How Can My Hyakki Yagyo Be So Cute (It’s Impossible that My Evil Overlord is So Cute)

Chapter 189

Chapter 190: Me, the spirit behind (9)

When An Xinghua was shaken by her father, the outside of the tent was still dark.

The little girl looked at her father with sleepy eyes, her long hair became messy because of her bad sleep, and she curled up a pile of dull hair.

“What’s the matter, Dad? Is it dawn?” She asked in a half-dream and half-awake while rubbing her eyes.

“Shhh, quietly, you get dressed and we leave here.”

An Dad whispered.

Originally, he was only skeptical of this so-called religious religion, but because many business partners treat the “master” as a guest of honor, even if there is some unbelief in his heart, in order to be able to make a comeback, he is not good enough. Because of their face, they made a look as pious as them.

However, after arriving at this so-called camp, he felt that something was wrong.

This suspicion broke out completely after meeting an old friend of his past.

Dad An’s old friend has a good background. It is said that he was able to chat and laugh with the big brothers in Zhongnanhai, but he is also very particular. This is what gives An Dad the capital to make a comeback, otherwise it is estimated that An Da is still in prison for various reasons.

But after meeting that old friend here today, Dad An noticed something was wrong.

The other party has completely lost the shrewd and capable appearance in the usual days, and the incomparable worship of the mysterious and mysterious master is completely different from the once kind but arrogant appearance in his bones. It is simply incredible.

Then An Dad suddenly realized that his partners seem to have a tendency to become like this, but because this transformation is subtle and gradually changes little by little, so the more familiar they are. The harder it is to detect this change.

On the contrary, this old friend, because there is no intersection in his current life, hadn’t seen each other for a long time, so that Dad suddenly noticed something was wrong when they met.

There is no doubt that this will happen, and it is absolutely something wrong with this weird religion.

Whether it is an alternative MLM den or a pure cult, it is definitely not a good thing anyway.

That’s why Dad An’s mind kept his eyes on him. During the day, he pretended not to notice anything. He just used the excuse of helping to collect firewood for the campfire and swayed in the camp. In fact, he secretly wrote down the surrounding environment and escaped. Route, when it’s night, take An Xinghua and escape from this ghost place!

“What’s the matter?” An Xinghua in Cubs’ pajamas tilted her head and asked in a daze.

“There’s no time to explain, let’s leave here anyway.”

An Dad was alert to the outside, praying that he would not be discovered by the cultists who watched the night, and whispered.

An Xinghua is a good obedient child. After discovering that her father was not joking, her drowsiness dissipated most of the time, she got into a thin towel and changed her clothes.

But after that, she suddenly pulled her father’s hand in a panic.

“Dad, the little black cat is gone…”

“Don’t worry about the black cat now, it’s important to go first!”

Since Dad An is just an ordinary person, Xu Shenxing has never spoken to him, so he naturally didn’t know that the black cat was actually his daughter’s bodyguard.

“But my mother said that I must be with him this time…”

An Xinghua frowned, her small face full of sadness, she seemed to be afraid of being scolded by her mother.

“It’s okay, it’s just a little black cat. When we go back, I will help you buy another one on the road.”

An Dad said casually.

In his opinion, that little black cat is really nothing special, and it seems to have a tendency to shed hair. It must be troublesome to take care of. The reason why the wife tells her daughter so much is that 80% of them just want her to stop running around. Just looking at the cat.

Although she still had some doubts about this, An Xinghua finally decided to listen to her dad. She and An Dad secretly left the tent while the moon was black and windy, and walked shallowly in the forest with one foot and one foot shallow.

The advantage of this kind of woodland covered with moss is that the ground is almost occupied by moss, so there are few shrubs, which is easier to walk, and it is not so easy to be tripped and obstructed; the disadvantage is that there is no bushes and the view is very open. If you move a certain distance away, it is easy to be seen from a long distance.

The woods at night are not as sultry as during the day. The whistling wind passes through the trees and is elongated into a weird and sharp whistling sound; the canopy is also rustling, making people instinctively frightened in the darkness.

I don’t know how long I ran. Dad An is okay, just a little panting, but An Xinghua can’t run anymore… It’s almost impossible to expect an ordinary fourth-grade girl to run a trail of at least five kilometers in woodland. Impossible.

“Dad…can… take a break?” the girl asked breathlessly.

Dad An thought for a while, but finally felt unsafe.

