How Hard is It To Raise a Bug?

Chapter 54

Chapter 52: Killer Whale Recipe

When he was on the street, Yu Mengruo felt pretty good. Although there are too many females and strong men around him, which affects his visit, it is still very interesting to go shopping in the transit center.

The transit center is not a natural planet, but a huge space station. When we got here, there were not only Zerg who looked no different from humans, but also some aliens of all kinds, which looked similar to the headquarters of the men in black in the movie.

There are also a lot of very interesting gadgets in the store, and roadside stalls also sell bizarre foods – such as strange-looking monster meat kebabs, some colorful and poisonous, and some terrifyingly shaped like Halloween props. Reason told Yu Mengruo that these things shouldn’t be delicious, but curiosity made him eager to try everything he had never eaten before.

Sharka found that Yu Mengruo had been staring at the skewers. It’s a pity that he has no money on his own, and all the property has been turned over to the hero, so he can’t buy it directly for him and send it to his hand, he can only ask him if he wants to eat it.

Yu Mengruo was just found out that he had spent the 5 million from Yaheng, and he was just burdened with saving money to give Sharka a complete cure for his injury. He finally managed to win with reason, and controlled his body and shook his head and firmly rejected Shar. Card kindness. However, he said not to act like he really wanted to eat, not only Sharka could see that.

Wallis, who is still single and owns private property, immediately went to the booth and bought a lot of them, and wisely, he didn’t court Yu Mengruo directly, but distributed the skewers equally to everyone, leaving the biggest one for everyone. His own commander, Sharka.

Yu Mengruo’s eyes were fixed on the skewer in Sharka’s hand, her face was full of annoyance, worried that the rejection just now would make Sharka stop asking him if he wanted to eat it. Fortunately, Sharka was not so ignorant, so he didn’t ask him if he wanted to eat it, but divided a bunch of them from his hand and handed it directly to Yu Mengruo, persuading: “Master, take a bite and taste it, it’s not good. Eat and give me the rest.”

Satisfied, Yu Mengruo took it over with restraint, grabbed the bright green piece of meat on the top, bit it down, and chewed and tasted it attentively. Hmm… just as I imagined, the roadside stall looks fragrant and tastes exciting, but the ingredients… the ingredients are also very fresh. It may be that the local materials and the traffic are relatively large. In short, the accident is not bad. food! The male’s eyes lit up a little bit, and anyone could see his happiness.

The female insects who peeked at him were fascinated by the beauty, and they all showed their loving female fathers smiles.

After Yu Mengruo finished eating this piece, she raised the meat skewer in her hand and asked, “Shasha, have you ever eaten this? Do you like it? Can you eat the rest?”

Sharka was a little surprised, seeing that Yu Mengruo didn’t look like he didn’t like it, so he tried to refuse: “If you like it, eat it.”

Wallis seized the opportunity to rush up, “This is a special beast meat from the nearby galaxy, sir, I’ve never eaten fresh, right? I’ll go buy some more! I invite everyone to eat enough, you don’t need it. Let it come and go, and this thing is not expensive.”

However, isn’t eating at roadside stalls that everyone eats them separately and eats a little less of each item, so as to maintain a strong fighting force and try more? In the past, Yu Mengruo didn’t have any friends who could be close enough to harmoniously share the roadside stalls, but now he finally has them, and he still really wanted to experience them.

In order to prevent Wallis from misunderstanding that he was being polite, Yu Mengruo shook his head quickly, raised the skewer in his hand to Sharka’s mouth, and whispered, “Ah!”

Because the male’s will was very firm, the marked female Mr. Sharka subconsciously obeyed the order and opened his mouth to catch it. Yu Mengruo immediately let go, and took another bunch of purple **** from Sharka’s hand. She didn’t know what kind of monster it was, and shook it towards Wallis, “Thank you Wallis, but I split it with Sharka because I couldn’t eat that much, so you’re welcome.”

The single dog, who thought he had found a good opportunity to talk to him, was hurt again by 10,000 points, and was pulled back by the team members behind him.

