How Can My Hyakki Yagyo Be So Cute (It’s Impossible that My Evil Overlord is So Cute)

Chapter 42

Chapter 43: The scenery that a girl had seen (part 2)

“Bangbangbang, Bangbangbang…”

Rhythmic percussions came from outside the window.

“Ahem… Qingmeng, are you here? Ahem…” The little girl staggered to the window with her weak body, opening the window as she always did.

“Oh, how are you doing today?” The sparrow flew into the house, circled twice over the girl’s head, and fell back to the window edge.

“Ahem, much better than yesterday.”

The little girl showed a smile on her haggard face, and then took out a walnut from the pocket of her hospital gown: “I’m sorry, Qingmeng…cough cough, the nurse aunt forbids me to go out, but I couldn’t get food today… …That’s the only one.”

“It’s okay, I’m not picky eaters.”

The sparrow jumped on the walnut, which was a circle bigger than its head, and pecked.

“Is there a story today?” After a few coughs, the girl asked the sparrow.

“Yes, there are so many stories… For example, in the park in the city today…”

As usual, the sparrow pecks at the dried fruit while telling what he has seen and heard.

It was just that the lack of response from the girl for a while made it a little curious, so it raised its head, only to find that the girl had fallen to the ground sometime and lost consciousness.

“Oops! Come on, come on… I’ll go, and mortals who forget this world can’t hear me.”

The sparrow circulated in a panic in the room for a few times, and then flew to the nurses station of the hospital, where there was a big fuss, scaring the nurses who thought they had run into a supernatural incident. It also made them notice the abnormality on the little girl’s side.

When the little girl regained consciousness, she found herself lying on a pure white hospital bed with an oxygen mask on her face.

A doctor by the bed, who was recording something to the instrument, saw her wake up. He first blamed the little girl loudly for her lack of sensibility. She was so bad that she actually opened the window to blow the cold wind, and she didn’t want to live anymore. The girl lowered her face and looked depressed, and then relieved that she was fine for the time being, and don’t worry too much.

After the doctor left, the little girl raised her head and looked at the window, but there was no Qingmeng figure there, only half a walnut left.

After that, the girl’s physical condition was deteriorating. Although the sparrow would still fly to her window every day, pecking at the window clingingly, the number of times the girl got out of bed and opened the window was less and less.

But the sparrow didn’t care. It always talked to the girl about the outside scenery through the glass. The girl apologized to it for not getting food, so it pecked the walnut with two bites, indicating that the other party didn’t care.

I don’t know what method the sparrow used. The half of the walnut seems to have rooted on the window edge. It can’t be blown away by the wind and the rain will not be rotten. Even if it sees it, other birds will not dare to come and eat.

No matter how dull the little girl was, she realized that this little sparrow was different from when she almost starved to death half a year ago. The unimpeded soaring over the past half year has long since made its once weak wings stronger. The ability to see everything in the eyes must have given it other ways to forage long ago.

It is here now just to see her.

This made the little girl’s heart warm and gave her enough courage to accept various treatments, because she knew that there was always a green sparrow waiting for herself by the window of her ward.

After a few days, the nurses in the hospital began to talk about the arrival of an expert in the hospital. When the little girl was curious, she asked the nurse who was close to her, and found that the reason was that the sparrow made a noise at the nurse station a few days ago in order to get someone to rescue her.

Mortals can’t see Qingmeng, so it’s rioting at the nurse’s station will naturally be regarded as a spiritual event, and judging from the intensity at the time, it’s almost like an evil spirit at work. Although there are not many people who believe in it, it is the person involved. One of the head nurses, Zushang, had quite a connection with a very famous Taoist temple, and that Taoist temple who had long been dead was actually invited out by her.

The little girl who understands the ins and outs is like falling into the ice cave. She knows very well that although the sparrow may be a monster in the legend, but it has no place to eat half a year ago, and finally has to run here to beg her own human being. It’s just a little monster, if it is really encountered by that Taoist master, it will undoubtedly be a dead word.

