How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 727

- Episode 94 of Gaiden

There would have been nothing to do with

Episode 94 of Gaiden .

While Arna and the other children looked away for a moment. A few seconds of being busy playing or looking for something else to do.

That should be enough to disturb you.

Not to mention, the child, who was physically ill, couldn't have done anything about it.

Well, the ones who suddenly approached were the ladies-in-waiting who usually took care of that child.

That's why I didn't have any questions even the moment I touched it.

What I realized was that he was more violent than usual. And suddenly he lifted her up and carried her away as if to avoid being noticed.

Even an immature child cannot fail to notice it at this point.


I want to scream, but I can't because my mouth is blocked. Not to mention the voice of a child.

When I looked up, struggling as if I was terrified, I saw a familiar face. However, there were ladies-in-waiting who had unheard-of vicious faces.


“… … still don't you understand? You are sold.”

And as if mocking the child, one of the ladies-in-waiting said without stopping a mean laugh.

“And it was the adults in your family who sold you.”

“Well, they are from the family of the Duke of Gast.”

Eyes trembling in astonishment. As if they were happy to see it, they laughed.

Some things are said exaggeratedly, but not without the truth mixed in.

Those who tricked the ladies-in-waiting into betrayal were nobles from the branch of the Gast family.

“It's really hard to understand the minds of the nobles, right?”

They always laugh as if they are having fun.

The reason for doing this now is simply that that child is the child of the original family.

and being uncomfortable.

“I can't stand it because it's shameful that a child with a weak body is the child of the main family.”

“It's really hard to understand.”

The ladies-in-waiting shook their heads as if they were fed up with their useless pride and selfishness.

I wasn't on that kid's side from the start.

Of course, the old man must have been wary too. That's why there was no way to have a lady-in-waiting on the way.

For that from the beginning, those who have been there since the time the child was born.

It wasn't that they were conscious of Silin's existence.

They were the ones to act on if, for some reason, it was necessary to get rid of them.

A nobleman's greed is truly dark.

“Thanks to you, we got a lot of money. Whoop whoop whoop... …

Of course, since he had committed such a thing, there was no way he could properly live in Ernesia Kingdom.

He had already prepared to flee to another country.

“Let’s hurry.”

Get the cooperation of the soldiers you bought and get out of the castle quickly. The child is roughly tossed into the carriage bed.

Because there is no need to be polite. It is difficult to deal with it here, so you just have to leave the territory and go to an uninhabited place to deal with it.

“… … Get it right though Wouldn't it bother you if someone notices?”

One of the men who seemed to be on the same team as the ladies-in-waiting complained while driving the carriage.

“It doesn't matter, does it? He's just a kid anyway. There's nothing you can do, right? What’s more, he’s sick.”

“I'm not talking about that kid.

Apparently, there are children of that Areel Ernesia in the castle too?”

Today was a good opportunity, but there were variables that even they could not ignore.

Arna, the daughter of Arell.

They had to be especially careful not to touch Arna with their fingertips.

It doesn't mean that I won't hurt anyone other than the child who was specifically commissioned.

“If you look at it wrong, it is ruin.”

If the request is to harm Arna, they will never accept it.

There would be no one who would think of turning Ernesia into an enemy without going crazy.

Well, when that Arna kept sticking next to that kid, I was a bit nervous, but that's a child. It's easy to turn a blind eye.

“Do not worry. I didn't do anything to offend Arell Ernesia.”

“No matter how you do it, if you don't touch it, you won't interfere.”

In any case, this is the duke's problem.

As long as you don't specifically touch it, Arell won't pay attention to it.

They made their own conclusions according to their own common sense standards.

In fact, Arel doesn't show much interest in those who don't interact with him.

but… … What they misjudged... … .

In the end, they judged Arel and his family with their common sense.

It won't be long before they realize it.

it hurts… … And I'm scared... … .


Even a child from an aristocratic family is not ignorant of malice. On the contrary, I have encountered it even because of the child's weak body.

However, it must have been the first time that even those who believed in it turned around.

There is no way a child can withstand a situation where even an adult with a strong will can shake.

Tears fall.

“bump… … grandfather… …

It's probably going to be a mess by now. It will be difficult for us to save this child.

“… … are you okay?”

“scary… … but… … uh?”

Silin, who had been sobbing, stopped his snoring and raised his head in a daze.

I think I heard the most inaudible voice here right now?

Neither the handmaidens were ruthless who cooperated with them.

It would be ambiguous to say that it is a familiar voice. Wasn't it just a child I got to know today?

“… … and. It will hurt.”

There was a child who nodded as if he was sorry for some reason and approached.


“How? How Arna?!”

I didn't understand, so I widened my eyes in a daze. Why is Arna here?

Could it be that they were kidnapped together?

“I was curious about where Sylin was, so I followed him.”

Arna calmly said why she was here.

