How Hard is It To Raise a Bug?

Chapter 33

Chapter 32: The Heart Of A Female Worm

He originally thought that Yu Mengruo was completely different from the other males. In the past, he always felt that although Yu Mengruo was always angry and angry, he was relatively harmless and had less desire to control than the average male. He can have a little space of his own beside this hero, and he likes him so much because the hero is Guan Yan moderately.

He didn’t feel forced or humiliated when he knelt in front of this male, and he was not afraid that he would punish himself or ask him to do what a female should do.

Isn’t it normal to kneel down on the hero? It’s like salute to the commander in the army, just to show their respect; if Yu Mengruo wants to beat him to make him hurt, it doesn’t matter, anyway, he will also be injured during the battle, there is no way he was seriously injured this time, right? As for letting him serve, that is the work and obligation of the female servant. Although she is not good at it, Sharka is willing to work hard to learn and improve.

Everything is justified and very natural.

But the discovery just now broke Sharka’s cognition. It turns out that Yu Mengruo is not that different from other male insects. Although he is very cute, he still has some similarities with other male insects.

The strangest thing is that Sharka doesn’t find it particularly disgusting, just a little sad.

Want to mark him, why not order him directly? As a hero, he has to secretly do this kind of manipulation…because Yu Mengruo feels that he will be unhappy and will resist.

Even if he saves himself, even if he treats himself unreservedly, even if he has apologized for his past arrogance, he has always tried his best to be submissive. Even from the perspective of the general values of the Zerg, marking himself is not the best choice for Yu Mengruo himself.

Even so, the little male sleeping in the room felt that he would not like it.

Just like when he was broadcasting live, he had to wrap up his behavior, feeling that only by doing so would make the audience like and accept him.

The sadness for Yu Mengruo overshadowed Sharka’s fear of losing his freedom.

There was even anger in his heart.

—To all the Zerg who have hurt Yu Mengruo and destroyed his self-confidence.

For the first time, Sharka had such a strong desire to protect a Zerg, and the whole world, including himself, was the enemy that prevented him from protecting this male!

Yu Mengruo slept soundly all night. But when he entered a light sleep state in the morning, thinking of a female worm he didn’t know very well in the apartment, he still woke up two hours early and didn’t want to sleep.

Yu Mengruo got up and walked out of the room with a shaggy head, yawning, feeling that Sharka, who was sleeping, woke up immediately. Then, the male was stunned – he just slept for one night, why…why did Sharka’s mood change so much?

Yu Mengruo still remembered that when he saw Sharka for the first time in the hospital, he felt that his spiritual world was like a burning flame, and only sparks that could go out at any time were jumping in the ashes. He thought he could be the one who rekindled the flame, but he nearly drowned in the sea of despair. Since then, Sharka never reminded him of fire again. But… I don’t know what happened during the time he fell asleep, when he woke up, the always gloomy female worm actually burned again.

Although not the kind of warm burning, it is indeed a warm and jumping fire.

Yu Mengruo suspected that she might not be awake and was dreaming. She wanted to pinch herself and hesitated to go back to bed for a while. Sharka got up and said hello to him.

“Good morning, Lord, you got up really early.”

Yu Mengruo was in a trance, looked suspiciously at the tall female insect, and replied sleepwalkingly for a long time, “Morning…”

Sharka asked: “I’m sorry, I’m up late. I’ll adjust my schedule from tomorrow. What do you want for breakfast, I’ll prepare it right away.”

Yu Mengruo: “No, no, I usually can’t afford to be so early. You can do whatever you want. It’s too early and I’ll lose my appetite and won’t be able to eat anything.”

Sharka looked at the thin body of the male in front of him and said sincerely, “If you don’t have an appetite, why don’t you go and do some exercise with me! After exercising, your appetite will be much better.”

Yu Mengruo always felt that something was wrong with Sharka. Why is he so enthusiastic? In the past, the female was also very kind and concerned about him, but she would not be so active… What the **** happened last night? Since Sharka has always been kind to him and is more enthusiastic than in the past, the male never dreamed that Sharka’s change was because he discovered his dressing change behavior.

