How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 644

- Gaiden Episode 11

The slight magic power contained in the tool reacted and began to entwine and swallow the attacks of the reincarnated people.

Rerensen was the first to notice the problem with the phenomenon... … .

The man who does not know who the light emitted from the magic tool is... … Isn't it swallowing the spy Soltens?

And it started to degenerate.

The moment she saw it, she murmured so helplessly.

“… … Oh, I made an accident.”

The phenomenon that happened as their talent became a catalyst eats Rirensen's magic and changes things caught up in the light.

There, Shen's mighty chi holds it firmly in place. In addition, various energies are fused... … .

“… … What is going on?”

“hmm… … In one word, should I say that things went unlucky?”

There was no time to speak again.

It would be faster to see with your own eyes than to explain.

wriggling... … .

After sucking in each other's strength, it took on the form of an unidentified monster, then lifted its head.

A monster that can't even keep its shape constant.

The only thing with a shape is the countless tentacles extending from its body.

“… … ah. It must have been formed by sucking rocks from under the ground using my magic as a base.”

“How is that possible?”

“Um… … In a word.”

Those who paid attention to Rirensen's explanation are silent to hear her answer.

“It was terribly unlucky.”

I wanted to say a few words, but I couldn't come up with anything to argue.

“I'll have to deal with that first.”

Shen murmured coldly, then jumped on top of the monster's head in one fell swoop.

“oh! Mr. Shen!”

Rirensen finally realized something and suddenly tried to warn him.

“Wait! Maybe if I'm right, that's... …

But it was too late.

Shen's strong air had already landed directly on the monster's head.

I have already finished the calculations so that there is no damage to the surroundings.

If you put your mind to it, you can fit even a hair gap without a problem.


However, the change in his complexion made the Kang Ki he shot out turn into a monster.


It's because it came back casually.

He pulled out something like a long tentacle from his body and swung it like a whip to strike back.

Even so, this is unexpected.

Even more so, I was careless because I had a very insignificant aura.

The strong air that was hit back soared past the tip of Shen's chin.

“What did I say!”

“… … Is it our energy?”

Shen realized why the previous attack didn't work without listening to Rerensen's explanation.

pretend if you pretend

That's not to say he's completely inexperienced.

“past… … There was a plan to create a person with immunity by forcibly concentrating the energy of several warriors into one human.”

“I don’t know the specifics, but you could say it’s similar to that.”

Rerensen sighed heavily.

“What bothers me more than anything is… …

Rerensen made a small light bullet at his fingertips and tried to blow it up.

The monster swung it with its tentacle-like arms and simply bounced it off.

“… … no way.”

“I hope so.”

Even though Shen understood, he dared to move.

” Ugh??????

Rirensen sighed as if the result was already evident.


With a short cry, Shen landed behind the monster without a sound of footsteps.

I'll sort it out without even looking back.

“Meteor dragon charge, countless jangbeop. In just a few seconds, tens of thousands of blows hit the whole body of the monster.

It's like a group of lightning that rises backwards in momentum.

However, the destruction does not affect the surroundings and is focused only on the monster.

All impacts are raised beyond the atmosphere without causing damage to the surroundings.

At least among the herbivores Shen could use, this would be the least damaging method.


“???? this.”

Clicking his tongue, Shen threw himself backwards.

As if to repay the previous blow, the monster struck with its tentacles.


A blow that seemed to wield an earthshaft shook the ground.

The reason why the city didn't collapse even with this much power is probably because Pahilia's basic durability is excellent.

It was also because Rirensen opened a barrier just in time for that.

Perhaps outside of a certain range, the current sound was greatly reduced.

“But it will only be a stopgap… … I will soon ignore this too.”

I have to hurry and fix the commotion.

However, the reason why they can't easily touch that monster, who has nothing to fear in the world, is no different.

“… … If it wasn't an illusion just now, it seemed that the qi had not been eaten at all and penetrated?”

“It won’t be an illusion.”

Rirensen sighed and drew conclusions from his observations.

“It seems that our powers have been altered by some kind of magic formula and have developed our own ideological resistance.”

“Ideological tolerance?”

“It’s like being immune to someone’s powers, metaphorically.”

It means that among those here, only those who exercised their power when that monster was created will have high resistance.

“Well, to put it more simply, no matter how hard we hit it, that monster won’t even budge below a certain line.”

“… … Is that even possible?”

“Even if I think about it, it’s something that really miraculously happens if you don’t get lucky.”

Even calculating probabilities is boring.

“The question isn’t whether it’s possible or not, but how to fix something that has already been bought?”

Everyone nodded their heads nervously.

In any case, they were the ones who caused the accident, whether it was intentional or not. So they have to tie the knot with their own hands.


“… … maybe arel. Will you be angry?”

“… … It shouldn't be.”

Unfortunately or fortunately, Arel is currently out of the territory.

Not to mention, since Rirensen skillfully created a barrier, at least for a while, it could be a trick.

“ruler! Fix it quickly and finish it off! I'm doing it! Then it's fine!”

“… … There are quite a few eyewitnesses.”

“are you okay! There was, but there wasn't!

I'm used to changing it to !”

“I can't help it.”

