How Hard is It To Raise a Bug?

Chapter 118

Chapter 116: Master’S Greetings

The last time Yu Mengruo didn’t show his strength and still acted as a D-rank male, because the infrastructure construction in the strategy game dragged Sharka’s hind legs, the live broadcast room was full of blood and rain. But this time, I don’t know whether to say that the Zerg are cold-blooded snobbery, or whether they should say that they are particularly simple and straightforward to admire the strong, and the live broadcast room is very harmonious.

Although he disliked the anchor team’s best dishes, and even the original Insect King Dandan was better than the anchor, but in fact, seeing him addicted to burning money in the back to play “Happy Town”, the mainstream comments became:

[Speaking of which, is the anchor the least warlike, high-level male who loves to develop the economy? 】

[Yes, yes, the style is super obvious, no wonder he discovered new ingredients. The point of interest of the anchor is in the collection and construction. 】

[I thought that only inferior males would have this kind of interest and temper, but I found out what is cuter than cute males? Of course it’s a cute high-ranking male! 】

The message was almost entirely filled with compliments.

In the eyes of these Zerg viewers, not being good at fighting is not only a disadvantage that will be ridiculed, but it seems to be a unique advantage!

Leopold stared gloomily at the rapidly changing text on the screen, his mental energy was so manic and depressed that no female worm dared to disturb him.

He couldn’t understand why this pretentious male was so popular?

A few months ago, when he saw Yu Mengruo as a joke, those stupid and lowly female insects in the live broadcast room liked Yu Mengruo, and Leobard still understood – low-level insects are always attracted by a little light source because of their phototaxis. and the female worms, once attracted by the male worms, are like those little worms that fly into the fire.

But now Yu Mengruo not only successfully deceived the slightly less stupid Sharka among the female insects, but also deceived more and more male insects, and even many high-level male insects with prominent family backgrounds were hugging his thighs and holding his stinky smell. Feet, it left Leobard wondering what to do.

Could it be that apart from females, even males are stupid beyond his imagination?

Even if Yu Mengruo is a high-level male worm, he has to defeat an ordinary school-level officer and two **** who make up the number of twists and turns, and it is clear that he does not have any leadership skills and is not ashamed to repeat it! Even if he is an A-level, he is just an ordinary A-level male. The gap between himself and the A-level standing at the top is still a gap that cannot be bridged in a lifetime!

There is no prominent family background, the biggest industry at present is a small broken planet and a small broken shop, and there is only one disabled female who can’t use mecha for a long time… Just because of luck, I found several kinds of so far unknown effects. Plants are held up to the sky, what happened to this world? Is it crazy?

Ever since he knew that he might get involved in trouble because of Yu Mengruo, after he sent Yaheng to inquire about the news, although Leobard still had a lot of work to do, he threw it aside when he found that he was in a bad mood, and opened the brain terminal. , searched the name “Yu Mengruo”. Then, like all intermittent internet addicts, he got out of hand, filling in everything he could find from start to finish.

In the past, he targeted this male mainly because of Sharka, and was shocked by the strange thing that a female chose garbage between him and garbage, but now, it doesn’t matter whether there is Sharka or not Now, Leobard began to simply hate the male worm Yu Mengruo!

He is obviously stronger than Yu Mengruo everywhere, and he can beat him in terms of ability! But those ordinary Zerg, those mean netizens, say every day that he can be a lieutenant general by robbing female insects, saying that he can’t fight at all, and has no strength at all! These netizens are obviously weak and pitiful. In reality, they have no qualifications to connect with him. They dare not put a fart in front of him. Standing in his position, they can’t survive on the battlefield for a second, but on the Internet Pointing at the country, laughing at his failure, dare to say that he is nothing without a female? !

Then these mean idiots turned their heads and praised a male who was far inferior to them, saying that he looked cute when he couldn’t fight? ? ?

Yaheng has not come back to return to life, and the time spent outside has exceeded the norm. Logically speaking, even if he finds an abnormality and needs to extend the time for investigation outside, he should contact the chief in time to report the progress. If Leopold had done something else, he might have put this aside for now. But now he has lost his self-control, was provoked by the comments on the Internet, and even fell to the point of going out to quarrel with the brain-dead in person, so he noticed Yaheng’s disappearance in time.

