How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 763

- Side Story Episode 130

Side Story Episode 130

“Anyway, now I’ve seen you play ball.”

you don't need it anymore

From the beginning, my purpose was to awaken Sylphia, not to play with him.

“You’ve only lived in your mouth! monster! My power is endless! It can't be hidden that your strength is exhausted!”

Mel must have thought my claim was just a bluff.

“What a bluff, that’s right… …

As he pointed out, he is honestly out of breath.

It's true that it's hard to fight head-on like this anyway.

[…] … I will help.]

“Of course. No, more than that, I did everything I had to do, so you go ahead and get beaten up. ruler. ruler. be a shield

This fucking white thing.”

[…] … .]

I pushed Sylphia as a joke. Well, I added that it was a joke when I really had the momentum to rush ahead.

“I have to cooperate. I'm tired of dealing with only you, so to be honest, I don't think I'll be able to do anything alone anymore.”

[…] … What should I do?]

“First, wait.”

It is still far away.

We have to wait for another target to explode.

“I should have reached it by now… … no, just don't do it

At that time, I'm really going to throw it in there. … … That damn kid.”

[What does that mean?]

“Oh? There is something like that.”

There's no way I thought of only measures to wake up Sylphia.

Regardless of whether or not Sylphia was awakened, of course, she had devised a way to get rid of Mel.

“Because it’s not your taste to just fight for power fairly?”

Of course there is a trick.

Above all, why did I foolishly come out myself and work so hard to attract your attention?

“Whatever you decorate… …

“It doesn't matter what you do? haha. Don't ask again after 10 seconds of saying that. Let's see if he'll say the same bullshit then.”

I smiled and raised one hand.

There is no meaning.

I just want to get in shape.

In this industry, bravado is a skill that must be mastered.

“Explode. kid.”

The timing I measured must have been just right.

At that moment, exquisitely, I felt a strange shaking under the earth's axis. It wasn't a vibration caused by that torrent of ominous energy that Mel was taking over. Due to a separate cause.

“… … what? what?!”

Needless to say, Mel is agitated first.

“No way! It can't be! yes dude! Such a trick... …

A guy who suddenly glows.

He loses his composure, loses the ability to express even that proud hatred, and falls into a panic.

[What happened?]

Even Sylphia was perplexed.

The formidable enemy who had only believed in overwhelming power and boasted a moment ago suddenly collapsed.

And if I don't know anything else, the reason I provided was blatant.

“not a big deal.”

I am the only one who knows why.

There is nothing to hide.

“I was the bait in the first place.”

“Don’t be ridiculous!”

Mel was furious.

“I must have been monitoring your movements! Even during that fight, you would have been only focused on blocking my power.”

“ah? Admit it.”

I shrugged my shoulders and humbly admitted it.

Obviously, that guy was difficult to handle.

“It wasn’t acting or anything. I was really out of breath for the first time in a while.”

I can't see the end of my power, and it's troublesome to spread it in all directions. More than anything else, considering Sylfia was a problem.

That's why he didn't hide it and showed his strength.

is that what he wants

“A good bait is to show you what you most desire.”

If you shake something you don't like, you won't catch a fish.

“… … Don't be funny. Even if you command humans, there's no way they'll be able to do anything.”

“It's not like that.”

I don't really agree with that guy's ideology. I can't entrust the work to the people I recruited.

It's possible, but it will take a lot of sacrifice.

“But it's on my side.”

” what?”

“Someone who is easy to pamper and won’t die easily even if you throw it at random.”

Looking at the guy's face, I didn't even notice.

The existence of the trainer who secretly followed him without permission.

I set aside the rest and asked the little boy one favor.

“I ordered him to run some errands to ruin your bottom line.”


Reincarnated... … His real name is omitted below and he is roughly called a trainer by others.

The reincarnated person in the form of a little girl was exploring the underground with a feeling of pouring out the goblin for complaining and swearing at Arel.

“Let’s sell me… … worst.”

However, this time, there was something that was self-inflicted.

I shouldn't have intervened at the point where Arel was involved.

She lamented about herself before coming here.

“I was blinded by greed… …

There were few opportunities for her to see creatures of the new class. Most of the time, when you visit after hearing rumors, almost all of them are specimens.

Of course, with her skills and knowledge, she could restore quite a few creatures with just a sample.

But it didn't work out as much as Shinsoo.

Is it because they are biologically impossible to exist from the beginning? Even the trainer hadn't succeeded in that, and felt that it would be impossible.

So he was convinced when he saw that Arel was involved with the divine beast.

Isn't it just a matter of catching and taming a living god?

“… … Come to think of it, I was stupid.”

completely blinded

“I will never be involved again.”

From now on, I will only go in the opposite direction of Arel's direction.

With that decision, the trainer first went down as Arel ordered.

‘Not for the sake of Arell, but for Shinsoo... … Because their existence is a waste.'

From what I've heard, that monster named Mel will probably get rid of all of them after using them.

I don't know what happens to humans, but it's a different story when it comes to gods.

It is a rare creature. I haven't quite figured it out yet, but I can't let it all go away.

Rationalizing that they were cooperating for personal reasons, the trainer moved on.

‘… … The basement is quite large.'

The route to the ground was not difficult to secure. After investigating, there were several abandoned oysters.

According to Arel's explanation, in the distant past, humans lived by hiding in the ground, avoiding the nature of divine beasts, so it must be a remnant of that.

