How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 649

- Gaiden Episode 16

When the strange phenomenon occurred, it was vague, but it partially matched the monster's magic pattern.

Either way, it means the hand is burnt.

“but… …

“know. I have already searched everywhere, and after that I heard your testimony.”

Honestly, I know that if I come back and shake it again, nothing but dust will come out.

“Except for one thing.”

Come to think of it, I didn't even touch it.

The place I headed to is the place where I fought the last Herial. That is where he ended up.

Traces of it still remain. A huge crater was created by digging dozens of meters underground.

It is the most severe of the traces left here, so I have not been able to touch it yet. It will probably be the last place to repair.

“This is exactly how it is said that it is dark under the lamp… …

Maybe I didn't even think about it because I didn't want to think of that annoying child face.

“Isn’t that rather natural? look! It was all smashed up like this. Even the basement must have collapsed?”

“what… … It looks like that from the blueprint.”

Since then, I have obtained the blueprint and researched it while substituting it, so I know it.

“But you know what?”

I handed the shovel I brought to the guys.

“Isn't there anyone who usually builds a house on this floor exactly as it is designed?”

Illegal construction is unfortunate, but it is a really bad trend.

I'm not guarding either.

“… … I understood. … … for a moment?

Are you selling this to us?”

So am I Paris?

Don't worry. It's a shovel that won't break even if I hit it with all my might.

“Wait! Wouldn’t it be better to dig it out with magic or witchcraft?!”

I wonder if I dug down about 20 meters, and then I heard a sound.

I dismissed it with a wry smile.

“… … It's not like I haven't thought about it. There is an if.”

I don't know anything else, but at least what is certain is that the phenomenon is far from the result Herial Gnome intended.

In other words, a complete malfunction no matter what.

“What if I interfere with it with useless mana and then detonate it?”

That is why, for now, all the family members and guests are going back to Fahilia to dig it up.

“Well, I can deal with it to some extent, but it's just in case.”

Sometimes analog is the best means of breakthrough.

As if they had nothing else to object to my argument, they quietly began to shovel again.

sleepy for such a long time By the time you hear the sound of a light digging.

Caen... … .

The sound of the shovel's tip scraping against something hard echoed.

You got it!

“What do you have?”

“… … door. oh my god.”

They didn't really believe it would exist, so the guys looked at it and said, muttering dazedly.

“It is the door to the basement.”

“bingo! I knew there would be!”

After that, I was instructed to be careful in digging out the door.

We finally succeeded in digging out the door completely.

I jumped all the way there, picked up the door, and pulled it open with the force of tearing it open.

What a profit!

The rusty metal sound resounded and the hidden space was revealed.

“… … Should I go further down?”

I glanced down and shrugged.

“Let’s go to the end of what we found.”

Let's see the end of the seaweed.

“Why on earth do you have to do this in a basement like this… …

“Looks like there’s something there, right? A secret laboratory in the basement or something like that is what I want.”

His eyes look like he's kidding, but he's probably pretty close to the truth.

There are nuances that people who reach the same level can take on to some extent.

It is a reasonable reason to set up a secret laboratory in the basement, even in the sense of security or being within reach of one's hand at any time.

“The question is, what are you hiding? …

As I said, even I can't guess.

It's hard to fathom crazy people's thoughts. It is a truth common to this series as well.

“Oh. Just relax a bit.”

“???? yes?”

Don't face what's new.

Of course there will be

“???? You are here.”

I could finally feel the presence of how far I had progressed.

Kugoong! The wall cracked, and a strange-looking monster popped out from within.

“… … Well, I'll put a gatekeeper in place.”

A very natural thing.

There weren't any normal monsters either. Perhaps he assumed that one of his subordinates would betray him.

“… … If this guy goes to the ground, he'll do some damage... …

If released on the ground normally, it would be enough to burn down one or two countries.

“Let’s deal with it.”

“… … Are you serious?”

“Is there anything you can’t do? This time, I'll help too, so don't talk nonsense and move.”

Above all, that monster will attack us first even if we don't touch it first.

Since ancient times, intruders must be eradicated to ensure peace in the country and harmonious families.

The monster attacks us with its black mist-like blades.

If it was a normal body just by touching it, it would rot on the spot as if it were vaporized, and the mana would be scattered.


“Block it.”

As I push it out, the former survivors leave as if shedding tears in half.

get hit as is

what is ok It's not like I'm new enough to be like that.

As it is, while buying time with shields against them.

I observed the monster's movements.

‘The most certain thing is to clean it up with one powerful magic shot.'

If something happens after exploding mana for no reason, it will be difficult on the contrary.