[Captain, calm down. 】

[Our captain is good in everything, but he is too sincere, that is the heroic master of another family showing his affection! What are you rushing forward for. 】

[Captain, even if you like Mr. Yu again, keep your distance from the master of the instructor. After all, you can’t beat the instructor. 】

[Ah, I also want the cute male worm to eat one bite at a time! 】

Wallis: “…”

The captain of the guard decided to give up, never giving the officer and his hero another chance to hurt himself, and started retaliatory masturbation viciously. What’s wrong with being single? Singles can at least eat the finished skewers! However, Chief Sharka ate a skewer with a piece of meat missing, and it didn’t look bad… woo woo woo, the fierce female wept.

After Wallis retreated, the female guards learned from the captain’s failure and kept their distance from the instructor’s male master.

Yu Mengruo quickly restrained himself and stopped doing the outrageous little gestures just now, but exchanged skewers with Sharka politely and politely. The male feels low-key and conforms to the crowd, so on a crowded street, as a concave midpoint surrounded by females, passers-by on the outside may not see him at all. Therefore, even if there are various emotions around him, he can ignore it as if it has nothing to do with him, so that he does not deliberately feel and distinguish.

It’s a pity that when most passersby around have the goodwill of “he is so cute”, the sticky malice is as striking as black spots stained on white paper – Yu Mengruo was shopping happily, but suddenly found passers-by Some of them harbored ill will towards him, and could not help but look at the source of the malice in surprise, and without much effort could tell that the source of the malice was two unknown female worms on the street.

The female insects are generally decent, but these two female insects are rarely ugly. They are fierce and wicked, and they are stronger and rougher than the average female insects. Even when they noticed his gaze, they didn’t look away, or simply lowered their heads, out of politeness or habitual respect for males like normal females. Instead, one of them gave him a defiant, disgusting laugh.

If the female could look a little better, at least as long as her real brother Yu Jiru’s average line, Yu Mengruo wouldn’t mind returning him with the same provocative smile, but because the other party was too ugly, the male worm hurriedly restrained his smile, He looked away expressionlessly.

Sharka noticed the change in Yu Mengruo’s gaze, followed his line of sight and saw the two female insects – Yu Mengruo’s thinking was biased towards most ordinary humans, and she would not be bored just because one look didn’t deal with it, so she rushed up to meet. The strange Zerg carried out the classic dialogue of “what are you looking at, what are you doing”, and then evolved into street fights, but Sharka is a standard female. For him, there are females who treat the male lord like this in front of him. , and walking directly in front of him and inviting him to a duel is not much different.

Sharka’s eyes turned cold, ready to fight.

Facing the hostility of the general-level females, the two unfriendly and impolite females had no intention of stalemate, and immediately chose to retreat, turned their heads and turned into the street corner, disappearing from Sharka’s line of sight.

Seeing them leaving, Yu Mengruo didn’t care about this episode. At most, he sighed again in his heart for the pragmatism and strength of the Zerg. Even if he was a male, his deterrent power in the face of ordinary Zerg was obviously still far less than that of Sharka… Maybe, they should be praised, they are quite insightful?

Yu Mengruo didn’t have the nerve to care about these things, and continued to happily go shopping and eating as planned, then turned into the spaceship sales center, and began to complete today’s most important travel goal – using the funds sponsored by the sponsor, Wright’s father, to buy one. A suitable private ship.

In the corner of a messy bar they didn’t know about, the two female worms hurriedly discussed the experience of meeting Yu Mengruo and Sharka on the street before the wine they ordered.

One of them said: “The hero of Sharka is so good-looking! Looking at face to face, he seems to be more cute than the camera, and more beautiful than those males who often appear on TV. Let’s follow and look for opportunities to **** him. Go to your own boat to play?”

