How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 740

- Episode 107 Episode

107 Episode 107

It was good that I came out of the city alone.

If the situation took place inside the city, even the meanest guy would get caught up in the battle.

“Isn't this a golden opportunity to dispose of me? … … Well, it's funny that I say things like this.”

Sure enough, they pounced on me without the slightest hesitation.

“okay! Defeat me if you want to free everyone!”

… … Now that I'm thinking about it, maybe it's not surprising that I'm an evil person.

yeah... … .

It was because he provoked the divine beasts who lived quietly for a long time and caused such a commotion every day.

If that's evil, then I'm sure that I'm the right person for my current role.

There are many ways to convince your opponent.

Even if you appeal sincerely, it is the answer.

It's the answer even if you don't say anything.

And how I often use it.

“Hmm, I heard a lot of things.”

Beating it as much as possible to make the muzzle soft and then making everyone confess.

Quite a few guys will naturally feel lighter after letting them experience the overwhelming difference.

After beating all the guys who tried to liberate the divine beasts who obeyed me without hesitation, I asked the noisy idiot for information.

[What the hell are they… … .]

“Um. They're simply incited idiots. Nothing to worry about.”

I shook my hand and lightly said, “It's already over, so be relieved.”

Yes, it seemed that he was incited.


“There is something like that. It looks like someone called them and told them.”

I was a bit taken aback when I first heard it.

Those guys just listen to what someone says and move right away?

“Anyway, it seems that this place is not as monotonous as I thought.”

Surprisingly, there is something I haven't figured out yet.

i'm sure of that I realized that there is one thing I need to check just in case.

“hey. Really, there is a divine... …

Are there only people of the same kind as us?”

There was something dubious about it.

strange feeling of discomfort.

When I questioned them, the priests tilted their heads as if they were not sure, and most seemed to really not know.

[Another creature? I don't know.]

“Before that, I didn't even know what a creature other than my own kind was... …

The very concept of another creature must be unfamiliar to them.

‘Don't these guys know??...

There is no point in asking. When you want to find out on your own. […] … .]

There was a guy who looked a little suspicious.

Let's question that guy.

“Do you know something?”

[…] … I don't know if the king is talking about it, but a small being was watching us from time to time.]

However, it is said that they ignored its existence.

It's not that it has strong enough power to cause harm, and it's a small thing at best... … A bit more solid than a primitive worm.

“… … Where are they?”

However, I, who had been laughing at pretty much anything, hardened my complexion when I heard that.

“Is that for real now?”

[Why does the king care about such an insignificant thing?]

“Well, that's why they... … perhaps.”

It was the time when I was about to say the reason and the identities of the guys I guessed.


faint noise rang out. It's binge drinking.

“this… … Was it too early for that one to come out?”

It doesn't look like it will end easily.

I was so sure that I looked back at the place where the sound rang and lowered my head.

[Are you the king? what the hell now... … .]

“For now, remember. … … It's a fact I've just been convinced of.”

To the puzzled guys, I said that first.

“Perhaps it's not just guys like us living on this planet.”

[…] … Huh?]

They just shake their heads saying they don't understand.

“Hey? What do you think happens when there are different kinds of creatures?”

[…] … I don't know.]

“That's the answer.”

Loud roar again.

Perhaps the target is the place where the gods' food and supplies are stored. Terrorism that takes advantage of when attention is focused.

Yes, it is an intentional attack. It's never a coincidence or an accident.

Hostile provocation.

“It’s a dispute.”

Let's think.

Suddenly, the house next door expands.

Without notice or understanding, they are called and called randomly, build buildings, hold festivals, and make a fuss.

Of course you'd be annoyed

Well, even if it wasn't for such a trivial analogy, even from the point of view of leading a tribe or country, it would not be possible to ignore it.

“Honestly, it was a blind spot… …

If I had known in advance, I would have been considerate.

However, I made a plan based on the premise that no other creatures existed and controlled the divine beasts.

We don't even need to ask what those other creatures think of us.

‘Perhaps that's the one who seduced some of the divine beasts into fighting with each other.' Someone has an intention.

If so, you should check it out yourself and talk.

“You guys concentrate on maintaining the city. Check the damage and make amends accordingly.”

[What did the king... … .]

“Isn’t it obvious? I have to go meet the guys who rang the doorbell at someone else’s house.”

From a general point of view, it would be best to immediately annihilate without needing to talk or anything at the point of attacking without permission.

But now the case is somewhat different.

‘Above all, if there are other creatures, the premise is different... …

I went out of the city by myself, having firmly warned not to act rashly.

“I imagined being attacked as soon as I came out, but… … Aren’t you that careful?”

I'd rather do it more quickly... … .

I sighed with regret and explored my surroundings once more.

not easy to find

It's not that traces don't exist, but they don't let their tails be easily stepped on.

