How Can My Hyakki Yagyo Be So Cute (It’s Impossible that My Evil Overlord is So Cute)

Chapter 548

Chapter 544: Dedicating a new life to a beautiful world (part 2)

“Is this… the sun?” Ravi, one of the survivors, looked at the slowly rising ball of light in surprise.

In fact, not only him, but the other survivors almost all have this expression.

“I always thought the sun was just a legend, something made up by the old people.” Lubotan (the captain of the patrol team), who finally found Ravi, also held his head in surprise. For him as a light source, there is no doubt about the power of the sun: “I didn’t expect that there is a big ball of light that emits light and heat and illuminates the whole world…”

In addition to the sun, the surrounding plants also made them overjoyed-for the survivors who usually find a weed and can be regarded as a good harvest, being in the surrounding forest and grassland, it is almost like falling. Just like entering the dragon’s treasure pile, happiness is endless.

However, after all, the survivors still lived under a highly centralized order system, and there was no situation that they could not find the north when they fell into the sugar bowl.

With the BOSS (that is, the woman with the broken view of Xu Shenxing and them) issued the decree, almost all the survivors began to return to their posts and proceeded to their original work in an orderly manner.

Perhaps because of the abundant resources, their minds will become alive, but that is no longer what Xu Shenxing needs to care about.

“I feel the changes in this small world…” Lu Wushen frowned: “It’s not so much self-contained, it’s more like being attached to a greater secret world.”

Xu Shenxing glanced at him: I didn’t expect this lion’s head to be so sensitive.

Indeed, even Xu Shenxing cannot do this kind of thing to rebuild the world—maybe the original Origin Sacred Sword could do it, but now it has become the Ultimate Sacred Sword through an irreversible process, and Old Xu has no way to do it. Bye back…

In addition, Jasmine’s seal may be able to create a new world in a fully resolved state, but now that the third seal is only unlocked, the little girl’s situation is already in a mess. The world is destroyed once…

So Xu Shenxing simply took a trick.

There happened to be a Grid World “Lorren Visa” next to him: yes, it was the one that Jasmine had previously held in her hand.

Lorenvisa is an incomplete world. It is not a lack of a certain substance or a certain life, but a flaw in the law.

Originally, the world of Lorenvisa was on the verge of destruction. It was precisely because of this that the former king of the world, Dagitar, tried to launch a desperate rebellion against Midchelda’s Time and Space Administration, but finally failed under Xu Shenxing’s intervention.

Afterwards, although Xu Shenxing was pinched into a grid world, the hidden danger of law defects was temporarily alleviated, but it was still like the sword of Damocles hanging over all the lives of Lorenvisa.

Therefore, when Jasmine was having a nightmare, Xu Shenxing had a deal with Tabor, the queen of Lorenvisa.

Tabor agreed to lend the “Sword of Reason” to force the earth out of the timeline at that time to prevent Xu Shenxing from being destroyed when the nightmare of Jasmine was relieved. In return, Xu Shenxing must solve the law flaws of Lawren Visa as soon as possible. problem.

Originally, Xu Shenxing intended to find the original comrade-in-arms who sealed Jasmine. That guy’s sealing technique had already reached its peak, and he was even able to fabricate a false rule out of thin air that even the world would be deceived.

At that time, as long as a false law can be made to temporarily fill in the defects of the law, it will naturally be fulfilled… and by the way, Jasmine’s seal can be re-strengthened.

But the plan cannot keep up with the changes.

Although this piece of world fragment has been severely damaged, it contains quite a few laws-although there is credit for the sharp spear, it has been so long since the doomsday catastrophe that destroyed the entire world, this piece of world fragment can still be maintained. Its own shape shows that it has its own laws in this respect.

In addition, Xu Shenxing killed thousands of gods in a second with that blow. After the death of gods, he returned to the world and changed back to the original law, further strengthening the law strength of this world fragment.

And some of them happen to be the laws that Loren Visa needs.

With this in mind, Xu Shenxing simply asked Jasmine to unify the world laws of the two worlds. After all, in different worlds, many basic rules are different, such as the definition of the fundamental forces of the universe and the definition of elementary particles. , The definition of the speed of light, etc.: This process took about 800 million years.

After that, Xu Shenxing used the power of the sharp spear to kill the gods and shattered the laws of the superfluous gods’ transformation to become the energy closest to the world’s origin. Using this as a material, the world fragments were welded to Luo. Enter Lenvisa.

After all this is done, they are considered to usher in a new life in the world.