But he was still a little guilty, and asked cautiously: “Shasha, you were just discharged from the hospital yesterday, and you have done so many things. Are you going to exercise today, don’t you feel uncomfortable?”

Sharka had already decided to cooperate with Yu Mengruo’s spiritual marking plan last night.

– If the hero did not mention that he made a direct request, Sharka was afraid that Yu Mengruo would suspect that he had discovered his plan. His heroic character is a little awkward, and he is also a skeptic. Sharka is afraid that he will be angry because of the failure of the plan, or some other whimsy will come up.

So, Sharka replied, “I’m just exercising with you, so I won’t be tired.”

Yu Mengruo felt that Sharka felt a little guilty. But since the female worm’s answer was light, he just felt that Sharka was uncomfortable, but he was habitually reluctant to say it.

Thinking about how busy and tiring he would be these days, he refused to exercise this option from his heart, and quickly shook his head: “No no no, let’s forget it!”

Sharka looked at the emotion when he shook his head and refused, as if he was watching a cat that turned its head frantically with a cat stick. Because he felt healed and cute, his mood was soft, calm and relaxed.

He even gave a rare smile and compromised: “Well, I’ll try my best to make breakfast delicious. But Lord, after we board the civil aviation spaceship and start our journey, you still have to start exercising, okay? it is good?”

Yu Mengruo was full of confusion, she couldn’t understand why Sharka had suddenly changed so much, and she couldn’t help but be vigilant. Besides, he also felt that his current small body really needed some exercise, so he didn’t continue to be willful, and nodded obediently: “Okay.”

During the days when he and Sharka lived together, Yu Mengruo suspended the system tasks on Xiao Shi’s side and concentrated on changing live broadcasts-because the smart terminal projection would be occupied when doing tasks, Yu Mengruo was worried that Xiao Shi’s tasks would be described as virtual games , can’t fool Sharka, who doesn’t look very stupid.

Just as Yu Mengruo had expected, since Sharka appeared in the live broadcast room and formed a CP with him to cooperate with his business plan, the number of fans in the live broadcast room resumed the initial rapid increase and rose effortlessly. Breaking 100,000, 200,000, 300,000… One after another, well-known female anchors recommended his live broadcast room, and there were talented and enthusiastic female netizens who made a lot of personal and CP for him and Sharka. Video clips help with promotion.

Looking at the current rally, he will be able to become the anchor of millions of fans in a while, and fans in the live broadcast room have begun to remind him to think about how to celebrate when his fans exceed one million.

While this kind of heat brought him benefits, it also brought a little trouble. In his real-name account, which had been silent for thousands of years, he actually received two short messages signed “Yu Mengru”.

Yu Mengruo opened it and looked at it, saying that it was a short message, but it was not short at all, it was a long, densely packed paragraph.

The first is: “Brother, I thought you found a rich old female, but I didn’t expect you to be so miserable that you can support yourself by showing up and scratching your head. Hehe, it seems that the rich old female is not either. It’s so easy to find. Father Xiong heard that you had done a good deed, and was almost hospitalized by you. After he recovered, he said, fortunately, he had already cut off relations with you earlier. He asked me to warn you not to be with you. Others say you make our children, or he will sue you for defamation to force you to serve the hungry females!”

After Yu Mengruo read the first article, she looked up and saw that Sharka had come over at some point. However, although he was curious, he did not glance at the display on his wrist, but said, “Master, I rarely see you receive real-name text messages. What you are reading now is from a friend or a relative. come?”

Yu Mengruo said casually: “It’s the original relatives, and now they have cut off the relationship.”

After he finished speaking, he couldn’t help but read the second article, and the stinky brother said: “Brother, I read on the Internet that you are going to mine in the barren star, you are so pitiful, the male father said that the male worms of barren star blow the sun every day. Sun, the thirty-year-old is like the sixty-year-old of Central Star. If you hadn’t always robbed me from a young age, and when you were old and ugly enough to go to the street to beg for food, I might give you a bite to eat. It’s a pity that you are so annoying. You have been pretentious since you were a child. You always want to take away what belongs to me, but you just look good. You always feel that you are amazing, so I will never care about you in the future. Knowing each other, I hope you can change your name, not Yu Mengruo, I feel very ashamed to think that my name is so similar to yours.”

