How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 720

- Gaiden episode 87

Gaiden episode 87

It was a little later that I noticed the change.

Those who went to the warehouse do not return. At first, I thought it was just a whim. Even those who came to look suspiciously.

no one comes back

And I am not so complacent as to optimistically ignore such a situation.

When there was even the slightest doubt, they decided to report it right away, not cover it up.

Even if it's a minor accident, if it becomes a big problem due to it, it won't be a problem to cover it up or not.

It was reported to the aristocrats' aides, and upon hearing the fact, the nobles were not confused and willingly left their seats.

“… … What's going on? It's a waste.”

Pena also tried to avoid the seat for now.


However, the reason she tilted her head was because of a strange sense of incongruity.


When the escort noticed her senses and asked, Pena quietly raised her hand as if telling her to wait and concentrated.

strange feeling of discomfort.

“no way??????

Maybe others won't notice.

And when you figured out its identity.


Pena also shouted to Ilya, who was preparing to withdraw from the platform.

Haven't figured it out yet.

” yes?”

Still don't know

“That fool.”

The moment you rush to pay attention later. There was a roar from the ceiling and something came down.

Amidst the screams and footsteps of those fleeing, echoed everywhere.

Those that came down suddenly came to a halt in front of Ilya.

“Something? you guys... …

But no answer.

Instead, they scanned Ilya and all the guests around her, and their eyes glowed... … .

- check the specified signal.

- Carry out the entered instructions.

As it is, it exerts a strange power.

Soon after, the power they exerted swelled up in the shape of a huge dome and swallowed the whole area of the academy.


The reason why Ilya let out an undignified scream was because of the incident that was happening right in front of her eyes.

A mysterious being that suddenly appeared. As they exerted their strange power, the scenery changed.

“Ilya… … It hurts to see a grown child do that, so will you put up with that kind of screaming?”

“Stop it... …

Somehow, in front of Pena, who spoke calmly, she was restless, pointing to the changed scenery and shouting.

“… … Aren’t you surprised to see this, Pena-sama?!”

The scene that was indoors has changed to the outdoors.

It turned into a wide meadow, and a huge old tower was built in front of it.

“No, I am surprised.”


“then. what… … You must have seen this once or twice... … Ahahahaha... …

I'm surprised, but don't panic.

After marrying Arell, I've seen all the different things he's been doing, so it would be funny to be embarrassed again.

“Above all, I'll know the identity roughly.”


“… … Could it be that you still didn’t know?”

Rather, Pena let out a long sigh as if it were absurd.

“The one who moved us must have been the spirit?”

A mysterious being that suddenly appeared. As soon as he saw it, it was natural for Pena to recognize its identity.

“… … It seems a bit different from what I know.”

In terms of feeling, about 60% is close to the spirit. However, in the remaining 40%, she felt a sense of incongruity that even she could not understand.

“A spirit… … But why is that?”

“well? Should I find out about that now?”

Pena smiled bitterly and looked around.

He could still see the bewildered nobles clamoring around him.

“Ugh! pitifully... …

It is most important to remain calm when unexpected situations arise.

“First of all, we'd better wait until they calm down.”

It's good to let it go when you're flustered.

When you're calm, it'd be better to have a serious talk then.

Pena sighed and took out an artifact for communication.

Fortunately, this is working properly.

To be precise, I didn't react a little while ago, but I should say that a reaction came only a little while ago.

[Are you having fun? Was I going to go too?]

“… … It's not like that, Arell. Are you really embarrassed?”

And as expected, Arel makes a light joke as if he has already grasped the situation to some extent.

If he shows this attitude, at least it means that he is not in danger right away.

At that point, Pena was slightly relieved. Even though I pretended to be calm on the outside, I felt pressure on the inside.

“so? What's happening.”

[Hmm? What was found out was that the artifact stored in the academy was working. and… … .]

[The artifact seems to be something that the first owner of the Mage Tower studied.]

The voice changed. Hearing it in a calm tone, it was Dia's.

Being with her must have something to do with magic.

By the way, the response is quick... … .

Impressed, Pena put the information she found out first.

[Originally, the Academy was a facility built by the Ernesian royal family for the purpose of researching magic.]

Afterwards, the Mage Tower was built and moved, and the remaining site was recycled as the Royal Academy.

[And it seems that the workshop was personally owned by the first tower owner.]

Quite a few wizards have their own studio for research.

It is also an unknown place.

Perhaps that artifact is the key to heading here.

“Why do these things remain?”

[Due to the conditions at the time, some of the items the tower owner was involved in were said to have been buried there.] It was

intended to be moved later, but the tower owner at the time was unable to implement it.


[…] … That is.]

Dia was rarely able to speak. For some important reason.

It was Arel who spoke instead of her.

[I must have blinked.]

“… … ah.”

It's a really insignificant reason, and a reason why Pena would nod without knowing.

[It's common to forget to leave your luggage in the storage room when moving.]

Some speculation mixed with opinions, but Arel insisted that the reason was not so serious.

Well, Pena doesn't have much interest in that kind of thing.

“… … Hmmm, can I go out anyway?”

The important thing is the safety of those here. Pena herself did not feel much of a sense of crisis.

Spirituals have a slightly better sense than ordinary humans.

