How Can My Hyakki Yagyo Be So Cute (It’s Impossible that My Evil Overlord is So Cute)

Chapter 556

Chapter 552: Jiangjin Holiday (Part 2)

Before the girl realized that the visitor in front of her was not the waiter, the person wearing the waiter’s clothes had already pulled the trigger.

The bullet hit the girl who was caught off guard at a speed exceeding the speed of sound.

But almost at the next moment, the bullet suddenly stopped in the air, changing from a high speed to a standstill. Immediately afterwards, he shot back into the barrel of the pistol at three times the speed!

Because the whole process only took less than 0.1 seconds, neither the girl nor the killer was able to react at all.

Then it was almost taken for granted that the pistol exploded like that.

The assassin was blown up with a bewildered look, he leaned against the corridor wall half-life covered in blood, and then slowly slipped to the ground.

“Oh oh.” Obviously she was assassinated, but the girl was amazed. She turned her head and the suffocating air in her eyes kept flowing: “Is that ‘enhanced’?”

“You can see it?”

Now it was Xu Shenxing’s turn to be a little surprised.

That’s right, after all, the enemy this time is a fragile human being. Because he didn’t want to see too curious ways to die, Xu Shenxing didn’t plan to do it himself, but at the moment when the opponent pulled the trigger, he enchanted the girl with a “return”. Care”.

That is a protective protection that can double the enemy’s attacks back. Xu Shenxing used this protection to play “rebound, rebound, rebound again, rebound your rebound” with a demon master who is proficient in rebound magic in a grid world before. Quarrel-like fighting routine.

“I can’t see it at all!” The girl said triumphantly for some reason: “Because I’m blind!”

“Is this something to be proud of…”

“However,” the girl lowered her eyes, her long eyelashes cast dense shadows on her white face under the light of the slightly dim KTV overhead light: “It is vaguely understandable.”


“In order to gain this kind of power beyond common sense…” The girl’s eyes clearly have no focus, but Xu Shenxing has a feeling that the other person is looking at her. She softly said, “What price did you pay?”

Xu Shenxing fell silent in a rare moment.

After a long time, he said.

“If you don’t call the emergency call again, that guy will die.”

“Hey, do you care about the life and death of a human being? You can kill monsters without mercy?”

“Youkai have no human rights.” Xu Shenxing said categorically.

To be honest, he didn’t care about that killer’s life or death, but if someone died in such a lively place, it would be somewhat troublesome to suppress things.

Monsters are different. Most of the monsters don’t have a complete identity certificate. After death, they either turn into gray and return to nature, or they are taken away by Bailuguan, and they are properly safe and pollution-free.

“I thought you would be more indifferent to the attitude of life, such as’Look, humans are like hot chickens!’ and the like.”

“Am I Romuka!”

Although that was the case, Xu Shenxing was also a bit difficult at the moment, and didn’t know how to solve the assassin.

If Xiao Zhengyi is still there, it is naturally the best choice to give him the other person, but the problem is that the guy is still lying on the hospital bed-although a lot of things have happened, according to the normal timeline, It was only a day before Xu Shenxing went to visit the other party. Even if Xiao Zhengyi’s body recovers faster than normal people because of the more aura in the bath, he does not have the bloodline of the beautiful ○ star after all, and he will have to recuperate for a period of time if he wants to completely recover.

Apart from him, Xu Shenxing currently does not know anyone else in the Jiangjin police station.

While he was still worrying about it, an acquaintance appeared in the corner of the corridor.

“It’s been a long time, Mr. Xu.” The other party nodded slightly in respect: “Let me take care of this guy.”

“In the sense of your name, you are also Mr. Xu?” Xu Shenxing sighed: “Didn’t you Gaosheng go to Tianjing? Why are you back to Jiangjin again?”

The person here is naturally the former director of Jiang Jinchao’s management office, Xu Feng.

“Of course it’s because Jiang Jin had a big mess before. Even the kid Xiao Zhengyi was in the hospital. I can only take the order to replace it…” Xu Feng sighed, “The other reason is the guy in front of you. .”