I’ve been in contact with him so many times, how many times has this stinky younger brother, the original body, thought that the original body is good-looking, Yu Mengruo doubts whether this stinky younger brother’s feelings for the original body are envy, jealous or hateful or deeply in love. It looks very deep. After reading it, Yu Mengruo replied: “It’s too long to read. It’s been hard work, it’s my fault that I forgot to block you.”

When he finished all of this, he looked up and found that Sharka had been staring at his operating terminal. Even if he found him looking up, he had no intention of turning his eyes away from the danger. Moreover, he was also very angry, the flames in his heart were burning fiercely, and he was also exuding a cold murderous aura.

Yu Mengruo, who grew up in a peaceful world, had never felt such a strong murderous aura, and he couldn’t help being startled by Sharka, as if in a trance, he seemed to be in the midst of a raging fire, and as if the surrounding corpses were all over the place, and his feet were infiltrated with blood. However, it may be because these emotions are not aimed at him, so there is no 3D ghost movie with BGM and face-to-face killing. In addition, Yu Mengruo thought a little and understood that Sharka was so angry, maybe because he told him just now that he was “a relative who has cut off relations”, and got close to seeing the provocation of the stinky brother.

Yu Mengruo first reminded: “Shasha, don’t read my information casually next time!” At least not before completing the mental mark. Yu Mengruo didn’t want Sharka to accidentally see any traces of Xiao Shi’s existence and become suspicious of him.

Sharka quickly restrained his murderous aura and apologized tamely: “I’m sorry, Lord, there will be no next time.”

After apologizing, Sharka did not hide that he saw the content of the text message, and asked bluntly: “I saw that the message started calling you a brother, and you cut off your relationship with your brother? Is it your brother?”

Yu Mengruo didn’t think it was a secret, and said casually: “Yes, the kind of brother of a male father. Didn’t the medical staff in the hospital tell you? I thought Dr. Myron told you everything about me. Well. Because I was downgraded as an adult, I was kicked out of the house by the male father…”

Having said that, Yu Mengruo slowly raised his head and looked at Sharka seriously, feeling the pain and anger in his heart, and couldn’t help but be a little stunned:

Hey, the female worm is so angry, is it because of him?

Being so curious, Yu Mengruo couldn’t help but ask the question in her heart, “Shasha, are you angry? Why are you so angry…”

Sharka clenched his fists tightly and looked at the ignorant male in front of him. When he realized that he was not coquettishly begging for kind words, he once again developed strong hostility towards these relatives of Yu Mengruo.

He suppressed his maliciousness with difficulty so as not to scare the male in front of him, and then shattered his inner feelings and told him, hoping that he could understand and believe his feelings: “Of course I will be angry, male lord. I I’m angry because I can’t believe that your family treats you so cruelly. I, I swear by my honor, I will make you live better than your former brother, I want them to treat you I regret giving up on you and insulting and harassing you like this now!”

Yu Mengruo looked at the female worm in front of her with joy. He heard the fire burning in the female’s heart and responded to every word he said.

Although it has been delayed for many days, this is exactly what he had originally chosen for Sharka! This female is willing to fight against other powerful males for him, hating the Zerg who treat him slowly… This kind of feeling is really similar to the strong love Yu Mengruo felt in human society in the past, which usually arises when the mother is watching her own child. .

– Does this mean that he has Sharka’s heart?

For a time, Yu Mengruo wanted to hold Sharka’s hand and asked him if he fell in love with him.

But this impulse only lasted for a second and then quickly receded, and reason returned. Yu Mengruo began to feel that Sharka was not fundamentally different from those Zerg fans who were obsessed with him in the past and who liked him now. He created He created a gentle and considerate image, put on heavy armor, and disguised and concealed the real self, who was full of scheming and calculating, weird and indifferent.

Even if Sharka likes him, he just likes the image he created. What does it have to do with the real Yu Mengruo?

When choosing Sharka, he clearly felt that this was enough – as long as Sharka was blinded by love and was willing to devote himself to helping him get a better life in the Zerg with the strength of A-level female insects, he would put Keeping the image of the perfect hero as a job, never breaking the filters forged by yourself, and living with female worms in this strange world.

