How Hard is It To Raise a Bug?

Chapter 107

Chapter 105: Iceberg Mom

Sharka couldn’t help but also felt sad. Yu Mengruo was looking forward to the good news from Sharka, and sensing his emotions, she quickly held Sharka’s hand quietly outside the camera, widened her eyes and tried to convey her understanding and sympathy. And anxious: too bad! This female colonel is really miserable – but he is also suitable for our B612! Say it now, Sasha! Tell him to come to us! If we come, we will even save the contribution value! !

Sharka shook Yu Mengruo’s hand back and said conservatively to the subordinates over there, “Don’t worry, I’ll find a way and reply in a few minutes.”

Then hung up the communication.

Yu Mengruo’s eyes were round and round, but they widened to the naked eye, and asked in shock, “Shasha, why didn’t you tell them directly and ask your friend to come over?!”

Sharka coughed, feeling that his feelings of pity for his subordinates were about to be dissipated.

He explained: “Master, what you heard just now… a situation like Xin Shi… I’m afraid it won’t be able to adapt to long-range interstellar voyages, let alone fixed-point jumping.”

Although Yu Mengruo confessed all his secrets to Sharka, the focus was all on his own bizarre background. He only briefly mentioned how he built B612 and how he exercised his spirit in the early days. And Sharka has always been good at rationalizing all of Yu Mengruo’s strange behaviors with his own knowledge system, so he has his own inferences about how he built a survival base before he reached B612.

—It must be the Zhinao J10 that remotely controls the nano-machine Zerg, which is much more reasonable than saying that the hero can control the nano-machine with mental power over a two-month voyage in the vast universe.

So under this misunderstanding, Sharka made a wrong judgment: Xin Shi and the child in his belly cannot have both.

The reason why he didn’t directly put forward his own suggestion to his subordinates was that he felt that this option might be cruel to Xin Shi, so it would be better for him and Xiongzhu to discuss a tendentious suggestion first.

Sharka’s subordinates must be thinking of letting Xin Shi go to a male with a bad character to give birth to a child, and then make a living. When the male master rises strongly, they should contact Xin Shi more. His basic living conditions could be guaranteed—and this was the best way they could think of for Xin Shi.

But Sharka knows that’s not the case. If Xin Shi is willing to give up the child and raise his body to B612, he can definitely have a brighter future… But the female worm is affected by the body’s function after pregnancy, and it is difficult to be ruthless. to make such a choice.

In Sharka’s spiritual world, the sun began to be slowly covered by dark clouds again, but Yu Mengruo didn’t think it was a difficult problem to solve.

He said: “Hey, then let him live in our store. The store manager who just couldn’t help fights. When the baby is born, he and the baby’s body will be able to adapt to the long journey and then come and live. Sha Sha , don’t be sad, let your friends visit him more and take care of him, and see him a few months later, it’s nothing.”

Sharka suspected that the male lord might not have considered that the children of the Zerg needed the mental power of the male insect to grow up smoothly, so he reminded him.

Yu Mengruo: “It’s alright, then I’ll set aside some time every day to give him mental power. Don’t you have to have the mental power of my biological father? No, I can even raise my half-sister from a different race. “It’s impossible for your child to be more difficult to raise than your sister, right?”

It took Sharka a few more minutes to confirm that Yu Mengruo really thought that he could transmit mental power through the J10 system and use mental power to manipulate things on the central star – he felt that the truth might not be what the hero thinks.

The construction process that Yu Mengruo went through was still explained by the fact that J10 also left a nano-mechanical Zerg in the central star. The so-called “tasks” were all the system urging him to exercise his mental power in disguise. Is this more reasonable?

It is rare for Yu Mengruo to question himself when he encounters Sharka, but he is not unhappy. He is also suspicious, and hurriedly calls J10: “Xiao Shi Xiao Shi, what’s going on? Does the method I said work? ”

Although the J10 still had a second answer question immediately, the answer this time was very ambiguous.

It said: “Dear host, of course your proposal will work. Although Sharka’s guess is very reasonable, you can put the female in the shop, because even if your mental power can’t help him, mine In the database, there are also some males who can help.”

Yu Mengruo suspected that Sharka should have guessed correctly, and Xiao Shi explained the connections from his elders in order to protect his face. But Xiao Shi is too chicken thief, right? He obviously has money and friends, but when he first crossed over, he pretended to be a cold system and sent him tasks, making him feel like a helpless little pity…

The male worm was distracted and turned over the old accounts, while Sharka was busy dialing the communication numbers of his subordinates, rounding up the story and rationalizing the plot, “Don’t worry, my male lord helped Xin Shi figure out a way. According to my address, I will send him to settle down, and I will find a male worm to help him transmit his spiritual power.”

The subordinates looked at each other in dismay, but did not immediately show a surprised expression.

“Ah…this…Xin Shi’s current situation is not very good…”

Although it is not easy to find a male who is willing to spend mental energy, but with the current physical and mental state of the female, it may not be able to serve the male. If he finds the male father of the worm in his belly for help, that’s fine. If he asks for help from an unfamiliar male worm, I’m really afraid that it will hurt Xin Shi without any scruples on a whim.

Sharka heard the concerns and doubts of his subordinates, and comforted: “Tell Xin Shi about the situation and say I guarantee that he will be fine. If he still trusts me, he will stay in my shop.”

Based on his knowledge of the male master system, the J10 is still very reliable.

After solving Xinshi’s predicament, Sharka continued to chime in to see if there were any other females suitable for transplanting into his garden.

