How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 663

- Side Story Episode 30

The representative of the dwarves is sweating coldly as if he is embarrassed inside.

‘Isn't it bigger than I thought?'

Jagoro said the dwarves. The more tense you are, the tighter your muscles are, and never show weakness.

However, in inverse proportion to his swollen muscles, his embarrassing inner self shook more and more.

‘I had no intention of making it this big. hmm… …

The original intention was to take rather strong measures so that they would not look down on themselves.

If you come out a little hard, the humans will be impatient and will take better conditions than me, so if you reluctantly accept it then stop.

It was just a trick to not look ridiculous.

‘… … If we can't give a proper answer like this, even humans won't understand.'

Of course, the candidates were moderately chosen. Is it to the extent of going under the umbrella of a human bastard like Pahiliana or that Mileus or something?

At least on the surface, it wasn't enough to meet both conditions, but it was overflowing.

As a blacksmith, no matter which side they were on, the dwarves' skills would make great progress.

‘Anyway, the goal can be achieved.'

The question then is which one to choose. Although we will discuss it later, the same people also seemed to be quite conflicted.

‘what… … I'll have to decide carefully though.'

For them, wherever they go, it is uncharted territory.

Fahilia seems to be working on Aken and other people, so you can ask for their opinions.

what about the other side? Is it Miles? Wouldn't it be better to ask for more information at a workshop run by him?

Of course, when making a contract, the conditions are clarified, and if they want to harm themselves, there is a way to pursue it.

‘home? what?'

Conflicted in the midst of conflict, he inadvertently narrowed his eyes as he saw the Pahilia personnel exhibiting.

they are doing something Tired of new techniques again?

It's interesting, but for now, hard work comes first. It's a caliber, so you can ask other guys to do it.

Ignoring them like that for a while and seriously weighing their future for a while.


“Isn’t this amazing?”

“… … Really? Really this?!”

It's kind of upsetting.

There was a commotion coming from Fahilia, who had just started doing something.

‘These guys... … Someone is thinking about losing muscle... …

I'm seriously thinking about it. What are you making a fuss about?

they are dwarves No matter how great the technology may be, isn't it our pride to watch it solemnly and make it our own with these fluttering arms?

He snorted and tried to focus his thoughts again.



continue to fuss

“… … Keugh! I can't hear you!”

Eventually, he couldn't stand it and got up. It may also be a characteristic of them that their patience is so low.

“What is the fuss about!”

To be honest, I'm dying of curiosity.

Eventually, he strode towards Pahilia's men, half-capturing them and throwing them back.

“What's wrong with standing in line and looking like this! Have you forgotten your purpose?”

Beforehand, we made a promise to protect our pride by strictly observing anything we saw.

Only in this way, is it not like apprentices who have just entered, let alone social skills?

As he shouted and went forward, his fellow countrymen who had been pushed back were the torch.

“hey! Don't push! Don't push!”

“No matter how much you are, I can't yield!”

“Get in line properly!”

“What kind of string is that! You stupid bastards!”

After all, to bring the dwarves back to their senses, a terrible shipper or a fist would be the medicine.

Pushing the line in the dwarf way, he approached Pahilia's exhibition hall.

and… … .

“???? ok?”

His eyes widened as if he didn't understand.

“What are these guys doing?”

Inadvertently, such a tone came out and threw it away. It was because he saw a scene that was completely different from what he had been thinking.

I thought that Fahilia must have shown some new technology and responded to it... … .

It's a completely different sight than I thought.

“ruler! This is the alcohol that is basically circulated within Fahilia now!

There are also demonstration works that are not sold to other countries. Arel, who piles up hundreds of barrels and invites the dwarves in line to have a tasting.

Such Arel changes direction as if she is turning her body round and round again, and recommends another one.

“And this is a massage chair currently used in Pahilia, and a massage machine that relieves muscle fatigue with horsepower! and so on! Let me experience all of this here!”

As if being hooked by it, the dwarves began to experience what Arel recommended in turn.

And they all started to unravel.

“… … This is great.”

“Khehehe… … It's really good.”

No one complains.

rather… … .

“Is there such a thing in Fahilia?”

“Damn you Arken guy! That's why you stayed there!”

“Where is he! You never said anything like this existed!”

The dwarves, who felt it and escaped, began to line up again.

An infinite loop repeating itself.

Arel did not bother to point it out, but instead exclaimed energetically as if recommending it a few more times.

“ruler! There is still plenty of stock. Please enjoy the culture of Fahilia to your heart's content! And know!”

Arell is outspoken.

“We have something like this in Pahilia. We give those who work in our territory the right to enjoy this regularly every season!”


If you come and work with us, we will allow you to enjoy this kind of welfare.

The Dwarves responded to Arell's cry as if thrilled.

And the head of the Dwarves pressed his forehead with his thumb as if he had a headache from this atmosphere.