The other one took a sip of wine and decisively refused: “Don’t make fun of you, you stupid pen, his female worm can take out a flying shark from his pocket at any time and hit you! You were stared at by him just now, didn’t you want to pee your pants? How do you feel? Anyway, I will never fight a flying shark for a good-looking waste. As for you… If you want, you can go by yourself. What do you think I will do? , let them bet whether you were smashed by flying sharks, or if you succeeded, you were directly killed by the boss because you attracted the animals on the Andro. What do you think? Do you want to make a bet for yourself? ”

At this moment, the waiter brought their wine, and the female worm who said she was going to rob Yu Mengruo raised the bottle and filled it halfway before she scolded: “I bet, I don’t, so I’ll just say it casually. , look at your cowardice, what happened to the flying shark? In the past he was a flying shark, but now he may just be a big fish with all his teeth lost, maybe he has no fins and can only wait to die. Coward, I say I Is it a sham pen? I think you are bragging about the lack of oxygen in your head – if the male worm is not a good-looking waste, you dare to go up and **** him? Send it over to give him a military exploit?”

The mocked teammate was drinking, and not to be outdone, the two female worms scolded each other quickly. When they drank to a certain level, they fought in the bar. In the end, they were all beaten by the thug who was occupying the place. After searching all his belongings to deduct the smashed tables, chairs and drinks, he threw them half-dead into the garbage pile on the street.

Yu Mengruo didn’t know at all that the so-called “maliciousness” of the passing females was actually a thrill to grab them and run away. After buying a private spaceship, Sharka drove the spaceship directly to the transport station to pick up the resources distributed by the city hall. The females of the guard team worked part-time as porters again to help them store the supplies in the spaceship’s cargo compartment.

The young males are still a little more sophisticated, so after the guards helped them for a day, they specially used Wright’s savings to treat the females to a strange meal full of alien flavors.

After dinner, the newly bought spaceship was moored at the port, the guards all retreated, and Sharka was busy taking out all the debris piled up in the flying shark space button, so that it could be cleaned at any time in case of danger. Unleash the mecha neatly to fight.

The small craft has four seats in the cockpit and a cargo bay in the rear. There is also a living area for sleeping in the middle, and it is too conscientious to only sell for no more than 5 million.

While Sharka was arranging things, Yu Mengruo was in charge of poking around in the cabin, exclaiming in amazement according to the electronic version of the manual.

Fortunately, this is a civilian spaceship without weapons, and it has a safety lock, so there is no need to worry about being launched by a curious and inexperienced male. Well, no matter how much you pack, you won’t feel irritated.

No wonder everyone in the army hoped that there would be more male officers in their ranks, Sharka thought silently in his heart.

However, although he did not find this advantage of the male lord in the past, he did not feel that he was too slow or too late in enlightenment – it was because other males were not as cute as the male lord, he just had a higher vision.

Yu Mengruo felt Sharka’s thoughtful gaze, turned his head sideways, and said with a happy smile: “Shasha! Let’s name this ship! Your mecha is called Feisha, so let’s call this ship a name. Killer Whale No. 1, what do you think of the name?”

Although there are also marine creatures called sharks and whales within the range of the Zerg, Sharka has never heard of the “killer whale”.

He asked, “What does the killer whale mean, lord?”

Yu Mengruo felt that Sharka was very knowledgeable and interesting, and the question came to the point. He immediately answered the female insect’s question enthusiastically: “Killer whales are the top predators among marine life on a planet, even more top-notch than sharks. Sharks are on its daily recipe!”

If this was said by another male, Sharka would feel arrogant and disgusting that the male had to force his head. But Yu Mengruo said that, Sharka would not think he was arrogant and arrogant at all, but felt that he was inexplicably cute, but he thought about it and cheered seriously: “This name is quite reasonable, lord. We and Flying sharks are now in the belly of Killer Whale No. 1, so it is a very clever way of naming it as a creature that eats sharks. With such ferocious marine creatures, the ocean of the planet you mentioned must be very mysterious. and dangerous places.”

Yu Mengruo: “…” Here again, this feeling of being coaxed.

