How can I be the villain's follower

Chapter 65 Only a spiritual doctor can cure this poison

Chapter 65 Only a spiritual doctor can cure this poison
Cyclamen, in the hall.

The originally bustling hall, full of seats, is now almost empty of people, only [-] or [-] diners who passed out from poisoning are left lying on the table, like a ghost town.

The maids stood aside in fear, their faces turned blue and trembling, this was the first time they had seen such a big scene.

"It's so scary, did you see just now, those people suddenly fell down, as if they were dead!"

"Did our cyclamen offend some great fairy, or why would such a weird thing happen?"

"Or maybe it's a monster? I heard that there is a monster that is smaller than a mosquito and can't be seen with the naked eye. They will invade the human body and eat up all your internal organs without you even noticing it!"

"Ah! Stop talking, I'm going to throw up!"

The more the maids talked, the more panicked they became, and soon they were so frightened that they couldn't stand and wanted to run away.

"You're talking nonsense!" Du Dafu came down majestically and said, his serious voice made all the maids calm down a little.

But after seeing the scene clearly, Du Dafu took a breath: "So many! There are 30 people on one floor!"

A maid whispered: "Boss, I heard from sisters in other buildings that basically every floor has so many people poisoned."

Based on this calculation, at least a hundred people were poisoned on the seventh floor!

Du Dafu's face became more and more ugly, let alone the dead, even if he was not dead, he would have to pay a lot for the medical expenses alone. If the dead, the compensation for relocation expenses might be tens of thousands of taels of silver, or even more.

Lin Tatian and Cao Shaolan also came down, and seeing this scene, their expressions changed.

For such a large-scale poisoning incident, perhaps a poison master was involved!

The so-called poison masters, similar to spiritual doctors, use the means of practitioners to do things.However, spiritual doctors specialize in saving people, while poison masters specialize in killing people.

Poison masters will collect poisonous spiritual objects and refine them into strange and unpredictable poison pills. Often a single poison pill can poison a large number of practitioners to death, and its power is extremely terrifying.

But it seems that the poisoned people here are ordinary people, and not all of them were poisoned, maybe the situation is better.

Perhaps a novice poison master was using these people to train his hands, or maybe it was simply someone who poisoned the food.

But before the doctor came, nothing could be decided.

"The doctors from Huichuntang are here!" The maid yelled and trotted in, followed by several gray-haired doctors.

When the three doctors saw the condition of the cyclamen, their faces changed, and they didn't speak, they hurried forward to check.

Seeing, hearing, asking, and cutting are the four magic weapons of traditional Chinese medicine, but now basically we can only rely on looking, hearing, and cutting, because all the poisoned guests passed out and couldn't answer.

"The complexion is blue, and the meridians of the whole body are stagnant. It is a strange poison! But fortunately, the internal organs are still functioning. As long as the antidote can be prepared, it can be saved."

"As for where the poison came from, it's probably because someone poisoned some kind of dish. The details need to be investigated to find out."

The three doctors came to a conclusion after seeing the poisoning conditions of more than a dozen people.

Hearing this, Du Dafu and Lin Tatian breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that it wasn't the poison master who made the move, but someone who poisoned them secretly. It was fine if it wasn't the poison master. If the poison master did the trick, these people would basically be hopeless.

"Doctor, please hurry up and prepare the antidote to save these guests." Du Dafu said, and handed over a big money bag with 500 taels of silver in it.

The three doctors looked at it, but quickly declined and said: "I'm really sorry, the old people are powerless, this is a strange poison, ordinary medicine can't cure it, maybe only a spiritual doctor can detoxify it."

"Guard Du, let's prepare in advance. These guests are estimated to have only two or three days to live. What's more, the poison has already entered the heart, and they can be put into the coffin."

After saying that, the doctor left quickly, not daring to get involved in the poisoning incident.

Hearing this, Du Dafu's face was extremely ugly, and he shouted: "What's the matter, who has entered the back kitchen today, find them all for me, and no one is allowed to leave until the poisoner is found."

Soon, Cyclamen was blocked, the gate was closed tightly, and all personnel were locked inside, suppressed by practitioners and not allowed to leave.

Outside the cyclamen, a large group of onlookers are pointing at the cyclamen:
"Have you heard? Someone poisoned the cyclamen's food, and hundreds of people have been poisoned!"

"Are you kidding me? A big restaurant like Cyclamen can still be poisoned? What does the steward do?"

"Believe it or not, Cyclamen has closed the shop now."

At this time, a large group of people rushed to the gate of Cyclamen, crying loudly:

"Give it back to my dad. My dad was poisoned after eating here, and his body was taken by cyclists. Pay my dad back!"

"My son died of poisoning while eating here, but Cyclamen seized his body without saying a word. I have pity on the white-headed man and the black-headed man. Let me see my son!"

"My close friend was poisoned to death after eating the braised lion's head from this unscrupulous restaurant. God, let's strike a thunderbolt and burn this animal restaurant!"

What's more, they kneel on the ground, wear sackcloth and filial piety, weep and weep, feeling sorry for others.

The onlookers were all angry when they saw this, and shouted loudly:
"Cyclamen pay for their lives! Cyclamen pay for their lives!"

The sound shook the sky, and soon everyone in the city was alarmed.

What no one saw was that it was on the second floor of the teahouse next to Cyclamen.

In the box, Zhang Liang and Zhou Ji sat by the window, watching the scene in front of the Cyclamen's door, smiling.

"Brother Ji, the person you're looking for has very good acting skills. They are relaxed and penetrating. If I didn't know in advance, I really wouldn't be able to tell that they are acting. It's just that the time is tight, and the effect will be better if they show up after one or two hours." Zhang Liang smiled.

"They're all decades-old theater troupes, and they'll be so bad." Zhou Ji sneered, "Next, it depends on whether Lin Xuanqing's strength is in place."

An emergency meeting was held in the lobby of the Lin family, and a group of high-level officials rushed to the meeting.

"At noon today, cyclamen poisoning suddenly broke out. 150 people were poisoned, 23 of them were confirmed dead, and the rest were poisoned and comatose. After the diagnosis and treatment by the doctor of Huichuntang, it was concluded that it was caused by a strange poison, and non-spiritual doctors could not save them!"

A cyclamen boy reported the situation loudly, and after speaking, he stood there tremblingly, sweating profusely.

The atmosphere in the hall was tense as if it was about to kill people. The terrifying spiritual pressure could not be suppressed, and it vented everywhere, forcing the tables and chairs to creak.

"Cyclamen is an important property of my Lin family. It has always been under the control of the owner. Now that there is a poisoning incident, the owner must give us and everyone an explanation!"

Lin Xuan pointed lightly at Lin Xuan and shouted, wishing that he would abdicate immediately.

"That's right! The owner of the cyclamen cannot be blamed for such a major event."

"In my opinion, this Patriarch is incompetent, he can't even guard Cyclamen, so let's get rid of it."

Some people cursed angrily, some mocked and sneered.

In the entire hall, everyone was basically scolding Lin Xuanzhong, and no one dared to speak out to help him.

Lin Xuanzhong sat on the first seat, his face was ugly, and his fists were tightly clenched.

"Shut up, the cyclamen poisoning incident has nothing to do with the management. I was eating at the cyclamen at that time. Someone had ulterior motives and poisoned the food!"

Lin Tatian jumped up against the case, shouted loudly, staring at everyone, "I suspect that the mastermind behind the scenes is among you!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was in an uproar!

(End of this chapter)

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