Arna, puzzled by Silin's disappearance, seemed to have succeeded in following them despite not knowing what or how.

And even though he thought the situation was strange, he secretly hid in this carriage and followed it.

Silin was astonished at that defenseless attitude.

“Why would you do that?!”

“… … yes. At first, I wanted to go somewhere to play... … I guess it wasn't.”

“Are you stupid?!”

Arna made an excuse with a slightly sullen expression. No matter how much that child is, at this point, he notices that there is something unsettling in the atmosphere.

“no way… … you must be a bad person

yes. I was careless.”

“… … Are you usually scolded by adults a lot?”


How did know? face to do. I can see what pranks he usually plays and makes adults rot.

Thanks to Arna, the atmosphere has softened a little, but the fact that it is a hopeless situation has not changed much.

“how to do… … Because of me, even Arna... …

“Probably fine.”

However, Arna calmly declared.

Like the child's father. Like Areel Ernesia, he answered moderately leisurely.

“It's okay.”

It was a bold prediction.

It's not that Arna doesn't know the situation. Enough adults have warned you to be careful.

I know very well how scary bad adults can be.


“I’m glad you followed me.”

No regrets. learned that too.

friends are helping … … At least within the scope of what you can do.

At least that's what I grew up watching.


And Arna asked as if asking for consent. Another sign suddenly appeared.

This time it's quite distinct.

Philvia, a rabbit-beast girl of the same age as the children.

“… … Until Philvia?”

I thought there would be another fool like this other than Arna... … .

Silin passed out in a daze, forgetting to despair.

Do you usually follow in a row in a place that looks dangerous like this?

“how did you know?”

“Got it!”

said Arna confidently, and Philvia nodded slowly.

“I saw that Arna was chasing me and followed me… …

What will change if the children grow here one by one?

However, Arna confidently smiled as if she wanted to say that she was different.

“I will help you!”

After all, friends help. That is the logic of these children.

And after a while... … .

“It's gone!”

“Sillin! The bastard is gone!”

“How the hell?!”

The panicked cries of the kidnappers resounded. Because there were no children who were supposed to be in that wagon.

“You run away first!”

As soon as the carriage reached their lair, Arna immediately insisted on fleeing.

what a natural If you're caught like this, you won't be able to make porridge or rice.

“Running away… … how?”

“hmm… … Get off the wagon... … down... …

Arna groaned as if choosing the next words. I don't have any plans other than being confident.

“are you okay. Perhaps this is a forest.”

On behalf of such Arna, Philvia spoke. He sniffed softly, as if he smelled something.

“It smells like grass and dirt… … It’s easier to run away in the forest.”

A forest with few human beings is not necessarily hopeless.

If you do well, you can get away with it.

It would be impossible for a normal human being. Losing my way again, getting roughed up by them, or dying, that's it.

but… … .

“My family has lived in the forest for generations. Finding your way in the woods is simple.”

Philvia pricked up her long ears and boasted.

A normal human would be bluffing.

is a prisoner It is also a child of rabbits who originally lived in the forest from their clan.

Of course, from an early age, I instinctively learned how to live in the forest from adults.

“huh! Then let's run away!”

policy has been set. Get out of sight and run away before the wagon arrives.

Arna decided that. He quietly poked his head out of the carriage to jump off the carriage.

” wow??????

Even so, jumping off a moving wagon must be a bit scary.

However, as if she had made up her mind soon, Arna reached out for Silin.

“let's go.”

“but… …

“are you okay. We will do something for you.”

Arna speaks confidently, and Philvia silently observes as if it were natural.

Silin, who looked at them alternately, eventually held Arna's hand as if the fear from earlier had disappeared.

Realizing that the child they had to deal with was gone, the villains gnashed their teeth in rage.

“shit! That's why I told you to check properly!”

“How do you think that leggy asshole is going to get away from there!”

The anger turned toward each other, and the situation became so violent that there would be nothing strange about punching them right away.

“Let it work.”

The one who mediated them was a man who had remained silent in this situation. Perhaps he is the person in the position to lead them.

“… … Belgin Gast.”

They looked at him as if embarrassed.

A person from the branch of the Gast family, and one of the culprits who instigated this incident.

“Chit. It's useless.”

It would be uneasy to entrust the work only to the lower ones. Didn't you actually do something like this right now?

“I’m sure I promised you a lot of money. … … If this is the result of that promise, it is truly disappointing.”

“That… …

“It was never our intention.”

“joy. What matters now is that the child is not here.”

“That is… …

“Or were you trying to trick me from the start?”

“Not like that. Apparently we secured it and put it in the wagon.”

“Then you foolishly missed it.”

They were speechless at Belgin's scolding. Because it is true that I made a mistake.

It is not simply a matter of displeasing the employer. Fortunately, if the child exposes today's work, the end is over.

“If anyone finds even one, consider it the end.” How

a former pro

sucks honey

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