And the woman also got a general understanding of the situation through Xu Shenxing’s simple narration, and hurriedly issued instructions to prevent distraction.

When Xu Shenxing and the others were about to leave, there was a sudden twist in the sky.

Later, a starship with a sense of futuristic science fiction and Gothic style at the same time appeared there.

Although Xu Shenxing was a considerable distance away from the survivors, he could still detect that the survivors were frightened by the sudden appearance of the starship and were whispering.

“Even this kind of thing has appeared…I don’t understand this world at all…”

Shrinking all day in the Kunlun secret realm, Lu Wu, who had seen the most advanced thing but a mountaintop tram, looked at the gorgeous and full of awe-inspiring spacecraft, and couldn’t help muttering to himself in shock.

Even if he didn’t know anything about this kind of science fiction product, as a **** who survived the ancient times, he was still keenly aware of the deadly threat from the starship.

“Don’t panic, it is not the enemy who is here… well, at least not yet.”

As soon as Xu Shenxing’s voice fell, a hole was opened in the abdomen of the starship, and then a log-in boat flew out from there.

After a while, it landed in front of everyone.

“What do you mean?” Then, an angry little girl jumped out of the landing craft and asked Xu Shenxing.

“Didn’t I promise you to fix the flaws in Lawren Visa?”

Xu Shenxing replied non-committal: “I’m just using my way to fulfill my promise, Miss Tabor ”

“But you never said it was in this form!” Tabor stared at Xu Shenxing dissatisfiedly.

Xu Shenxing spread out his hands: “But I have fulfilled my promise, at least now the law framework of Loren Visa has been completely solid, isn’t it?”

“Goooooo…” The girl looked very angry, but she couldn’t say anything, so she pointed her spear at Jasmine: “There is also the other side, don’t just run into someone’s landing craft!”

Although Jasmine’s expression hasn’t changed, it always feels like “I’m X, it’s my trouble”. Then she lifted up the lees cake that she didn’t know where she found, and returned to her previous poker face: “Landlord, Eat bread.”

“Don’t ignore me!”

Tabor was about to cry with anger.

In fact, Xu Shenxing is not incapable of understanding her thoughts.

It is like a hole in the wall of your house due to some accident, and the cold wind blows in. So you reach a consensus with the property, lending the car to the property, and the latter will repair the wall for you.

As a result, the property turned around and summoned a few beggars to set up a shack at the opening of the wall of your house, and told you that “the hole is not visible from the outside, and there is no need to worry about the wind coming in.”

Your first reaction is probably not to thank the property for solving the hole problem, but to slap the past.

At present, Tabor is facing an upgraded version of this problem: MMP’s, the real estate special is actually the Golden Wheel of Falun Gong, and he can’t beat it with his small arms and legs!

It is estimated that she also knows that there is no use of force, and maybe she will be slapped in the other direction to some border star region, so she didn’t even bring the guards, just came down and made trouble with Xu Shenxing by herself…

“Well, don’t look down on others, although this world is a bit broken…”

After all, Xu Shenxing still has a tendency to eat soft rather than hard, so he sighed and explained to the girl who seemed to be about to cry.

“A bit broken?”

Tabor frowned and scanned the surroundings.

Although there are already lush vegetation as a cover, for Tabor, who has extraordinary powers and magical technology, the nature of the world that has gone through the catastrophe underneath and appears to be broken is still unobstructed.

“Well, although this world is very broken, its own weight…well, it’s not lower than yours, Loren Visa.”

“You just said the word’probably’ in a very soft voice, right?”

“Ahem, don’t make trouble, you must know that in other parts of this world fragment, there may be an existence that even I can’t ignore!”

Xu Shenxing, who was exposed, said with no embarrassment.

“Will there be such a person in a pluralistic world…”

In a sense, Tabor, who can best understand Xu Shenxing’s combat effectiveness, murmured.

Xu Shenxing coughed to hide his embarrassment.

Of course, this is just a secret exchange of concepts. Although Jiang Boer is indeed an existence that Old Xu cannot ignore, the guy’s own combat effectiveness is not strong. That level of combat power only.

In fact, apart from himself in another world line, Lao Xu has never encountered an existence that can equal his own. Even if the seal is fully solved, Jasmine in the full force mode is probably only half a small…

And even Jiang Boer himself is not a person in this world, just passing by.

“Don’t give up your dreams, ○NEPIECE… oh no, there are strong ones!”

Xu Shenxing continued to flicker.

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