But now, once he knew that he only needed the spiritual mark and didn’t need to hide it, and that he could plunder more things from Sharka, Yu Mengruo couldn’t restrain his greedy nature and convince himself to be satisfied with the original plan. He hoped that when Sharka was facing the real him, he would be able to share the same hatred as he is now, like a fiery flame, ready to burn all obstacles and enemies for him at any time.

In the blink of an eye, the day of boarding, Sharka managed to stuff everything into his space button and followed Yu Mengruo to land on the Andro interstellar spaceship.

Then he discovered that the service he received when he traveled with the male bug was even more sincere and enthusiastic than when he visited the grassroots as an officer.

When the female flight attendant in the business class channel got Yu Mengruo’s ticket, she was suspicious and surprised at first, then decided to leave the post, accompanied Yu Mengruo all the way to the door of the cabin, and tried to **** the luggage from Sharka’s hand ( The result, of course, failed)—Other female passengers boarded the ship, even the first-class guests, only received a bowing greeting and segmented guidance by the crew in their own separate passage.

After opening the cabin door for Yu Mengruo, the flight attendant bowed again and assured Yu Mengruo: “Guest, don’t worry, I will upgrade you as soon as there is room in the first class cabin.”

Originally, the standard for males to travel should be first class, even a male male like Yu Mengruo should not suffer from this kind of grievance.

However, because Lieutenant General Leobard stepped in and urged him too anxiously, the city hall only booked a business class ticket in order to let Yu Mengruo set off early according to Lieutenant General’s intention. He planned to wait for Yu Mengruo to protest and then give some benefits to appease him. , I didn’t expect Yu Mengruo to be so careful and didn’t notice it at all; as for Sharka, he didn’t even see the ferry ticket, and he lacked leisure travel in his past life, only traveled on warships and flew planes A and fighter jets, but they have never been in civil aviation, and they don’t know the standard of male travel.

Yu Mengruo, who doesn’t know how to do it, has saved a little money during this time and is no longer as poor as when the live broadcast first started, but due to the influence of the hard and simple life style of Sharkarneng Province, she said generously to the flight attendant: “Thank you, If it costs a lot of money, forget it.”

Yu Mengruo’s words made the flight attendants who met by chance feel very distressed for him, and quickly comforted him, “Don’t worry, there is no extra cost for male upgrades, and I will definitely try to get you a free upgrade as soon as possible in a compliant manner.”

Sharka on the side was even more uncomfortable. Even if he wanted to save money, he had always only raised his opinions when it came to his own expenses, and never thought of saving money on males. In addition, Yu Mengruo is obviously not a male with the habit of saving, Sharka can’t help but have the worst guess about Yu Mengruo’s financial situation, suspecting that he is probably because all the money in the account balance is not enough to upgrade, so Don’t want to spend money on upgrades!

He greeted Yu Mengruo to sit on the only small sofa in the guest room, took out Yu Mengruo’s daily favorite snacks, stuffed all the drinks into the small refrigerator, then opened the suitcase, took out Yu Mengruo’s daily necessities and clothes one by one, and started decorate the room.

It was only at this time that the female worms, who were somewhat slow in their pursuit of quality of life, realized that they had to live on the starship for two months. With Yu Mengruo’s usual level of sophistication, this business class was indeed too small to be an eyesore. He started to think, he had to start making money!

Although Sharka’s greatest specialty is fighting, his current state of physical and mental strength is very poor, and the most important thing is to protect Yu Mengruo, so he can’t be the bodyguard of other Zerg races. But he can find a job on the star network.

As a former military school tyrant, he can mentor military students who want to improve their grades, and military females who want to improve their combat effectiveness. It can also provide professional advice on the security solutions of large companies.

Yu Mengruo was eating snacks and felt that Sharka’s mood fluctuated slightly. He recovered in a few minutes and couldn’t help but wonder, “Shasha, were you upset just now? Why?”

Sharka has gradually figured out some experience in getting along with Yu Mengruo. If it was in the past, when asked this kind of question, he would habitually say that he was fine. But he now understands that Yu Mengruo may be asking this question because he is insecure. He is not completely concerned about him, but wants to understand him to make him feel at ease.

