Housekeeper of the Hundred Blossom Palace

Chapter 61: Activities Commenced

The crown prince stayed the night at Li Min’s mansion. The next day, he and the imperial guards other than Li Yong prepared to depart before noon. 

‘Whoa, I didn’t know there’s so many Imperial Guards with us.’

Yui Mei was shocked that so many people were lurking around them all the while.

Regardless, the number was still too little for a crown prince’s entourage.

Anyway, it’s actually weird that only the four of them, including the driver, were travelling around.

The Huang family also sent a large number of soldiers, probably to secure the safety of the crown prince while he was still inside the fief.

“I’m expecting great travel stories from you, alright?”

The crown prince told Yui Mei and Li Yong, then he waved his hand and climbed the carriage.


He commanded the Imperial Guards, and the carriage moved on, until they could no longer be seen.

‘Hmm, so, how should we move from here.’

Yui Mei could not stick to Princess Pan for an extended period of time.

She had to return Li Yong to the crown prince’s side as soon as possible.

She had approximately one month for overseeing Princess Pan’s weight loss training.

Before leaving, she wanted to be able to do everything she could.

Therefore, her first priority would be to return Princess Pan to her previous healthy condition, so she had to interview the princess again about her meals and daily activities.

Yui Mei and Li Yong headed towards the room that was prepared so they could converse in private, and Princess Pan and her attendant were waiting for them inside.

This attendant was the one who prepared the table and chairs when Yui Mei had a one-on-one chat with the princess.

She was older than Yui Mei, but her bun hair was adorable, and she was busy as a bee, looking like a small animal moving around while preparing the tea.

“Thank you, you can withdraw.”

“I understand, please call me if you need anything.”

After the preparations were completed, Princess Pan told her so, and she went to a spot beside the wall after bowing down.

The princess and the attendant looked relaxed as they conversed, so their relationship must be good. She must have come from the maiden home of the princess to accompany her when she married in.

‘Aah, but if I’m not mistaken, Princess Pan grew up in the Inner Palace.’

Unlike the imperial princes who grew up in the Inner Palace until they reached the age of maturity, princesses were taken outside to be raised in the maiden homes of their mothers.

Well, it’s probably limited to households who have financial resources to welcome the princesses in their home and provide education that was good enough not to embarrass them.

Princess Pan’s mother was also the daughter of an influential person, however, she didn’t want to part with her daughter, so she didn’t let the princess live in her maiden house.

Thanks to that, Princess Pan and the crown prince became friends with each other. 

However, this attendant was bestowed by the emperor in lieu of her maiden home during the marriage, so she must be someone they trusted a lot.

Well, such internal affairs should be set aside for now, and it’s time to work.

Li Yong was already informed beforehand, so he would be quietly listening in this place.

Princess Pan was uncomfortable talking about her weight issues in front of a man.

However, Li Yong also served as a bodyguard so that she could order the other people of the mansion to leave, thus, she endured her embarrassment.

 “So, Princess Pan, please tell me all about your regular meals.”

After everything had been arranged, Yui Mei started to interview the princess.

“How are you in the mornings?”

“Hmm, well, that’s…”

Yui Mei talked in an easy manner so that the princess won’t feel she’s being cross-examined.

It was then revealed that Princess Pan’s waking hours were irregular, so she normally skipped breakfast, only eating during dinner.

Apparently, she got this habit back when she was in the Inner Palace, and the attendant girl also said that it was true.

Seemed like this girl really came with the princess from the Inner Palace.

‘Well, that’s kinda common in the Inner Palace, though…’

Since the princess was already waking up so late and she didn’t do anything else within the day, that meal was probably ‘enough’.

However, before losing weight, Princess Pan would eat twice the normal amount for dinner because she’s hungry.

In short, even if she missed breakfast, she would make it up in the evening.

And unlike people who wake up at dawn and sleep at sunset, the princess would stay awake late into the night, and so, it was normal for her to eat some midnight snacks.

“Princess Pan, eating a huge meal before bedtime is a no-no for the body.”

“Is that so?”

Princess Pan leaned her cheek on one hand. Apparently, it was the first time she heard about it. 

Nobody seemed to have taught her these things.

Well, it did seem that this country didn’t really know anything about how the internal organs worked.

Yui Mei was a little bit anxious that she couldn’t confirm this common knowledge with Doctor Ziliang.

However, for the sake of Princess Pan, she could only push on, risking being thought of as  ‘the weird girl’.

“Princess Pan, aren’t you tired when you wake up?”

The princess sighed when she heard Yui Mei’s question.

“…True, my body feels so heavy, so it’s hard to rise.”

‘So her body rhythm’s out of whack, huh.’

And so, Yui Mei explained the relationship of sleep and meals.


T/N: Hello guys, our chapter for tomorrow is moved today, since I’ll be too busy tom >.

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