From that day on, no matter how much Qing Meng knocked on the window or talked to the girl, she just bit her lip, covered her head with the quilt, and ignored it, hoping it could leave here because of her disappointment in herself.

I don’t know how long it took before the window in her ward finally stopped making a bang. And that half of the walnut, there was only some residue left at some unknown time.

The little girl’s first friend in her life just disappeared in her life.

Although she had expected it for a long time, she was still sad at that time and couldn’t help herself. The condition that had improved was even worse, and within a few days she could only lie in bed and linger.

It was a night.

The sleeping little girl seemed to open her eyes because of what she felt.

Then she saw a sparrow glowing in the dark, falling on the head of her bed, looking at herself with piercing eyes.

“Great.” Qing Meng broke the silence between the two and said happily: “I thought you had an accident, so I was so scared that I almost ran to the mistress of death medicine.”

“Why are you still here…” The little girl didn’t know whether she was angry or happy, but she felt her tears streaming out incessantly: “There will be a very powerful Taoist here soon, and you will be caught He killed it!”

“Is that why you ignored me?”

Qing Meng is not stupid. After thinking about it, he understands the reason for the girl’s abnormality these days. It hops around the little girl’s bed like a real sparrow, seemingly very happy.

But then its raised tail dropped again: “I’m leaving.”

The girl did not answer, but buried half of her face in the quilt.

“My two brothers found me, and I’m going home with them…”

Qing Meng said dejectedly.

“Oh, let’s go.” The little girl didn’t know whether it was anger or something, she didn’t look at Qingmeng, just stared at the oxygen tube not far away, as if the thing had grown flowers.

“You know, I’m not actually a monster, so even if the very powerful Taoist priest you mentioned comes, it won’t do anything to me.” Qing Meng continued, “I am a blue bird and a spiritual bird.”

The little girl knew that Qingmeng meant she wanted to tell her to stay. If he really asked, he might really stay with Qingmeng’s temperament.

But she didn’t want Qing Meng to take even the slightest risk for her.

So the two people (one person, one bird) were silent like this.

After a long time, Qing Meng suddenly pulled a piece of tail feathers from his tail and placed it on the girl’s chest.

“Our Jade Bird will grow three tail feathers in our lifetime, and each one has the power to bring happiness to people…Xing Yan, I hope you can become healthy, and one day…” Qing Meng’s voice became a little hazy: “One day, I hope we can meet again in the fairy world…”

Qingmeng is gone.

The little girl doesn’t even know how it disappeared, but since then, wherever she goes, she will never forget to bring that piece of feather that is so beautiful as a work of art.

And her illness quickly healed, causing the doctors to cry out for miracles.

On the day she was discharged from the hospital, a middle-aged man wearing a Taoist robe was attracted by the girl’s aptitude when he passed her ward.

“I’m Bailu, watching the subjective clouds and watching the rain… Girl, do you want to become a fairy?”

——The memory ends——

“It took so long in the blink of an eye…”

Leaning on the wall, Qin Xingyan was stunned. To be honest, she was about to forget Qingmeng’s appearance and voice, but the last sentence “I hope we can meet again in the immortal world” kept echoing in her ears, which also made her concentrate on practicing. Maximum motivation.

“It’s almost time to continue the exercise…” Qin Xingyan sighed, retracted her thoughts, crossed her legs with some effort, planning to use her mind.

However, at this moment, only a loud bang was heard, and the upper half of the confinement room, together with the roof and door panels, disappeared, leaving only the ruined walls less than three feet high.

In front of the confinement room, the landlord, holding the dog’s tail grass pulled from somewhere in his hand, smiled at her: “Oh, I’m here to pick you up ”

“Really, senior…”

The girl was stunned for a while before she laughed bitterly, “I’m just retreating.”


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