“You have been talking about Xin Shi before, what about yourself? What about the other comrades in arms? How are you all doing?”

Although Sharka was inexplicably full of confidence in Yu Mengruo and his brain pendant J10 from the beginning, the other female subordinates were not so optimistic.

Everyone worriedly informed Xin Shi of the commander’s suggestion – although they were uncertain, they all knew that, with the prestige that Sharka had built up in everyone’s heart, if any of them fell to Xin Shi’s level, they would not be able to do it again. After receiving the advice given by the superior, 120% will definitely feel that since his choice has made his life so bad, it is better to listen to the superior.

Sure enough, after hearing Sharka’s suggestion, the weak female worm decided to leave the hospital without much hesitation and moved to the officer’s shop first.

The female comrades in arms prescribed good medicine for him, and took him by the address in a flying machine.

When they came to the door, several military females were frightened by the long queue at the door.

They stayed at the door to observe for a while, and found that the store opened by the boss had to limit the flow. Only the Zerg inside came out, and those who queued at the gate could enter, and there were still many male insects in the queue.

The military females wanted to go in and say hello to the store manager of Zhinao, but because of their discipline, they began to hesitate whether to line up first.

Each of these military females seems to be able to fight and not to be provoked. If they don’t cut the line just to watch the excitement, logically speaking, there should be no Zerg who will take the initiative to provoke them. Unfortunately, there are several male insects in the queue, because they rarely condescend Xun Gui and the ordinary females lined up together and were impatient. Seeing that they were blocked at the door, they were particularly unpleasant, so they shouted and drank.

“Hey, what are you doing? Those female worms! Go to the back and line up, do you see it? There is a camera at the entrance of this store, and the manager who was photographed cutting the queue won’t receive you!”

Originally, when male A at the gate of the row shouted like this, several army females planned to go to the back row. Unexpectedly, male B in the back row was very dissatisfied with male A who shouted first.

“Do you have a brain problem in front of you? Why tell them that it’s not good for them to jump in the queue and be kicked out?”

Team-tailed male C enthusiastically suggested: “Do you want to go to the side to fight?”

Military females: “…”

What exactly is being sold in the sir’s shop? Why is such a terrifying chaotic evil Shura field formed…

Even they feel a little scary and should hide first, not to mention the wounded pregnant husband who is currently very serious with male PTSD.

Although Xin Shi was trying his best to hide his discomfort and trembling, the comrades around him were keenly aware of his situation and helped him into a nearby restaurant. Everyone poured into the box and ordered some food to deal with the waiter. , and then apprehensively applied to connect with Sharka for communication.

– If Xin Shi’s situation was better, they would definitely wait until the shop closes before contacting the manager of Zhinao to place him, but seeing how the former comrades in arms can’t even sit on the chair now, everyone has to disturb the boss.

Fortunately, Sharka quickly agreed to the call, “What’s the matter? Are you already in the store?”

The subordinates were ashamed to report the current situation: they arrived at the door, but were chased away by the male worms in the queue.

Before Sharka could give instructions, an unfamiliar voice came from the brain terminals of the females.

“It’s alright, I just informed the store manager that the store is closed, you just need to wait for the customers in line to disperse and just go over there!”

The military female subordinates don’t have to think about it to know that this is the voice of the chief hero. Although most of them had seen him in the live broadcast room, it was the first time they had contacted him outside the live broadcast camera, and they couldn’t help but get nervous.

Sharka said helplessly, “Master, tell them the location of the back door and give them access. There’s no need to close the store.”

Yu Mengruo didn’t want to sing a red face in front of Sharka’s subordinates to make them thank him, anyway, it’s Sharka’s subordinate, just thank Sharka! A good male like him always behaves in front of other females. What if he falls in love with him? Don’t love him, not only will it be fruitless, but it will also damage the relationship with Sharka.

Yu Mengruo avoided the camera, stabbed Sharka’s waist with his finger, and muttered very proudly: “…The gates are all closed!”

Sharka was suddenly attacked by the male lord, which made him shiver, but frightened the female military subordinates who couldn’t see their small movements, and hurriedly began to smooth the game.

“Ah thank you sir!”

“I’m giving you trouble!”

“Sir, we’ll go right away! Don’t worry, we won’t waste your precious time with Mr. Male!”

“Yeah yeah, sir, we’ll make sure your shop is cleaned up after a while, Xin Shi won’t be waiting, he can also help with a lot of work!!”

How could Sharka not know that they had misunderstood? He was even more helpless. If the hero didn’t cooperate, he couldn’t explain it now, so he had to stop the subordinates who wanted to kneel down and apologize and immediately hang up the communication.

“Wait, don’t hang it up. Listen to me, there was no place to live in the store, but we have already purchased beds, sofa beds and other daily necessities online, and asked the store manager to sort out the empty space in the warehouse, and wait for the things to arrive for you. Just leave it there. It’s not a good environment without windows in the warehouse. You can put the sofa bed in the empty space by the window. Our store’s business hours are not long, and Xinshi can rest there when we close…”

After a lot of nagging and admonitions, Sharka finally hung up the phone with no end in sight, and then found that the hero was looking at him up and down with the wide eyes of the sparkling young girl, looking at him with admiration.

A question mark slowly appeared on Sharka’s head.

Yu Mengruo’s thinking is very active: I thought that Shasha was just angry with me, but I didn’t expect… Some females look like iron-blooded icebergs on the surface, but they are always like this in private with their familiar relatives and friends? It’s too deceptive, but it’s so cute…

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