How Hard is It To Raise a Bug?

Chapter 21

Chapter 20: Confidant Of Fish

The accused system is simply helpless: “Please don’t say that.”

Yu Mengruo pretended not to hear and went around the jungle to continue the mission.

Fortunately, B612 is relatively safe elsewhere. He avoided particularly dense jungles, and in other places with a wide field of vision, even if a large creature wanted to attack, he could manipulate the robot to run away in time.

Even if it encounters any raptors, it can’t catch up with the speed of the nano-robots. Relying on enough stubbornness, the task process behind him went smoothly again.

Although Lieutenant General Leobard was interested in Sharka’s hero, as a powerful man, he didn’t have time to stare at Yu Mengruo to see how miserable Sharka would be, so he appointed a special intelligence officer. The army female’s subordinates stared at Yu Mengruo.

After being busy for a while, he rarely had time again, so he called his confidant adjutant for entertainment. After the tossing, Yaheng knelt by the bathtub, took the surveillance report reported by the intelligence department, and reported to the lieutenant general who was taking a bath and tasting wine.

Lieutenant General heard that Yu Mengruo was paying attention to how to mark female insects, and couldn’t help showing an interested smile.

Yaheng said puzzled, “Sir, why does this low-level male want to do this, marking Sharka, is it beneficial to Sharka?”

Leobard patted the female worm’s cheek and said with pity: “That’s why I said that female worms are all idiots. The little thinking ability you have evolved is only enough to maintain daily life, and a little more is not enough at all. Now, this poor little guy with mixed feelings is going to take Sharka to the desolate star. With his current level, even if he chooses a few more females, it is impossible for him to choose a female that has the ability to suppress Sharka. If you want to do whatever you want with Sharka, of course you have to tag him.”

The adjutant still had a little doubt, he knew that the lieutenant general could feel his thoughts, and he dared not hide it and continued to say, “But – if you do this, in addition to being able to order Sharka to do anything at will, you will also have a problem with the male worm himself. what are the benefits?”

The lieutenant general laughed out loud at the adjutant’s stupidity, poured the rest of the wine on the adjutant who was still a little embarrassed, pulled him into the bathtub, and pressed his head under the water, “You fool, you are I’ve been around for a long time, have I forgotten what most males out there are like? It’s just a little bit better than you females. How many will consider long-term gains and losses? It’s smart to figure things out.

Although Aheng’s ears were all immersed in the water, Leobard knew that, as a higher female insect, he must have heard what he said.

“For Sharka’s current low-level male lord, being able to treat Sharka’s female worm with eyes on the top of her head and natural anti-bone worms is not a temptation that can be resisted by will, understand? This is the same as your females can’t help but want to find a male to be their master, it is completely the instinct and nature of our Zerg.”

The female couldn’t answer his question, but Leobard could feel it, and he finally understood.

Sharka didn’t know that Yu Mengruo had a new plan, nor did he know that his former superior was thinking about how miserable he would be.

In fact, he is not as high-minded as Lieutenant General imagined. He is full of rebellious spirit and likes to fight against all males.

If he really would rather not bend so hard, he would not be able to climb from the bottom to the height he once was.

Sharka has a bottom line in his heart, as long as he doesn’t completely trample on his dignity, as long as the future is not hopeless, he will work hard, live well, and try his best to live a good life.

Before Yu Mengruo chose him, Sharka thought he had reached a dead end. Although he was desperate, he was not afraid. At his level, as long as he doesn’t want to, he still has the ability to fight for the last time, and he will not be deprived of his mental and physical autonomy immediately. Even if it is only delayed for a second, it is enough for him to end his life voluntarily.

He has lived dignifiedly for many years with his talent and hard work, and will not throw it away if he dies. Considering his background, this is already a very remarkable achievement, and there is nothing to complain about.

But Yu Mengruo gave him a hand, gave him another way to walk, and gave him a goal – to help the young male to make a fortune.

Sharka felt that his new hero, although he was willful and domineering like other male insects, was domineering with reason and reason, and he was warm and compassionate. Every time the hero was unhappy, he just hoped It is not an excessive requirement to be able to obey and accept his good intentions and not to deceive him. Sharka was sorry for always making young males angry.

Besides, Yu Mengruo’s performance in public affairs is much better than all the males he has ever worked with. For things he doesn’t understand, he can always say frankly that he doesn’t understand, and then he will naturally give him the things he doesn’t understand and is not good at, and he won’t bluff to suppress himself because he knows more than him.

Also, he has his own mind on everything and never asks him to advise him on which of several options to choose—although he’s a good listener, the young male clearly likes to make his own decisions.

When Sharka realized that he had misunderstanding and prejudice against his hero, he always regretted Yu Mengruo’s unexpected drop in rank as an adult.

And after a few more contacts, the former major general is no longer “very sorry”.

Although Sharka admits that he has not yet developed the love affair between the female and the male, and is only satisfied that he can be under his jurisdiction for the rest of his life, he still feels extremely sorry for the accident that happened to the male— If Yu Mengruo can successfully advance, even if it is only B-rank, he will definitely grow into the most popular male general in this generation of Zerg.

The family he organized, and the female subordinates who belonged to him would be loyal to him wholeheartedly, take his sacrifice as a pride, and would be willing to fight for him to the end of their lives.

Seeing his hero, Sharka felt that… what happened to him was nothing. At least his struggles have paid off, he has fought vigorously on the battlefield, and he has proved his strength.

But what about his young hero, he hasn’t had the chance to emit his own light, and he hasn’t really been seen by other Zerg…

Sharka hopes to get rid of his selfishness, truly repay Yu Mengruo, do everything he can do, and push him back to his original height.

– Even if D-level males have more A-level female mates, they are still incomparable with A-level males.

For Yu Mengruo, it is better to invest money in the base and make more money to improve his genes and win promotion opportunities than to invest in him to treat his injuries. The males are still very young and once had good potential. If they can continue to invest resources and keep exercising, they may not have the possibility of breaking through again.

Therefore, these days, in addition to fully cooperating with various treatments and meticulously completing rehabilitation exercises, Sharka has been busy completing the weapons acquisition task arranged by Yu Mengruo in the rest of the time. All the connections mobilized, trying their best to find a way to break every penny into two and three halves, all of which are spent on the blade, and buying the most weapons, it is bound to take every inch of B612’s land, the entire airspace, and the surrounding universe. , all into their own range.

In order to help Yu Mengruo defend his own truth within the maximum range. *

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