“My good girl, hold on again… No, if you really can’t run, I’ll carry you on your back.”

He said that he squatted down with his back to An Xinghua.

However, at this moment, a male voice rang from behind.

“Where are the two going?”

Dad An’s heart sank suddenly.

He recognized this voice as the voice of the priest who came to his house, invited him to join the camp, and named him hoping that Xinghua would come with him.

How could this be? Obviously, I have been running for so long, even if it is conservatively estimated that it is almost half of the distance, and when I left the camp, I confirmed that it did not disturb anyone… Then how did this guy catch up?

It was obviously summer, but Dad An felt as if he was in an ice cave. An inexplicable sense of fear grabbed his heart and made him unable to even yell.

If not in front of his own daughter, I am afraid he would have collapsed to the ground because of the overwhelmed fear in his heart.

“Don’t be nervous, I just remind you a little bit… At night, I always run around the camp. It’s not good to disturb everyone’s rest. Are you right, Mr. An?”

The priest said with a smile, but that smile made Anpa feel even more gloomy.


Hearing the words, An Dad looked forward, and then his pupils enlarged in vain, his face was full of unbelievable expression.

Although it is not clear because of the sky, the outline of the front camp can still be seen vaguely.

Not right! Not right! Not right!

Dad An fell into chaos.

He had already observed it during the day, and when he came to the camp, he deliberately left marks on some trees in order to prevent getting lost.

When he ran just now, he definitely ran according to the mark, and he definitely ran more than half the distance…

So what is going on in this situation now? !

Are all my previous efforts in vain?

Vaguely, he remembered what a male friend once said when he was young.

——”Anzi, have you ever heard of ghosts hitting walls?”

—”Sorry, I don’t believe in superstition.”

——”It’s not superstition, I heard that there is such a thing…Obviously walking on the road of recognition, but in a blink of an eye, I found that I have reached another place! This is the so-called ghost attacking the wall!”

——”This is the reason why you appeared in the women’s bathroom before?”


How should I put it, I don’t know why after recalling this incident, Dad An inexplicably feels that he has calmed down a lot: “Did the ghost hit the wall?”

“Mr. An,” the priest finally put away the smile on his face, and began to slowly approach Dad An: “Sometimes it’s not a good thing to know too much.”

If it’s a fight…

An Dad compared his physique with that of the other party, and found that he seemed to have some advantages.

And in the past, in order to exercise, I also practiced Jeet Kune Do for a period of time. If I was prepared, some basic strike skills could still be used.

If you can knock this guy down at the beginning, you might be able to escape without disturbing too many people.

So he pretended to be afraid, and began to wait for the opponent to approach his attack range.

When the opponent was approaching, Dad An smelled a strong scent of cologne.

This made him frown involuntarily.

When this guy went to his home to invite him to this weird camp, he didn’t have such a strong smell of cologne.

Is it for deworming or something? But I have never heard of the effect of cologne?

Soon, Anpa noticed something wrong.

Although the ambergris in the cologne can numb the sense of smell to a certain extent (so the cologne is quite effective against body odor), but I don’t know if it is too odorous or for other reasons, Anpa still smelled it mixed in the cologne. The smell of it.

Ann’s face, who had been exposed to this kind of smell because of some things, suddenly turned white.

The corpse smells.

It’s like the rotting corpse odor that comes on your face when you open a cloth bag that has been soaked in water for several days.

It didn’t come from other places. There was no doubt that the source of the body stinky was the short fat man in front of him.

When he came to his house yesterday, the other party was still a normal human, but now standing in front of him was a moving corpse.

Just kidding…

Dad felt that his daily routine seemed to be broken.

Cultists, ghosts hitting walls, and moving corpses, a series of things that would never appear under normal circumstances, now appeared in front of him in one breath.

If it weren’t for “Protect Your Daughter” as the last pillar to support his sanity, maybe An’s father might have fallen into an unstable state of madness due to a sharp drop in sanity.

But even so, he still felt desperate.

How could this monster ever be able to fight…

No, if you fight for your life, you may still be able to delay it for a while.

As long as Xinghua can escape…


Dad An took a deep breath, not thinking about how a fourth-grade girl would get rid of the shackles of a ghost hitting a wall, escape from the almost impossible reality of a forest full of cultists, and deceive herself and force herself to pay attention. Focusing on the “person” in front of him, he encouraged his last courage and shouted out loudly.

“As long as I am still alive, I will never let you touch my daughter’s cold hair!”

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