“Hmm, it’s really not that easy to escape from the’institution’.” The legendary girl A showed a serious expression, she took out a mobile phone and put it to her ear with very light but Xu Shenxing and Xu Feng The voice that can be heard said: “Hey, yes, it’s me, I was monitored by the agency, but it doesn’t matter. Now the third set of preparatory plans is implemented. Good luck to you all…ELPSYCONGR○O!”

“Ah, my phone… when did you take it over.”

Xu Shenxing frowned and said, “In addition, it has run out of power a long time ago. What are you calling!”

“Master Yun, please stop doing this kind of childish weird behavior. The adults at the headquarters of the Qin Tianjian are already unhappy with your previous escape behavior and have issued an accountability document.”

Xu Feng said to the girl with a wry smile.

The girl threw the phone back to Xu Shenxing, and then she tugged at the corner of her mouth and made a grimace at Xu Feng.

Although Xu Shenxing can only see the girl’s back because of the angle, and can’t see the grimace, but from Xu Feng’s helpless smile and the sound of a beating, you can know that the grimace is absolutely interesting. .

“If you are with Mr. Xu, I can barely accept the security aspect. Considering that you have not come out for a long time to breathe, so you can play for a while… But please don’t forget your identity, at night I will pick you up in time.”

The confrontation between the two finally ended with Xu Feng’s concession.

“The password is 123456. Use the remaining part as your reward, Mr. Xu.”

He put a bank card on the table and waved his hand. Several big guys dressed like a super-black special police turned out of the shadows and carried away the killer on the ground.

And after Xu Feng saluted the girl, he left in a big stride.

“Say about picking me up when it’s dark… isn’t it already dinner time?”

The girl said furiously.

“Isn’t that great?” Xu Shenxing looked indifferent. He picked up the bank card: “After dinner, remember to tell me everything I want to know.”

“Wow, are you so cruel to the beautiful girl who has been with you all afternoon!”

“I’m just treating the guy who wasted my entire afternoon cruelly.”

“Damn it, I’m going to the top floor of Jiangjin Fashion Mansion for dinner to have a luxurious meal!”

“Do you know… There is a saying in this world that the master is in the folk.” Xu Shenxing seriously suggested: “So why don’t we go to the food stalls? I know there is a place where the food stalls are really delicious…”


Jiangjin Fashion Mansion, although its name is a mansion, it is actually a tower-shaped building imitating the Oriental Pearl Tower. Although it is not as good as the original one, the whole building is probably more than 300 meters high, and the appearance is very fashionable, so Vaguely became one of the landmark buildings in Jiangjin.

The most fascinating thing is the luxurious restaurant at the top of the Fashion Mansion… It is said that the minimum consumption inside it has reached five figures. It is definitely not an exaggeration to eat an average person’s salary for one month.

However, such a high price still cannot stop people’s pace. After all, the most indispensable in this era are the local tyrants and those who want to pretend to be local tyrants.

Coupled with the metaphysical saying that “dining with blind daters has a higher success rate” has also led to the influx of many lovers and quasi-couples.

“Just kidding, boiled cabbage actually costs hundreds of yuan? Are you kidding me!”

When he saw the menu, Xu Shenxing was shocked-he used to reshape the Three Views for others, but today it is true that his own Three Views are crumbling: a dish of more than two thousand yuan (and seafood) or something, has been Far beyond his common sense.

“That’s the famous dish of Sichuan cuisine, boiled cabbage, okay…” The girl whispered while pretending to read the menu.

“I don’t believe this thing is much better than boiling mandela grass!”

“Isn’t mandela a poison…” the girl muttered.

“No, I mean the one who grows up and cries when pulled out of the soil.”


“Kouhu, this snail is more expensive than Rainbow Dragon’s meat!”

“Because it’s a famous French dish… Wait, dragon meat?”

“Oh, let me go, how many geese can you buy for the price of foie gras…”

The more I look at Xu Shenxing, the more I feel that he is not suitable for this kind of place.

