How could O who installed A find A again?

Chapter 2

The helmsman quickly turned to dodge, but there was still a large piece of metal debris brushing against the side, and the hull made a slight friction sound, and the auxiliary control system opened the energy shield of the hull in time to bounce off more small debris.

In the front view, countless cold gray fragments floated in space, splashing like stray bullets, as if the fierce battle had just stopped.

Within the visible range, there is a gaseous planet with a planetary ring, and a team of medium-sized shuttle ships can barely stop outside its gravitational range, surrounding the array in a spherical shape.

The young charge captain immediately forgot his sense of disobedience, and said solemnly: "The enemy army does not have large starships, but all small and medium-sized shuttle ships, which are more maneuverable and suitable for harsh sailing conditions. They also have a unified system and orderly command. Only the rebel army can be so well-trained, it really is a star bandit in disguise!"

The predecessor of the rebel army was the Federation's Exploration Corps, an elite force. At the end of the last century, because of disagreement, they rebelled against the Federation and established the "Hydra Resistance Army" in the Hydra Starfield.

Therefore, the interstellar bandits and the rebel army are not enemies of the same level at all, and the smuggling of black goods is far from the armed overthrow of the Federation.

Tval finally took a look at him and nodded slightly: "It's okay, the judgment has not been returned to the military school teacher. What's your name?"

The young man blushed: "Yom, A-level Alpha."

Tvar nodded: "Put on the uniform I took off and stand beside me."

Yom froze for a moment, but quickly replied, "Yes, sir."

The arrival of the 927 transport ship immediately attracted the opponent's attention, and a small team was separated from the spherical array, and slowly turned to this side.

When they changed formation, the radar was able to scan the situation in their encirclement—a large starship was hiding in the unstable magnetic field of the planetary ring.

— the flagship of the Marshal.

"The marshal is the marshal." Tvar sighed, "It seems that there is no need to buy wreaths."

Small and medium-sized ships cannot stay in the extreme magnetic field for a long time, but large starships can temporarily defend against death and wait for support, so the two sides are at a stalemate.

The door of the bridge opened again, and a light sweet smell wafted in. Yom turned his head subconsciously, his eyes widened instantly, feeling that it was a ball of fire falling at his feet, and the flames soared into the sky, burning his face red .

Tvar reported as usual: "Captain, the holographic camouflage is in perfect condition and everything is ready."

The young man who entered the door hummed casually, then turned around and sat on the safety seat on the side, and tied a full set of seat belts for himself.

The captain is still the same captain, but now he is wearing a plain white silk shirt, a pair of gloves of the same color on his hands, and slightly looser breeches underneath, and his calves are tied tightly by boots, so he sits with his legs on his side Stretched out a beautiful arc. Beta's standard black-rimmed glasses were also replaced, replaced by a monocle on the right eye, and a blue crystal butterfly, only the size of a fingernail, adorned with a thin gold chain hanging down. The movement of his head swayed slightly.

Yom was stunned for a moment, did the captain wear colored contact lenses for his right eye?The eye blocked by the lens turned into a light blue color similar to that of the butterfly, and even the pupil was covered with a magnificent blue.

But why does the color contact lens only have one eye?The left eye is still black.

Lin Jing also only raised his head and glanced at them, and got a bunch of red faces.All the Alphas stood up straight reflexively, thinking to themselves: Was this captain so good-looking before?

"Call the other party." Said the captain.

The squad of the rebel army stopped at a distance, keeping a certain distance from the large battleship, and after a while, the communication was connected.

A man with honey-colored skin soon appeared on the screen, with short light-colored hair that was strewn recklessly, and a tattoo on his face to hide his scars.

Tvar's eyebrows twitched, and he said, "It's a great honor to meet Your Excellency Langdon here."

The eyes of those young Alphas widened in an instant, no wonder this man looked so familiar, Commander Langdon, the flag figure launched by the rebel army in recent years, the top of the federal bounty list, his head can be exchanged for the queen to personally give it to him perpetual ownership of ore stars.

The past training kept the young people solemn, but everyone's heartbeat accelerated in an instant.

The famous commander Langdon chuckled in the video and raised his wine glass.

Unmoved, Tvar stood up straight, and said with his head held high: "This is the battleship Yasuno of the Federation Planetary Corps. I am Captain Tvar. According to your request, we have arrived as scheduled, and now we can talk."

The man on the opposite side glanced at the stern looking Alphas, but didn't see the clues. He kept a hunter's bloody smile and said, "Where's Omega?"

Teval raised his eyebrows: "Your Excellency took the pains to come from the Hydra Constellation to the Xianqin Constellation to set up an ambush. You are preparing to negotiate with the Federation, not a blind date."

"It is the protection of Omega rights promoted by the Federation itself. Since the Federation thinks that things like Omega can enter the court, then Omega should represent the Federation. What's wrong?" Langdon sneered, "Or are you crying out of fright?"

A gentle voice answered him calmly: "It is an etiquette requirement for negotiations between the two armies to be greeted first by the military director on the starship."

Even this little Omega knew that it was a negotiation between the two armies, and Langdon's gaze became dangerous—as expected, the other party had already prepared for it.

Lin Jing also took off his seat belt after the starship came to a complete stop, and walked gracefully but carefully into the range of the communication video as if he had never been on a battleship.

"Hello, Your Excellency Langdon." Lin Jing also said with a polite smile, "I am Lucia Ferditz, the negotiator for this time."