I don’t know if the top predator killer whale is called “cute” by humans as a jerk, will there be such a complex feeling that he feels underestimated but not so annoying like he does now.

After packing up the spaceship, Yu Mengruo and Sharka did not set off directly to B612. Because Wallis took the initiative to help them introduce some Zerg that can be used by the transit center, the male Zerg had to take Sharka and Wallis to go out to participate in commercial social networking and expand his network resources.

After staying at the transfer station for a few days, Yu Mengruo’s live broadcast, which had always clocked in on time, temporarily stopped—this was also Sharka’s suggestion. The number of transfer stations in the universe is limited, and there are too many target buildings that can be easily identified. Audiences decoding where they are can lead to unexpected trouble.

When I can finally say goodbye to the transit space station, say goodbye to Wallis, and put the quail-like Wright on the killer whale 1 and rush to the B612 asteroid, Yu Mengruo is simply too happy!

He first curled up in the spacious seat of the cockpit and took a nap to replenish his energy. After waking up, he admired the boundless universe outside the cockpit that he thought he was about to vomit and the various stars that passed by.

Finally, finally calmed down from the excitement, the male remembered his “game” again.

Yu Mengruo was very happy when he thought that he could finally meet the base that he had been working hard to build, and that he could take Sharka to visit the planet he was already familiar with.

The vegetable greenhouse has now been completed, and the leafy vegetables in the seedling tray have emerged smoothly. Yu Mengruo is very glad that the J10 is smart enough to not buy fake seeds on Taobao.

Some time ago, Yu Mengruo operated the robot to plant the seedlings neatly on the ground, readjusted the air composition, temperature and humidity, and then designed the watering time.

After doing this, he was disappointed to find that the particularly pleasing task of growing vegetables had just ended like this…

The male worm was still unfinished and could not help but want to build another greenhouse to continue to expand his planting area, but the system J10 once again collapsed the “respond to every request” character design, oh no, it was a unified design, ruthlessly rejected him, and reminded him on the account The balance does not allow him to focus on planting in such a wayward development.

J10: “Host, we are in the interstellar era now, you can’t settle for farming on the planet, we want to industrialize! Think about your financial situation!”

Yu Mengruo still knew the priorities and would not be fooling around without a bottom line. He listened to the system’s advice from the good, and decided to first mine a batch of medium-priced energy mines discovered on B612 to make money.

This kind of mineral energy content is not high, and if it is mined and sold at its original price, it will not make much money, but it looks good, and the color is as clear as the crystal of human society, but it is clearer than crystal, and there are many small male insects. I will buy jewelry made of this ore to play with, but the price is not high.

But Yu Mengruo thinks about some jewelry that sells at high prices in human society, and thinks that getting rich with these minerals is not a problem. Besides, their financial and military resources are currently limited, and mining too expensive mineral gems is not easy to deal with, so they discussed the location with Sharka, reluctantly gave up the ambition to build another greenhouse, and obediently began to prepare the ore processing workshop.

It’s just that in his spare time, he began to buy a lot of flower pots online, like all the flower growers who wanted to grow vegetables but didn’t have enough space, and arranged every open space in the survival base to be green and full of idyllic fun. .

The system faithfully warned about this: “Host, the vegetables placed in the survival base cannot be directly watered and dewormed through the irrigation system. Do you want to think about it again and wait until you finish planting these things, enthusiastic After it subsides, do you still want to carry the kettle to water everywhere?”

Yu Mengruo felt that this problem was really easy to solve, and answered as a matter of course: “Xiao Shi, this is the interstellar era, I can give orders to the nano-robots to do it. Besides, even if the robots need my operation, I will feel that in the future. Trouble, but isn’t that Wright? It’s so prescient to bring Wright to Swish!”

J10: “…” It’s a matter of course for the host to squeeze other females, and it doesn’t take time to get used to it.

They are both females, why is the treatment of Sharka and Wright so different? Even the system can’t help but want to shed tears of sympathy for Wright, a tool bug.

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