word to the old lady.

Dong seemed bewildered, so Yui Mei pushed on.

“It’s like the saying “more haste, less speed” that somebody said. Rather than getting depressed over worrying about it, it’s better to enjoy the fun things in life.

The time will come that you’ll remember them even if you don’t want to. If that happens, you’ll definitely become busy afterward, so it’s better to enjoy the moment and have a break while you still can.”

Dong was still baffled even after hearing Yui Mei’s explanation, but he eventually chuckled


“What a surprise, you’re a girl who says such amusing things. But then, hmm, indeed, maybe what you said is unexpectedly true.”

Yui Mei smiled, perceiving that she succeeded a bit in changing Dong’s feelings.

“That’s it! Besides, it’s a rare opportunity to be in the capital, so how about doing the things that you can only do here in the capital? Yep, I heard from somebody that there are things like that. Like watching a play or listening to music. Oh right, I heard from someone that there are traveling lute players. I came from the countryside and lived in the Hundred Blossom Palace ever since I arrived, so I’ve never met one.”

Indeed, when Yui Mei mentioned that she hadn’t listened to music — in this life — Yang told her that there were many travelling lute players in the capital.

Apparently, the quality was very unpredictable, but it was a very popular custom to invite these travelling lute players to a banquet held in the private households.

“The people in the capital are really refined; even the commoners could enjoy music while drinking. I also want to look for a travelling lute player and listen to her.”

Yui Mei expressed her opinions, but Li Yong quickly retored.

“There’s no way you can do that, right. Those kinds of people freqeunetly hang out in bars near the red-light district. No matter who it is, there’s no way anyone would take a young girl to such a messy place.”

“Well, they’re harlots who can’t enter the huge stores, after all.”

Ming followed up after Li Yong.

‘Well, I already know that the travelling lute players’ identity is like that!’

Yui Mei pouted at Li Yong’s sound argument.

“But I’m really, really interested in the lute! I want to listen to music!!”

Indeed, humans were like this, when they came across something unobtainable, the more they wanted to have it.

Ever since she encountered Xu the lute player and learned that she could no longer play music, Yui Mei’s desire to hear it become stronger.

‘I want to listen to music! It doesn’t matter if it’s not Xu this time!’

“What a troublesome girl.”

Li Yong muttered under his breath as he stared at Yui Mei who looked so adamant in listening to music.


On the other hand, Dong seemed taken aback, and he looked as if something struck him.

‘Oh, did he think of something?’

Then, perhaps, Dong was someone who led a refined life where he could listen to music.


T/N: Sorry guys! Something came up and I mistakenly uploaded 143 first in my haste XD It should be today’s chap, 142 should be a make-up chap for Monday. XD

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