How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 729

- Gaiden episode 96

Episode 96

Of course I knew.

Silin being betrayed and kidnapped by the ladies-in-waiting. And the fact that Arna chased after him.

but didn't intervene.

Because you can't just come and go.

If you've done something reckless, you should learn a little lesson.

If you intervene from the beginning, neither Arna nor the other children will learn anything.

I was thinking of intervening if it was dangerous, and in reality, it happened several times.

“You can’t look at me funny because they’re kids. In some ways, they are bolder than adults. isn't it? … …

I can't hear anything.”

I looked around and scratched the back of my head, but for some reason this silence made me feel embarrassed, so I sat down roughly nearby.

Why did they carelessly miss Arna and the other children?

Did you not do anything else after that?

Did these guys do nothing? No way.

“It bothers me in so many ways.


I sighed as I looked around at the guy who seemed to be the ringleader and the soldiers who had prepared themselves.

“It was a little too much for me to plan on taking care of just one child.”

Especially a tool to attract monsters.

I thought this would be dangerous, so I secretly intervened and prevented it from activating.

The rest of the soldiers were intervened at the right time, so all the rest will be captured.

“Stupid… … Did you think that if you averted my eyes, you would leave it alone because it was someone else's business?”

Even if Arna hadn't followed him, even if he hadn't been close to that boy named Shilin, he had no intention of treating this as someone else's business.

More than anything, I hate this.

“Personally, it sucks.”

I feel like I want to take care of everything here, but I think it would be better to hand over the ringleader to the old man.

On the contrary, it seems that it can make you suffer even more. probably stick to it Shall we visit later?

“… … Previously. The back of your head is itching, so come out? If you don’t come out now, I will consider you on the same side as this idiot.”

I blinked and someone jumped down from the ceiling without a sound.

“Is it you?”

I'm going to have a good time and ask.

I have been following and watching the children ever since. And when the need arises, he intends to sneak in.

And that was the moment I was most worried about.

When Arna uses magic.

Originally, the timing for Arna's attack was likely too late.

There is a guy who intervened at that dangerous moment.

The reason why the kidnapper failed to raise the aura.

that's that guy

“How cheeky… … Didn't you intervene on your own while I was judging you?”

“… … I just don't want to bother you.”

Despite receiving my hostility, he responded surprisingly well. It looks pretty useful.

At least not less. If so, which one?

“Just by looking at it, you can tell who the guardian is.”

Ears bulging above his head.

Rabbit ears that look long and fluffy.

Maybe it's the guardian of the beast boy?

Anyway, so that adults don't be more modest. what a spectacle What is it that everyone is following and making a fuss about?

However, if he was simply a caretaker guardian, I wouldn't have bothered to call him out. It's annoying to notice, so I would have sent it sneakily.

“… … ask right away you. What was that?”

What I asked was the means he used to help Arna.

A means of erasing an enemy's aura.

“Isn’t that the way a prisoner would use it?”

Intrigued, I later secretly retrieved the weapon he threw and found something unexpected.

What he threw was a pure white branch.

I wouldn't see it wrong. The branch he threw dispelled the opponent's bitter energy.

“He used a very strange weapon. where did you get that from? Could you teach me a bit if there's a place that sells it? Order some too.”

At least as far as I know, no country or tribe on earth would use something like this.

It's not me who doesn't know that heterogeneous sense of incongruity.

“It’s okay if you don’t want to say anything.”

I have no intention of forcibly interrogating him.

The one who bothered me right now was another guy. There is no heart to quarrel with guardians of the same position.

He probably wouldn't open his mouth even if I questioned him.

Above all, there is no hostility.

It doesn't matter because I don't live a warlike life so much that I beat myself up with only my heartache.

I waved my hand to signify that it was okay to go.

Surprisingly, he didn't even budge.


“I will tell you one thing. Now is not the time, but sooner or later there will be an opportunity to explain.”

“you… … What are you talking about... …

But, having nothing more to say, he just jumped up and disappeared.

I want to pursue it, but the presence has been erased.

He must have used an object with that strange power again.

You don't have to chase after it.

What I'm worried about right now is Arna rather than that hairy one.

Gradually, it seems that the soldiers I sent are protecting it, so I will have to scold and soothe them while watching them.

“… … At least in the Arna generation, it looks like it's going to be pretty heartbreaking.”

As always, there is no quiet day in life.

after the children are rescued.

At first, I gave them gentle hugs and soothes to calm them down and reassure them.

First of all, it makes you cry and soothes you.

And only when the children have calmed down... … .

“ruler? Arna?”

“Eh mom?!”

It's not Arna who can't notice Pena's voice that is quite angry.

As if the sound of crying had been washed away, Arna stopped and stared stiffly at Pena's face.

“Should I get scolded?”


It's not just about paying attention. I am genuinely angry.

“Didn’t I teach you that if you do something rash without fear, something big will happen?”

“That's it... …

I roll my eyes and look for excuses, but it can't be easy.

help! help!

Arna hurriedly looked at someone asking for help, but it was no different than other children.


