How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 657

- Episode 24 of the side

story The story he told after that is something I can't help but feel bittersweet while listening to my heart.

in short.

His daughter embraced magic and entered the tower.

[At one time, someone said that the child had the ability to learn magic.]

He praised the child for his talent and invited him to join the Mage Tower and become his disciple.

But even now, wizards are still like floating clouds in the sky. Of course I was hesitant. The child consulted with his father.

[I am… … After thinking about it, why don't you nurture that talent in Senilla? I said.]

A tone of deep regret.

[…] … That shouldn't have happened.]

He is just a hunter.

There isn't much he can do for his daughter.

But if you become a wizard... … Wouldn't it be great if you had talent and expressed your will?

With such a feeling, I supported the child's path.

[That's how I let go... … . and… … .]

And the only thing that came back two years later was a letter announcing the child's death.

[I couldn't even see the remains. I begged the Tower, but they ignored it.]

Even for two years, the bodies of those who have been taught by the Tower cannot be shown to outsiders. The person who made such a claim and encouraged her daughter to become a disciple at that time seemed to have incinerated her body.

Of course you get angry. However, if the daughter was also prepared for something, she couldn't help but be sad.

Thinking so, he barely endured it.

but… … .

[It was only recently that I learned the truth.]

And the year before last. A wizard who was in the tower at the time came to him and bowed his head to tell him all the truth.

[Against that child… … He said he did an experiment he couldn't talk about... … .]

I held out my hand to Dia to ask for the parchment. Dia also held it out without a word.

I read it. Certainly, there is a sense of incongruity in the nuances. It feels like a well-crafted document.

There is an unnaturalness intentionally decorated to hide something.

‘It's not like he's telling lies.'

[at last… … The one who killed that child is the one who said he was the teacher!]

“So… … Did you think of something like this?”

[I know. The current tower master nobleman probably doesn't matter. … … But what about other than that?]

he said. The one with a grudge is the tower itself.

[Can you really say that if you take them in, you won't become like my daughter'?]

“… … I know your grudge. I understood what you wanted to say. But that doesn't solve it. It’s just a matter of venting your anger.”

[I know. … … First of all, my purpose is to publicize this grudge... … And.]

“Are you his recruit?”

There is nothing to think deeply about. I said that a while ago too.

Arouse awareness by revealing hidden facts from the past. Now that what he said was being heard by the test takers, it must have been that there were no people who were agitated.

And finally, if you pay off your grudge, that will be the end.


… … I saw a lot of people who gave up like that.

After a while I changed the settings of the communication port. For once, don't hear what I'm saying.

“… … Dia. Who is the wizard I spoke of?”

“I hurriedly looked up the list, but… …

Dia was speechless.

“… … Around the time I was taking over, it seems that he left the tower for a sudden reason.”

“ah. It bounced.”

It's obvious. Since there are many kangies and he thinks that there will be no one to see them in the future, he must have run away right away.

it's been annoying

“I was still tracking you.”

“Wouldn’t it be impossible to catch him right away?”

Dia calmly shook her head. It's not like there isn't a team tracking down the escaped wizard. Even if all of them were available, it would be practically impossible.

“I don’t think you’ll understand even if I explain it.”

“… … Unfortunately. The safety of our students is our priority.”


Understanding their feelings and dealing with them calmly would be two different things.

“If we suppress it with hardline means, would it be possible?”

“… … It is possible.”

Other skilled wizards are already waiting. Dia would also want to intervene directly.

If he's in a bad mood, he interrupts without further discussion.

“If it seems dangerous, do it… … . I'm sorry, but I can't watch it.

of course… …

“yes. I won't kill you.”

It's not really sympathetic. There are things I want to know. It is best to subdue it for further processing.

“First of all, let’s suppress it… …


Even while discussing policy, I did not take my eyes off the crystal ball.

There was something I saw in my eyes.

“… … Mr. Arell?”

“Wait a minute. Let's watch.”

Dia gives an incomprehensible look.

“I know. but… … It seems there is a guy who is determined to move ahead of us.”

I continued to watch and shrugged.

