How Hard is It To Raise a Bug?

Chapter 129

Chapter 127: Effects Of Battle

When the first reinforcement spaceship appeared on the horizon, except for Yu Mengruo, the rest of the Zerg who had participated in the war instantly burst into terrifying combat power, pressing the enemy who was already at a disadvantage against the ground.

The mental body that was wrestling with Yu Mengruo also realized that the situation was wrong, and directly gave up their battle this time, and quickly evacuated from the body that was being captured by Yu Mengruo.

Yu Mengruo wanted to take advantage of the victory, but when he selected the next alien to carry out a mental attack, he found that the alien no longer had strong mental power in his body.

Yu Mengruo scanned the entire battlefield without encountering any obstacles. Only then did he determine that all the small aircrafts that crossed the jumping point had lost their manipulators, lost their ‘souls”, and turned into a non-threatening AI hosting mode.

Yu Mengruo expanded his mental power perception range and found that his opponent had retreated into the unclosed space jumping point and escaped, and now he could only vaguely feel its existence through the gate.

He originally wanted J10 to help him control the flying shark to land, but suddenly he felt that the mental tentacles protruding from the enemy’s consciousness reappeared at the exit of the jump point. Silly [beep—] cowardly coward” emotional message.

Male: “…”

Although it is a little regretful that he failed to seize the opportunity to mark this alien “mastermind” and take another litter of younger brothers, it is also impossible for him to be so impulsive that it does not hurt so much when the jump point is turned on and off without his control at all. Not itchy provocation, rush through the gate to catch this guy?

– Does he look so stupid? Will you be like this!

Yu Mengruo was complaining that he seemed to be underestimated, but J10 suddenly persuaded worriedly: “Host, please don’t chase, we don’t know anything about the situation opposite the jumping point…”

Yu Mengruo: “Okay.”

J10 didn’t seem to hear Yu Mengruo’s answer clearly and continued to talk at length.

“Even if you have the confidence to win against the enemy, the weapons loaded on the flying shark are not enough, and your female guards are too few. Moreover, even if you succeed, in case you pass the jump point unstable and disconnected The opposite is too far away from the Zerg territory, so you don’t know how long it will take to return to the territory smoothly, think about Mr. Sharka who is still in the hospital, and think about the shell that has not broken yet…”

Yu Mengruo sat obediently for a long time before J10 finally recovered, “Wait, what did you mean when you said yes?”

Yu Mengruo: “…that’s why I didn’t want to chase after me.”

J10 didn’t speak for a while, and it seemed that Yu Mengruo’s answer surprised and confused him.

Yu Mengruo had to assure J10 again and again that she didn’t want to continue chasing at all.

During this period, the flying shark finally slowly landed on the ground.

The reinforcements that were originally far away suddenly gathered at an accelerated pace.

A second ago, Yu Mengruo was still imagining that they would run out of the aircraft to cheer him, a good folk male worm who did justice to his righteousness. The next second, he found that the muzzle of the army was not aimed at the alien aircraft that had not moved, but at the alien aircraft. Zerg participating in battle.

“What! Even the army was called by Oreo, so the little biscuits are so cruel?” Yu Mengruo was shocked, and the hand that was about to unfasten the seat belt stopped in front of his chest.

Thinking that he had just commented that Oreo was only going to fight in the house, the male felt subtly that he had been slapped in the face.

Probably because the adrenaline secreted during the battle just now (the Zerg might not be called that way) has not been exhausted, Yu Mengruo is not afraid of the new situation.

“Are we going to fight? I’ll call all the primitive Zerg together now?” he asked in a calm and bizarre manner with a little anticipation.

J10 hurriedly stopped: “No, no, host, you must be calm, no need, really no need, this should not be arranged by Lieutenant General Leobard. The Shantafa race you just fought against is a high-risk for the Zerg. Species, the response of the army is a normal response.”