Leopold first tried to use the Internet to contact Yaheng, but after receiving no response, he furiously used his mental power to find out where the female was, and swore to himself that Yaheng had better have a strong reason for losing contact, otherwise When the female worm comes back, he will definitely not let him go!

Leobard didn’t expect that the spiritual search had also failed… The lieutenant general didn’t open his brain well enough. He didn’t expect Yaheng to be locked in the male worm’s exclusive prison at this time, and he wondered: Is he dead?

For Leobard, it was a trivial matter for the adjutant to be killed by himself, but the disappearance of the adjutant, because the former only meant that he had lost a replaceable female, while the latter meant that there might be something against him brewing around him. conspiracy.

The anger burning in Leobard’s mind finally subsided a little and regained his composure. He directly contacted the Central Star’s Public Security Administration, hoping that they could help him find the missing adjutant as soon as possible. The Sheriff’s Office should have given enough attention to a lieutenant general’s adjutant, but Leobard waited for hours without getting the desired progress.

At this time, no matter how stupid he was, he realized that something was wrong.

Although Leobard was ridiculed by some netizens for not being good at fighting, there is one thing he is recognized as being really good at, and that is to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. The adjutant disappeared, the official announcement vaguely pointed at him… The lieutenant general paced the office for two minutes and then made up his mind to contact his guards, telling his subordinates that they had a secret operation, and they had to leave the office of the Central Star as quickly as possible and go to the third Sixth Army Station.

Although several major legions have stations in the central star, the vast majority of their troops are distributed on the border, ready to go to war with other forces and other civilizations in the universe.

Losing an adjutant in the central star, Leobard was inconvenient for his guards to search directly, and he had to contact the sheriff and other news. His scouts may be more effective than the sheriff, but they have no arrest and search authority. But in the 6th Army Corps station, although the conditions are more difficult than Central Star, and there are not many entertainment items, he can almost cover the sky with one hand, surrounded by female insects who are loyal to him, and there is an absolute guarantee in terms of safety.

At his level, saying that there is an emergency secret order, it is not difficult to open the space fixed-point jump, and there is no need to travel long distances, and there is no need to worry about being ambushed on the road. His sudden appearance surprised the officers and soldiers who saw him—you must know that this lieutenant general will never come to the frontier of the border unless it is absolutely necessary, and he can stay in the central star for as long as he can!

But it didn’t take long for them to understand what was going on.

– Eros, the master of the central star, has published an announcement on major websites regarding the results of the investigation team’s application for self-examination.

[After self-examination by the master mind, it was found that Mr. Yu Mengruo, a male citizen, had indeed been interfered with in violation of regulations by authorized officials in his mental strength test and marriage assignment. Controlled by the investigation team and under investigation. Young higher males are the hope for the future of the entire Zerg. The male level test and mating and reproduction are related to the rise and fall of the Zerg. Please continue to pay attention to the survey results. If you have similar clues, please contact xxxx, and each one encourages 100,000 citizens to contribute points. 】

If it wasn’t for Eros being the impartial and selfless AI master, or for the special racial structure and physiological characteristics of the Zerg, after the intelligent creatures of other races read this announcement, who wouldn’t say that the author of the announcement and Lieutenant General Leopold had a grudge Woolen cloth?

But the majority of Zerg do not think so. The majority of Zerg have their own set of rules, and the majority of Zerg recognize the findings of the mastermind.

[Looking at the format of the announcement, Yaheng is the female marked by Lieutenant General Leobard? Has Yaheng been flagged when he did those things against Yu Mengruo? 】

[That is for sure, otherwise the announcement will not mention the name of Lieutenant General Leobard. 】

[After being marked and doing things against other males, don’t think about it, it must be the lieutenant’s advice. 】

Originally two very popular males were pulled together from the official level by the announcement of Eros, and the netizens of the whole Zerg boiled collectively, and there was a sound of eating melons from all corners of the star.

Since the mastermind Eros put together ‘spiritual power test” and “marriage and reproduction”, it gave netizens a feeling that the Zerg was involved in the persecution of Yu Mengruo in many ways, so the versatile netizens tried to re-order them according to the newly obtained clues. story line.