“… … I forgot what these bastards were for.”

No, before that, why did you sell all the pride of the dwarves? Don't be tempted by the alcohol that humans give you.

I wondered if I should say something firmly even now.

However, Arel read his mood and naturally came over and put his hand on his shoulder.

“ruler. Dwarf-san, who looks like he has a headache there?”

“… … I'm not in the mood for a joke.”

“oh my? You are really tired.”

Chuck Arel, deliberately not listening to him, calmly tuk-tuk, as if imitating a clever merchant. tapped on the shoulder

“ruler. Do you have a good drink here too?”

“???? alcohol?”

“Don't dwarves say that alcohol is medicine?”

Dwarves would protest if they heard it, but no one tackled it, probably because everyone was excited.

“How are you?”

..... ummmmmmmmm.

Considering your pride, you shouldn't accept it easily. However, he pondered and eventually accepted what Arell recommended.

It's not really asking for anything, isn't it just an experience?

More than anything else, the other guys drank to their heart's content, but leaving out only yourself is something heartbreaking.

“then… … Just give me one drink.”

“yes? I'm going to have a drink for the dwarves.”

Saying that, Arel gestured.

The servant who is helping with the current exhibition quietly comes out and hands over a dwarf drink.

A wine glass about the size of Arell's shoulders.

“… … Look.”

Arel deliberately pretends not to see his gaze, wanting to argue with him, and offers the drink as it is.

What's better than just tasting it? Taking it with a sigh, he emptied the contents.

Of course it will taste good. In the first place, I know that the products manufactured in Fahilia are famous, and once there was a fight between the representatives of the tribe because of it.

Even so, don't give in to useless temptations.

They have pride in themselves. The pride of being a person who handles iron... … .

“ruler. Are there other drinks? And there are other products for experience, how about it?”

“If you want to fairly evaluate the level of each country, wouldn’t it be best to see it yourself?”

“Haha, maybe that's the case.”

It passed.

Arel laughed evilly at him as he reluctantly pretended to be guided by a servant.

Regardless of which world there is, there is bound to be a beautiful culture that captivates people.

A gift that is handed over gently.

A delicious drink that is openly offered to drink.

‘… … To be honest, it's all about flirting.'

Human, dwarf, nabal, it doesn't matter. Any intelligence is weak to temptation.

It is a truth that no one with a proper head can avoid.

Already, like the other dwarves, he was enjoying the experience on our side to his heart's content, and his muscles were relaxed with the feeling of melting.

‘I think I've known enough about that... …

For now, let's enjoy it to the fullest.

Anything else doesn't matter. The key is for them to know what is in Fahilia and to feel it with their bodies.

“… … Wow, that's blatant.”

“… … I don't know if this is okay.”

“What’s wrong?”

The whispers of our personnel are clearly overheard. this is correct

If you win with pride, that's it. He who conquers wins. What else do you know?

Of course, others will be blown away by this sight.

“Wait, isn’t this cheating?!”

“What the hell are you doing!”

One by one, figures from other countries came to my side and began to protest. I thought he would come to pick me up soon, so there was nothing surprising.

that would be natural

“Isn’t this cowardice?”

“Wasn’t it a place where you purely showed off your technical skills?”

“huh? That’s right, technical skills?”

I replied calmly, blinking my eyes wide as if I was saying something.

“It is technology. Welfare Technology.”

Everyone is dumbfounded and at a loss for words.

It's a face that says what kind of bullshit that is.

I know it's bullshit too. I'm still going to bullshit!

“Our Fahilia is always investing in the latest in welfare for all workers. How can you not call it technology?”

“No that??????

At least one guy is going to make a stuttering counterargument?


“No… … No.”

eventually gave up You say you can't spit on a smiling face. I wouldn't have the courage to attack if I came out so boldly.

“Of course, isn’t it reasonable to invest this much? Or are you saying that you can't even treat artisans like this?”

It is necessary to say this even more shamelessly.

Anyway, this would be it.

Showing off new techniques is just to make excuses. The real thing is this.

‘… … They don't know what's really important.'

Dwarf, human, and unnecessary.

what really needs to be seen. What it is. Let me remind you clearly here today.

‘Why do you need new technology to get people applying for jobs in the first place?'

All you need is this one


The people above are sure to ignore it.

As a rule, employers do not know how their employees feel.

Speaking of the results, the Dwarves decided to make a deal with Pahilia.

“We are Arele Ernesia. I decided to follow him.”

However, first of all, they make a verbal promise to dispatch a large number of manpower or take orders directly from us while maintaining the existing Dwarf territories.

It would be next to conclude a detailed contract later.

Yes, in the end, you will have no choice but to follow us.

As I was enjoying the lingering aftertaste of confidence, I heard some bustling footsteps outside.

That kid. Milleus McPhacoll.

Do you have anything to say? How

a former pro

sucks honey

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