Housekeeper of the Hundred Blossom Palace

Chapter 77: ‘Girl Talk’ Before Explanation

They entered the room they previously stayed in, and the staff brought some alcohol, snacks and tea.

“Please enjoy your stay.”

The staff said, and they withdrew. Li Min started to talk after they were gone.

“I have a request before everything else. Please don’t say anything about this to Lady Princess, alright?”

Li Min then bowed deeply, while Yui Mei glanced at Li Yong in surprise.

He also looked startled.

“We should ask why, right.”

Li Yong’s tone was hard, so Li Min replied with “Of course, that’s only natural”.

“See, I don’t want to scare her. Yeah, it’s been messy around here recently, but it’s a peaceful and bustling place on normal days… She’s starting to like the sea, you know…”

Li Min hanged his head down, and he mumbled the later part.


Yui Mei was taken aback by Li Min’s unexpected reaction.

It was like a youth experiencing spring for the first time.

“Pardon me for clarifying this but, Lord Li Min, does that mean you do not dislike Princess Pan?”

Li Min glared at Yui Mei’s frank question.

Yui Mei also realized that she said too much, so she reflected inwardly.

“Yui Mei, you should go a more round-about way with those kinds of things, you know.”

Li Yong interjected, so Yui Mei grimaced and retorted back.

“Don’t expect such skill from me please.”

Anyway, Yui Mei was just a mere housekeeper, after all.

“Hey, both of you don’t know how to hold back, you know.”

Li Min stated, looking as if he swallowed something unpleasant.

“It’s not like that. But Lady Princess had been treasured and brought up preciously, right? How to say this, I’m not sure how to get along with her.”

“Ohh, so that’s what it is.”

In other words, he didn’t know how to close the gap between them.

They have been living in a completely different world, so that’s only natural.

“But, you know, you can get closer to each other by living together and spending time with each other every day.”

There’s no way they won’t close the gap between them if they understood how each of them lived.

Li Yong interjected once again when Yui Mei said that.

“Hey Yui Mei, I’m afraid that even if Lord Li Min understands that, he is probably too shy to make a move. Don’t go driving him into a corner by being too direct.”

“Eh, no, you’re the one driving him to a corner, Li Yong.”

Li Yong was trying to help Li Min, but he didn’t seem to be cut for this.

Is tactlessness an indispensable ability that an attendant to the Crown Prince must have?

‘His Highness the Crown Prince likes doing things at his own pace, after all.’

A meek person probably won’t do as the crown prince’s attendant.

Yui Mei contemplated this.

“Hey you guys, show some respect to me.”

Li Min voiced out his grievance.

Well, they didn’t come here to talk about this in the first place.

It seems like they’re having ‘girl talk’ at this rate, consulting each other about the matters of love.

“Let’s eat! Lord Li Min, we’re going to listen to your love story on another day, okay.”

“Who said anything about love! I mean, we’re husband and wife in the first place!!!”

Li Min retorted while blushing furiously when Yui Mei tried to redirect their conversation.

‘No, no, marriage and love are separate things, you know.’

Li Min and Princess Pan’s marriage was a political one, so it was only a matter of course that their feelings were not connected to each other.

It would be a good thing if they nurtured love in their relationship.

This Li Min, he was already a grown man, but he might still be wet behind the ears regarding this matter.

Li Yong once again interjected when they seemed to derail again from their purpose.

“Lord Li Min, are those pirates really just that?”

“Oh, yeah. I was surprised that they’re venturing so close to the harbor, though.”

Li Min snorted when he heard Li Yong and Yui Mei’s questions.

“Hey you guys, you’re probably thinking that mountain bandits and pirates are the same, right. Well, that’s true in a sense, they’re doing the same stuff, after all, but they got definite differences, you know.”


Li Min further explained when he saw Yui Mei’s confusion.

“Pirates want to possess the land. They want to claim their own territories.”

Li Yong nodded in understanding, saying ‘I see’.

“There’s no way people would spend their entire lives living in the sea alone.”

“Yup, they have to get their food on the land, after all. But there’s no way we’re gonna give up the land like that, so we stationed strong soldiers around here. That’s the reason why those guys avoided Kai.”

Li Min then sighed after explaining this.

“But, the reality is that they came attacking like this.”

Li Min had a complicated expression when Yui Mei commented on their present condition.

“Yeah, and the raids have been going on and on, so the soldiers are also tired. Huge ships are also in danger, so there’s less of them coming into Kai.”

Li Min then gulped his wine.

“That’s terrible.”

Li Yong furrowed his brows.


T/N: How adorable, Li Min. This guy is the epitome of ‘first impressions never last’, and ‘don’t judge the book by its cover’ lol.

Sorry guys for the delay, just had a dental appointment yesterday, finished pretty late and the pain afterward prevented me from posting earlier, or doing anything, for that matter ? Thanks for understanding. ?

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