I looked around to find Philvia, but I wonder if Philvia is already being scolded as well, as the hand of a female beast with rabbit ears holds her ears dangly.

Maybe that's how rabbits get scolded... … .

While in shock, Arna had to listen to Pena's scolding.

Silin, the victim, won't be scolded, but Arnana and Philvia jumped in unknowingly and got caught up in it.

If you did something careless, of course you should be scolded.

“… … but. It is also true that thanks to you, Arna and your friend are safe.”

Pena teaches not to ignore important things while scolding.

Of course, since the results were good, it would be right to teach them not to do rash things.

“Be careful next time.”

Even though there has been a commotion this far, I can't continue the exchange meeting.

The seats had already been discontinued, and guests were also set aside just in case.

Cleaning up is the adult's job, so the children should go home.

“I’m sorry, but Arna, let’s go back for today.”

“… … yes.”

Arna hung her head down, probably because she was tired even after shouting that she didn't like it.

“Oh. It looks like Dia has something to say about using magic on her own.”

“… … Can't we sleep here tonight?”

“It didn’t work.”

Well, as soon as I go back, this troublemaker will listen to another sermon to the fullest. Arna's shoulders trembled.

and when you have to go back


Someone called Arna, and when she turned around, Silin hurriedly came out. The assistive artifact I received as a gift last time was broken, so now I am barely pushing the wheels of my usual wheelchair.


What happened? Because of the commotion right now, Shilin is under strict protection, so he won't be able to come out easily.

It was obvious just by looking at the restlessness of the soldiers and maids.

But even so, the fact that he couldn't stop it must mean that he had a very urgent business.

Arna was puzzled but waited. The adults noticed something and waited while knowing it.

“Arna! next time… … Would it be okay if I go out to play next time?”

The promise Arna made in the beginning.

As if it was natural, Arna nodded widely.

“huh! whenever!”

No matter what... … A friend is a friend no matter how you get to know them.

At least the fellowship of these little children will continue for quite a long time in the future.

The Rabbit Beasts, naturalized in Ernesia Kingdom, were able to establish a base in the nearby hills of the territory they manage thanks to the consideration of the Duke of Gast.

Originally, they offered to arrange a seat in a city or village, but they stubbornly refused, saying that the mountain was good.

Originally, they were beastmen who lived in the mountains for generations of their ancestors, so it must be that they are comfortable in nature.

And there are a few elongated-eared shadows heading towards their stronghold.

Rabbits, including Philvia, were returning to their nests.

“Can’t you just let it go? ear… … it hurts.”

As punishment for her reckless behavior, Philvia, who was dangling from her ear with her ear caught, made a quiet request.

But adults don't listen.

“This is punishment for breaking the chieftain’s strict orders, young lady?”

Punishment for behaving wildly and putting yourself in danger.

When held in this way, instinctively, especially young rabbits, seem to be immobilized.

When they climbed up the mountain and returned to the base along the designated path, they saw a village built in the middle of the mountain. This is their current base.

“Are you back? Philvia?”

And a large rabbit beastman greeted Philvia. her father and patriarch.

“yes. I'm back.”

And Philvia answered while still holding on. It didn't look like the punishment would end, so she gave up.

“It must have been a big deal in many ways.”

“Something happened.”

“Yeah, what happened? Anyway, I got a call from that friend as well, thanking and apologising.”

“then… … Shouldn't the punishment be over?”

“No, I should shake my rash actions.”

“… … act.”

Philvia let go of her body, as if telling her to do whatever she wanted.

“Rather than that, Lord Hylos is waiting for you.”

“???? yes?”

Those words took Philvia a little by surprise.

Humans have secrets unique to their clan that humans do not know.

Philvia followed her father to the place where the secret was.

After bowing quietly, I lowered my posture and waited, and a white fireball swayed in front of my eyes.

[Are you back? My descendants.]

“Yes. I have come as you have called.”

Philvia answered politely.

I don't make mistakes because I grew up listening to the greatness of that existence even before I grew up, and I didn't take out the grace of that existence.

As they waited patiently, the entity began to speak quietly about its business.

[It looks like you've made a pretty interesting connection.]

“… … Are these humans?”


That being already knew that Philvia had been to an exchange meeting with humans.

But why?

[Was there a human with a strange aura?]


[It refers to a person with strong potential that normal people cannot have.]

At first, Philvia put on an expression of incomprehension, but soon opened her eyes wide as if she guessed something.

[I am interested. Interact with that human's clan.]

“… … yes. As commanded.”

It was Philvia's father who answered solemnly.

This is the relationship between that being and these clans.

[And you'll need this too.]

As the being sneakily sticks out its front paw, a lot of ore is swept out.

All precious gems and gemstones of precious metals.

That being gives them strength and funds for revival, and they act on his commands and bring information.

It is a secret of these clans that has been going on for hundreds of years.

Incidentally, this fact is unknown even to the Queen of Celia, who now commands the different races.

“thank you.” [


doesn't matter.

[I will help the revival of your clan.

Instead you... … .]

It wants one thing from those rabbits.

[Find the person we need to find.] How

a former pro

sucks honey

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