If you say you’re fine according to your previous habit, it’s the same as lying to the sensitive male.

So, Sharka said honestly: “Yes. I was sad when you said you don’t want to upgrade if you spend more money. I’m going to start earning money so you can live a life that doesn’t matter how much you spend as soon as possible. ”

Yu Mengruo was really happy to hear Sharka’s words. Although he tried to pretend to be cold, the corners of his mouth failed several times – making money is something you can start doing right away, not just a promise. He still likes to hear it.

Yu Mengruo leaned over to Sharka and asked curiously, “How does Shasha want to make money?”

Sharka told him what he had just thought.

After listening to it, Yu Mengruo felt that this idea was a good idea. At the beginning, he wanted to be taken away by the great **** to eat spicy food, so he chose the female worm in front of him! But thinking that he was drugging Sharka recently, I felt a little guilty. If it weren’t for the fear of Sharka’s suspicion, he would have wanted to slap Sharka on the shoulder.

Although pounding the shoulders is a bit unpredictable, Yu Mengruo still cared diligently: “Shasha, I don’t object to you making money, but at the beginning of this period, you have to remember to do less work and take care of your health first!”

Hearing Yu Mengruo say this, Sharka also began to feel a little guilty – since he discovered the “conspiracy” of the hero, he has been stealing medicine and taking it according to the normal dose.

No way, he was injured by Leobard and he didn’t tell Yu Mengruo that if he took all the medicine Yu Mengruo gave him, he might have a big problem.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to fully cooperate with the hero’s plan, it’s just that they are too poor!

– In order to hide her guilty conscience, the female worm also said very softly and obediently: “Okay, then I will find a way to take over the work of private teaching first. This will save me worry and will not waste my energy. And you also did a few days ago. If you have agreed to exercise, I can still watch you while I work.”

Yu Mengruo didn’t expect the female worm to be waiting for him here.

But as a young man who has never been urged by his elders like this, he has always been fond of this kind of care and discipline. He didn’t feel that the majesty and status of the hero was being provoked. Instead, he muttered vaguely with joy in his heart: ” All right, then do as you say, alas… I really can’t do anything about you.”

Since Yu Mengruo agreed to start training, Sharka focused on the training of the hero first. He slightly revised his plan and decided not to enroll students online. For online classes, the affiliated training institutions cannot charge too high fees; those who are willing to pay high prices for classes, it is not convenient for him to pay attention to the movements of the hero at the same time…

After Sharka tidied up the room, with Yu Mengruo’s consent, he left the cabin and took a turn on the spacecraft.

It takes several months for the long-distance interstellar spacecraft to come and go, and it must include some remote routes in the middle. It is often harassed by aliens or star thieves, so the spacecraft is also equipped with armed forces. The various sentries and monitoring fronts of the Sharka spaceship kept appearing, and they were recognized in a short while—there were not many lieutenant generals of the Zerg, and such a voyage spaceship had to deal with the garrison frequently.

The captain of the spaceship guard detachment came to say hello to him in person. It happened to be the female worm that Sharka knew—she was the junior of Sharka when he was in the military academy, and he also briefly served as his subordinate when he was in service. A-class females of Leith.

Captain Wallis was very excited when he saw Sharka, and even more excited when he found out that Sharka could even recognize him and call his name. Recently, after hearing that he already had a heroic master, he was stunned for a while, and the frequency of speaking slowed down significantly.

Seeing his reaction, Sharka knew that Wallis had also misunderstood.

Sharka suspects that due to his dark history, all the Zerg he knew in the past may think that he hates male insects and is an unmarried person, so when he hears that he has a male master, his first reaction will be so different. —Generally, the female worm has a male lord, shouldn’t his friends be happy for him, but all of them wrote “Sharka has a male lord” on their faces.

The Zerg that I know are all pulled down like this, what will the hero think when he sees it? No wonder he felt unhappy.

But there is no way, he pays for his own behavior, Sharka can only explain seriously: “I think this time is a blessing in disguise, my hero is a very good male.”

Unfortunately, Wallis didn’t seem to believe it. After listening to Sharka’s explanation, the tall and strong female worm began to turn red. She didn’t know what to think about, and said sadly: “Yes sir, I I understand, I understand, you don’t need to say anything.”