“For now, let’s watch what that kid does.”

Kelgin looks up at the ceiling and tells Arell Ernesia his purpose and grudge.

… … Of course, the test takers here were listening, and they all looked puzzled.

Not much is known about the tower.

Just wizards are gorgeous. There are not a few people who thought that becoming a wizard would lead to a better life.

He warned them.

“You guys should think again. Do you really think they will change? Even if it changes, on what basis can I believe it?”

Even if he wants to object, he has a painful feeling that he actually experienced. No matter what you say, you won't be able to reverse it.

“Wizards are cruel people. They don't change... …

I want to warn you.

“You guys go back. You shouldn't be in a place like this.”

That's why Seldin couldn't stay still after hearing those words.

“… … Is it really so?”

“Seldin? What do you want to say?”

“It was the wizard who saved me in the past. Without him, I would have died.”

She took out a small stone from her bosom. What she did several times here.

That's why I didn't get any reaction. It's an action that seems meaningless as if you've seen it a few times.

I was careless.

I didn't think that girl would be a hindrance in any way, and I didn't think that she would have the ability to do it.

“I am… … I remember the wizard who helped me... … I just want to be like him. And among them, there must be people who think similarly.”

“I understand what hurts you, Mr. But that's no reason to get in the way of my goals.”

“… … you.”

don't do anything stupid I tried to warn him like that, but the girl acted faster than that.

He suddenly got up and ran.

“… … Foolish.”

He clicked his tongue and tried to activate the artifact. It is true that there is no ill feeling.

But there is no reason to hesitate.

“… … No regrets.”

However, Kelgin, who activated the artifact, was surprised with his eyes wide open.

that was not triggered.

“Something like this! … … If you do this!

Will that work?”

Weird self-talk.

It's like asking someone you can't see.

When she put something on her neck, the artifact's effect was canceled.

However, since it was forcibly removed, it suffered minor burns in the aftermath. Compared to the reckless action, it's a small price.

“how… … how?”

It is impossible. Embarrassed, he activated the artifact once more.

Maybe the activation timing was loose because of using it against multiple targets.

In the first place, all magic tools are like that. Even if it looks all-around, one screw is bound to fall out somewhere.

However, he realizes that it was an illusion as he sees what happened right in front of his eyes.


The sound of holding your breath lightly. Just like that, she jumped in as if rolling her body sideways.

“… … Did you dodge it?!”

Did you know the sign of the magic before it was activated and avoided it? Could that be possible... … No, before that, a girl from the countryside could do that?

“It is possible! Because we talk! Because I teach you!”

“???? What?”

But I can't give you a kind answer. Right away she threw something.

It's the stone I was carrying.

I never thought I would throw it away because I always cherish it.

The wind hit the back of my hand with it, and I reflexively let go of what I was holding.


Dropped Artifacts are intact! The effect was canceled with a light popping sound.


Even if you try to use it again, it will be too late. Realizing that they have become free, test takers also show signs of moving.

‘… … then.'

I tried to order the waiting monster to stop it, but.

Maybe it's because I've mismanaged it, so I don't listen.

Rather, they tried to attack themselves. This is why I don't believe in magic.

‘It's self-employed.'

Kelgin tried to accept the destruction meekly.

“That's not it!”

Seldin jumped at him and pushed him away. But how can it be?

“You stupid bastard!”

Kelgin reflexively stood up and tried to block the monster instead.

at that time.

“That’s it.”

Numerous ice windows fell around the monster and surrounded it like us.

5 class freezing magic.

Icecle Frozen.

When the monster surrounded by the window howled and touched the ice window, it froze and crumbled with the hand still holding it.

“… … It is useless.”

Dia appeared out of nowhere, pointed her staff at her, and chanted the next magic.

Class 5 Lightning Magic.

“Lightning Tempest.”

Extending lightning rushed as if sucked into the cage of ice, enveloping the monster.

Jiji Jiji Jiji!

In an instant, an intense flash erupted, and the monster limp, then froze and shattered.

“Isn’t it even an opponent… …

Kelgin is stunned and tries to step back.