Should I do it in a way that doesn't use magic? It's just a little cumbersome and not impossible.

“ruler. Be sure to pay attention so well.”

“It's getting attention... … coo! Can't you come a little faster?!”


I can't help it because it sounds really desperate.

I smiled bitterly and kicked off the ground all at once and fired my body.

I've already noticed where to aim.

The core that is the center of summoning that monster.

Hundreds of dummy nuclei were planted throughout the body, making it difficult to determine.

“… … Then you can harpoon them all.”

Sometimes the most ignorant is also the wisest solution.

I pierced the monster with one punch and released the shock.

“Extremely long hit.”

Only shock spreads throughout the body.

Mana uses only internal energy to strengthen my body.

It shakes and stirs only with physical impact.

Cuckoo! A sound like gunpowder exploding resounded in the monster's body without rest, and then it disappeared as a black mist.

The summoning is over when the core disappears.

“hmm. No big deal... …

“… … After all, a monster is a monster.”

“huh? what?”

Do you want to get hit too? As I smiled brightly and clenched my fists, they shook their heads.

“Then let’s keep going.”

At least I want to get everything resolved before dawn.

There is something. It was the moment the monster popped out that I was sure of.

What I confirmed then was something I hadn't told those guys yet.

That device is not the type that activates automatically.

… … It is the type that someone manipulates.

‘Let's see who it is.'

After that, he encounters the intruder countermeasures triggered by someone several times, and each time he responds appropriately and escapes.

‘You'll soon realize that you can't do anything about me like that, right?'

It's something monotonous rather than persistent.

I feel a sense of discomfort.

I don't feel like dealing with humans.

“… … Are you still far away?”

On the other hand, these guys are exhausted and on the verge of falling out.

Hey, every time something happens, I put these guys in front of me and made them suffer, so there's nothing I can do about it.

“It’s over soon. hmm… … Is this it?”

I see a dead end road. but cheating. I punched the wall lightly with my fist.

The wall shuddered and then reappeared, a door with a hole pierced by my fist.

“A crude welcome or bitter… …

I don't understand more. How can you not do me with something like this?

At least, it's not a judgment that a properly intelligent human being would make.

I tilted my head at the sense of incongruity and opened the door as if I was ripping it open.

just as expected. This must have been one of his labs.

“… … “ Honestly,

I thought it would be a waste of money.”

… … these children?

What kind of education will you offer later? It was like I was thinking about it.

Something glowed from inside the laboratory.

And isn't a big fireball falling from above our heads?

“???? what?”

However, I reacted indifferently, and the others, although surprised, soon noticed and put on a curious look.

“What now… … such a prank.”

It doesn't do anything. Flames fall and burn, but no heat reaches us.

It's a simple video.

A device with a similar principle to the mana hologram we often use.

There, the flame is also roughly remembered. Wasn't that one of the magic that fell during the final battle?

“… … This is it.”

The bottom line has already been revealed. After that, various fantasies pour out, but at least it seems like a child waving his hands.

“A simple defensive instinct?”

While muttering that, I approached the device in the center of his lab.

The crystal engraved with complicated spells is wrapped in several devices to protect it.

“… … What was he trying to do?”

[Human Behavior Analysis and Recording… …

and inverse. That is the only command Heriel gave.] “?????? hmm?”

The ones who answered now are not those reincarnated people.

inorganic voice. A tone that seems to be trying to mimic a human but is obviously emotionless.

It was heard within this lens.

“A pseudo-personality to manage the device?”

There is nothing surprising. Just like building an AI system with a program, Mana can do similar things if the magic formula is highly configured.

I just didn't touch it because it was cumbersome and there was no benefit.

“It’s really bad taste… … Doing such troublesome things.”

[It is a personal impression. He just judged that the order he gave me was the best.]

“… … I know how to answer that.”

At this level, it would be difficult without imitating almost a whole human brain.

Was it worth it?

“what… … it's okay. So what were you doing? From what I can see, it seems that you have been keeping records of all your activities here?”

A little while ago, this guy said observation was his job. It looks like it was made just for that, or maybe it was made for the beyond.

[For manufacturing purpose?]

“Tell me what it is. Or is that something you can’t read unless you’re the owner?”

[If it is a security system, it is judged that there is no meaning. It has been observed that the creator Harial does not exist.]


It's a worrying tone. But the important thing now is only the purpose of this device.

“What are you trying to do by observing and recording?”

[It is to understand human habits and create a management manual.]


Another thorny answer came back... … . I groaned, rubbing my forehead this time. How

a former pro

sucks honey

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