‘A truly strange world.'

Usually, if there are humans and other creatures, humans are the main ones on that planet.

Regardless of fertility and habits, if humans exist, they will definitely occupy the stars.

That is the power of the creature called human being.

However, it is personally interesting that the cause and effect were reversed.

‘Perhaps there was something before the divine water occurred... …

Mass extinction-like phenomenon.

It seems that Arel doesn't even know that far. It's not that I didn't look into it, but I gave up because I lacked clues.

Well, seeing that I didn't even go into the ground myself, I probably thought it was annoying at the time.

Upon exiting the aisle, it leads to a fairly spacious space.

“… … Maybe this is the town.”

Surprisingly, the appearance is plausible. There is a living space in the form of a cave. Looking at it, it seems that there are traces of food, so it is considered to be a space where people lived in the past.

“It is well preserved… … What?!”

At some point, the trainer, who had been assessing the environment there with half interest, stepped back half a step and was alert.

There is something.

“… … No one can live in a place like this right now.”

If there is someone here, it must be something that hinders the trainer.

“Attack first!”

The trainer threw an attack without hesitation. Although he does not have the skills of other reincarnated people, he is not pushed by even a decent master.

When he took out his sword and swung it straight, three or four strands of sword energy flew and he hacked the one that had just appeared.

“… … Chit. worst.”

An ordinary creature would have been cut to pieces on the spot and launched an attack that would have ended, but the trainer kicked his tongue and jumped backwards to widen the distance.


At that moment, with a roar, the place she was in was hollowed out.

If you look closely, you can see that it was hit by an object made of gray fog.

“The aura that composes the body of that monster is the same. … … maybe.”

But compared to the monster, that one was rather crude.

It was just that the gray air currents, which were simple in shape, gathered to form a human shadow-like shape.


As if imitating him. But there is no decisive will.

The action is also monotonous.

The trainer tried to attack with several patterns to confirm.

Lightly kick a stone and throw it away, or try pouring sword energy again.

Or some simple magic.

Either way, the response is monotonous.

‘If they approach or attack you, take them back... … The pattern of any attack is the same...' It can also be called an automatic security system. He didn't necessarily notice her existence, he just reacted conditioned reflexively.

“So simple.”

As soon as he was convinced, the trainer rushed straight ahead.

As she spreads light air, her body shoots out at a speed that won't even leave an afterimage.

That's enough.

“go away.”

If it were a monster, I would observe it more interestingly. That's a bad feeling that can't fit even on the axis of living things.

After taking dozens of pieces and scattering them, I put a seal on them and tie them up to prevent them from resurrecting.

“red. There is no guess.”

Although she gets beaten up by other reincarnated people, she's not so formidable that she gets beaten easily.

As if to relieve the anger of the past, the trainer flicked the sword he was confidently holding and let out a snort.

“Even though it looks like this, I ate some jjambab. With something like this... …

Don't think you can do anything about yourself with something like this. She was what she wanted to say.

“… … ah.”

I couldn't help but open my mouth slightly.

I guess I was too careless.

“I was a little conceited.”

Did you say flag on this floor? If it were Arel, he would probably say that and laugh as if it were absurd.

The presence increases. Same as the one sealed earlier... … No, monsters with a higher density are crawling out from under the floor.

The most terrifying thing of all is the large number of heads.

When it exceeded 400, I stopped counting.

“… … What horror movie is this?”

That's not very pleasant. From now on, all she has to do is go down there and do something.

In short, again.

“… … You have to go down that way.”

Now we have to break through the underground where those guys are teeming with.

“ha… … Let's sell it once.”

There are no monsters she can handle here.

Not to mention, her skills and knowledge don't work against divine beasts or monsters like that, so they're fundamentally bad.

“… … I was trying to save this.”

The trainer sighed and took out several wooden bottles from his pockets, opened the lids, and threw them like grenades.


Poof! Poof!

After a few of them take out the same bottle and throw it, it flies toward them in a neat parabola.

Doesn't such an act even count as hostile? Guys don't respond.

It doesn't matter.

“It doesn’t matter if you react.”

The trainer nodded arrogantly, as if boasting, and gestured lightly.

“come out. Time to run amok.”

There are no monsters here.

However, if you can't use your talents because you blame the environment, you're only third-rate.

Of course, facing a crisis, like everyone else, assumes.

Of course, she was also prepared.

What if there are no monsters?

“You just need to prepare in advance.”

Liquid flows out of the wooden bottle. A reddish viscous liquid.

As soon as it touches the surrounding foreign matter in the air, it begins to react rapidly.

It swells like a bubble, and soon the amount rapidly increases.

“good. Chewy.”

Trainer's name. Specially made simple interceptor astronomer.

When I shouted out the name reminiscent of some junk food, the swollen mucus began to work in earnest as if I had understood it.

The slime clumps soon pulsate several times as if recognizing all objects except the trainer once, and finally begin their full-scale activities.

It absorbs surrounding rocks or foreign substances and inflates its body size based on them.

The slime, which soon grew to be nearly 3 meters long...


As ordered, they started attacking the monsters around them.

Tentacles extending from the slime pierce the monsters and either devour them or tear them apart.

Monsters also recover, but slime balls attack more quickly.

“This is a good way to buy time… … How

a former pro

sucks honey

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