In order to make it easier for Yu Mengruo to understand, J10 made an analogy.

“Dear host, it’s like a zombie virus broke out on the earth. You have just fought with zombies and waited for the reinforcements. The reinforcements want to check your body for any trauma. This is a normal procedure.”

Yu Mengruo nodded, indicating that he understood.

The female insects who had resisted the alien invaders just now had already put down their weapons and were controlled by the reinforcements.

Yu Mengruo also left Flying Shark obediently.

When he left the cockpit, he finally felt the taste of the much-anticipated. All the Zerg raised their heads and stared at him. After a short silence, whoever made the first cheers, then the cheers and applause converged into a sea.

When facing the enemy just now, Yu Mengruo was so nervous that he didn’t pay attention to the emotions of the Zerg on the battlefield.

But now, pure and fiery positive emotions such as worship, respect, and gratitude, together with the cheers and applause in the ears, have condensed into a substantial energy. For the male worm who can perceive it, it is like a fireworks for him. .

Although this is also mixed with the vigilance and vigilance of the reinforcement officers who are afraid that he has been infected and controlled, but it is not a flaw.

Yu Mengruo stood on Fei Shark’s palm and felt the thank you from the Zerg for a while.

In the past, he never considered his ability to read minds to be a gift – although this ability has always protected him, it has also prevented him from getting real happiness from communicating with other intelligent beings most of the time.

Until he met Sharka, until now all this…

Although Yu Mengruo stayed on the palm of the flying shark for a little longer, but Sharka was not there, no Zerg would worry about whether this powerful male would be unstable and fall from the top, so Yu Mengruo was in a daze this time. was interrupted.

After the cold wind blew for a while in the air about ten meters, he sneezed, stopped his feelings, reminded J10 to control the mecha to lower the height, and jumped from it.

Sharka has always been very disapproving of letting Yu Mengruo go back to B612 to face Lieutenant General Leobard, who had indicated that he was going to cause trouble, but with his experience and imagination, all he was worried about was that Leobard was giving Yu Mengruo a gift. The female body is poisoned and installed with bombs to carry contraband and so on.

He never dreamed that there was still a space jumping point to be broken by the Shanta Faxing people? !

At first, he stared at his brain terminal, and got the news that Yu Mengruo had arrived at the transit space station safely and was waiting to receive the female insect.

He had been apprehensive at first, but he didn’t expect the bad worries to come true. After a long time, he did not receive any news from Yu Mengruo.

Sharka felt uneasy, but he still comforted himself: the long time may just be because he was too idle here, thinking wildly, and there was no news there for less than an hour, right? The male lord has never arranged and managed so many females by himself in the past. His subordinates didn’t send any news, and Yu Mengruo didn’t ask for help, which means they don’t need him for the time being…

In order not to delay Yu Mengruo, Sharka temporarily closed the terminal and quietly fell into a state of restraint and restraint, until he heard some patients gather in twos and threes to discuss something excitedly.

“did you see it yet?”

“Of course I did! Big news!”

“It’s outrageous, space jumping points are so unsafe…”

“Alright, if you want to go to the border, space jumping is definitely the safest way. It is much harder to overcome the jumping point than attacking the long-distance spaceship. Besides, there are many males at the jumping point, and if there are powerful males who control the field, there will be no major problems. , don’t you think there will be no casualties this time?”

“You said it too lightly. Those are the people of Shanfatar, not the trash fish. Do you think there are so many powerful males? Before the Sixth Legion encountered their fleet, that Leobard was too cowardly to be himself. Go out to fight, and after heavy casualties, push a female worm out to take the blame…”

“Don’t talk nonsense! Didn’t the military court judge it? It has nothing to do with Lieutenant General Leobard. It was the civilian major general who made his own decisions and caused the military plane to fail to report the military situation in time!”