Sharka: “…” No, sir, you don’t think you understand anything.

Sharka got a little headache, thinking about it this way, it is still his hero who is better at communicating, as long as he honestly tells him the truth, he never has to worry about the expression being misunderstood. I have always communicated with him these days, and Sharka almost forgot how difficult it was to let his subordinates understand what he meant and how difficult it was to work according to his own expectations.

He had to change the subject and tell his old subordinates the idea of making money as a private teacher.

Wallis is very knowledgeable. Although he is very distressed that the officer wants to make so much money, he immediately realizes that this is a rare opportunity to improve the security capabilities of himself and even the entire Star Air Company. In the past, Sharka’s official position was like doing Running all the way like a rocket, training new recruits? That may have all happened twenty or thirty years ago. Later, when he reached the level of a general, how could he have the time to be an instructor for other female insects.

A female like him, although it is also A-level, sounds like it is on the same level as Lord Sharka, but Lord Sharka is A-level because the test score is only 100 points, which limits his performance, and his A-level is because he has reached 100 points. A passing score of 60 points.

Wallis gave himself a name without saying a word, and then told Sharka that he would report to the company’s top management immediately.

If the company is interested, a representative of the company will negotiate a contract with Sharka, and select outstanding guard members to receive his training; if the company does not know the goods, Wallis said that he can recruit enough females to sign up.

Sharka successfully found a job within 40 minutes, and at the recommendation of Wallis, ordered Yu Mengruo’s specialty dessert made by the chef today, carried it back to the guest room, and reported his progress to the hero.

Yu Mengruo accepted the offering happily, and praised without hesitation: “Shasha is awesome! I didn’t expect you to have a way of making money! When I looked at the property you transferred, I thought you were the type who only knew how to fight, don’t think so. What about a female worm who doesn’t understand anything at all.”

Sharka also felt very relaxed.

—I didn’t expect that the feeling of earning money to raise males would be so good. It’s completely different from the sense of accomplishment gained from winning battles, getting awards, and winning opportunities for promotion. The mood is light and soft, as if caught in the middle of soft down. In the past, he thought it was good to have a clear goal and only fight, and occasionally envied females from a family who didn’t need to pay attention to trivial matters. After being praised by Yu Mengruo, he felt that it would be more convenient to know a little bit like him…

But the female still had some regrets and defended her image in Yu Mengruo’s eyes: “No, I am not the kind of female you imagined. It’s just that the money I earned in the past will be donated to the orphanage, Otherwise, it will be used to pay the fine for rejecting the male worm, and the rest will be used to constantly upgrade the flying shark.”

In the past, he didn’t understand what the females who were desperately trying to make money and scrambled to get all their wealth to a male thought, but now he understands – if he knew today, he would definitely work hard to make money and save more money. , do not let the males have the opportunity to encounter the dilemma of only living in business class.

After making sure that even making money would not delay his training and taking care of the hero, Sharka sat in the corner and began to think: how to teach the hero so that he would not feel too hard and interesting when exercising?

– In the past, Sharka always felt that the Zerg who refused to endure hardships were self-inflicted for nothing, and most despised those female insects from aristocratic families who were sent to be gilded. They always treated them equally and never gave them any preferential treatment. At that time He may never have dreamed that one day he will seriously think about this issue.

Yu Mengruo saw that Sharka had her own things to think about, so she also quieted down, thinking about how she would spend the two months on the spacecraft while eating dessert.

Before completely marking Sharka, I can’t do system tasks in front of him, so there is nothing to say in the past few days… I need to exercise and live broadcast.

He called up the map of this large civil aviation spaceship on the smart terminal, and felt that the spaceship had more entertainment facilities than the luxury cruise ships he had been on in the past. There are many places such as bars, restaurants, casinos, swimming pools, training grounds, libraries, etc., you can do something to bring everyone to visit and play together. Then, if Sharka is not too fierce when he trains him, he can also broadcast his training process live. Who doesn’t like watching beautiful women of the opposite **** do sports?

When Yu Mengruo finished eating dessert, the two Zerg in the house made up their minds and wanted to go out for a walk, so Yu Mengruo opened the closet that Sharka had packed, found a set of sportswear from it, and began to change clothes generously.

