How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 716

- Side Story Episode 83

Episode 83 Side Story

“Go. You can't talk like this.”

When the order was cut off and serious, Nelphy was nervous and, as if making up his mind, gave strength to his shoulders and flew away.

… … It's not like I'm fighting some kind of monster.

It flew away and delivered a powerful flying kick to Ilia's forehead.

no… … Can I just tap it lightly? How does that human look from the spirit's point of view?

I didn't really want to know anything.


Anyway, thanks to that attack (?), my mind returned to reality. The young lady blinked and smirked while covering her forehead.

“Do you think there was something nice about it?”

“… … Oh, that's why it's so good.”

He sighed and quickly sent Nelphy, who was begging for him to return quickly. Pena changed the topic again.

“Anyway, you want to be acknowledged, don’t you?”

“… … yes. First of all, you can continue to practice spiritism.”

If she were to marry as it is, she would naturally have no choice but to neglect special skills such as spiritism.

“Honestly, I’m sorry.”

On that point, she was quite genuinely sorry.

Whatever his motive, his passion for spiritism was sincere. At least Pena acknowledged that.

On the one hand, I was worried.

Coincidence is fate after all. I just didn't have the brazen personality to wave my hand and walk away.

No, it would have been like that in the past, but lately, she's become a bit less harsh.

‘But I can't be too intrusive...' …

Let's think soberly. In the end, it's someone else's family problem.

One word might solve the problem, but is that right?

Relying on authority to solve it would be the most foolish way.

More than anything else, Pena was well aware that doing so would only end up ruining that kid.

“Hmm… … So if you have the right opportunity, you can do well, right?”

“.. yes?”


“I don’t think so.”

Ilya hesitantly nodded.

“Well then… …

Pena, as if contemplating a method, paused a little before speaking.

I don't have any intention of commenting too much.

I don't even have enough free time to spend a long time.

“Can you teach me a little bit about how to learn spirit magic? how is it?”


And you don't even need to hear the answer.

Seeing Ilya's sparkling eyes as if he had found the light, there was no need to think about what to say.

That same day, Pena told Arel about Ilia and how she came to help him.

“indeed… … Did that happen?”

“Has there been a bad response?”

“hmm? Wouldn't it matter?”

Arell rummaged through something on his bookshelf, looked through it, and nodded.

“There shouldn’t be any particular problem with the child’s family name, Ranfelst. And Chelford doesn't have a bad reputation either.”

“Isn’t your reputation bad?”

“He seems to be quite sincere and his ability to teach is well received.”

It was an incredible story for Pena. Who speaks so harshly towards his daughter?

“Well, even if you act diligently on the outside, it might be different on the inside.”

Arell said in a tone that it didn't matter that much.

“The important thing is how that Ilya or whatever kid will show results.”

“ah. that… …

“Have you not decided?”

The reason Pena couldn't speak was probably because there was no clear plan.

I couldn't say it openly, but the child's talent as a spirit sage is subtle.

If you take the time to teach, you will achieve results, but the important thing is that you don't have that time.

Arel smiled as if he understood that, and this time he took out another document and showed it to Pena.

“Maybe this could be a good opportunity for that kid.”

“… … Academic festival?”

“About once every four years. At the Royal Academy, students and teachers… … Regardless of graduates, there are academic societies where those involved in research present their achievements.”

Arel didn't need a place like this, so he wasn't interested in it, but he seems to have come to know about it naturally because he's been involved in various things at the academy recently.

“You want to use this as an opportunity?”

“Even a little bit is good here, so if you earn a steady response, it will be an achievement that no one can oppose.”

However, even skilled intellectuals will be desperately preparing for the position, but will there be results if they prepare urgently?

“I haven't decided what to do yet, so know that there are things like this.”

Seriously, Arel might come forward and help. He said so, but Pena said she would teach first.

It was you who did the work. So, she should be held responsible.

“More than that, why did you want to help that kid?”

“… … It reminded me a little of the past.”

I couldn't keep my mouth shut even to Arel. Pena said the reason obediently.

” A long ago?”

“For some reason, it reminded me of how I felt when I was living in the Empire, so I couldn’t stay still… …

Normally, he would not intervene, but it could be said that the cause was his sense of kinship as a fellow elemental lyricist.

In those days, few people in the Empire sided with Pena.

In the end, the one who helped her was after being almost half-sold and transported to the kingdom of Ernesia outside the empire.

“hmm… … That's right. It doesn't matter if it makes you feel better.”

Arel doesn't really object.

What's more, not too long ago, he personally asked her if he would like to have a disciple.

In that respect, it can be said that Arel also provided the cause.

“So don’t hesitate and do it. I'll do anything I can to help.”

“Whoop whoop. Thanks Arel.”

Pena nodded with a relieved smile, probably feeling lighter.

Even if you teach something, it doesn't take a lot of time.

During the time Arel is here, I should teach her what she should properly teach.

“I said that, but I’m not sure I can tell you much… … Ahahaha... …

“It can’t be!”

Of course, Ilya made a fuss and shouted that it wasn't so.

“In addition, Pena-sama’s spirit art is famous.”

“… … Are you famous?”

“yes! I heard too! That the spirit that Pena-sama once summoned swept the battlefield... … There are many other things!”


I guess. mistakes of youth.

No, more than half of them were committed by Arell and he was bragging about them, right?