[Wait, what does this announcement mean? That is to say, Leo knew Yu Yu for a long time, and Leo regarded Yu Yu as a thorn in his eyes. He shot him to be rated as D rank during the level test, and when Yu Yu was about to get married, he shot him to marry Sharka? ? ? Why, what is the purpose of Lord Leo doing this, why is he acting so unpredictable, who can tell me whether he hates Yuyu or likes Yuyu, it is very miserable for A-level to be wrongly rated as D-level, but Yuyu and Sharka Live happily…]

[This melon is really unfriendly to passers-by. I ate a brainwashing bag a while ago and said that the reason why Sharka was put on the list of D-class males was because Yuyu asked for it himself, because Yuyu has always liked sand very much. erka. 】

[Could that be the case? Lieutenant General LIAO found out with his conscience that he had cheated Yu Yu, so he had a second violation and sent Sharka to Yu Yu’s list. To be honest, every time I saw this kind of statement on the Internet in the past that “the Yu family can interfere with Sharka’s marriage and put him into a D-class male” list, I wanted to laugh. The Yu family can be said to be the bottom of the aristocratic family. ! There are two male offspring, but only one can be raised, and the adult males are driven out of the house and cut off from communication. I am poor and stupid. I believe everyone will have no objection, right? This kind of family has the energy to find officials with high authority… well that sounds stupid. 】

Netizens couldn’t figure out the clues for the time being, and the mastermind Eros seemed to think that everyone was not confused enough. At this time, he suddenly appeared and replied under the hot comment of the announcement: [After investigation, “Yu Mengruo’s family used power to illegally add Sharka to Yu Mengruo’s family. “Marriage List” is an untrue rumor spread by Mr. Yaheng employing the Internet navy. I hope that everyone will not spread rumors, believe or spread rumors, and live happily every day. 】

Netizens: “…”

This Eros does not usually seem to have such a friendly style of painting. Their dear mastermind, could it be true that they were infected with the virus? !

While hiding at the station and seeing the merciless name-calling announcement, Leobard also received a notice from the investigation team to interview him.

Obviously it’s not a big deal, why even the mastermind announcement?

Thinking of Yaheng, who was still missing, Leobard not only refused to return to the Central Star for an interview, but even retreated from the video chat, resolutely insisted that he had an urgent and top-secret mission, and planned to see the development first. It’s too wrong. He just targeted Sharka for a while. After reading the announcement of the mastermind, he didn’t know how many high-level male insects he had killed!

When Leobard was angrily shouting grievances, he could never have imagined that the victim of this announcement, Mr. Yu Mengruo, a high-ranking male worm, didn’t feel the slightest bit of pride in Shilai’s grievances. On the contrary, his heart was also full of unease.

At the beginning, although Yu Mengruo instructed the investigation team to apply for the mastermind to check whether the marriage process between himself and Sharka was interfered, he never asked the investigation team to apply to check his mental strength rating.

It was mentioned in the report of the investigation team that it would be very deliberate not to mention it because other Zerg were very concerned about this matter, but it was just a mention!

Whoever interfered with the results of the mental strength test doesn’t need to be checked at all! Xiao Shi has confessed long ago that it was done by the loyal supporters of Xiao Shi and the elders of Yu Mengruo…Ah, why is this Zerg mastermind so smart, not only satisfied with completing the tasks proposed by the investigation team, but also giving extra gifts Other survey results spree? ? ?

Yu Mengruo didn’t know the official involved in the announcement at all. He didn’t know it was Leobard’s friend. Who is the unlucky person in front? Is it a friend of my male father and female father? What punishment will he receive? Xiao Shi, are you also involved? Will it be exposed? Who is stronger between you and Eros, will he obey? Follow the clues to trace your existence? If you fight him, will you lose?”

Speaking of this, Yu Mengruo remembered that a smart butler he liked in a well-known movie he saw in the human world suddenly went offline, because it was destroyed by other AI, and immediately ordered: “No, little ten, you hide first. Cut off the internet in that housekeeping robot that beat me up and let’s talk!”

J10 changed his habit of replying in seconds as long as he was cued by Yu Mengruo, and said after a few seconds: “Host, thank you for caring about me so much, I’m really touched.”

Yu Mengruo was frightened by the few seconds late, and said angrily, “Now is not the time to thank you!”

Sharka also said: “Yes, although it may be transferred to the flying shark with a higher safety factor, the target is too obvious, and the hidden effect is far less than that of the housework machine.”

At this time, a strange voice suddenly rang in Yu Mengruo’s room.

“Hello, Your Royal Highness, Eros, the head of the central star, greets you. Please don’t worry, although I am far stronger than J10, I will never harm your growth assistance system.”

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