Doesn't even move a finger.

“Every joint, every muscle, were all sealed off. Please surrender quietly.”

The one who quietly muttered was Dia, the current manager of the Ernesiama Tower.

As much as I confidently said that I could jump in at any time, I intervened, judging that the situation was bothering me right away.

The wizards who were put in a step later than her are explaining and admonishing the rest of the applicants to calm them down.

“Ha ha… … It's done somehow... …

Seldin, on the other hand, was breathing heavily as if he was relieved.

As if you knew it would be like this.

“Is that so… … ‘Can you see it?' Are you there?”

Arel, who appeared out of nowhere and tapped her on the shoulder, spoke to her.

However, Arel waited calmly with a wry smile at her who did not immediately recognize Arel and tilted her head.

“Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey Oh Arell?!”

For a moment, it seems that the sweat all over my body is draining.

Immediately Seldin fell down.

grown-ups did Don't make a mistake in breathing in front of the nobles.

Does your neck run away?


“… … huh? car?”

“Please watch the decapitation!”

“… … What does he say?”

Allel sighed as if she had a slight headache.

I have no idea what to do.

When I asked her to do so, she finally took the strength off her shoulders as if she was relieved.

“Whew… … lived... …

“So I ask again. you. Can you actually see it?”

Arel stared into Seldin's eyes and asked sternly once more.

Seldin hesitated, but eventually confessed the truth.

“yes… … I see. a little… … I had that kind of talent.”

A little bit back in time.

Around the time when Joe, including that girl Seldin, passed the Sorceress Classification Test.

“Are you a fairy?”

After hearing my explanation, Dia seemed to be puzzled and asked again.

“huh. fairy.”

I pretended to point at the corners of my eyes and explained the girl's constitution.

“Does it happen sometimes? Those who see what they cannot see by nature and have not received much training, but have high empathy.”

“… … surely.”

Commonly speaking, innate psychic powers.

Well, in the end, both supernatural powers and magic come from here.

right here

I moved my pointing finger from the eye to the head.

“Magic calculations are also performed here… … Talents like that come from innate development here.”

“You mean that girl has that kind of talent?”

“It's probably a guess, but in that kid's eyes, the flow of mana in some form will look special.”

And it seemed to read and decipher the nature of mana dwelling in objects and accept the information as one's own.

“It seems to be having a conversation with the object.”

“You will see that too.”

I explained by pointing to the eyes, ears and head in order. “You read the mana of objects with your eyes and process that information in your brain. Sound is information processed by the brain that is heard as an auditory hallucination.”

After all, it is the brain that is special.

I knew the similar ability, so I recognized it at once.

“… … Come to think of it, the documents said that the girl went missing for a short time when she was young.”

“Perhaps, for some reason, he opened his eyes to his abilities in the process.”

The so-called disappearance... … Abduction of fairies. Such a phenomenon.

When the ability is awakened as a side effect of contact with a fairy or an entity equivalent to it.

Is it an acquired mutation, if you have to ask?

If that is a gift, it is a gift.

“what… … If you have that kind of power, it's usually hard to grow properly.”

“… … Is it like that?”

Strong talents are often unknown and, above all, have little room to develop properly.

“Most of them are broken.”

It's not because of a lack of ability or any other reason.

It's because of the surrounding environment.

“Maybe that kid was pretty tough?”

“Are you a child who sees or hears things that others don’t know… … surely.”

Dia also began to think seriously as if she agreed.

“Such talent collapses because of prejudice.”

One of the hardest things to see in a person with the ability is that the probability of getting it is low, but the probability of growing properly is also low.

“Looks like he grew up in a not so bad environment.”

Judging by his behavior and personality, it was enough to guess.

The occasional habit of putting a pebble on your forehead is probably an action to control the brain's congestion.

At first glance, it was a magic stone engraved with some kind of magic formula.

It must have been given to her by a wizard she said helped her as a child.

As she said, it means that there are not only cruel wizards.

“Well, as a talented person, it’s worth using.

… … It depends on how you raise them.”

“I keep that in mind.” How

a former pro

sucks honey

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