At least I don't get the feeling of being ominous.

More than anything, Arel said that.

It was the workshop where the first Mage Tower owner originally resided.

No one puts their home in danger.

[It takes time, but it's not difficult.

All you have to do is sit there for three or four hours. Do nothing.]

The reason it takes time is to be careful to safely interpret it.

If you use the brutal method, you can finish it in an hour.

But still, it's better to be safe.

“Hmm… … Then how else?”

Arell's tone was ambiguous. I said it's a way to do nothing.

So, is there a way to do something 1? IX

“ =

[Simple. There are usually artifacts to control the transition system in places like this.]

And it can be easily solved by finding and handling the device.

“Hmm… … Then, at least, stay over there.”

Pena muttered as she looked at the tower towering over there.

“Then why don't we just go get it?”

[There will be a minimum defense system. It shouldn't be a big deal with a device from hundreds of years ago, but... … It must be a little laborious.]

I heard the noise of something like a book flapping over Dia's voice.

It seems like he's looking through records and talking.

[As a result of combining the observed mana patterns, there must be a minimum security device. More than anything… … .]

“Oh? Is it that strange spirit?”

Looking at it, its true identity is a concern. This place was created by the master of the mage tower, but why is the spirit?

[The contract was made by mimicking spirit magic and creating an artificial spirit.]

However, due to various problems, it seemed that it was not put to practical use.

In short, it must mean that the ancestors at the time had similar ideas to Ilia now.

It's an interesting story, but I'll keep hearing it after I get out of here.

In the first place, as long as it was a spirit, Pena could handle it if she wanted to.

I was just hesitant because I was surprised to be involved in this situation.

It's simple once you know the identity.

“Are there two after all?”

Just wait patiently and figure it out yourself. Either way will be able to get out safely.

Common sense suggests that waiting patiently is the safest course of action.

Even if it takes time, it is more comfortable than anything else.


However, Pena seldom decided on the method and looked somewhere blankly.

The kid he taught. A young spirit who has no dignity yet}.

“Is this a good opportunity?”

[…] … Do whatever you want.]

As if he clearly knew what Pena was thinking, Arell answered with a chuckle.

[Even an accident that happened after a long time might be an opportunity if you take advantage of it.]

This is the policy of this family.

It doesn't matter what you do.

If so, it would be better to achieve the goal.

“That could be… … You mean you have to go all the way to the top of that tower to find an artifact to get out of here?”

After hearing Pena's explanation, Ilya's shoulders trembled.

Other nobles who were hearing the same explanation groaned as if embarrassed.

“Wouldn’t rescue come if we just waited patiently?”

Someone asked for their wishes, but Pena shook her head coldly.

“Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to be the case.”

It's a lie.

Pena did not share with them anything about how to wait.

Rather, telling them is a hindrance.

“Unfortunately, this seems to have been an accident.”

Even more so, when it became known that this place was the workshop of the first Mage Master, for whom no record was left, even those who at first went wild asking who should be held accountable became quiet.

It's to keep an eye out to see if there's anything missing.

“It looks like there are minimal security devices, but luckily there is someone who has the means to deal with it.”


Pena calmly said that was the way to go, grabbed Ilya's shoulder and pushed her forward.

“… … me?”

She looked around, eager to ask why she was here.

“Yes, Ilya, this is your chance to step out.”

Pena wanted to use this opportunity as an opportunity for Ilia.

It is also true that I wished there was a possible topic.

Then the opportunity to act came.

“Hey Ilya. You can solve this situation.”

“… … Is it really just me?”

Ilya, perhaps half-noticing it, met eyes with Pena.

do it. Ilya.

You know what if you don't?

I finally decided to give in to the strange pressure I felt without words.

“Leave it to me! I will take responsibility and get you out safely. … … yes. It's something I developed.”

It's a bit unsettling about bluffing, but no one seems to care about that right now.

Like that, Ilia was pushed into the tower as Pena intended.

Of course, she is not alone.

“Of course, I don't think you guys would be brave enough to send only a young lady to this situation.”

If you sprinkle enough groundbait, there will be people who are bluffing and fishing.

The young aristocrats must have been reluctant to leave it to the young lady.

Or if he wanted to save face, he willingly stepped forward.

“Then everyone, please write this.”

As instructed, Ilya handed over the temporary elemental contract tool she had made to them.

“Oh oh… … Is this what you showed at the presentation?”

“oh! The spirit really comes out!”

“… … However, it is impossible to give free instructions like a spirit sage, so rush, attack, and defend. I'll just listen. Please don't be overconfident.”

It is difficult to believe too much and attack.

When Ilya repeatedly cautioned them, they nodded their heads in agreement.

“and… …

Ilya hesitantly held out the remaining tools. The opponent is Chelford, Ilia's father.

Naturally, he also volunteered to follow Ilya into the tower.

However, since he doesn't say anything at all, Ilya seems to be burdened.

“Your father also uses this… …

“It’s okay. I don’t need it.” Instead, he declined and looked around.

He found several old but well-preserved swords and spears lying on the floor and picked them up instead.

“This one is for sure.”

can't be forced

Ilya put the tool he had developed back as if he couldn't help it.

Let's put aside personal thoughts for now and concentrate on escaping this place. How

a former pro

sucks honey

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