“Mr. Pe Pena?”

“Oh no… … . Forget about that anyway. I can't teach you anything that great.”

“ah… … okay… …

Somehow, Ilya seemed to have a different idea of what Pena meant, but whatever.

“For now, all I can teach you is what I learned from Arell.”

“Are the rumors true? That Arel-nim even taught spiritism to Pena-nim.”

“I can't tell you all the details, but that's about it.”

As if Pena was recalling a nostalgic memory.

For a moment, I recalled the scene in my mind at that time.

At that time, he wouldn't have been much different from that kid.

The person who gave her the current position must have been Arel.

Arel did not show any displeasure and taught me and helped me at the time.

‘.. uh?'

While reminiscing, Pena furrowed her eyebrows.

definitely learned a lot

However, there are some friendly scenes, but now that I think about it, I also remember some strange scenes.

Somehow, it seemed that he was teasing me in return for teaching me.

Was it really related to the training of spiritism?

Now that I think about it, wasn't that a joke?

‘… … I'll have to investigate later.'

Arel's success story was postponed until later, and Pena decided to focus on teaching her.

“first of all. Let me ask you this first.”

“Yes, four!”

“What do you think is spiritism?”

Pena calmly and earnestly asks for the basics that should be addressed first.

“What is a spirit to us?”

Elementalist... … What is the meaning of the relationship between a person who has the minimum qualifications to have sympathy with the spirit and the spirit?

It is a question in the most fundamental sense.

“Why can a spirit lord call on a spirit and the spirit responds?”

“That’s it??… Isn’t it because there is such a thing as spirit affinity?”

It's not wrong, but it's quite insufficient to say it's an essential answer.

“Then, what is that spirit affinity?”

“That is… …

Ilya drooped his shoulders as if he didn't understand that far. From the data she obtained, it only came out that spirit magic could be summoned if you had affinity with spirits.

Maybe that's why I didn't learn the proper theory.

“The spirit affinity refers to the mental wavelength that allows you to communicate with the spirit.”

As Pena puts her hand forward and concentrates lightly, a pure white light stays on her hand.

“It's that the elemental spirit's unique spiritual power intervenes in the mana he has, creating affinity.”

If it's Pena now, even if you don't have a summoning circle, if it's a simple spirit, you can call it on the spot.

It's not that I was neglecting training.

Soon, several spirits similar to the Nelphi summoned before are summoned and wander around, guided by the power she radiated.

“Wow… …

Ilya sincerely admires it, as if he hadn't thought that it would be summoned without a summoning circle or catalyst.

“As expected, if you can create a strong affinity, you will be summoned!”

“well? How about it?”

It's a common misconception.

“Friendliness is important. But the most important thing is what the spirit wants. You understand.”

In other words, the heart has to go through.

“The Spirit… … What do you want?”

“These kids don’t really want anything complicated.”

As Pena spreads her palms, the summoned spirit sits quietly.

They are not calculating like humans, nor are they plotting anything.

“Pure sympathy. … … Because he said.”

No matter how proudly I say it, in the end I learned from Arel. You can't be proud of yourself with this.

“Anyway, the most important thing is to fully understand spirit magic and properly approach it. For that... …

While he was explaining, the escorts brought a lot of things.

“What is that… …

“It’s nothing. It is the most important thing in spiritism.”

It was fortunate that there were just a few left in stock. Lately I've been putting it in storage because I don't need it.

At least if it was written for young people, it would be meaningful, right?

As Pena grinned and unwrapped the bag, one of the things she had squeezed in fell to the floor.

“ah… … It fell.”

She hurriedly tried to pick it up, but she tilted her head. It is an ore that emits strange energy and color.

” This??????

“huh. It is a spirit stone.”

also in bulk.

Only the Ernesia family would be able to handle this amount of spirit stones without any problems.

As proof of that, she, an ordinary aristocratic kid, is shaking her hands less as she holds it.

because she knows With an ore of this purity, you could easily buy at least one of the family's mansions.

“How are you going to do this?”

“Of course there's only one place to write it, right?”

Feeling slightly nostalgic, Pena smiled and said happily.

“If you have a spirit stone, should you call the spirit?”

In any case, the basics of a spirit mage is to summon spirits.

Call it until it comes out unconditionally.

“I… … What the vice principal said earlier... …

“You don’t have time and you have a lot of work to do, right? So, first of all, I'm going to go with a little forced method.”

“Is it a means of enforcement?”

“ah.??… It's not particularly dangerous, so don't worry. … …

Instead, I'll be a bit tired.”

Even if it wasn't so, there was something that Arel, who occasionally taught spiritism to Pena, often said.

“If the spirit doesn’t come, let’s think about whether the number of spirit stones is insufficient.”

Saying that, Fena randomly handed over the Spirit Stone to her.

The true root of spiritism.

As expected, it must mean pulling until the desired spirit appears.

Around noon the next day, Ilya's summoning relay was finally able to come to an end.

“omg… … omg… … I finally signed a contract... …

Ilya looked at the spirit he had just contracted with with half-sweet eyes.

dig up.

A spirit that leaves a pure white, intense afterimage. It's like a small bird, but every time the bird flaps its wings, white sparks fly in a dizzying fashion.

“Aha. It's a lightning spirit... … .

If it's rare, it's rare again, but it seems to match this guy's wavelength.” How

a former pro

sucks honey

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