Housekeeper of the Hundred Blossom Palace

Chapter 57: Abrupt Consultation

Soon enough, the tea was brought in and served to the crown prince and the Huang couple.

“First, please have these.”

At the crown prince’s words, several people carrying various gifts came into the room.

Those gifts were get-well gifts for Princess Pan, and they were transported by a different group than Yui Mei’s trio.

Since they are from the crown prince, it’s only natural that everything was of high calibre, so they were transported with utmost security – the number of guards probably exceeded that of the crown prince’s group.

“We feel utmost gratitude for receiving such care from Your Highness the Crown Prince.”

Li Min and Princess Pan bowed their heads in unison as he said that.

“I heard that you caught a cold, Yu, but perhaps it was a more severe illness?”

The crown prince was worried, and Princess Pan just smiled weakly.

“No, it is just a common cold. However, I lost my appetite, and after dragging things around, I became this thin.”

“I also encouraged Lady Yu to put on some more weight, but she truly didn’t have the desire to eat. I have summoned several physicians, to no avail.”

Li Min also explained that he did not neglect Princess Pan, and it was apparent that he was very worried about her.

‘Losing appetite after having a cold, huh…’

Only one possible condition struck Yui Mei, but she also had her doubts.

She stroked her chin, lost in her thoughts. The crown prince abruptly turned to face her.

“Yui Mei, what do you think?”

Her eyes widened when the crown prince suddenly asked her in front of Li Min and Princess Pan.

Her previous actions didn’t escape the crown prince’s keen eyes, so it’s only natural that he thought she was contemplating something.

‘Eh, you’re asking me right here, right now?’

Li Min and Princess Pan Yu both turned their gaze on Yui Mei.

But of course, a low-ranking court lady like her was treated as air in this kind of situation, after all.

But the crown prince was persistent.

“If there’s something bothering you, feel free to talk about it.”

He urged her once again, but was it really fine to say whatever was on her mind?

Perplexed, Yui Mei turned to Li Yong for help, who then said “It’s fine, so speak” while nodding.

Then that meant the crown prince won’t back down.

‘No, don’t blame me then!’

Yui Mei stepped forward.

“Alright, please allow me to ask you some questions, Princess Pan.”

“What might it be?”

Yui Mei was really going to speak up, so Princess Pan was shocked, but nevertheless, she still listened.

It would be rude to ignore the conversation that the crown prince started.

Under the crown prince’s authority, Yui Mei started to interview her.

“Princess Pan, do the dishes served to you taste delicious?”

Li Min scowled when he heard those words.

“Are you implying that the dishes served in this mansion doesn’t suit Lady Yu’s taste!?”

Li Min rebutted, but that was not what Yui Mei meant.

“That is not true. I am concerned about Princess Yu’s sense of taste – her ability to taste the food.”

“…What do you mean by that?”

Compared to bewildered Li Min, it seemed that the crown prince grasped her meaning.

“Yui Mei, is there an illness that would cause you to have difficulty distinguishing the taste?”

The crown prince asked, and Yui Mei nodded in return.

“Indeed. It is the aftereffects of having a cold. Taste disorder and loss of taste might possibly occur after such illness.”

“Taste disorder, and loss of taste…?”

Li Min was still perplexed, so Yui Mei continued.

“Yes, in short, it’s an illness that makes you have problems in taste and smell. Colds are considered one of the culprits when taste impairment happens, and because the nostrils are inflamed, you also have difficulty distinguishing the scents.”

Li Min’s brow shot up when she heard Yui Mei’s fluent explanation.

“Please pardon me, Your Highness the Crown Prince, but I have never heard of such a thing. Isn’t that girl just spouting nonsense? In the first place, how would you confirm such things about ‘taste’?”

He declared the first part to the crown prince, and the latter part to Yui Mei. Maybe he was worried that the crown prince was being involved with a quack.

Fraudulent merchants who sell questionable items in the name of curing severe illnesses also spread far and wide in this country.

It was extremely rude to be wary of someone accompanying the crown prince, However, they could sense his desire to protect Princess Pan Yu from unwanted hearsays, so the crown prince didn’t take that against him.

“You heard what Li Min said. Do you have a way to verify that, Yui Mei?”

He posed that as a question, but the crown prince firmly believed that Yui Mei wouldn’t open her mouth without having a way to prove her words.

“Of course. In line with these, there are some things we need the mansion  to prepare.”

And so, Li Min ordered the servants of his residence to follow all the instructions that were stated by Yui Mei.

Thus, several saucers were arranged on the table in front of her.

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