How Hard is It To Raise a Bug?

Chapter 102

Chapter 100: Major General’S Compassion

The Second Legion Major General Yalves, who came to deal with the aftermath, received a communication invitation from the Male Protection Committee before arriving at his destination. The Bian Xiongbao Committee has decided to form a special investigation team, which will arrive at the border after a few hours through space jump to participate in the follow-up disposal.

Yalves dealt with it humbly, saying that he would definitely protect the life and safety of the male Mr. Yu Mengruo, and would never favor his subordinates. Even if he arrived at the scene first, he would just maintain order and wait for the central star. investigation team.

The adjutant squinted at the well-behaved officer and asked suspiciously, “Sir, can you really do nothing but maintain order?”

Yalves immediately rolled his eyes to the sky: “I said Wes, what are you joking about, the group of stubborn young men with eyes on the top of their heads in the Xiongbao Society take themselves too seriously. ,Do those scumbags from Central Star really think they can afford such an expensive major-general-level security? Let me tell you, now that this incident is so big, and the popularity of the whole network is so high, if you want to give the public a satisfactory explanation, just It is necessary to give a clear characterization of this incident, and muddy mud is definitely not acceptable, then I have already run over first by my ability, why should I hand over the power of characterization to a group of generals who can’t learn to respect high-level male generals ‘s evil pen?”

Weiss sighed and thought helplessly: Oh, I knew it!

When Yalves led the team to finally find Yu Mengruo, Yu Mengruo and Sharka acted very cautiously, staying in the flying shark and refusing to come out. Go to the transfer station and receive inquiries and investigations in an environment where you can feel at ease.

Yalves asked his female worms to clean up the battle, and he left his spaceship with his adjutant as a bachelor, walked under the flying shark, and greeted Yu Mengruo with a loud voice.

“Hey, Mr. Yu, don’t be so wary of us. The one who attacked you is an ineffective major, not the marshal of our Second Army. He can only represent himself, not our Second Army! I read about you The video data of the encounter, I think you don’t have to wait for the Zerg detachment at the transfer station. Why don’t you go home early. The Central Star Xiongbao will say that the investigation team will investigate this matter, you wait for the transfer station It’s useless, they can’t be the master even when they come.”

Although Yu Mengruo felt that the official side would be more polite after the live broadcast became popular, but he still felt a little surprised to see the male worm who raised his head and shouted under the flying shark. He could feel that this male officer was really not malicious, and he was quite friendly emotionally.

It is very sad to say that even if you are a major general, Yalves is still very accustomed to not getting a response when he speaks.

Since the male worm in the flying shark did not express his position immediately, he continued to babble freely: “As for those rare minerals that originally belonged to you, I will lend you a spaceship, you can count it and take it home directly, and send it to the transfer station. You can sell it. Or you feel insecure and have to wait for the transfer station to come, but I don’t think it is necessary. Neither the Central Star nor the transfer station can send armed forces to protect you for a long time, unless you don’t want to be at the border. Wait, you have to cancel the contract and return to the Central Star, otherwise you will always have to return to your own territory and defend your own territory by yourself.”

Yu Mengruo: This male is really reasonable, but isn’t this really a threat?

Yalves was still holding his neck up and waiting for a reply. The adjutant tapped his arm with his fingers. Yalves turned back in dissatisfaction: “Why? What did I say wrong again?!”

Weis held up his brain terminal in front of Yalves, pushed Yu Mengruo’s account under his nose, and said respectfully, “Sir, Senior Sharka said that his hero’s voice is not as loud as yours. , I would like to invite you to add him as a friend to chat with him using a communicator.”

Yalves pouted and muttered, “…How hypocritical.”

The unhappy Major General of the Second Army added Yu Mengruo’s friend, and heard a small gentle voice coming from the communicator.

“Hello, I’m Yu Mengruo, what should I call you?”

Although this male is polite, why does it sound so unpleasant? Yalves replied: “I am the Second Army Major General Yalves. Are you going to leave, Mr. Yu Mengruo? Please hurry up! I really can’t stand my subordinates with a stick beside me when I count the battlefield. A well-known mecha that is a friend is ready to fight at any time. Even if you turn off the live broadcast, I will not attack you, really! Our second army is not as close as you think, and the Fengchao that attacked you was not born by me. The male worm is not a blind friend of mine, and the matter between you and him will be handled by the Xiongbao investigation team, and I will not bother you when I am full.”

Yu Mengruo was dubious about this, and felt that the male worm was really annoying. If he hadn’t opened a plug-in that could sense emotions, listening to him talking like this would probably think he was deliberately mocking.

However, this male named Yalves will only feel disgusted when he mentions Fengchao. Yu Mengruo looked at Sharka with inquiring eyes and felt that he was not wary or hostile to this male major general. Unbuckle the seat belt, signal Sharka to carry himself away from the flying shark, and then watch Sharka put away the mecha.

– Going early is definitely not going to go early.

Even if Yu Mengruo believed that the Second Corps would not kill him, he still had to prevent them from doing anything on the evidence. He and Sharka followed Yalves, silently watching him cursing and commanding his subordinates to rescue the comatose Zerg and count the looted rare mines.