The power of the federal military family is intricate. Many aristocratic families are behemoths left over from the era of great interstellar development. They still have the right to speak in the era of the new federation. There are quite a few Omegas in these big families, so it is impossible for the rebels who believe that Alpha is supreme and advocate force and fighting Learn more about which has who.

Just like guessing, Langdon really didn't know that Lucia should be a woman. He just looked at Lin Jingye with interest for a moment, and ordered: "Come to my flagship, and we will have an interview."

As soon as this remark came out, Tvar's face was gloomy, and the Alphas suddenly became excited, and each of them seemed eager to pounce on Langdon and tear him apart.

As if nothing had happened, the leader of the rebel army smiled and said, "Why are you excited, this one is not enough for so many of you."

Teval's face was obviously angry: "Your Excellency, please pay attention to your words. The negotiations between the two parties should have been conducted on a third-party neutral platform, otherwise how would we know if you would endanger the personal safety of the representatives?"

Langdon lazily said: "There is no third party here, and there is a gaseous planet over there, and it cannot fall on it. Anyway, it is not our marshal who is trapped in the planetary ring waiting to starve to death. You can do whatever you want, and I am not in a hurry."

Teval said in a deep voice: "Your Excellency, don't get too carried away, otherwise the main gun of the Yasuno is willing to talk to you first."

There was no nutritious mutual threat, and Lin Jing listened to his adjutant's performance calmly. He knew that the enemy must be taking advantage of this time to scan the "Jingye" to judge how true Tvar's rhetoric was. So long before the communication was connected, he had already ordered the front energy shield to be opened to the maximum value, and all energy was only output to the shield.

Even if it is a transport ship, if all the energy supports the shield, it is enough to temporarily block the opponent's radar scanning signal. If the scanning cannot be performed, the enemy can only judge with the naked eye.

With the perfect holographic camouflage, the combat power of this battleship is unpredictable.

He doesn't have a frigate, how can a transport ship have a frigate, but it involves the major affairs of the Federation Marshal, so how could a single starship come here?According to his prior instructions, Tval deliberately ignored this topic, but the less he said it, the more he would suspect that "we have a large army hidden".

Lin Jing also stood quietly and gracefully, tapping his palm with his slender fingertips, calculating the timing.

They talked cruelly to each other for a while without nutrition.

Langdon's expression was slightly stern, and he said gloomily, "I never thought that the Federation's starship could pass through the nebula unscathed."

Tval: "It's not unscathed, the side was just scratched."

Langdon twitched the corner of his mouth indifferently: "So how long will we continue to argue, young master, what are you afraid of, we don't eat Omega."

Almost there.

Lin Jing also took a half step forward, first carefully looked at "Captain", and then turned to Langdon.

"Okay, I'll meet your Excellency."

Tval stared wide-eyed, stopped him, and said in a low voice: "Don't be impulsive, you don't know the attitude of the rebels towards Omega—"

And Lin Jing shook his head slightly.

Langdon watched their small movements with interest, ignored Tvar, and pulled the corners of his mouth at Lin Jing: "I welcome you very much."

Lin Jing also hurriedly said: "But I have conditions."

Langdon smiled comprehensibly, and replied, "Tell me."

"Let your encirclement come down."

"Master, what are you dreaming about?" Langdon narrowed his eyes, "I'm going to withdraw so that your marshal can rush out?"

He saw that the warm Omega on the opposite side pursed his lips, pursing the light-colored lips into a straight line.

It's a little bit nicer.

So Langdon hooked his fingers: "However, it's not impossible to spread out a little bit and temporarily open the shielding field. Your marshal shrinks like a bastard in a shell. I think he won't be missing arms or legs. You can confirm it. Why? So, I am sincere enough."

The Omega on the opposite side really breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay." Lin Jing also nodded, "But I have a second request, I have to bring the stormtroopers as guards."

"Here we go again." Langdon curled his lips, "Take a whole regiment of Alpha fighters, almost all of whom are A-ranks, to land. Are you going to occupy this mere shuttle ship? You can only bring one."

There was a moment of silence on the bridge, and Tvar gritted his teeth: "I hope your Excellency will not make some unscrupulous actions in secret. My adjutant, Major Yom, must accompany Master Ferditz to your ship for negotiations."

Langdon glanced at Yom, who was standing upright, and said, "Waiting for you."

The moment the communication was cut off, Tvar let out a sigh of relief: "Captain, it's done."

Lin Jing also lost the gentle smile just now, and there was a chill between his brows. He turned his head and ordered: "All departments are on standby at any time, and act according to the original plan. Tvar monitors my signal at any time." He paused slightly After a while, he turned off the communication of the whole ship, and only said to the people in the bridge, "If the situation changes, just open the shield and hit it, and start the rendezvous between the star ring and the marshal."

Tval was silent for a second, and replied: "Yes, Captain."

"Yom." The captain turned to the stormtrooper captain who was pretending to be an adjutant, and ordered coldly, "You come with me, check your armament, and meet me on the tarmac in 3 minutes."

The civilian captain of the second-line supply force, even if his military rank is one level higher than Yom, actually has no authority to command him, but the young soldiers obeyed him subconsciously.

"Yes, Captain!"

Because in the captain's eyes, he saw the light of blood and fire.

The author has something to say: Adjutant: The following is the performance time of Captain Lin√

Captain Lin: Thank you for the invitation, it's not difficult.

Military doctor: He is old.


Some comments say it well, this is a story of B pretending to be O, and O pretending to be A, and they are a good match√

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