Housekeeper of the Hundred Blossom Palace

Chapter 42: Unexpected Help

The only way a man would know about Yui Mei’s bluish hair despite living outside the Inner Palace was that he must have gathered information deliberately.

She did not have a good feeling about it as she thought about what his purpose might be.

However, no matter how inwardly suspicious Yui Mei was, it was a fact that he had a much higher status than a low-ranking court lady like her.

“Ahm, please pardon me, but I am currently in a hurry…”

Yui Mei backed off as she politely gave an excuse.

“I do not have the intention to take too much of your time. However, please give that hair to me.”

The man calmly uttered those outrageous words.


Yui Mei did not understand for a moment what he was babbling about.

‘What do you mean by getting my hair?’

Yui Mei wasn’t able to respond as she stood dumbfounded when suddenly, the man walked towards her in large strides, closing the gap between them, then he reached out to her.


The man knit his brows when Yui Mei hurriedly shifted her body to avoid his hand.

“I will bestow an appropriate reward, so there is no need to fear.”

‘Nononono! Being scared is normal, right!?’

Yui Mei inwardly protested against the man’s selfish words.

How many women in the world could keep their calm after being told ‘Give me you hair’ by a stranger?

She knew it would be better to escape from here, but her escape was hampered by the possibility that her opponent was an imperial prince.

If he called out to her later, things might get out of hand.

‘Isn’t there a good way to escape?’

She evaded his hand while trying to think, but the guy persistently approached until he touched Yui Mei’s hair.

He then grabbed her hair, then he pulled the hairpin and threw it on the floor, disheveling her tied hair in the process.

It was the hairpin she got from Libin, and it was the hair Mei Na styled for her.

Yui Mei’s blood rushed to her head after those things were treated so roughly.

However –

“Whoa, what a smooth sensation….”

The man wound Yui Mei’s hair around his hand and rubbed it on his cheek absorbedly.

‘What’s with this guy, so creepy!’

Yui Mei’s fury went down, and goosebumps rose on her entire body.

“Aaarrggghh! Let go of my hair! “

All thoughts about the possibility of him being an imperial prince flew out of her mind, and Yui Mei pulled vigorously, bent on getting her hair back.

Even if this was a hair fetish, the extent was a bit different from the usual.

“Come, I will now obtain this.”

He ignored Yui Me, and he took out a dagger as he said that.

The blade was pointed towards Yui Mei’s hair.

‘Does he plan to keep it at his place after cutting it!?’

In that case, Yui Mei won’t be able to sleep with worry about the fate of her stolen hair.

“Let go, let go I said!”

Yui Mei began putting strength on her feet, prepared to kick the man.

“Xiao Mei, what are you doing!?”

Aunty Yang’s sharp voice resounded in the corridor.

‘Aunty Yang!?’

When Yui Mei looked at the direction of the voice, Aunty Yang was standing behind the man.

He was too absorbed in trying to cut the hair with the dagger so he didn’t notice her presence at all.

“Goodness, thought I didn’t see you at your post, stop slacking off!”

Aunty Yang strode towards Yui Mei while scolding her.

Fortunately, the man was surprised at Aunty Yang’s sudden arrival, and his grip loosened.

Taking advantage of this moment, Yui Mei pulled her hair away, then she briskly took the fallen hairpin and ran towards Aunty Yang.

‘She looked angry, but I’m saved!’

Fleeing from that guy was more important than being punished by Aunty Yang.

Aunty Yang bowed her head deeply as she stood in front of that guy as if taking the place of Yui Mei who escaped.

“Your Highness the Imperial Prince Dawei, this one is an immature novice court lady, so I would like to apologize on her behalf as her supervisor for any mistakes she might have made.”

Apparently, that guy’s name was Dawei.

Aunty Yang addressed him as His Highness the Imperial Prince, so there was no doubt now that he was indeed an imperial prince.

“…No, I seemed to have disturbed her work.”

Imperial Prince Dawei stopped being violent at the arrival of a third person, and he pretended to comply with Aunty Yang’s apology as he casually put the dagger he was holding away.

Naturally, all women in the Inner Palace were candidates for the emperor’s bride.

If it was known that he attempted to injure one of them, even if he was an imperial prince, it would not be settled with just a scolding.

Yui Mei was relieved that she was safe for the time being. Aunty Yang then asked her.

“Xiao Mei, did you properly finish the errand I entrusted to you?”

‘Eh, errand?’

Yui Mei had no recollection of being sent on an errand by Aunt Yang.

However, if she responded with ‘I don’t know anything about that’, Imperial Prince Dawei would surely say ‘If you do not have anything to do, then accompany me’ to her.

“Eh, No, Err.”

Aunty Yang gripped Yui Mei when she saw her worrying about how to respond.

“It’s alright, go with the flow.”

She then very quietly whispered.

“Not yet. I apologize!”

Yui Mei remorsefully apologized, then she did a 90-degree bow.

“Goodness me, what a helpless child. In that case, then hurry up and go.”

Aunty Yang pushed her towards a certain corner, and she saw the familiar figure of a eunuch hiding from view.

‘It’s Libin-sama!’

Yui Mei turned around, and Aunty Yang nodded imperceptibly.

It seemed like she was urging her to hurry and escape.

“Yes, please excuse me!”

Yui Mei bowed towards Aunty Yang along with Imperial Prince Dawei, then she briskly strode towards where Libin was.

At any rate, she wanted to remove this creepy guy from her sight as soon as possible.



Whoa, pervert alert! Glad Yui Mei was saved by the bell, thanks to Aunty Yang. I have a few guesses regarding his identity, what’s yours?

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