Fortunately, he also knows that it’s not a good thing that he behaves too much as a hillbilly, so he speaks quietly, otherwise it is estimated that he will attract people around him… the face of the waiter who helped them order has been uncontrollably exposed. A look of contempt.

It’s just that when those French dishes came up, Xu Shenxing’s manners and manners became extremely authentic. If he didn’t consider the T-shirts and beach pants he had at the stall, it would seem like a noble nobleman was dining elegantly. .

After all, many of the worlds that Lao Xu traveled through were of the kind of more fantastical world, and the Western aristocratic set of things (or similar things) had not yet become outdated. In addition, as a brave, it is commonplace to play some grand kingdom ceremonies. Over time, he is also very familiar with this kind of etiquette… It’s just that he doesn’t use it frequently.

As a result, the waiter who was so disdainful just now almost dropped his chin in surprise.

“This is the first time I have eaten five figures with a meal.”

After the dinner, Xu Shenxing still had lingering fears on his face.

If it hadn’t been for Xu Feng to leave a bank card with a deposit of 100,000 yuan when he left, he would now have to consider how to wash away his image of eating the king’s meal.

“Mmm, the materials in this restaurant are so-so.” The girl smashed her mouth, commenting as if she was a little dissatisfied.

Xu Shenxing just rolled his eyes at this.

After the meal, the two took the sightseeing elevator to the spherical structure at the top of the Jiangjin Fashion Building.

This is actually a place equivalent to a watchtower, from here you can almost overlook the whole picture of Jiangjin. At this time, in addition to Xu Shenxing and the others, there are also some people who seem to be lovers, gathered in twos and threes.

Although Xu Shenxing used to look down at Jiangjin City from other buildings when he was in (accompanied) by (accompanied), (place) was (slid) righteous (da), but compared to this side, it is obvious that those places are more shocking. Much weaker.

The sky was completely dark, the bright moon in the east was hanging in the dark night sky, and only a few sparsely divided stars accompanied it in the night.

Instead, it is the bright, endless river on the ground.

“Aren’t you blind?”

Xu Shenxing looked at the girl whose entire face was about to stick to the glass, and said with a smile.

“But I can see with my heart… Rather, the scene I can see is definitely more beautiful than what you see…” The girl’s face showed a shallow smile, which was crazy all day long. The appearance of playing is completely different, and people can’t help but feel heart-strobed.


“Of course… I can see how the city has gradually become what it is now from a dilapidated small fishing village. Many fascinating stories are happening here one after another like bamboo shoots after a rain. On a piece of land, they overcame all difficulties and thrived, and finally became the lush bamboo forest named Jiang Jin.” The girl said softly, “Although there are sorrows, disappointments, pains and chaos, it is precisely because of crossing this. Everything, we can see such a wonderful sight now. That’s why I…”

Having said this, she suddenly stopped, with a lonely expression on her face.

The next moment, the piece of special glass on which the girl was leaning was suddenly covered with cracks, and then it exploded into countless small pieces of glass that would not hurt people because of special treatment.

The girl involuntarily leaned forward because of the collapse of the glass supporting most of her body’s weight, and she fell out of the observation tower and fell into the night sky from a height of more than 300 meters!

It’s a stand-in attack… Oh no, it’s a terrorist attack!

I don’t know if it was an illusion, Xu Shenxing felt that the other party seemed to show relief before falling out.

But he didn’t think much about it, the whole person took three steps and made two steps, and he also jumped out of the gap and chased the girl!

Galileo once told us that under the same external conditions, the acceleration of two objects is the same no matter how heavy or heavy they fall from the same height.

So in theory Xu Shenxing could not chase the girl.

Although there is also the option of speeding up by changing the action to reduce the air resistance, Xu Shenxing is not Xu Shenxing if he is bound by the laws of physics.

He gathered the cloud scales behind his back, and then burst out suddenly, causing him to fall several times faster!

So he finally caught up with the girl and held her in his arms.

“Ah, it’s so happy.” The situation is obviously urgent, but the girl in his arms still has room to smile. She said: “Finally, I guessed Mr.’Alien’ correctly once.”

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