‘… … then.'

As a result of considering the method for a while, I pretend to clear my throat lightly and clear my throat.

If you can't find it no matter how much you search... … .

“Are you watching anyway? The most dangerous divine beast that you are so wary of is here!”

I deliberately make it loud so that the voice can be heard well.

“ruler! Promise me no harm. I want to talk!”

I can't guarantee if it will really come out.

Whether or not to react, information can be inferred from the answer alone.

“… … Did you come out at once?”

In this case, the guys responded to my call.

For the first time, there was a faint presence other than Shinsu, and they broke through the soil and sand from the ground and came out.

‘ human??????

they are human

There was too... … .

“conversation? It's not even funny... …

And the man who seemed to be the representative among them said with a growl.

“The monster that has stolen our home for generations.”

A hateful word too.

I haven't gotten the exact information yet, but I don't think it will be easy either way. Thinking of that, I raised my hands.

“What do you mean?”

“Do nothing. You don't have to decide anything. We just talk.”

The guys didn't answer easily.

I had to wait a full day and night before they decided to comply with my request.

… … That's natural too.

Still waited

Because it's what I've been waiting for the most.

When we decided to talk in earnest, the person who seemed to be their leader gave his name.


It's a simple name, but I wanted to remember it.

“I don’t know what whim it is… …

We take it as an opportunity to get to know you guys.”

“It doesn’t matter if you take it that way. I want to ask you one thing more than that... … Where have you guys been all this time?”

“Do you think you will?”

There is a hard line drawn in the words of a man named Mel.

totally against us... … No, eyes that see more than that.

And that's not all.

Even the humans watching from above have the same eyes without exception.

‘It's deeper than I thought.'

I had a very unpleasant feeling.

It must be the eye that sees the enemy.

An opponent who must repay his hatred.

there's no way i wouldn't know

“Just guess. Where you live must be underground, right?”

“I have tried to find other creatures on the ground many times. But I couldn't find it.”

No one else and I couldn't find it.

“That must have been thoroughly covered up.”

Maybe these guys have a way to get my attention away.

By using something with special powers or magic or whatever.

“… … How is that?”

“That's it. Do nothing.

No, it would be more accurate to say this. You don't even have to.”

It sounds like a threatening tone, but the meaning will be conveyed clearly.

“I have no reason to think of you as enemies. What does that mean for us?”

“You are arrogant.”

“haha. But that's the reality. I'm really sorry if you felt offended.”

“… … done. There would be no point in arguing with you guys about things like that.”

Did you show a lot of hate?

‘Looks like we were the ones who bought this.'

I wanted to ask them about the approximate situation.

“Check one thing. Why did you incite your own people to fight? And why did you target our city?”

“… … I don't know what you mean.”

“Don’t pretend. I've already heard the testimony. He talked wildly about me.”

Deliberately spreading gossip to provoke a dispute.

Since divine beasts are not conscious of humans, it would be possible if they had the courage to approach and whisper.

“Anything is fine, so tell me why. I can't say anything if I don't know.”

“… … To drive you guys out.”


answer as expected.

As I am silent, Mel's gaze burns with more hatred.

“You know? You white monsters have been taking away families over the ages, beginning with our ancestors.”

“No, we didn’t do that… … Chit.

Did that happen?”

I was about to reply that I never ordered killing, but I clicked my tongue and remembered the meaning.

“Certainly, for you, the current environment on earth is detrimental… …

“Did you know?”

“It is not intentional. It’s just a constitutional effect of Shinsoo.”


Originally, it would have been somewhat purified and clear, but the environment on the ground changed dramatically as the number of divine beasts increased and occupied the ground.

Now they are on the ground, but they are only protecting themselves with some means.

Maybe it won't last long either.

In fact, if you look closely, your stamina is rapidly declining.

“We call it the White Death.”

“… … It's ironic that the result of the divine energy was death.”

Shinsoo is said to be a sacred creature, but in such an excessive environment, it is no different from a disaster.

Even more so, most Shinsoo are unaware of that fact.

‘This planet must have been more damaged than I thought.'

The reason I accept it and feel bitter is because my mind is different from theirs.

From their point of view, it would be infuriating.

“Before countless ages, our ancestors were deprived of the earth by you.”

In order to live, they dug into the underground where their energy was not crazy. I must have peeked at times to find a way to survive.

Humans regard Shinsoo as an enemy.

not ironic

In a fairly decent world, even beings worthy of respect will be resentful when they become poisonous instead of overdoing it.

“Is that why you attack?”

“To live.”

“???? Hmm.”

I didn't even criticize his attitude. It's a position to receive hostility, but it would be unfair to be angry here.

It is they who are actually threatened. They are not rotten enough to criticize those struggling for survival.

It's all because this world is crazy. How

a former pro

sucks honey

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