Of the 5 males who came to make trouble, Du Kun, the dude who came to make trouble first, was injected into a coma by Sharka, and the other 3 males, including Feng Chao, fell into a magical coma after being attacked by Yu Mengruo. , only Anthony was in a simple physical coma, and Fengchao didn’t plan to hurt him, so he didn’t start hard, so Anthony woke up when he was moved to a stretcher by the military females and was about to be sent to the spaceship treatment cabin. come over.

The female soldiers didn’t expect him to wake up so quickly, and they couldn’t control it for a while, so he ran off the spaceship and rushed towards Yu Mengruo.

“Uuuuu are you alright!”

Anthony wept and ran under the afterglow of the stars, wanting to rush to Yu Mengruo’s side to give him an emotional hug for the rest of his life. When he was passing near Yalves, he was stumbled by the agile Major General’s feet and squeaked his face. He fell to the ground, startling Yu Mengruo.

Yalves angrily began to roll up his sleeves: “Damn, this is too bold! It’s crazy, dare to attack the pioneers in front of me, and I don’t care about me as a major general!”

Although Anthony was weird, he was indeed on Yu Mengruo’s side. Seeing that he was about to be repaired by Yalves, Yu Mengruo quickly stopped him: “Wait, wait! I don’t think he was going to attack me!”

Anthony struggled **** the ground, and Yalves continued to approach, sneered and said, “Isn’t he also one of those males who come to your door to grab territory? Didn’t he attack you on Major Fengchao’s spaceship? Is it one of the male insects who carried out a mental attack? I blame my subordinate for being too careless to let him run here to continue the murder!”

With that said, Major General Male picked up Anthony’s arm and twisted it, picking him up with a scream from Anthony.

Anthony fell with blood all over his face and looked extremely miserable, “Ah, ah, don’t talk nonsense, I’m not, I didn’t want to kill, I thought we were just here to grab the site, and it’s not illegal to grab the site, I didn’t think the guy in Fengchao was so cruel. You want to kill the same clan and even frame them as star thieves! I was knocked out when I said I didn’t want to do it. I’m also a victim! Let me go, woo woo woo, I’m going to sue you, you **** for hurting at will. The male worm ooh ooh!”

Yu Mengruo felt that Anthony looked a little pitiful, and circled back and forth between Yalves and Anthony, wanting to get close to help, but also had a premonition that he might be attacked by the strange male Anthony, so he did not dare to get too close.

“What he said should be true. I have never fought against his mental power, Major General, please let him go!”

Yalves: “Tsk!”

He threw Anthony to Yu Mengruo, but Yu Mengruo didn’t want to catch him, and quickly hid behind Sharka.

The disgusted Anthony fell to the ground again, and sneered in his heart: Haha, this idiot Yalves definitely wanted to tell me and Lord Yu Mengruo just now… He thought I was so stupid and said that I cared about you because I admired you for a long time. And is it suspected that it has been marked by an adult? Hehehe, maybe the original me will really be caught, but the current me is no longer the original me!

He rubbed his face with his sleeve, but he didn’t get up, he lay on the ground and groaned weakly and painfully – touch porcelain, I am also a professional!

The female soldiers hurried over and heard Anthony’s speech just now. It is not good to go forward and control him to be rude to him. They can only wait for Yalves’ instructions.

As Anthony speculated, Yalves briefly deceived Yu Mengruo and Anthony, and since Yu Mengruo’s own live broadcast did not reveal evidence of their premeditated plan, he did not try.

Today, this matter is nothing more than two kinds of qualitative.

One is to throw the pot to Yu Mengruo.

But Du Kun and Feng Chao took the initiative to provoke and attack, and now there is Anthony’s confession that they want to blame Yu Mengruo for star thieves and want to throw the blame on Yu Mengruo’s side, even if they get it. The evidence that he dug the hole in advance is not enough, unless he finds some decisive evidence – for example, Yu Mengruo is not actually a Zerg, but a spy who wants to provoke the relationship between the Zerg frontier pioneers and the garrison, otherwise it will be difficult to convince the public.

But to convince the public that the legendary female Major General Sharka in the past did not find out that his male lord was an alien spy, would it be too ridiculous? !

It’s too difficult to make such a characterization. Just like what Yu Mengruo said, Yalves believes that he is not their father, and there is no reason to work so hard for them.

In contrast, the second one is much simpler, the pot is backed up by Du Kun and the others, and the relationship between the Second Army and them is clear. It’s best to have a little bit of calculation on Yu Mengruo’s side if you can blow it up. It’s better to lift it up and put it down gently to express your friendship.

—A higher male like Yu Mengruo without family support is rare. In addition, he was mistakenly judged as a lower male in the past, and it is estimated that he will not be able to make friends with higher males, so making him is comparable to making other famous higher males. Males are much more valuable!

When the investigation team of the Xiongbaohui arrives, most of them will do the same, and show their strength by stepping on the second legion’s male major, so as to win over the helpless young male to work for himself.

How could Yalves be watching this happen? The only major generals who can step on the majors of the Second Legion and profit from it are the majors of the Second Legion! Today, no one can take away from him the opportunity to develop friendship with the up-and-coming male worm Yu Mengruo!

The author has something to say: Adjutant Weiss: I understand the reasoning, but sir, are you sure that you are showing friendship and making friends, not provocation and revenge?

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