Sharka was writing, drawing, and planning, and found that Yu Mengruo stood up and walked around, his eyes unconsciously following his movements, wanting to see what his needs were, and then… he saw a large white reflective skin.

The female was very surprised, and quickly lowered her head and looked away, feeling a little hot around her ears.

– With Yu Mengruo’s attitude of keeping a clear line and keeping a distance, the female worm thought that he would definitely avoid him if he wanted to change his clothes. However, is the hero too thin? His back muscles look a little thin!

Sharka suddenly thought that Dr. Myron said that the heroine suffered accidental amnesia, so he appeared in his ward at that time, and only then did he realize that he seemed to be neglecting the hero again. The female worm hurriedly put her discomfort aside and asked with concern: “Master, is there any discomfort in your body and mental strength? If there is, please tell me, lest I am doing it for you. Mistakes in designing your exercise program. It’s not good if it hurts you instead of helping you get fit.”

Yu Mengruo put on sports clothes, and chose the right shoes for himself. While changing, he said briskly, “No, I’m in good shape physically and mentally.” But then, he quickly said, “But Shasha doesn’t want either. Be too harsh on me!” He might turn his face for being too harsh.

Sharka nodded and agreed: “Okay, don’t worry.”

After changing their clothes, Yu Mengruo and Sharka went out. Sharka took Yu Mengruo around on the spaceship that had already stepped on it, and after confirming that he looked fine, he took him to the training area. Since the spacecraft has just set sail, there are very few Zerg who came to train immediately at this time. Sharka took Yu Mengruo to the corner and asked him to turn on the monitoring functions of various signs of the smart terminal, while sharing the real-time situation with himself.

Yu Mengruo, who had a ghost in his heart, immediately objected: “No! I can’t share it with you in real time! I have to wait until the test is over. I think I can show it to you before you can watch it!”

Sharka didn’t know why, but he wanted to laugh when he saw the male’s teeth and claws pretending to be arrogant. But in order to protect Yu Mengruo’s face, the female worm could only try to hold back. Although the real-time monitoring data is more accurate, in fact, with Sharka’s judgment, even if he just stood by and watched, he could have a good idea of Yu Mengruo’s level, so he compromised without principle: “Okay. Yes, Lord, you have the final say.”

Then, Yu Mengruo’s test finally began.

Sharka originally thought that his hero must be very delicate, and he might get tired after jogging for two kilometers. Unexpectedly, after various exercise tests, he realized that he underestimated this hero: Yu Mengruo’s physical fitness is better than that of Yu Mengruo. Much better than he imagined.

The female sighed again, alas…he was really superficial in the past! When we met for the first time, the hero’s expression to himself was simply modest, he was really an excellent male!

– If the male lord’s mental strength is not a problem, with his current sensitivity to female worms’ emotions and his excellent physical quality, it would be too impersonal to say that he must be a B-level when he is an adult! As far as Sharka knows, the male Leobard, who has the most official contacts with him, may not have this quality at the age of the male lord.

After Yu Mengruo completed the test, he blocked the brain terminal with his hand to prevent Sharka from peeking, and first checked whether there was any problem with his own test results.

—As a human being, ever since he was a child, he discovered that once he showed his true side, he would make people around him feel fearful and suspicious. Yu Mengruo has always paid great attention to covering up and controlling himself, so that he can appear as normal and ordinary as possible. So yesterday, although he promised Sharka to exercise, he still secretly checked the average body data of males at all levels, and was a little worried about whether he would show any clues when exercising.

Seeing my own test results now, it really is only the excellent level of ordinary males.

Great! He should have thought too much before, and now this body is not his own, but the original body of the Zerg. Besides, when I checked the specific data yesterday, Yu Mengruo discovered that the physique of the Zerg males was considered a bug compared to humans, and the whole Zerg jointly created and expressed “the males are all chickens with no hands.” The inherent impression of “Little Gongju of Strength” is completely different. Even if the self in the past came through and went all out, in Sharka’s eyes, he might be a weak and pitiful chicken who needs to be protected at all times.

After checking the data twice and confirming that there is no problem, Yu Mengruo was satisfied with the data.

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