Normally, he wouldn't turn a blind eye to such infidelity, but if it was his business, the situation would be different.

Shen nodded seriously.

Naero Nambul.

These are the qualities that all reincarnated people have.

Perhaps if Arel were here, he would have joked like this.

“Then let’s go!”

“What is the countermeasure?”

That monster was said to be resistant to the energy of the reincarnated here.

The movement is not special, and the attack power is nothing that can not be dealt with.

But if there is no way to deal with it, there is no answer.

“Even if it’s tolerance, there is a limit.”

“In short, it means that you can press it with force.”

But they didn't do it for one reason.

“Would you destroy the city?”

“That is the problem.”

Even if it is solved, if the city is damaged, it is a joke.

No matter how resourceful Rerensen is, there is a limit to the range that can be covered.

“I’m really out of luck.”

However, it was not a face that gave up.

“… … It's new now, though.”

When Rirensen was thinking about something and trying to propose something.

“There is nothing to say.”

“what… … It's obvious, right?”

“There is only one thing to do.”

The other reincarnated people seemed to think the same thing, and all of them came forward.

Accidents caused by oneself are corrected. Would that be dory?

“To be resistant to the end is a nuisance only in the capacity of an individual.”

“… … If so, if you can send that power and pierce it all at once, you can rectify it without causing damage.”

join forces

that's their choice

There is no need to reconfirm the doctor.

They made their preparations and rushed.


Their will and purpose are one.

“I'm going to take care of it before Arele Ernesia comes back, and I'm going to do something that never happened!” … … To deal with this commotion without being noticed by Arel.

It has to be solved with limited power.

For those who have more diverse knowledge or stronger power than others, it will be more difficult to deal with than halfway strong enemies.

The rarest experience, especially for them, is probably cooperation.

The more power you gain, the less opportunity you have to run side by side with others.

Therefore, the sensation may be a nostalgic experience for them in a sense.

“First, let me tie the movements.”

Rerensen touched the floor, took out the talisman and struck it down boldly.

The floor oozes and mud tentacles stretch out to restrain the monster, encircling it.


but it's not enough That monster will soon figure out Rerensen's trick and escape.

In order not to give that gap, other reincarnated people also step in and add strength.

Countless sword spirits cut off the escape route, and magic attacks hindered its movement.

And the last... … .

“Let it finish.”

Shen lunges on the hard floor and charges.

The target is a human who was swallowed up by the light when that monster appeared a moment ago.

I don't know who, but it must be related.

According to Rirensen's explanation, the phenomenon that happened now is said to be the core of the human being.

So if you cut it off, it will be solved naturally.


One step. two steps. His body accelerates with each movement.

At least when it comes to physical destructive power, there is no one who will show more powerful and precise movements than that.

“It is over.”

His fist, which literally stretched out like an arrow, was the center of the monster. It pierced the place where the person who had swallowed it was.

When the central being is lost, the monster begins to falter and disappear as if it melts into the air.

“Whew… … It's barely been repaired.”

Rirensen sighed as if she was sweating, and the rest of the reincarnated people were relieved.

It somehow prevented it from becoming a bigger commotion.

“… … It looks like it's over.”

And Shen sighed, perhaps feeling a little mental fatigue, and put the man he was carrying on the ground.

That spy Soltens.

“You saved me.”

“Doesn’t that mean killing for nothing? I don't know who it is.”

No matter what their intentions are, they are responsible for this, so there is no need to shed blood for nothing.

“however… … Who is that really?”

“hmm? Aren't you that human?”

“It can’t be. oh… …

Only then did Lirensen think about the possibility that that human was not related to any of them.

If so, you must be completely wrong.

Above all, the first uproar came from Rerensen's misunderstanding.

that it is

“How about it!”


“anyway! I think it’s important to unravel and reconcile with each other!”

If so, there is one way.

“Misunderstanding is fleeting! Reconciliation is an eternal law!”

Cover up pretending not to know.

Misunderstandings will naturally be resolved, and if no one mentions it, there will be no need to deal with it.

“Then, this is the solution now, and the rest of the minor damage… …

“huh? Doesn’t that magic solve minor damages?”

“Sure. And in case the witnesses didn't know... …

Rirensen, who was trying to speak confidently and brightly, hardened.

Shen and the others, in turn, stop moving.

Because I heard the voice of someone who shouldn't be heard here.

it's arel

“ah… … Arell Ernesia?”

“huh. it's me Isn’t that your dearest friend, Arell?”

A pleasant voice.

However, there is quite a bit of annoyance in that voice that you can't hear from him normally.

they don't know that

“Whoop whoop whoop… … An accident while a person is away... … would you hit?”

“Wait! This is a misunderstanding. First, make an excuse... …

“Ah ah ah ah?!”

Soon, Arel's punishment strikes the idiots with clear faces.

And it would have taken a little more time for them to completely rectify the scene and return to their daily lives.

And the shops that will invest in the future tourist attractions will be reviewed fairly again later.

And Arel secretly promised that he would never again pit those idiots against each other out of interest.

The better thing is that the atmosphere of the reincarnated people has softened more, probably because of the commotion, but it wasn't very good for the price of the commotion. How

a former pro

sucks honey

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