How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 751

- Gaiden episode 118

Gaiden episode 118

Gaiden chapter 17. How to protest when the world around you is noisy

‘Somehow it tickles my ears...' …

I don't feel good.

‘Is it because I have a lot to remember about the past?'

It felt like it was always stuck somewhere.

To put it in an analogy, it feels like I sensed pests roaming around where my eyes couldn't reach.

‘It would be nice if it was a simple misunderstanding.'

Unfortunately, there is no reason for me to worry for a long time.

Because I found out why.

One of the handy communication tools that I personally keep responded.


The person who used this now is the tribal chief of the rabbit beasts.

I was told to use it just in case, but I really didn't think I would use it.

[Ah, Mr. Ernesia! I'm really sorry at this time... … 』

“It’s okay, so tell me about your business.”

There is no need for useless misayeogu.

Are you paying attention to the details of a rescue request?

“What is going on?”

[Shinsu… … Shinsoo-nim!]

Before he could speak, there was a roar and the sound cut off once.

Fortunately, he did not die, but it seemed difficult to wait for an explanation.

“… … Avoid first. send someone.”

After giving the order, he dressed up enough to cover only his face and moved on.

The area where the tiger deity they worship is sheltered.

Arriving there, I rolled my eyes and looked around to grasp the situation.

“What's this?”

I quickly capture the surrounding landscape with my eyes and interpret it with my head.

The rabbit beasts are under attack.

The problem is who to attack.

“… … I wondered if it was you?”

A wild beast in the form of a huge, white tiger that is familiar to the eyes.

The god-sug, whom the rabbits look up to, rushes at the clan that worships him, completely blindfolded.

“What are we going to do?”

There is no need to ask what happened.

I jumped in from the spot and countered the divine beast's charge head-on.


My outstretched fist collided with his huge head, shaking the whole area.

“… … you are?”

“It’s okay, run away. I will subdue this trouble maker.”

“but… …

“don't worry. I won't kill you.”

The rabbits made complicated expressions as I casually beat the person they respected, but they ran away as if they knew that their lives came first.

It is also a family that has survived for a long time.

Thanks to that, I can just focus on stopping him.

“If you kill that thing, you won’t even get information about what happened… …

Even if it's rough, let's definitely conquer it.

“hey! Stay still!”

I try to talk to her several times, but there is no response.

With a scream that can't even be called an answer, he rushes towards me.

“… … I'm sure it tasted good.”

The frontal charge is counterbalanced by colliding with force again.


The area vibrates loudly just by colliding with it, and a shockwave rages like a storm.

“… … This is not good.”

It doesn't mean I can't cope. You can win. not simple

However, the damage it causes to the surroundings is annoying.

“I can’t. Shall we suppress it a little more harshly?”

It must be difficult to calmly conclude the conversation at the point where the conversation does not work.

This time, I jumped high to avoid his attack and chanted magic while staying in the sky.

A huge magic circle unfolds, and thousands of magical chains pour out of it, randomly tying the guy like a tangled skein.

“???? hmm?”

But as soon as he cries, the chains break.

Even though it was a magic specialized for divine beasts, it was broken.

Resistance is more severe than expected.

‘If I use more power than this, I have no choice but to hurt myself... …

Killing is possible at any time.

However, I wanted to avoid that because there is a questionable part.

“… … I can't.”

They quickly came to conclusions and went into action.

The tiger digs low on purpose to avoid the light emitted from its mouth.

“If you don’t want to listen, let’s get hit first!”

I kicked him in the stomach with all my might.

It's not meant to inflict damage with blows, it's to shock and push away.

The boy's body floated.


He didn't immediately pursue, but instead looked down.

It is the ground to stare at.

The land where he will soon fall.


I put my fist into it with all my might.

cooong! A sound echoed deep into the ground, and at the same time the earth's shaft trembled.

“I can’t even suppress it with magic… …

If damage occurs when fighting with force, there is only one way. is not it?”

Are you having trouble?

Then just throw it away and stop.

“Let’s play down here for now!”

I'll make your special cage.

It penetrates my energy deep into the ground and pushes it out as hard as it can.

Great! The sound of cracking rocks resounded, and the ground around the area split open.

It's not the sea, but the land, but it's a sight that someone will bow their heads when they see it.

Literally Arel's miracle.

I can't see under the crack. Perhaps hundreds of kilometers were well separated.

I have already confirmed several times that the Shinsoo's durability is not normal.

“So it's okay to drop it deep into the ground.”

it's okay i won't die

What if you die? There's nothing you can do about it.

At least let the flowers go.

If he was sane, he thought about how he would cry in injustice and completed an additional spell.

“Get away.”

A purple aura shimmered around him, and his falling speed increased as if he was being pulled down at once.

What I used was simple gravity magic.

It doesn't matter how much you increase the gravitational acceleration applied to the guy's body.

It's not a direct attack or a seal.

“If it were a divine beast in the form of a bird with wings, it would have been a headache, but fortunately, he survived because he was a tiger.”

Sad beast without wings.

get away

I snap my finger! When it rang, it accelerated to its maximum and with that momentum disappeared beneath the cracked ground.

Kyaa oh oh oh oh oh!

Don't mind if something sounds like a plaintive cry.

When you can't hear the sound, you feel a faint vibration under your feet, but ignore it.

“Should I close the lid just in case?”

