How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 768

- Episode 135 of Gaiden

Episode 135 of Gaiden

First of all, to name a few kind services that were implemented for the success of the festival.

First, there is a simple service for the guests who come here.

“The basics of having fun are eating and drinking.”

Gourmet is something that should not be missed at any banquet.

Because that's what people enjoy the most.

to eat. to drink.

Beyond simply enjoying it, it is indispensable as it is related to preparing for living instinctively.

Therefore, alcohol and snacks of the minimum quality were given in an appropriate amount without discrimination to anyone.

Of course, we pay for it on our side. To put it bluntly, it means paying in advance.

Of course you can't refuse that favor.

“hmm… … The response seems to be good.”

Looking around, I nodded as I seemed to be taking it pretty well.

It is important to let go to some extent.

If the red rises to a certain extent, the wallet will naturally loosen. Of course you will want to spend.

That sense of feeling a little lacking is important.

It is basic in any era and in any world. If you want to attract customers first and open their wallets, at least let them go.

By analogy, it's like a tasting corner!

Other than that, I was worried about a lot of things.

Even the streets are decorated to the fullest.

Knights and soldiers patrolling were also made to wear doll clothes rather than armed outfits.

Even if it looked like that, it would be more reliable than any armor.

Famous theatrical companies and music groups have also been invited, and a splendid fireworks display is scheduled for the night, so the view will be sufficient.

It's nice to see that customers are also satisfied.

This is sufficient for basic aesthetics and minimal services.

Then, the key to the rest is what to enjoy them with.

‘… … Um, how is it?'

I still don't know what I am like.

To the extent of receiving reports or reviewing in order to grant permission in advance, of course, but I did not interfere.

Because if I interfere even there, the pleasure of playing will be diminished.

“ruler? What is it?”

“I look forward to it!”


I was walking around holding Arna's hand side by side, matching his gait.

Pena seems to be busy too, so I decided to take Arna with her during the day.

“Arna, where should we go to play?”

“That way is good! It smells good!”

“Yes, yes.”

First of all, I was going to go sightseeing with Arna. Around tomorrow, the children who became friends with Arna will also arrive, so we should let the children go together at that time.

And it is also important to take the child with you like this.

It would have been better if Pena and other members of the family had come along, but unfortunately, it seems that everyone has something to do. So, babysitting is my job.

“I wish Ellen would have come too.”

“It's not very good to be noisy with him yet. Well, I don't know if we can go together next time.”

It'll be tumultuous then. With two kids, I also have to be prepared.

I followed Arna's wishes and moved on.

Moderately eat snacks at food stalls and sneak peek at street performances.

And what caught Arna's attention was,

“It's over there!”

“hmm? ah… … Does that bother you?”

In the direction Arna pointed at, there was an object that looked quite unfamiliar.

It looked like a tower made of a pure white ice-like substance.

Of course, it is a building that is not normally found in Fahilia.

“Did Dia say that? …

As soon as I saw it, I could guess right away. Because I knew until the stage of the report.

It was built on the mage tower.

“Are you Dia’s sister?”

“It looks like that.”

Apparently, Dia was preparing something by organizing the wizards under her command.

Since it is possible to use human resources at will, Dia seems to have pulled the resources of the Mage Tower without hesitation.

He is using his power privately. So wonderful.

“Then let’s take a look over there first.”


Arna jumped ahead as if she had waited, and I hurriedly chased after her in order not to miss her.

When we arrived at the tower carved out of ice, Dia greeted us just in time as if she had been waiting for us.

“I thought you would come just in time.”

“… … What stands out?”

Certainly, it seems that ordinary customers are stopping by to see if they could not ignore the heterogeneous presence of this tower.

“This way.”

“Well, it doesn’t matter if we stand in line, right?”

“What a joke… …

Well, let's say it's a privilege of the lord's family.

Just as Dia guided us, we turned to the back road instead of the original entrance and went inside the ice tower.

I gently touched the ice wall.

not cold

It is ice that is not cold. It's no different than glass.

“You did a good job building this.”

“Recently, the level of wizards in the tower has improved considerably. It's as simple as that now.”

“… … so? What were you showing me here? I even built a tower like this on purpose.” “The tower is incidental.”

The original plan was to select and rent an appropriate building among the buildings in the territory, but it was difficult to find anything useful.

“That's why we thought it would be better to temporarily build a building that is suitable for us.”

It's ice, so just melt it away after the festival. Above all, it will be suitable for aesthetics because it gives a mysterious feeling.

That's the sea I admit. Arna is also looking around curiously.

“Thanks to you, I prepared several things.”

Facilities for various purposes are prepared for each floor to gather guests.

After a quick glance, I see an extraordinary scene where food ingredients are cooked with various magics.

what are they doing

“From food cooked with magic.

to souvenirs. I also prepared a brief play.”

“Aha, you put a lot of effort into it.”

From selling food to a space displaying eye-catching items such as rare magic and tools of the Mage Tower.

Does anything look mysterious when branded as magic?

“I'm looking at fortune-telling there, too.”

Apparently, wizards holding something like a crystal ball are dealing with the guests. Perhaps they are magicians who are watching what Dia is saying.

