Housekeeper of the Hundred Blossom Palace

Chapter 59: Reason Behind the Illness


Yui Mei saw plenty of people insisting they didn’t want to eat nor drink water in her previous world.

“Your Majesty the Crown Prince, Lord Huang, can you please give me time to talk to Princess Pan privately?”

Yui Mei asked the crown prince and Li Min.

“Only you and Yu?”

The crown prince thought it must be a secret conversation, so he glanced at Li Min.

“We won’t leave the room, and it will not take too long. That corner is fine.”

Li Min was scowling at first, but he nodded when he heard that they would not go to a place he couldn’t see.

“…I understand. Please take care of Lady Yu.”

The maids then prepared a table and chairs in the corner of the room.

Yui Mei planned to talk while standing, though.

‘Wait, so she became so thin that she couldn’t even chat on her feet?’

Yui Mei held those doubts. When Princess Pan finally came to this side, she whispered.

“Princess Pan, perhaps you’ve been conscious of your figure, so you were trying to lose weight?”

Princess Pan gasped, dumbstruck.

Indeed, Princess Pan’s words echoed the sentiments of people who did extreme dieting in Yui Mei’s previous world.

The princess heaved a deep sigh after a moment of silence.

“…You’re a sharp girl.”

Princess Pan admitted that she was trying to lose weight, but her method of doing so was inappropriate.

“Princess Pan, it’s easier to gain weight when you started to eat again after getting thinner, right?”

“…!? Indeed! That’s why I thought I needed to lose more!”

Princess Pan enthusiastically joined the conversation that she had been avoiding so far.

‘Aah, just as I thought…’

“Princess Pan, I understand your sentiments, however, not eating to lose weight is a mistake. Your body would think that it’s starving, so it would conserve the fat in your body, instead, in order to live.”

And just like quicksand, she would fall into a situation that would make it difficult to escape from. It was very common in Yui Mei’s previous world. The hospitals would then treat the people who damaged their bodies after failing with diet.

“Don’t worry, there’s a method to lose weight safely. I will teach you how, so please nurse your body to good health by eating properly.”

However, Princess Pan disapproved.

“Won’t I get fat when I eat, then?”

“Eating is not the sole gauge for getting fat. Think of it this way. If the balance scale of food and exercise tipped more on the food side, the person will then get fat.”

“Food and exercise, huh…”

Soldiers probably had this knowledge gained from actual experience.

Princess Pan, however, was a pampered lady doing nothing all day, so she must’ve have difficulty grasping this point.

“This is not a short term, day by day matter. It is important to consider the long-term effects. If you manage to return to your previous weight, it would be easier to control your weight gain. In short, properly eating to build up your body is important in losing weight.”

“Eating is important to get thin… Nobody told me such a thing.”

Princess Pan was extremely shocked.

This country didn’t established the proper weight loss method, it seemed.

Heh, it might even be tied to a curse again, or something.

“Princess Pan, please do not be deceived by tonics and pills sold for weight loss. Losing weight relies on one’s own behavior, not on external things like that.”

When Yui Mei said that, Princess Pan averted her eyes.

Seemed like she did buy some tonics and pills, after all.

‘Well, a lot of stuff claiming easy weight loss were also sold in Japan, too…’

However, resorting to short-cuts would definitely result in rebound.

“No matter how thin you became, if you’re not healthy then it would be meaningless. Healthy weight loss will be the right choice.”

Princess Pan could relate to some of Yui Mei’s words, since she also lost weight.

“You said you know how to do that ‘healthy method for getting thinner’, is that correct?”

The princess stared earnestly at Yui Mei, and she energetically nodded in return.

“Alright. Would you please teach me that proper method?”

Yui Mei folded her arms as she responded affirmative to the determined princess.

Afterward, they returned back to where the crown prince and the rest were waiting.

“Seems like both of you had a good chat.”

The crown prince was observing Princess Pan’s expression.

Indeed, the princess seemed to have loosened up, probably because she was able to vent out the problem that she had been carrying on her own.

Maybe she also wanted to consult somebody else about this weight loss matter. 

One problem, though, Yui Mei unwittingly brought out the ‘nurse-mode’ of her previous life once again and had promised to help without consideration to her current status.

She was the crown prince attendant in the first place, just an extra. 

How would she obtain permission to stay in this mansion, then?

She needed to talk to the crown prince before that, too.

However, she wanted to avoid disclosing Princess Pan’s weight loss failure, in respect for the princess’s honor, too.

‘How should I handle this?’

Yui Mei was troubled on how to bring this up to the crown prince. At that time

“Ahm, Your Highness, I have a request. Please do let this girl stay for a while with us in our mansion.”

Princess Pan straightforwardly told the crown prince.


T/N: To all people who could related to Princess Pan, just want to send all of you some virtual hugs, I know the struggle is real, be it losing weight or trying to gain it (suffered from this, too)

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