It forcibly closes the cracks in the ground and seals them off. In addition, a defensive barrier is also spread under the ground in case of emergency.

“First of all, it's like covering the urgent matter... …

However, it cannot be considered that this has been resolved.

More than anything, my intuition is telling me.

That this isn't even the beginning yet.

“I wonder what happened...

No matter how much I think about it, something feels bad, right? When you are thinking, someone approaches you.

At first, I wondered if it was related to this situation, but it was a familiar sign.

“Is it Shen? You're a little late.”

“… … After all, was this commotion a teacher?”

“As expected, what is it?”

For some reason, this guy who should be in the east by now raises a greeting as soon as he lands.

It was a small thing. I shook my hand moderately and demanded an explanation.

“Actually, several divine beasts ran rampant in the east as well.”

“… … ah? Were you there too?”

I guessed. Maybe there were other compatriots.

And likewise, it was runaway.

“What did he do? Did you kill him?”

“That is… …

Shen rolled his eyes in embarrassment.

He doesn't know much about this matter. It's because I didn't share information about Shinsoo with others.

I didn't expect this to happen in the first place.

“We couldn’t repel them easily, so we drove them into the sea first and froze the entire area.”

“???? and.”

In some ways, he's worse than me.

Soaking it in cold seawater... … .

“Is it better to kill me?”

“It might be better not to kill anything.

… … But this time I won't be able to tell you for sure.”

“What does that mean?”

“Strange… … it's so weird... …

continues to haunt me

I can't think of a reason why these guys run amok. Even if you think about it from these guys' point of view, nothing meshes.

‘That means it's for reasons other than these guys... …

I'll have to check it out.

“Follow Shen. Did you come with that in mind?”

“of course.”

“Then I will ask for your help.”

This time alone, I'm a little anxious.

If my prediction is correct, the guys who ran amok right now will be nothing.

Doesn't that mean there is still one super-sized bomb left?

Shen also followed without a word.

Perhaps it was the intention to intervene in this situation from the beginning.

“Are you not going to call the others?”

“Wait is not worth the time.”

Above all, if my senses are right, then it will be too late.

First of all, I gave a short explanation while moving.

“The world of divine beasts… … Was there anything like that?”

“Originally, I was going to send him back after satisfying him moderately, but he wouldn’t let me come again… … Things got a little messy.”

As always, it's an industry that never ends quietly.

Because this world is really fun.

damn it

“Let's check first. I have a place to guess.”

The passage where I talked with the super-giant divine beast Sylphia before.

As expected, the atmosphere felt completely different from last time.

“It is a strange place. I never thought such a pure white plant would grow.”

“When I came not long ago, it was an ordinary cliff. There was nothing but plain moss.”

One cause.

The energy seen from beyond that aisle is influencing us all the way here.

“The aisle is completely open.”

Originally, it was developed only to the extent that only a doctor could convey it.

However, the passage is stable enough to openly invade the energy.

“I think I can get past this without a problem.”

“Are you going?”

“I’m just going to take a quick look. I don't even know the situation there... … Because I am not prepared at all.”

More than anything, I had a hunch that I should go in and check it myself.

Relying on my intuition, I jumped into the aisle, and Shen followed suit without hesitation.

The sense of movement is not very long. In a blink of an eye or two, we reached beyond.

Tunnel connecting the world.

“It’s a waste.”

Normally, I would have blinked my eyes to record sensations or various information to abuse this technology to my liking, but now I don't even think about it.

Because something more absurd is unfolding before my eyes.

“It was true that it was the world of divine beasts. But interest... …

“Yes, everyone is running out of control.” At least it's not the world I knew. Of course, the sparse topography is familiar, and the outline of a huge city can be seen.

decisively different.

“It has changed.”

All the energy emitted by the divine beasts ran wild and mutated at random.

Instead of destructive activities like our world, their energy was constantly changing.

“This is something that would normally never happen.”

I want to find the cause, but it won't be that simple. I urgently wanted to find another one.


“Shen! Beware! The most important thing to watch out for here is... …

But it must be too late.

There were clouds in the sky.

No, not exactly a part of a living thing. At the same time as shouting


we each left and left the spot at the same timing.

An object that obscures the sky. The giant snake's tail struck the spot where we were.

“and… …

A huge snake with wings... … A god bigger than any mountain is glaring at it.

“… … what size is this Wow, this is no joke.”

nothing to ask That's Sylphia's body.

I immediately alerted Shen.

“That's the current boss who is in command of this place! The power gap is different from what you faced, so be careful!”

“That doesn’t seem like such a problem… …

Shen rarely blurts out his words and doesn't even show his sympathy.

“I don’t feel like dealing with that.”

A monster that even this guy, who has higher fighting power than most reincarnated people, doesn't want to fight.

Well, to be honest, I didn't even think it was this much.

“… … It wasn't like this for me either.”

To be honest, the total amount of power already surpassed me at that time.

‘Honestly, I couldn't have guaranteed this even when I lived here?'

He said he inherited his power from the residue I left behind.

How humble is that... …

I'm already strong enough to not recognize my traces at that time.

“I don’t know if I should be happy about this or not… …

At least it won't be a laughing matter.

Normally, they'd compliment me for being unique, but... … .

If that power is threatening us, we cannot tell you even as a joke. How

a former pro

sucks honey

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