“Is the point correct?”

“I changed my policy towards giving the best possible answer rather than accuracy.”

“… … That's right.”

Rather than predicting the future with facts, it would feel better to tell people something hopeful.

Fortune telling is a service industry.

The success or failure of a fortune teller depends on how well you select and listen to only good things to hear.

There is no fortune teller in the world. If you think so, then you have fallen prey to the magic of fortune tellers.

It seems to be doing well.

Since wizards are also mysterious, it seems to be a hot topic.

“Are you doing well?”

“I'm really glad you're taking good care of me. heh... …

Dia seems to be quite proud of it.

There was something that bothered me a little.

The question is, what did D.A personally prepare?

I was well aware that she was busy preparing something.

“Didn’t you prepare something too?”

“It is as you say.”

Dia nodded honestly as if she had nothing to hide.

“Of course, there are also things prepared personally.”

Rather, he says as if he waited for me to ask.

It seems that Dia wanted to show it to me right away.

“Can you show me?”

“of course.”

Dia answered in a slightly excited tone and immediately guided me.

Arna didn't seem to be interested in Dia's exhibits, so she asked the disciples Dia was teaching to take a look.

As it was, they moved to the top floor of the ice tower at once, and Naja Dia pointed there as if guiding them.

“This is it.”

“… … ah.”

I didn't say much because I was surprised and surprised, but I was also at a loss for words.

“this. Couldn’t you just call it an exhibit?”

“Yes, but.”

He says it seems odd.

I thought for a moment what to say.

“Anyway, this… …

The reason I have such a flirtatious reaction is that the content of the exhibit is, in a sense, truly unexpected.


me. Arell.

“I thought about the topic, but I thought it would be good to have something about Arell-sama.”

Dia speaks proudly.

As she said, the exhibition hall is full of me. The statues that made my appearance, the things I left records of.

“… … I am shocked and I have nothing to say.”

“I am confident in my accuracy and records. Above all, there was something I usually wrote down... …

“No, that's what I meant... …

hmm? what now?”

There were some remarks that bothered me, but if you think about it, you should say that it's like a normal Dia.

Because he was like this from the beginning... …

Yes, from the time I came to the manor.

“You really haven’t changed since then.”

“It is natural.”

Dia nodded, not knowing how to respond to my casual muttering.

“It is the great side of Arell that changed my life. Of course, it is natural to be grateful for it and not to forget it.”

Well, it seems that I am satisfied.

I'm just a little bit weird too.

“I can clean it up if you're having trouble.”

“No, it’s okay. ...... It doesn't matter if you continue.”

That's about it. I'm not a petty person to the extent that I can't get over it.

but… … .

“… … I wonder if the guests will come.”

In fact, it's because it's only here that foot traffic is slow.

Sometimes people who have been led by curiosity are startled and sneak away as if they have seen something frightening.

A third party who doesn't know anything would do that.

Let's not say anything that blows the candle.

You just have to be satisfied.

“Then do your best.”

“… … Oh, I'd rather put a statue of Lord Arell on top of the tower to appeal.”

“Don’t do that.”

The country is not without shame at all. Mr. Dia.

Even if you pretend to be sorry, they won't allow it.

“It was fun!”

“Yes, I’m glad… …

“Wasn’t Daddy funny?”

No, it's not like that, but it's because I'm a little surprised, Arna.

We left the place where the wizards were to look around and looked around as if we were looking for our next prey.

“dad! I see! Ashana Seina was also doing something, right?”

“hmm? That's right... … Then shall we go there?”

Watching what Dia was doing, the two of them were quite concerned.

Well, I believe that both of them have common sense, but they won't run wild like Dia.

It would be nice to go play once in a while.

So we headed to where they are.

“Let’s see… … He said he was doing something around here.”

“That way!”

“oh? How did you know?”

“Because people are flying!”

“aha. I see... … hmm?”

What is he saying now?

Looking at the place Arna was pointing at, people were really flying.

It's not in vain.

What the hell is going on in this city?

“Let’s go!”

“Yes, I will.”

Obviously, that direction is where Asha and Seina are.

We headed there with a curious and excited heart.

The place where they are is not particularly flashy, but it is characterized by a fairly spacious vacant lot.

Just as Dia mobilized magicians, it seems that Asha and Seina were plotting something by attracting some knights and other talented people.

“It's not easy to do something pretty big here.”

I looked around and guessed, then I moved in search of the two with a wry smile.

Coincidentally, some of the knights recognized us and quickly ran somewhere. He's probably trying to call Asha and Seina.

“Are you here?”

“I wanted you to come soon.”

Of course, the two of them came out right away and greeted us. Arna also hurriedly ran away, and Seina gave her a hug.

Unexpectedly, Arna follows Seina well.

“If I'm not mistaken, I think people flew here?”

“haha! You saw it well.”

“ah… … It must have been that guest just now. Fortunately, I wasn't hurt.”

Admit it honestly. was it real

“Are you okay?”

“Don't worry. The customer was safely caught in the air by our knights and brought back.”

It's embarrassing to call a customer like a fish. How

a former pro

sucks honey

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