“Do you really believe the military’s statement? A major general, who doesn’t know Shanta Faxing, can notify the male worm, but he just doesn’t. He has to lead the team and rush to his death. If the official said he was contaminated by Shanfa’s consciousness I can still believe it, but the military didn’t lock him up, and just threw him to a low-level male worm. If you look at the situation carefully, you can see why most zerg feel that Sharka is wronged.”

Sharka was attracted by the keywords “Jumping Point”, “Male” and “Leobard”, and a bad premonition arose in his heart. He didn’t expect to hear a discussion about him in the future, so he couldn’t help frowning. , open the terminal yourself and start searching.

—The bad premonition came true, he found a video of Flying Shark rushing to the front fighting on the Internet.

“According to a report sent back by a reporter from the space station, a young male worm stepped forward and organized an excellent self-defense counterattack during this Shanfatar invasion. The attack did not cause large-scale casualties, and the specific number of casualties is still According to statistics, except for a dozen female worms who were sent to the nearest hospital for treatment, other zerg are undergoing isolation and inspection. If no abnormality is found in their mental power, they will be released as soon as possible. Received great awards from the government and the military…”

It was completely different from Yu Mengruo who was shocked and lost his mind when he first saw the flying shark fighting. Sharka didn’t control his strength and smashed the screen of the brain terminal with a click. He never expected that even the female worm patients in the hospital who had nothing to do with the male master saw the news, and he was still kept in the dark? !

Sharka lowered his voice and gently summoned the central Xingzhi Brain, “Eros, are you there… Explain to me what’s going on? There is such a big thing happening over there, why… why didn’t you inform me? ”

Eros went online for a second during the call, and replied very rudely, “Mr. Sharka, allow me to remind you that I am not your private brain. The signal is blocked on His Royal Highness’s side. I have to test the shielding range first. Analyze and judge what happened within the shielded range, and contact and warn the nearby garrison that can rush to the area as quickly as possible. After the signal is restored, I will monitor public opinion and the response of key Zerg species, and guide the public’s online trend.”

Sharka held the cracked terminal and listened silently, restraining himself not to crush the terminal completely. The news in the terminal had already broadcasted Yu Mengruo standing on the flying shark to receive the cheers from the Zerg. He looked unharmed and high-spirited. Although he could see that he was trying to keep his face expressionless and humiliated, his eyes were sparkling, and the corners of his mouth could not restrain the ground. warped. With Sharka’s understanding of the young hero, of course, it can be seen that he is in a very good mood.

The narration of the news anchor is saying: “Although this counterattack has been a gratifying victory, we still recommend that ordinary citizens enter the shelter as soon as possible when they are attacked by the Shanfatar army, and do not rashly fight back. Let’s cut the camera. Go back to the live room to hear what the experts have to say…”

Eros was not finished yet.

“Besides, Mr. Sharka, the space jumping point closest to His Royal Highness has just been invaded by the enemy. Even if I inform you, you will not be able to arrive in time to support His Highness. Although the crisis has been lifted, His Highness is still in isolation and review. Accepting your invitation to the newsletter while you are currently undergoing restorative treatment requiring physical and mental calm, I am informing you that this news will only cause you concern and will not contribute to the resolution of the objective problem…”

The Zerg chatting in the corridor finally ended their discussion of Sharka and began to praise Yu Mengruo’s bravery and strength. Sharka closed his eyes.

The comrades who died one after another in the past battle appeared in his mind, thinking that just now, when he knew nothing and could do nothing, his males were fighting the enemies who had defeated him, It only takes a small mistake, and he may disappear from this world forever like his comrades in arms. He will never talk to him again with a smile, and he will feel a shudder from his heart.

In the past, Sharka despised Leobard’s vileness and cowardice, but now… for the first time, he had the idea of wishing that Yu Mengruo could learn from Leobard a little. Oh, an ordinary male who has just reached adulthood and is less than a year old!

Why can’t he learn a little more safety knowledge and avoid and receive protection in time when there is danger?

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